Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 597: 597

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Jiao Chengxin always thought that Qingyang was the top of the sky, that is, he was an alchemy elixir. It would be nice to succeed in refining the three-star miasma clearing pill for the first time. Unexpectedly, the other party had refined into two pills. Just before, in order to buy the pill materials, he almost used up his savings in the gang. He was worried that he couldn't get paid. How could this three-star miasma clearing pill be worth 80 or 90 holy stones.

Jiao Chengxin couldn't help but say, "we Jinli gang can't thank you for helping so much. This pill might as well be the reward of the elder."

Qingyang waved his hand and said, "your second brother is still injured. This pill is more useful to him. If you want to repay him, you can take more care of Tian Shengcai's family in the future."

As a member of the gang, he is really cruel when he is cruel. If he breaks his hand, he can destroy your whole family, but he is also true when talking about righteousness. He wants to dig his heart out for you. Qingyang is so generous that Jiao Chengxin doesn't know what to do for a moment. Finally, he can only say: "Don't worry, elder. Tian Shengcai will be my brother in the future. As long as we Jinli Gang stay one day, we will never let anyone bully them."

Seeing that the other party was still a little embarrassed, Qingyang took the initiative to raise the topic and asked boss Hu, "the toxin on you is very special. Do you remember what bit you?"

Boss Hu said, "at that time, several brothers and I accidentally found an ancient cave, in which we found an ancient monk who had long turned into dead bones. When we came forward to check, we accidentally met a colorful spider with a big fist, and then it became like this."

After listening to boss Hu, Jiao Chengxin couldn't help saying, "second brother, you're not the eldest brother. You're a friar in the later stage of gas refining. How can you be so careless? You can't even find a spider with a big fist? Even if there are any ancient friars, you should check them again and again before coming forward."

Seeing the eldest brother say so, boss Hu said wrongfully: "Elder brother, how could I not even know this? I checked it before I came forward. It was that the spider was too strange. The monk's mind could not be found at all. Moreover, I dodged in time. When I noticed the colored spider, I retreated, but the spider released a trace of poison fog and was accidentally touched by me."

The nearby Qingyang seemed to hear the key point and couldn't help asking, "that is to say, you just touched a little poisonous fog and weren't bitten by the spider?"

The boss Hu nodded and said, "yes, although the colored spider can avoid mental exploration, it can be seen with my eyes, so I found it when I was several feet away from him, and then quickly retreated. Not only that, when I noticed that he released the poison fog, I took the antidote pill I carried with me at the first time, and was poisoned."

After listening to the second younger brother, Jiao Chengxin couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning and said, "just a little poisonous fog can make the second younger brother like this. If you are bitten, you will die on the spot. What is so poisonous?"

Qingyang went through all the information he knew about monsters and spirit insects of spiders, and didn't find any information about this kind of colored spider that can avoid God's thoughts. It seems that he doesn't know enough about the world. He has never heard of such powerful things. Fortunately, he helped Jinli to refine the three-star miasma clearing pill, and he still has six left, If you meet the colored spider in Yinfeng gorge, you will have a means to deal with it.

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When things got worse, Qingyang said, "I delayed three days in the Jinli gang for this. It's almost time for the disciples of other sects to arrive. The battle of the seven immortal sects to encircle and suppress Yinfeng gorge is about to begin. I have to go to Tian Shengcai's house. I'll see you later."

Jiao Chengxin wanted to stop Qingyang, but he was shy. In order to buy the materials of Sanxing Qingmiao pill, he almost spent all the money of Jinli gang. He really couldn't get what friar Zhuji could see. At this time, boss Hu on the hospital bed suddenly opened his mouth and said, "wait a moment, sir. I have something you may need."

What can the Jinli Gang do for themselves? Qingyang couldn't help being curious. He stopped and turned his head back. Boss Hu didn't say anything directly, but first asked, "do you want to join the seven immortal sect's encirclement and suppression of Yinfeng gorge?"

Why do you come to kill Jiaocheng without participating in the encirclement and suppression of Yinfeng gorge? Qingyang nodded.

Boss Hu continued: "elder saved my life, but my Jinli Gang didn't repay me. I happen to have a jade slip found in the ancient friar cave. I might as well give it to elder. Elder may be useful during this trip."

Qingyang thought that the other side was going to give him something that could be used by the friar who built the foundation. Unexpectedly, it was a jade slip found in the ancient cave. Since he said it was useful, did it have something to do with Yinfeng gorge? Qingyang was also curious and asked, "what jade slip?"

Boss Hu said: "When I found the ancient cave, I thought I could have some unexpected harvest, but I found that the ancient monk was not high and died too long. Almost everything had been abandoned. I only found this jade slip on him. I was accidentally attacked by the colored spider when I checked it. There was only a simple record in the jade slip Some news about Yinfeng gorge is of no use to our brothers. I heard that you are going to Yinfeng gorge. I think it might be useful for you to keep it. "

News about Yinfeng gorge? This is a good thing. Jin Li's accomplishments are low. He may not have a chance to enter Yinfeng gorge all his life. It's useless to keep this jade Jane, but he is different. With this thing, he can provide more guarantee for this trip.

At this time, boss Hu took an old jade slip from his body and handed it to Qingyang. The jade slip may have been too long. The spirit in it almost disappeared. There was no luster. It was extremely broken. If you didn't look carefully, you thought it was a piece of stone slip.

Qingyang took the jade slip and put his mind into it. Soon, a piece of broken information came into Qingyang's mind. As boss Hu said, the information recorded in the jade slip was really about Yinfeng gorge, but it was too simple. In addition, with a long history, many information was damaged and lost. Qingyang spent a lot of effort and couldn't connect it.

In fact, this thing is not very useful. Qingyang has never been to Yinfeng gorge before. It is impossible to verify whether the things inside are useful, but some are better than none. Keep the jade slips first. When you enter Yinfeng gorge in the future, you will encounter similar situations inside.

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