Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 600: 600

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This time, all the elites of all factions are brought. If too much damage is detrimental to the future development of the sect, immortal Qiyun's words are very reasonable. The demons and beasts in the golden elixir period have intelligence, and some are as cunning as human friars. If you set a trap at the old nest and suffer heavy damage through hard work, it's not easy to explain to the disciples when you go back in the future.

Although this mission will eventually win, it can't be too risky. Immortal Xiyue suddenly said, "why don't we send some to lead the demons, and then the seven immortal gates will wait for work at the entrance of Yinfeng gorge and strive to annihilate all the demons."

"This method is not suitable. What if the monster doesn't come?" immortal yuhoe said.

It's OK to send people to lead monsters to deal with low-level monsters. How can high-level monsters be easily fooled? It's no use getting fewer people. If you go more, you may start a war directly inside. At that time, it's not your own ease, but the monster's ease.

If you can't think of any other way, you can only take the stupidest way. Take the seven immortal disciples and push them over. If the loss is greater, it will be greater.

But this method also has defects. If those monsters avoid war and deliberately play hide and seek with you in Yinfeng gorge, you will be fooled by the familiarity of monsters here. But it's hard to say. After all, this is the nest of monsters. It's estimated that there are too many things they are reluctant to give up. Maybe they will stick to the nest.

At this time, immortal Gu Hong said, "I have an idea. Let's talk about it."

Immortal Gu Hong didn't show off. He took out a map from his storage bag and continued: "In order to encircle and suppress Yinfeng gorge this time, I spent a lot of money to find a sketch of Yinfeng gorge. You see, Yinfeng gorge is a huge canyon. The first half is not very important to monsters, so let's push it flat. The resistance of monsters will not be too fierce. If they dare to give up their nest and work hard with us, we certainly want it."

At this point, immortal Gu Hong paused, then pointed to somewhere on the map and said: "Look here, this place is said to be a huge valley. It's relatively flat. It's suitable to set up an array here. We can set up a stronghold here. It's only hundreds of miles away from the innermost part of Yinfeng gorge. It's almost on the waist of the monster's nest. As long as we stand firm here, those monsters will have trouble sleeping and eating. No matter what happens later You can be invincible by carrying out a sneak attack, sending people to lead demons, attacking the monster's nest, or waiting for the monster's Mountain Gate. "

Other leaders didn't do their homework before they came, but they didn't have as much as immortal Guhong. They also know more or less about Yinfeng gorge. As immortal Guhong pointed out, that position is really suitable for setting up a monk stronghold.

For these Jindan friars, the distance of hundreds of miles is half an hour. The friars set up a stronghold only hundreds of miles away from the monster's nest, just as the enemy's army is arranged at the door of their home. The monster must have trouble sleeping and eating. It is estimated that at that time, without the friars taking the initiative to come to the door to provoke, the monster will come and work hard.

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Immortal Guhong's idea is really good. Immortal Huangming gave him a white look and said with a smile: "it turns out that immortal Guhong was ready. You didn't say it earlier, which made us worry about it."

If Immortal Yinxu is the first friar in Kyushu mainland, then immortal Huangming is the first female friar in Kyushu mainland. Maybe she has maintenance skills. On the surface, immortal Huangming looks only in her twenties. She is very beautiful. When the other party looks at her, Rao shigu Hong is determined and can't help but feel warm in her heart. She calmed down for a long time, saying: "Since we have decided to encircle and suppress Yinfeng gorge, we must make more preparations. These disciples have been trained with great energy. We can't watch them die here."

Immortal Huang Ming didn't seem to notice the power of his glance, and asked, "since immortal Gu Hong has made so many preparations, should he have brought the things to arrange the array?"

Immortal Gu Hong said: "Of course, I have a reduced version of the mountain protection array here. Although it is not as powerful as the mountain protection array in the town devil hall, it has amazing protection ability and can resist the repeated attacks of many golden elixir friars. As long as we arrange this array, there will be a strong fortress for our human friars. It is like a nail inserted into the waist of Yinfeng gorge. You can attack and defend when you enter, even if you retreat If you are in trouble, you can retreat into the array to repair. "

Although everyone has enough confidence in the encirclement and suppression of Yinfeng gorge, there are exceptions to everything. No one can guarantee that there will be no accidents. With this array, everyone's life will be protected. Apart from anything else, the injured disciples can at least have a place to heal at ease. Immortal Yinxu couldn't help praising: "Immortal Gu Hong is considerate. Thanks to you this time."

After discussing the idea, everyone didn't stop too much at the entrance and continued to walk towards the deep part of Yinfeng gorge. The seven immortal gates are lined up, and each sect is four or five miles apart. If there is a problem in one of them, the other sects can also get support.

Although Yinfeng gorge is a canyon with a width of hundreds of miles, and the length of the seven immortal gates is only thirty or forty miles. It is impossible to search the whole Yinfeng gorge, but there is no way. Unless monsters can't move, it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net.

The main purpose of this time is to eliminate those high-level monsters. As long as they don't play hide and seek with everyone, it will be much easier to clean up others when they eliminate the high-level monsters in the nest.

The constantly blowing Yin wind around consumed a lot of real yuan. If you fly with the sword, the consumption of real yuan will be more. If you encounter monsters, you will be unprepared. It is not too difficult to walk in the canyon, so everyone fell to the ground one after another and searched forward by walking. Only friar Jindan flew over and observed the surroundings. If there are problems, you can rescue them at any time.

All rely on walking, the speed of the team can not help but slow down a lot, and it can move forward hundreds of miles in a day. However, everyone's harvest is also huge, because there have been no friars in Yinfeng gorge for many years. Although there are many monsters living in the gorge, the preferences of monsters and friars are different. There are many spiritual grass with special functions, which makes them cheaper.

Walking and stopping along the way, Qingyang found several spiritual grasses in one day, all of which are more than 100 years old, with a total value of more than 40 spiritual stones. If this is the case in the future, I'm afraid the harvest in Yinfeng gorge alone will be several times more than the reward of the sect.

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