Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 608: 608

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If you want to kill the forest piercing beast, you must first break through his armor composed of earth, stone, grass and trees. Moreover, the forest piercing beast's own defense should not be underestimated. These layers of defense are unique among the monsters. With this skill, Qingyang feels that if he meets it, he will be helpless.

The six step monster was just ready, and the Zhang Long Guan Dao had been cut down. Only to hear a bang, the earth and rock burst, the vegetation flew, the armor outside the forest beast collapsed instantly, and the light and shadow on the Guan Dao was a little dimmer.

However, the speed of the Guan Dao was not affected, but continued to fall. There was another startling scream, blood spilled all over the sky, and the body of the forest animal fell to the ground. The light and shadow on the Guan Dao disappeared and flew to the elder Manlin again.

No matter how powerful the forest piercing beast's defense is, it is only passively beaten. Besides, this forest piercing beast has only six levels. Is it so easy for friar Jindan to resist with all his strength? This result is not surprising at all. If the elder of Manlin is facing the seventh order forest piercing beast, it may not be the result.

Elder Manlin made great achievements with one blow, and elder Wei of yin and Yang sect was unwilling to fall behind. He directly offered a magic weapon in the shape of an inkstone. The magic weapon instantly grew to a square foot, and then hit two fourth-order monsters on the ground with the momentum of Mount Tai. When the danger approached, the two monsters wanted to escape, but found that their bodies were like fixed. They couldn't move at all. They could only scream and turn into a pool of meat mud with a full face of horror.

Not only the two of them, but also the other Jindan elders did their best to kill the monster in front of them. The sixth level monster is not the opponent of Jindan friars, not to mention the low-level monster. The nine Jindan friars are very powerful, and there is almost no one enemy of the monster present.

With the addition of friar Jindan, the situation on the battlefield has changed slightly. The human friar who was a little inferior began to gradually pull back the disadvantage. Friar Jindan is powerful and almost invincible. If the monster wants to hold friar Jindan, at least four or five sixth order monsters should cooperate with each other, but how many sixth order monsters are there in total?

That is, the number of Jindan friars is less, and the two sides are in a scuffle. Jindan friars can't attack without scruples, otherwise the situation will change faster. However, everyone can see that the decline of monsters is sooner or later.

In fact, this situation is similar to what your leaders initially estimated. Yinfeng gorge is suitable for monster life and can organize a large number of low-level monsters. Human friars can't send too many low-level friars, so friars Zhuji can only play a restraining role. The real decision depends on the high-level friars. Friars Jindan show their effectiveness, which is their foundation.

The image of defeat has been revealed on the monster side. Your leaders can't help but be happy. It seems that the monster is afraid. It's best if the high-level monster doesn't appear. It's easier to solve those high-level monsters without the interference of these low-level monsters.

It was totally different from the previous war. After just one column of incense, hundreds of monsters were killed, most of which were high-level monsters. There were seven or eight in level 6 alone, nearly 100 in level 4 and 5, and more were injured.

On the contrary, with the support of friar Jindan, the morale of the friar was shocked. He seemed to be more brave and brave. During this period, there were no more than five deaths and injuries.

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Seeing that the monster had gradually revealed its defeat image, suddenly, a roar came from behind the monster group, which made people deaf. Qingyang couldn't help looking up.

I saw a tall forest piercing beast galloping from a distance. Although it was far away, Qingyang could see that the forest piercing beast was many times taller than these forest piercing beasts on the battlefield. It was like a mountain rushing towards my face and stepping on the ground with its limbs, which made the ground thud dull. This forest piercing beast ran out of the momentum of thousands of forest piercing beasts before.

The speed of the forest piercing beast was amazing. It was just a blink of an eye. It had rushed from the back of the monster group to the middle and rushed to the five golden elixirs in front of him. Looking at this posture, we know that this is at least a seven level monster. The five Jindan friars dare not fight hard. They each use their body methods to float into the air, and offer magic weapons to attack the forest piercing beast at the same time.

In the face of the attack of the five golden elixirs, the forest piercing beast was not afraid at all, and his body gave a meal. Then the man stood up and roared. The surrounding earth, grass and trees flew together in an instant, forming a thick wall in front of him to block the frontal attack.

Just listen to a loud bang, the world is an earthquake, earth and rock collapse, grass and trees splash, and the shock wave vibrates tens of feet around. The earth wall made of forest piercing animals collapsed in an instant, and the attack of the five Jindan friars was blocked. This time, no one could help anyone.

Seeing this scene, the friars on the scene couldn't help taking a breath. Qingyang also smacked his tongue secretly, so that one enemy and five didn't lose the wind. The defense of this monster is really too powerful. It seems that the situation is not good. If the high-level monsters are of this strength, don't human friars have any chance of winning?

The five golden elixir friars immediately turned red. It was a shame, so the five people looked at each other, offered magic weapons at the same time, and continued to attack the forest piercing beast. The beast in the forest was not afraid at all. He made two disdainful grunts and rushed to the five golden elixirs.

The golden elixir moves in one move. With his great power, he can open mountains and crack the ground, fly sand and walk stones, which is earth shaking. Just the aftermath of the battle can kill low-level monsters. Others have to retreat and make room for them to avoid being hit by the battle wave.

Perhaps the strength of the five Jindan friars is far inferior to that of the forest piercing beast. Perhaps the strength of the forest piercing beast has changed qualitatively after breaking through the seventh level. After the scuffle between the two sides, we can't see who has the upper hand for a moment. I'm afraid it's difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

The other four friars of the golden elixir looked at it. When can they stay? In this life and death battle, we must not consider whether it is in line with the morality of the Jianghu to fight more and less. It is the most important thing to try every means to kill each other. Taking advantage of the fact that there is only one golden elixir monster, let's work together to kill the forest piercing beast first. Isn't it easier to fight later?

Just as the four golden elixirs were about to rush up, a huge spotted green snake man stood up in the grass nearby, almost two or three feet high. It looked very terrible, but a very crisp and beautiful female voice came out of her mouth, saying, "general Chuanlin, don't worry, these four people will be handed over to me."

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