Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 615: 615

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However, it is obvious that this sneak attack failed. Before Mrs. magic color had time to attack, she was discovered in advance by immortal Qiyun and asked to break her possession.

In fact, this is very normal. Like feiyusheng and huixuzi, she lost the sudden magic lady of sneak attack, and the threat to the friar Jindan decreased a lot. Even if she could escape the exploration of her mind, even if her body size was small, she could be seen by the friar.

Friars of the golden elixir are not only strong in mind, but also amazing in all aspects of their eyes and ears. When they are on full alert, it is not difficult to find the magic lady.

Hearing the voice of immortal Qiyun, everyone couldn't help looking over there. In the air more than ten feet in front of immortal Qiyun, there was a colored spider the size of a soybean. Although the spider was small, it could almost be ignored, but its momentum was not weaker than that of friar Jindan.

The magic lady seems to know that she has been targeted by immortal Qiyun. In this case, it is difficult to escape. The only way is to solve the enemy in front of her first, and then find a way to avoid it. Otherwise, when others rush up and surround her, she will have no choice but to die.

Without any hesitation, the magic lady rushed forward with a flash of her body. Immortal Qiyun was very aware of the toxicity of Mrs. magic color and did not dare to let the other party approach. He quickly offered his magic weapon to Mrs. magic color and brushed the dust. At the same time, he bit the antidote pill in his mouth.

As a golden elixir monster, Mrs. magic color's speed is still very fast, but her body is too small. It's much worse than feiyusheng or huixuzi. In the twinkling of an eye, immortal Qiyun's magic weapon dust has been thrown over. Moreover, Mrs. magic color's defense is the worst among all monsters, even worse than many Jindan friars. If she is hit by the magic weapon of immortal Qiyun, she will die.

Seeing that the dust was about to hit Mrs. magic color, suddenly, a mass of white spider silk suddenly ejected from Mrs. magic color's abdomen, as if a big net covered the dust. Immortal Qiyun didn't expect that the other party still had this hand, and the cobweb was extremely tough. No matter how he drove, the magic weapon dust brush was tightly bound and couldn't move.

At the same time, the magic lady smiled darkly, took the dust aside with spider silk, and rushed to Qiyun immortal at a faster speed.

The magic weapon is trapped. Although immortal Qiyun has other means, who knows if he can stop the magic lady? Mrs. magic color is very toxic. He doesn't dare to let the other party approach, nor dare he test the poison by himself. Running away can't solve the problem. Seeing that Mrs. magic color is getting closer and closer to him, he has no choice but to bite his teeth and use his killer mace.

I don't know what immortal Qiyun did. A light suddenly bloomed on the dust. Then I just heard a loud bang. The magic weapon dust suddenly burst open and opened the cobweb outside. At the same time, the silver silk on the dust turned into silver needles and shot in all directions.

The magic color lady just passed by the magic weapon dusting, but they were only one or two feet away. What's more, I didn't expect immortal Qiyun to come here. She didn't even have time to avoid, and her body was instantly pierced by countless dusting silver wires.

How can you underestimate the power of immortal Qiyun's killer mace? The magic color lady is the worst among the monsters. Her defense is even worse than that of many human friars. She was pierced by countless silver wires. The magic color lady was absolutely hit, even if she didn't die.

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The magic lady felt that her strength was passing, her vitality was gradually weakening, and her hundreds of years of cultivation was about to be destroyed. The fear of death made her crazy in an instant. There was no doubt that she would die. Then pull more people to bury with her.

Suddenly, a poison bag the size of a grain of rice spewed out of her mouth and shot at Qiyun immortal at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye.

Seeing this poison bag, immortal Qiyun was also frightened. The more inconspicuous things are, the more terrible they are. He didn't think that the power of Mrs. magic color's fatal blow before she died would be very small. As he stepped back, he threw a white veil to resist the poison bag.

Not only immortal Qiyun, but also other friars used their means to avoid. The disciples in the foundation period also had a hunch that the situation was bad and fled in all directions. Qingyang and others are a little better. They are far away from the main battlefield of immortal Qiyun and Lady magic color. However, just in case, they also broke the three-star miasma clearing pill in their mouth.

In mid air, when the poison bag was seven or eight feet away from immortal Qiyun, it was finally blocked by the handkerchief thrown by him. The white handkerchief was a medium-grade defense spirit weapon, which was driven by immortal Qiyun. Suddenly, the four corners closed forward and the poison bag was to be wrapped.

At this time, the poison bag suddenly burst open, releasing a colorful poison fog, spreading in all directions, and dyeing all around in a twinkling of an eye.

Immortal Qiyun was the first to bear the brunt. As soon as his eyes were closed, he fell down from the air. Other golden elixirs escaped quickly, but no one had an accident again. Even if some were poisoned, they were relatively shallow. In addition, taking the poison pill in advance would not worry about their lives.

However, the foundation building disciples below were not so lucky. Many monks who had no time to avoid fell to the ground, at least dozens of people. Mrs. magic color, this is an indiscriminate attack. Unfortunately, not only friars, but also monsters close to us have been poisoned a lot.

Seeing the huge killing effect caused by her poison bag, the magic lady finally exhausted her last vitality and died with a strange smile on her face.

Mrs. magic color's move was so powerful that a poison bag made a great change in the battlefield. The center of the battlefield suddenly quieted down. There was not even one standing except the corpses on the ground. All friars and monsters were forced to the outer circle by the poison fog, and even forgot to fight.

As the organizers of this action, the faces of immortal Yinxu and immortal Guhong were very ugly. They knew that this mission was very dangerous, but they didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Even immortal Qiyun, one of the seven leaders, had an accident. They didn't know whether to die or live.

Some of the disciples in the foundation period will lose some. There are many disciples in the sect, and they will supplement them in a few years. Even if they are afraid of dying a few Jindan friars, they won't be too distressed. The number of Jindan friars is not many, and losing one or two won't hurt their muscles and bones.

But if one of the seven leaders has an accident, it's too difficult to accept. Immortal Qiyun, who has the same cultivation as them, can have an accident. Who can guarantee that he won't be next? What's more, can you be one of the seven immortal sects without the later monks of the golden elixir?

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