Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 629: 629

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Of course, you can't talk nonsense when you go back. You can't disclose your drunken immortal gourd and the treasures obtained from huaqingyao cave. Qingyang sits on the Yufeng gourd and flies forward for a hundred years, thinking about how to report up to be safe.

It's safe on the road. Qingyang controls the top-grade flying spirit weapon yufenghu. It's difficult for the demons encountered on the road to catch up with him. Only a few level-6 demons may pose a certain threat to him. However, the demons in Yinfeng gorge have no head. Everyone is running for their lives. Even if I encounter one or two, I don't want to find Qingyang's trouble.

Just on the way, I met a five level golden eye carving. I don't know how Qingyang provoked him. I've been chasing Qingyang. Golden Eye carving is good at speed, even slightly faster than Qingyang's control of Yufeng gourd. It's always so entangled that it's annoying.

In desperation, Qingyang had to stop and summon the iron arm spirit monkey. One person and one monkey united to fight with the golden eye carving. The fifth order golden eye carving was equivalent to the friars in the middle of foundation construction. Its strength was still very strong. This battle lasted for two quarters of an hour.

After all, the golden eye eagle was just a beast who had not survived the spiritual robbery. Qingyang set a trap to lead the golden eye eagle to attack closely, and then used the three yuan sword array to hit the other party hard. Then he didn't give the other party a chance to respond. Qingyang cooperated with the iron arm monkey to kill the golden eye Eagle completely.

After a fierce battle, Qingyang and the iron arm spirit monkey were seriously injured. The demon beast Neidan didn't get it, but they got a lot of demon beast blood essence. I think of the blood bathing forging skill and the sixth order monster inner pill I got in huaqingyao cave. What I lack is monster blood essence. There are so many monster blood in Yinfeng gorge. Isn't it a good opportunity to obtain monster blood essence?

After that, Qingyang didn't need to get drunk. He took the iron arm monkey back and found a few alcoholics to explore the way in front. When he met a large group of or high-level monsters, he avoided them in advance, and when he met a single low-level monsters, he killed them and went all the way back to the monk's stronghold.

The cave of Huaqing waist is only seven or eight hundred miles away from the monk's stronghold. It took Qingyang a day to finally come to the valley where they arranged the array. The closer it is to the monk's stronghold, the fewer monsters there are. Qingyang killed more than a dozen kinds of monsters along the way, almost all of which are level one, two or three. The material value is not very high, but the blood essence collected is enough.

Qingyang found an opportunity to give the demon's blood essence and demon's inner pill to the iron arm monkey. He became familiar with the blood bath forging skill, disassembled it into simple and easy to understand content, and instilled it into the iron arm monkey, so that he found an open space in zuixianhu to try to practice. Then Qingyang flashed out of the drunken immortal Hu, dressed in clothes stained with demon blood and walked towards the array.

At this time, three and a half days have passed since the departure of the seventh group of disciples, and more than six days have passed since the departure of your leaders. Although seven or eight disciples have returned to the stronghold in succession in the past two days, they have not received any useful news or heard about the whereabouts of your leaders.

What we get most is some bad news, monsters are restless, the purpose is unknown, heavily guarded, inaccessible, and so on. For the lucky team, two disciples can escape back together. For the unlucky team, almost the whole army is destroyed. Now, the Jindan friars in the stronghold have no hope for the disciples sent out. They are about to discuss whether to send some Jindan friars to have a look. Suddenly, they see that Qingyang, covered with blood, staggers back.

Seeing that it was a disciple of Qingfeng hall, immortal Qiyun quickly asked others to open the array, and then took all the friars of golden elixir to pass. Qingyang has never been noticed by so many Jindan friars at the same time. He can't help being nervous for fear that these people will see his secret.

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Seeing that Qingyang was covered with blood, immortal Qiyun thought he had just escaped back and had lingering palpitations, so he comforted: "it's safe to come back here. Take a breath first and speak slowly."

Seeing immortal Qiyun, I remembered the news I got in huaqingyao cave. Fortunately, the leader didn't go to the Yinfeng cave, otherwise I wouldn't know who died. Qingyang paused for a few seconds and said, "tell the leader that the disciple almost couldn't come back after a narrow escape."

Immortal Qiyun nodded and said, "well, we've all seen it, but have you heard any useful news?"

"I've heard some news, but I don't know whether it's true or false. Several leaders were cheated into Yinfeng cave by monsters. Then they experienced a fierce battle. Three monsters died, and the rest are preparing to escape from Yinfeng gorge. It's said that the leader also had casualties." Qingyang said calmly and endlessly.

Qingyang's words shocked everyone present. The news Qingyang brought back was too shocking. The leader was also killed and injured. Yes, who is it? Who hurt? Is it your own leader? Although they also have some speculation about this, they still can't accept it when they really hear the news. If something happens to their leader, isn't the sky falling?

As soon as Qingyang's voice fell, immortal Manlin of the town magic hall grabbed Qingyang and said, "what, the leader is also dead and injured? Is there anything wrong with immortal Guhong of the town magic hall?"

In a hurry, immortal Manlin involuntarily took on the momentum of some Jindan friars. Qingyang was so looked at by the Jindan friars, and some couldn't bear it. Fortunately, immortal Qiyun was nearby. He quickly released his momentum to protect Qingyang and said, "what's the hurry of immortal Manlin? He's just a foundation building disciple. How can he bear your pressing questions?"

Immortal Manlin also noticed something wrong. He quickly restrained his momentum and said to immortal Qiyun and Qingyang, "yes, I heard that there was an accident with the leader. I'm too anxious. Please forgive me."

Qingyang knew that the other party's concern would lead to chaos. Besides, his little foundation building disciple had no human rights in front of the Jindan friar. He sighed with relief and said, "elder Manlin, forgive me. I just heard that the leader was dead and injured. I don't know who it was. Leader Guhong of the town magic hall is strong. Should he be all right?"

After hearing Qingyang's words, immortal Manlin was disappointed. However, he thought that immortal Guhong's strength ranked top among the seven leaders. He nodded and said, "also, the monster's nest is very dangerous. It's good that you, a foundation building friar, can find out these. I'm afraid you can't find out any more details."

Immortal Manlin was comforted, but the hearts of other Jindan friars were raised. Leader Guhong's high strength is all right. Doesn't it mean that other leaders with low strength are all right? Just about to ask a question, Wei Haoran next to him seemed to recognize Qingyang. If this boy hadn't made a splash in the trial of random magic Valley more than ten years ago, how could the ranking of Yin-Yang sect fall to the third place in history?

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