Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 633: 633

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Seeing that the Qingfeng hall was about to be pulled over, the disciples of the three sects were afraid that immortal Gu Hong would kill people and kill people. Immortal Qiyun was the only straw to save lives and said one after another: "Immortal Qiyun is right. The devil hall is ambitious. He will never be so kind. Once he calms down other sects, he will certainly kill people. Immortal Qiyun, you are now everyone's backbone. As long as you give an order, we will fight with him to kill each other in the devil hall."

Immortal Qiyun knows very well that if he doesn't agree to immortal Guhong's request, he will certainly come to a bad end. He can let him give away the foundation of Qingfeng hall for more than 2000 years. He is also very unwilling. He is even more unwilling to stand out for the other three sects of disciples.

He ignored the other three disciples, but said: "immortal Gu Hong, I can't obey my orders. Without the Qingfeng hall, how can I stand up to the ancestors and countless disciples of the Qingfeng hall? But I can give way. I won't participate in this matter. No matter how you fight, I can't help the Qingfeng hall. How about it?"

He spent a long time talking and got this result. Immortal Gu Hong's patience was almost consumed. He said coldly, "are you going to be a wallflower?"

Being stared at by immortal Gu Hong, immortal Qiyun's heart jumped wildly. But in front of many disciples, he could only harden his head and say, "I'm sorry I can't promise this."

"I can't help you!" before immortal Gu Hong spoke, immortal Yu hoe next to him sneered.

"Do you want to be strong?" immortal Qiyun couldn't help but burst into his heart.

Immortal Yu hoe sneered: "with immortal Qiang Qiyun, if we didn't have the means to control you, do you think we would keep you until now? I'm afraid you've forgotten. When you were in junior high school, who detoxified the poison of the magic spider? The pill of my jade hoe is so simple?"

"You made hands and feet in the pill?" immortal Qiyun turned pale.

Immortal Yu hoe said, "it's been nearly seven days since you were poisoned. Don't you feel anything wrong with your body during this period?"

It's not right. But immortal Qiyun thought it was all the sequelae of being poisoned by the magic spider toxin. Unexpectedly, these were the hands and feet secretly moved by immortal yuhoe. Immortal Qiyun was shocked. It turned out that they had already planned themselves, but they had been kept in the dark.

As the first Dan master in Kyushu mainland, immortal yuhoe is superb by means of poison. How can he give himself the opportunity to resist? Thinking of his own life, he is held in the hands of the other party. Resistance is useless. He can only increase casualties. Immortal Qiyun bowed his head and said, "I qiyunzi recognize the planting, and I will only follow the lead of the demon hall in the future."

Seeing that immortal Qiyun was finally willing to bow his head, immortal Guhong breathed a sigh of relief and tried not to do it. He didn't deliberately embarrass immortal Qiyun anymore, and now it's not difficult for each other. The seven immortal sects just subdued the three sects temporarily, and the three sects of Yin-Yang sect, Lingxi Valley and forging Lingge need to solve them one by one.

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Although the leaders of the three sects are dead, there are still many Jindan friars in the sect. If they don't have rolling strength, he can't guarantee that everything will go smoothly. The strength of the eighth floor of Jindan of immortal Qiyun is higher than that of immortal yuhoe and immortal Huangming, and can play a great role.

At the same time that immortal Guhong felt relieved, the disciples of Qingfeng hall also breathed a sigh of relief. Now, I am a fish and meat. Immortal Guhong obviously has an advantage. It is not their small Qingfeng hall that can resist. If the leader insists on going his own way and wants to work hard with each other, he will be seriously killed and injured. No one wants to lose his life in this Yinfeng gorge for nothing.

Now, at least you don't have to work hard. As for the future, we'll talk about things in the future.

Qingyang quietly watched the situation change on the court and didn't say anything. He couldn't participate in this kind of thing. Whether the seven immortal sects or unifying the immortal cultivation world will not have a great impact on him. It's just that the disciples of Zhenmo hall as the core will have a higher status in the future, the disciples of other sects will have a lower status and less welfare than others.

After accepting immortal Qiyun, immortal Gu Hong focused on the disciples of Yin Yang sect, Lingxi Valley and forging Lingge. The leaders of these three sects are dead, and the elder Jindan doesn't know whether they are alive or dead. After losing his backbone, the remaining foundation building disciples can't raise any waves at all.

After some coercion, most of them raised their hands and surrendered. Only a small number of people who were close to the leader knew that the leader died in the hands of these people and refused to surrender to the enemy. Such diehards, immortal Gu Hong certainly would not be soft hearted. At the command, he quickly killed all the friars who refused to obey the demon hall.

For the three controlled Jindan friars Wei Haoran and Luo Chengqiu, immortal Gu Hong has no mercy. Almost all of them can follow their leaders to Yinfeng gorge. The leaders are dead. It is also an unstable factor for such people to stay, so they can only eliminate the roots.

Immortal Manlin of Zhenmo hall had many disagreements with Wei Haoran of yin and Yang sect. He took the initiative to receive this task. He watched Wei Haoran die in his own hands. Don't worry about how excited he was. He couldn't help saying to himself, "you, surnamed Wei, also have today. It depends on how arrogant you will be in the future."

As for Luo Chengqiu and another elder of the golden pill, he couldn't do it, but it was related to the great cause of the demon hall. He couldn't be soft hearted, so he had to close his eyes and do it hard.

The action of exterminating Yinfeng gorge this time was a situation of losing both sides. The side of Yinfeng gorge stopped talking. Three leaders and five golden elixir elders died here. There were 16 golden elixir friars when they came. Now only half of them are left. There were about 800 disciples of Zhuji. They lost more than 70 before. They were sent to inquire about the news. More than 20 died. They refused to surrender and were ordered to kill dozens by immortal Gu Hong. The rest were just over 600. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses.

It's not over yet. When we get back, immortal Gu Hong will lead four disciples to besiege the other three sects. If the three sects surrender voluntarily, it's just a cruel fight if they fight desperately. There is not much disparity in the strength of the two sides. There will be more deaths and injuries at that time. This will be an unprecedented catastrophe for the immortal world in Kyushu mainland.

Thinking of these, immortal Qiyun was immediately discouraged. He didn't want to destroy the monsters in Yinfeng gorge or break through Yuanying's hope. Now his only idea was to go back with the disciples of Qingfeng hall and leave this embarrassing and sad place.

Immortal Qiyun was about to leave, but immortal Guhong stopped him and said, "immortal Qiyun, don't go. We still have a more important thing to do."

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