Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 664: 664

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Qingyang has been eyeing him for a long time. Kou Yuchang has repeatedly provoked himself. This time, he ambushed on the road with people. Just now, he killed dozens of alcoholic bees and injured more than 100, greatly reducing the strength of the whole swarm. How can he escape easily?

Seeing that Kou Yuchang's was out of the scope of crazy sand, Qingyang was already ready. He quickly mobilized some real yuan that had just been recovered and used the three yuan sword array to cut at Kou Yuchang.

Qingyang's three yuan sword array can't even stop the three-tier friars who build the foundation, let alone Kou Yuchang who only builds the foundation? Although he took some precautions against Qingyang when he ran away, this defense was vulnerable to the three yuan sword array and was broken in an instant.

When Kou Yuchang reacted, it was too late. He was drowned by the sword array with a scream in time. Countless sword images blew like a strong wind. Then everything was invisible, and Kou Yuchang had become a piece of flesh and blood and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After killing three base building friars in a row, a bit of Zhenyuan just recovered was consumed again. Fortunately, Kou Yuchang has been killed and has no worries for the time being. Relying on a spirit sword, Qingyang slowly came to the place where Kou Yuchang had fought with the alcoholic bee colony.

The effect of mad sand soul breaking charm has disappeared. Mad sand fell to the ground, and the whole ground was in a mess, scattered with countless bodies of drunken bees. Some are dead, others just have broken wings and temporarily lose their flying ability. It takes a long time to recover.

Looking at the bodies of drunken bees everywhere, Qingyang was very distressed. It took him decades of hard work to cultivate it. As a result, Kou Yuchang destroyed it with a talisman. I don't know how much energy it will take to grow to the original scale in the future.

The number of drunken bees who are not seriously injured and can continue to participate in the battle is less than 40% of the total, about 100. Fortunately, the six purple backed drunken bees equivalent to the completion of Qi refining are not seriously injured and their strength does not decline much, which should not affect the subsequent battle.

The situation of the nearby iron arm spirit monkey is no better than that of the alcoholic bee colony. In a previous battle, the iron arm spirit monkey was seriously injured. Just now, when stopping Kou Yuchang, he was broken by the crazy sand. It was even more hurt. The wound was eroded by the poisonous sand and tended to deteriorate gradually.

Qingyang didn't dare to neglect. He quickly took out two elixirs for detoxification and healing and took them to the iron arm lingmonkey. He asked him to retreat to one side for healing. Maybe he will use him later.

Although the enemy who ambushed Qingyang had killed three, leaving only the friar who built the fifth floor of the foundation, it was the last and the most difficult of the four. Qingyang had no assurance of winning the other party, so he had to prepare for the worst in advance.

Qingyang hoped that the alcoholic queen bee could delay a little longer and wait until he and the iron arm monkey recovered some strength. Unfortunately, it backfired. Before he could catch his breath, he heard the alcoholic queen bee squeak. Then his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning and rolled back.

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At the same time, the friar on the fifth floor of the foundation shivered and got out of the pollen maze, and the pollen used to decorate the secret place disappeared. The monk who built the foundation on the fifth floor suddenly recovered his Qingming on his face and couldn't help looking around.

It didn't matter. The friar who built the fifth floor of the foundation was immediately startled. There was only one person, a monkey and a group of spirit bees around. His three helpers disappeared.

Did the other three leave themselves and escape? It's impossible. They absolutely dare not. How dare they give up the things that lingxu childe told us? But where has everyone gone? Was it all killed by this boy? This is even more impossible. He is just a small friar building a foundation. How can he kill three friars building a foundation in such a short time?

Soon, he found two large tracts of flesh and blood and broken bones in succession not far away. Although he could not tell who it was, he could estimate it according to the spraying area. At least two or three people had to die. There are only five people on both sides of the enemy and ours, and the boy opposite is still alive, so it's easy to judge who died. That is to say, during the period when he was trapped by the environment, the boy killed three foundation building friars in succession, leaving himself alone.

The friar who built the five floors of the foundation didn't believe it, but the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help believing it. Looking at Qingyang again, the monk who built the fifth floor of the foundation looked much more complicated. It was difficult for him to kill three companions in such a short time. How did he do it? What unknown means is hidden in him?

He even secretly suspected that the Qingyang in front of him was not a friar who built the foundation at all, but deliberately covered up his accomplishments by some means. The real accomplishments may be in the middle or even in the late stage of foundation building. Otherwise, how can he easily solve his three companions?

The more you think about it, the more frightened the friar who built the fifth floor of the foundation is, and gradually began to be suspicious. Even seeing Qingyang's current performance, they thought that the other party was deliberately confusing him, making him think that Qingyang was seriously injured, and then suddenly applied the killer to lay the victory under his carelessness.

Qingyang didn't care what the other side thought. Seeing that the friar on the fifth floor of the foundation had been out of trouble, he could only push his head up, and at the same time, he greeted the alcoholic queen bee and the iron arm monkey to form a triangle, surrounding the friar on the fifth floor of the foundation in the middle.

The pollen maze was forcibly broken, the alcoholic queen bee was eaten back, and suffered a lot of internal injuries. However, the overall situation is much better than Qingyang and the iron arm monkey, so she will be the main battle in the future. The drunken queen bee seemed to know this too. Her wings burst and gave a squeak. The six bees would receive the order and lead the remaining 100 or so drunken bees into six teams. They came behind the drunken queen bee. Although the number was much less, the attack momentum was very strong.

The iron arm monkey roared into the sky. Suddenly, the black hair stood up, and there was a burst of noise all over the body. The whole body suddenly expanded for several circles, especially the arms, domineering exposure, muscle bulge and blood vessel outburst. It was full of power everywhere.

The iron arm monkey seems to be inspired by the belligerent factor, and the whole body seems to be crazy. It looks ferocious and frightening, and its momentum is amazing. It seems to be able to destroy everything in front of it.

Qingyang's momentum seemed much weaker. He had neither the violent appearance of the iron arm spirit monkey nor the neat bee generals and bee soldiers behind the alcoholic queen bee. He just stood there quietly, staring at each other with two eyes, while the three spirit swords kept circling and dancing over his head, didn't take the initiative to attack, and didn't make other extraordinary moves.

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