Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 673: 673

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Old Taoist Songhe didn't pay attention to Hong Shenghe. He was just a dog leg. What can he do with him? Old Taoist Songhe turned to look at huxiaobei and said, "are you huxiaobei, the son of Huzhen Heng? It's true that the tiger father has no dogs and children. I thought it was almost a narrow escape for me to explore treasures together with monk Kongji and your five uncles. After coming out, the immortal master only rewarded you with a knock on the immortal order. I didn't expect that it would be cheaper for you in the end."

Listening to the old Taoist Songhe mention old things, the tiger Xiaobei snorted coldly and said, "old Taoist Songhe, it is because of this friendship more than 20 years ago that I took the initiative to tell you so much nonsense. Don't think I'll let you go if you mention these things."

Old Taoist Songhe smiled and shook his head, saying: "I dare not expect you to let me go. I said this thing to remind you. I remember that more than 20 years ago, the tiger Gang suddenly rose and calmed Kaiyuan mansion in a short time. Later, it wanted to expand to Xiping mansion. As a result, there were sudden changes. The tiger brothers died and injured, and the tiger Gang plummeted. It can be seen that this is the will of heaven. You are so against the sky. I'm afraid Afraid of a bad end. "

Hearing the words of Songhe Taoist priest, huxiaobei was angry and said, "dare you curse me?"

Hong Shenghe next to him also stepped forward and shouted, "old Taoist Songhe, do you want to die? Those Wulin people outside call you an old immortal. Do you think you are really an immortal? In the eyes of our immortals, a warrior like you is nothing at all. It doesn't take much effort to solve you."

Songhe Taoist priest was not frightened by the momentum of Hong Shenghe. He laughed twice and said, "really? In that case, why bother talking?"

"You..." the momentum of Hong Shenghe suddenly became stagnant.

Seeing that the old way of Songhe is soft and hard, the tiger Xiaobei also lost his patience. As an immortal, he has always regarded ordinary people as mole ants and advised them with good words, but the other party has always pushed three obstacles and four obstacles. It's really shameless to give face. Since it's not soft, let's be hard.

Huxiaobei suddenly changed his look, released his momentum in his heyday, and walked step by step towards the old Songhe road with boundless authority.

Although Hu Xiaobei is just a monk in the middle of Qi refining, his momentum is completely released, which can't be resisted by ordinary martial artists. In particular, Hu Xiaobei is only aimed at a person. At first, old Taoist Songhe can look like nothing happened, but soon he can't bear it. His body on the chair is slightly upright, and his expression becomes dignified.

All the boundless pressure was exerted. Old Taoist Songhe felt like he was carrying a mountain. It was extremely heavy. This pressure was everywhere and almost breathless.

More than 20 years ago, Lao Dao Songhe had seen the momentum of Xi Ying, the immortal who built the foundation, before entering the secret place. He felt that his strength had improved a lot over the years, and Hu Xiaobei was obviously much worse than that of Naxi Ying. He should be able to have a try with his own strength.

Now he found that the martial artist still couldn't compare with the immortal. The reason why he had the illusion that he could have a try was either that Xi Yingxian was merciful, or that he didn't meet an opponent in recent years, and his heart was a little inflated.

After all, huxiaobei is only a friar in the middle of Qi refining, and the release of momentum is only a means of deterrence, not a real attack. Although Songhe old Taoist priest is under great pressure, he can barely support it, but he is struggling. Gradually, Songhe old Taoist priest sees sweat on his forehead and his body trembles.

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Huxiaobei came to the old road of Songhe step by step. His two eyes released a disturbing light, looked at him and said, "the old road of Songhe, down or not?"

Songhe Lao Dao raised his head and looked at the other party and smiled, but he didn't speak. However, it can be seen from his eyes that Songhe Lao Dao didn't intend to surrender.

Seeing that the old Taoist priest Songhe was struggling, xuanzhu couldn't help whispering, "Taoist priest Songhe, why don't you lower them? Didn't you also say yesterday that you can't do anything but obey. They are all immortals, and we ordinary people can't resist."

The news that huxiaobei is coming to worship the mountain has long been spread. Old Taoist Songhe also inquired about the background of huxiaobei's immortals, so they discussed it yesterday. If they really can't resist, they will obey each other temporarily. Unexpectedly, old Taoist Songhe changed his mind.

Hearing xuanzhu's words, old Taoist Songhe smiled hard and said, "do you know why I changed my mind? Because I have a hunch that little miscellaneous Mao will come back to see me. I am his master and can't humiliate him at this time, so I can only carry it to the end."

When he heard that Qingyang was coming back, xuanzhu was happy at first, and then said, "Taoist priest Songhe, you mean Qingyang is coming back? Qingyang is also an immortal master. He must have a way to come back, but we don't know when he will come back. In case the fierce tiger Gang kills, we are not opponents..."

Xuanzhu wanted to say something more, but the tiger Xiaobei couldn't wait. He shouted angrily at the two people: "I've done my utmost kindness and righteousness to you. Since you're trying to die, don't blame me for being rude. Hong Shenghe, kill them for me."

Hong Shenghe was already impatient. Seeing the master's order, he flashed and was ready to take the life of Songhe Taoist priest. At this time, Songhe Taoist priest suddenly raised his head, looked at the distance and murmured, "come back, he's back, and I'm completely relieved."

"What? What did you say?" Hong Shenghe angrily said.

The Songhe Taoist priest smiled and didn't speak any more, but slowly closed his eyes. Then his body stiffened and sat down in the chair. At this time, looking at the old road of pine and crane, there was no vitality all over. It was obvious that he had eclipsed and ascended to the immortal, so he sat down and melted.

Xuanzhu didn't respond for a moment. He was stunned for a while, and then seemed to think of something. Then he folded his hands, deeply worshipped the old way of Songhe, closed his eyes and read the Scriptures. Other monks seemed to understand what had happened, so they read one by one along with xuanzhu. The Sanskrit sounded all around, and suddenly there was a trace of solemnity in the whole hall.

In fact, this is not an accident. Old Taoist Songhe is over a hundred years old. He has long been buried in the earth. He can live to this day entirely by the blood lotus root sent back by Qingyang last time.

In recent years, the old road of Songhe has run out of oil and light, but it is just surviving. Even if today's incident did not happen, it will not live for a few days. The momentum and pressure of huxiaobei only advanced the result a few days. Songhe Taoist priest had expected this and explained to xuanzhu and others, so everyone was not surprised.

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