Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 677: 677

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The man Xiu was not in a hurry to take Xiao Yuhan. What he needed to do was to completely conquer Xiao Yuhan, both in strength and spirit, but now there were changes, so he couldn't keep his hand. Seeing Xiao Yuhan running towards the green sun, he thought a little, and a small silver needle suddenly appeared in the air and stabbed Xiao Yuhan.

Xiao Yuhan just ran for his life. He didn't notice the silver needle repaired by the man at all. Moreover, the man's cultivation was much higher than her and was a sudden means. Xiao Yuhan was also very difficult to prevent. He was stabbed in the back by the silver needle and fell to the ground.

After Xiao Yuhan was made, the man Xiu didn't rush to deal with her, but flashed to Qingyang, stared at Qingyang and said, "boy, do you know Xiao Yuhan?"

Qingyang doesn't like Xiao Yuhan very much. Especially just now, the other party deliberately led the enemy to himself in order to protect his life. Some means are annoying. If Qingyang doesn't have certain means to protect his life, won't he be dead this time? Qingyang didn't want to get involved in other people's disputes for no reason. He said, "elder martial sister Xiao and I just met once a long time ago. In fact, we don't know each other very well. Just continue what Taoist friends want to do."

Hearing that Qingyang didn't want to save himself, Xiao Yuhan was in a hurry, but she couldn't move, so she had to scold: "Qingyang, you have no conscience. At first, in front of so many people, you said that you didn't see each other for a day. You even came to see your elder martial sister. Now my elder sister was killed and didn't save her. It's a waste of my infatuation."

The man Xiuben didn't intend to let Qingyang the witness go. Now, hearing Xiao Yuhan say so, it's even more impossible to let him go. Suddenly, he sneered, and then looked at Qingyang and said, "boy, I don't care if you really know her or don't know her. Since you've seen my things, you can only wrong you and don't accept your life."

As soon as the voice fell, the man Xiu shook his hand and drove the spirit weapon to attack Qingyang directly.

Seeing that the other party's spiritual weapon was about to come, Qingyang was furious. It's unreasonable. He didn't want to meddle in his own affairs, and even took the initiative to get rid of it. As a result, this guy was unwilling to let go and took the lead. Do you really think I'm good at bullying?

Qingyang was so angry that he didn't show mercy any more. His mind moved. Three spirit swords appeared in the air at the same time, and a move of three yuan sword array came out. Countless sword shadows formed a huge sword array in the air. With boundless power, they greeted the man's spiritual weapon.

The man Xiu obviously didn't expect Qingyang's strength to be so strong, but it was too late to change his moves at this time. He could only drive the spirit tool to collide with the sword array.

Although the man was in a hurry, he was a four layer monk who built the foundation. He had a deep foundation. After the three-dimensional sword array broke through his spirit weapon, the power was less than 40% of the original. Then it was offset by his defense spirit weapon. When it really came to him, the sword array was at the end of a powerful crossbow. Only a few half foot deep wounds were stabbed on the man's body. The injury was not light, But it does not affect the exertion of strength, let alone the worry of life.

The Qingyang array was broken, and the anti shock force made his body shake several times. His Qi and blood tumbled, and it took a long time to recover. This move was obviously taken advantage of by Qingyang, but he won by surprise. It's not easy to achieve such results next.

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Looking at the male monk opposite, Qingyang had a rough judgment on the strength of the other party. The friars in the middle of foundation building were much more difficult to deal with than in the early stage of foundation building. It was difficult to win without paying a certain price. The friar who built the foundation outside the Qingfeng hall last time was fortunately scared away by himself. If he really worked hard, he wouldn't take much advantage of it.

The male monk opposite was more surprised than Qingyang. He never thought that a seemingly ordinary friar building the foundation had such strength that he hurt himself when he shot. This strength is stronger than many friars in the middle of foundation building. I knew this guy was so difficult to deal with. I should have let him go at that time. As a result, it's too late to regret.

As for Xiao Yuhan, she was naturally full of surprises. She took Qingyang as a life-saving straw. If it was useful or useless, she caught it first and didn't report much hope. After all, Qingyang's cultivation is not high, which is far worse than her opponent. As a result, Qingyang's performance was beyond her expectation. Instead of being won by her opponent, she hurt her opponent. Now she is really saved.

The man Xiu didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, nor could he be defeated by Qingyang's move. After weighing, he drove his spirit tool to attack Qingyang again.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to let go, Qingyang was also completely angered. He moved his mind and once again used the three yuan sword array to welcome him. At the same time, Qingyang also released all the alcoholics bees to monitor the front, back, left and right at any time, so as to prevent the other party from using other means to plot against him.

It was another tough move. Qingyang stepped back four or five steps to stabilize his body. At the same time, his throat was sweet. The huge anti shock force made Qingyang suffer a trace of internal injury. The man Xiu on the opposite side was even worse. Although he had psychological preparation and exercised some evil defense methods this time, he was still hurt by the three-dimensional sword array, and several wounds were added to his body.

No one can help anyone. The man Xiu was a little unwilling and was ready to attack again. However, he was seized by the alcoholic bee next to him. Taking advantage of the gap that his defense means had just been broken by the three yuan sword array, he looked for opportunities to sting him.

At this time, the man Xiu noticed that Qingyang still had a large group of spirit bees as helpers. Seeing that the attack of the alcoholic bee colony was coming, and his own defense means had been exhausted, he had no choice but to use a rune he had treasured for a long time to instantly transmit himself hundreds of feet away, and narrowly avoided the attack of the alcoholic bee.

Standing hundreds of feet away, the man Xiu was gnashing his teeth at Qingyang, but he didn't dare to get close to Qingyang. The scene just now was too thrilling. If he was one step later, he would be stung by alcoholic bees. Don't guess, he also knows that once stung by a spirit bee, the pain must be inevitable. Maybe he will lose his resistance in an instant and fall into the enemy's hand.

If it's just Qingyang, he thinks he still has the strength to fight. After all, he has the home advantage. Now Qingyang has a group of spirit insects to help. He knows that he has no chance of winning. The only escape symbol has been used. If he is in danger again, what means can he use to avoid it?

It was this guy who broke his good deeds and let himself fall short. Now the only way is to go back and save the soldiers. After some weighing, the man Xiu looked at Qingyang with hatred, and then went in the direction of Yin-Yang sect without looking back.

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