Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 683: 683

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According to manager Zhao, more than 190 of the 200 positions of the spirit ship have been booked this time, and there are not many vacant seats left. At this speed, it can be booked in three days at most. However, the spirit ship will not leave so soon, because the goods brought last time have not been sold out, and the goods to be taken back also need to be purchased. They need to wait another three months. Today, three months later, everyone will come to Wantong pavilion with tokens.

This kind of long-distance travel, even if it takes several years, does not mean that they can go. It requires a lot of preparation. They are lucky. If they come late, they may have to wait for several years. Three months is not too long for them. Just wait slowly in Ziyan city.

After this, Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan got up and left. Steward Zhao personally sent them outside the door. He was about to say hello to each other and leave Wantong Pavilion. However, two friars came to the front, who also seemed to have come to fix the boat position. It seems that the boat position is very popular this time. It is estimated that it will be finished in less than three days. Fortunately, they came early, otherwise they would have to return empty handed?

The two opposite are also foundation builders. One is a middle-aged man on the fifth floor of the foundation. When you look carefully, Qingyang still knows him. Isn't this the Xi Yingxian master in Lingxi Valley?

HSI Ying immortal master, strictly speaking, is also the guide for Qingyang to set foot on the cultivation of immortals. At the beginning, several immortal masters in Lingxi Valley asked the tiger Gang to find the old road of Songhe and Qingyang, and forced them to explore the secret place. Qingyang's drunk immortal Hu was inspired in the secret place.

After the matter was finished, Xi Yingxian didn't kill anyone. He even gave the tiger Gang a knock on the immortal order and instructed Qingyang how to join the immortal gate, otherwise there would be no future of Qingyang. Maybe at the beginning, master Xi Yingxian saw that they were just mortals and disdained to kill people. Maybe the other party really had good thoughts, but anyway, he always let them live. This is very rare and valuable among monks.

When several immortal masters forced them to enter the secret place, they saw many companions die miserably. Qingyang still hated several immortal masters in Lingxi Valley, but he was not strong enough to show it. However, with the improvement of his strength, the hatred gradually faded. After all, there was no accident between himself and Shifu in the secret place treasure exploration, and he was blessed by misfortune, didn't he?

Therefore, when he meets Xi Yingxian again, Qingyang is already Gu jingbubo. He only treats the other party as a fellow immortal who can be treated equally. He has neither hatred nor gratitude. Moreover, he is not afraid of the other party with Qingyang's current cultivation.

As for the other one, Xi Ping, an old acquaintance during the secret treasure hunt. Qingyang still remembers that when he first met Xi Pingxian, he stood at the top of the tree and even moved with the wind, just like an immortal. At that time, Qingyang didn't know much about the cultivation of immortals. He felt that the means were exquisite and fascinated for a moment. Later, he found that the gas refining friar could do it easily.

More than 20 years ago, this Xiping immortal was just a gas refining friar. Now he has built a foundation, but there is only one floor, which is similar to Qingyang.

Both of them are disciples of Lingxi Valley, but they appear here at this time. Needless to guess, their purpose must be the same as Qingyang, and they also want to leave Kyushu mainland.

Qingyang could recognize these two people at a glance because the incident more than 20 years ago left him a deep impression. The appearance of several immortal Masters had been deeply engraved in his mind and could not be forgotten in his life. At that time, Xi Ying and others were high above the world and could not take a make-up ordinary person to heart, let alone after so many years.

Xi Ying and Xi Ping just felt that Qingyang was a little familiar, but they didn't recognize Qingyang at the first time. They glanced at Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan's face, and then turned their heads with some doubts. When the two groups passed by, Xi Yingxian suddenly stopped and looked at them again. Finally, they couldn't help saying, "what do you call the two Taoist friends?"

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Seeing that the other party still had some impressions of himself, Qingyang knew that the other party would think of it sooner or later. He simply admitted generously and said, "next to Qingyang, disciple of xiaqingfeng hall, this is senior sister xiaoyuhan of yin and Yang sect, senior brother Xiying and senior brother Xiping. You are polite."

Seeing Qingyang, she called out her name. Xi Ying was surprised and said, "do you know me? I also think you look familiar. Have we met somewhere?"

Qingyang said, "elder martial brother Xiying, do you remember your trip to Xiping mansion more than 20 years ago?"

After Qingyang's reminding, Xi Ying seemed to think of something. With a shocked face, she said, "you... Are you the little Taoist who asked me about Xianyuan?"

Qingyang nodded with a smile and said, "exactly."

It was not only Xiying's surprise, but also Xiping stared at Qingyang, even with a trace of jealousy and said, "I remember you were still an ordinary person at that time. It was only a short period of more than 20 years that you were also a foundation builder?"

Xiping can't be jealous. More than 20 years ago, he already had the cultivation in the middle of Qi practice. Because of the harvest in the dense ground, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds in the next few years, and he successfully broke through the foundation period in the previous few years. This was something that made him feel extremely proud.

But now compared with Qingyang, it is nothing. More than 20 years ago, people were just ordinary people without cultivation, but now they are the same as their own cultivation. For more than 20 years, from ordinary people to the foundation period, even tianlinggen is just like this.

Qingyang nodded and said, "at the beginning, I went to Yuling City alone with the guidance of Xi Ping immortal master. Later, when I ventured into the mountain, I inadvertently got an order to knock on the immortal. Since then, I have worshipped into the Qingfeng hall. Speaking of it, senior brother Xi Ying is also my guide to cultivate immortality."

Master Xi Yingxian smiled bitterly and said, "everyone has his own fate. When luck comes, it can't be stopped. It's also your luck that you can achieve today. I knew you were the heavenly root. I introduced you to Lingxi Valley at the beginning, which saves you some twists and turns."

Xi Ying's bitter smile is also reasonable. Introducing tianlinggen qualified disciples to the sect not only doesn't need to pay a price, but also gets a certain reward, and can get the favor of the recommended person. As a result, he missed such a good opportunity. If the boy knew that he almost killed people at the beginning, I'm afraid he would not only be grateful, but also attract the hatred of the other party.

In a short period of more than 20 years, it can break through from no accomplishments to the foundation period. Generally, only tianlinggen disciples can do it. Therefore, master Xi Yingxian misunderstood Qingyang. Qingyang was naturally happy to pretend to be confused. If there was such a misunderstanding, he saved himself some explanation.

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