After spending 30 minutes inside Su Yang's room, the female disciple has already reached her limit.
"Disciple Xiao... How about you become my partner? I will leave my current partner as long as you nod." The female disciple said to him afterward.
Su Yang shook his head, "Sorry, but I am not looking to accept a partner for now."
"Huh? Why not? You know you'll get kicked out of the sect if you don't find a partner within one year of your admission."
"I have plenty of time, and I will definitely acquire a partner before then." Su Yang said in a confident voice.
"Well, if you ever change your mind, you can come find me at the 58th peak."
The female disciple left his place shortly after.
By the time his first cultivation partner for the day left, three new disciples showed up at his place.
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