Dual System: Ascension of A Nameless Nobody

Chapter 239: 242 Rules Of Nature

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"Bring out the 'Zenith'," Yakeru muttered to his internal system.

In response, as the ball of nuclear energy sailed towards his position, a single handle popped out from the compartment in his chest, but the moment all five fingers wrapped around the obsidian handle–it manifested.

[Time since the nuclear sphere launched; 1 second.]

It was a blade made completely out of hyper-focused energy; glowing crimson with the width of a greatsword, it hummed as he lifted it up, going into a stance to set himself up for a precise cut.

The 'Zenith' uses hyper-accelerated annihilation matter, intertwined and stratified, to break down whatever it comes into contact with on a subatomic level. Beyond that, it can siphon energy, but this…is a lot of it. I'll have to land a slash at the perfect angle, Yakeru thought.

However, using such a powerful blade had its own limitations: his cybernetic body began to heat up vastly, emitting a light layer of steam while he was connected to the Zenith.

[Time since the nuclear sphere launched; 1.01 seconds.]

I can only swing it a few times, at most, before my body overheats. I'll have to make it count, he thought.

Using the bulky boots, he anchored them down to the ground for further stability, rearing the Zenith back just as the sphere of nuclear devastation neared him.

In order to successfully execute a pinpoint slash that needed to be accurate on an atomic basis, his cybernetic eyes activated at full-capacity as his irises shifted into a momentary hue of orange.

[Though Acceleration: Maximum Output | Perception MAX]

To him, it was as if the sphere of nuclear energy was moving in slow-motion with the heat waves slowly churning out in front of him.

[Time since the nuclear sphere launched; 1.0112 seconds.]

Precision is difficult in 'Paladin Shift', but I'll have to make do, he thought.

Instead of solely relying on his own instincts in that moment, the order was executed throughout his body; the signal from his mind traversed the adaptive tissue of his cybernetic hide; as if puppeteering himself, he guided his arms to swing at the exact interval given.

[Time since the nuclear sphere launched; 1.0114 seconds.]

And once he sliced his blade, the interval from when he began swinging it and once it swung through the color-shifting ball of destruction–

[0.000000023 second(s)]

At the very moment the Zenith sank its illuminate sharpness through the sea of nuclear radiance, he released his hold of it in faith that the precise cut had been executed.

Flawlessly, it was.

In that instant, the sphere was completely nullified, vanishing as quick as it came as only a residual heat was left.

"--" Yakeru exhaled.

[Mode Shift: Recognized.]

The bulky armor he had clad himself in for protection retracted itself as he returned to his standard, slim cyborg frame as his protective nanomachines settled into their passive state.

"Impressive! No–seriously, ha-ha!" Ajax laughed, "You're the real deal, man!"

"Save it for somebody who cares," he replied coldly, drawing his vibrating blade again.

Ajax cracked his knuckles, "Aw, man…You're a real bummer, though, you know that?"

I've got a mission to do, Yakeru thought, I'm not here to play your little game for some fancy title. Just keep your eyes on me.

"Like I care," he replied once more before pointing his blade forward towards his opponent, "--I'm going to get serious now, since you've been so kind to do the same."

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"Oh?" Ajax blinked with a smile.

[Yakeru | Level 41 | Techno System]

[Compared to the anomalous systems wielded by a select few which granted conceptual power not unlike that of deities–bending space, summoning destructive forces, and even evolving to higher planes, one might believe the mere ability to manipulate technology wouldn't suffice.]


[That is not the case.]

[The [Techno System] grants Yakeru a vast resource of knowledge and an internal supercomputer to act as an unmatched subconscious. Beyond that, he possesses "Genesis Nodes"--nanomachines that are able to morph into any shape and function in countless ways. This vast arsenal at his disposal allows him to warp his cybernetic frame and construct necessary weapons.]

Suddenly, the air in the arena grew warm as the hum of the cybernetic man's frame sounded out before the grooves began to glow with a neon-blue light. A digital static began to spark as if reality itself was being ingrained with that of cyberspace.

"Esoteric Domain: Rules of Nature."

In order to enable the massive expenditure of energy, he tapped into the source of his power: within the center of his chest, the swirling mass of energy that surpassed known logic. By pressing down on a small button where his solar plexus would be, it initiated the full-throttle of this energy source.

The result was something that went beyond simple digital construction: reality itself was overwritten as he and his opponent were dragged into a subspace of the cybernetic fighter's creation.

"...Woah!" Ajax looked around in surprise.

Digital scans ran across the walls and floors, taking them away entirely as the scenery was changed from the enclosed arena into a vast, abandoned city, laden with overgrowth and filled with desolation.

"...A city? I expected something a bit more futuristic from you! Ya know–some robots or alien spaceships!" Ajax laughed, "But, this is still pretty awesome!"

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you," he said, flipping his electric-charged katana around.

Around them, cluttering the street, were abandoned cars and tanks, held by nature that attempted to reclaim the desolated territory of mankind. Though it was supposed to be a digital recreation, it went beyond that; the smell of smog in the air, the feeling of asphalt crumbling beneath his boot, it was unmistakable from reality.

"Why's that?" Ajax asked, tilting his head as he seemed to augment his internal energy; his muscles flexed in preparation.

The silver-haired cyborg stared him down, "You're in my territory now. I'm the apex predator here. You're about to see why."

"Come and show me then–"

As Ajax taunted him, the golden-haired young man stopped as a rock shot directly towards him from a near point-blank range, exploding as rubble shot outward from the smoke.

"Keh…" Ajax coughed.

The obscuring smoke was dissipated by an outburst of wind from Ajax's position, who waved his hand, unharmed by the rocket, except for dirt marks on his dingy cloak.

"--What was that anyway? No warning?" Ajax asked.

Before an answer could be given, the man's words were stifled as bullets zipped by his head, followed by ballistic missiles that forced him to move with focus as he manipulated his internal energy to hover around, dodging the missiles.

They crashed into buildings, exploding and wreaking havoc as they missed, but this time as Ajax looked back–he saw it: the missiles were digitally forming in mid-air, launching towards him.

…I get it now…he can digitally construct weapons in this place?! Ajax realized.

Yakeru had yet to move, allowing the cyber-manifested rockets to do the work as Ajax was forced to on the defense.

Still, this thought only caused Ajax to laugh hysterically as he slammed back down into the ground with a picture-perfect hero landing.

[TIME: 08:030:020]

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