Dungeon Sherpa

Chapter 3: Volume 1 - CH 3

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She was a woman whose eyes convtowneyed a strong sense of purpose and her will. 

Long, straight black hair that reached her waist, almond-shaped eyes imbued with an obsidian-like shine.   

She was taller than the average woman, and was slightly shorter than Rowe. 

She was not wearing armour. She was dressed a bit masculinely in a long black tunic and trousers of the same colour. Attached to her waist was a narrow estoc. 

The sheath’s colour was black. The leather boots were also black. 

She’s splendidly coordinated herself in black from head to toe, Rowe thought, only her skin was abnormally white.

And her lips were red.

She was a woman who would undoubtedly attract attention.

Rowe forcibly drew his eyes away and looked at the white haired old woman. 

“Sorry, Rowe boy. I’ve already sent a letter of recommendation to the Adventurer’s Guild.”

“Eh? Is that so?”

The one surprised was unexpectedly Gunji. 

“Gima, are you perhaps unaware of my current situation? Ah, nice to meet you, I work as a Sherpa here, my name is Rowe.”


As he said that, Rowe extended his hand to the black-haired woman.

The woman also extended her hand and gave her name.

“I’m Yuika. I’m the leader of the ‘Twilight’s Sword’.”

“Your fame is well-renowned.”

After exchanging social pleasantries, Rowe turned back on Gima.

“My Marin is only four years old. She’s easily frightened, easily lonely, and very cute. If I don’t make it back, what do you think will happen?”

“I’ll raise her for you. As an outstanding Sherpa.”

“I am not joking.”

Rowe also tried to persuade the woman who called herself Yuika.

“You too, you shouldn’t put up such a big front and just set up an expedition. There are many high level adventurers in this town, right?”


The black-haired woman was taken by surprise and opened her eyes in amazement before giggling. 

According to the rumours, she was not yet even 20. He thought she was expressionless like a doll, but Rowe discovered that when she laughed, she did look her age. 

“It’s not something to laugh about. My life and my family’s life is depending on this.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. I just never thought I would be preached to here.”

Yuika straightened her posture and explained in a polite tone. 

“Certainly, we’re aiming to capture the labyrinth as a single party. That’s how it’s been and always will be.”

But that wasn’t because they were disregarding any risks. In fact, they did so precisely to improve their survival chances. 

“In a place with multiple parties and without a clear leader to take charge, we’ll just end up as a disorderly crowd. And the more people involved, including the Sherpa, the slower your progress and the longer you’ll stay in the labyrinth.”

That’s nothing but an increased risk of being targeted by monsters.

“That’s why I aim to capture the labyrinth in the shortest time with a small group of elites. This is a method that is becoming more common in the Royal Capital. Having dozens of people line up in a row and dive into the labyrinth – those kinds of expeditions might soon become a thing of the past.”

Gunji, who was the type to liven up upon hearing the word “expedition”, groaned like a criminal who had been slashed. 

On the other side, Rowe calmly refuted.

“But with that lineup, isn’t there a high chance of being wiped out when you face a powerful monster? It’ll only take one person being incapacitated for the front line to be destroyed.”

After all, there are only four adventurers’ strengths available. They cannot be replaced.

A part of Rowe’s contentions were acknowledged by Yuika, but it didn’t seem as though she had plans to change her mind.

“These challenges can be weathered by a mix of personal skill and party collaboration. We have already used this method to clear two labyrinths. Aren’t the achievements of ‘Twilight’s Sword’ sufficient support in favour of our plan?”


Any kind of theorising is meaningless in the face of actual achievements.

Rowe turned his resentful eyes toward Gima and predicted how things might turn out from here. 

What happens if I decline the request here?

An old woman who is usually kind, but does not hesitate to make harsh decisions as a manager.

‘Oh Rowe boy, do you want to get fired? We’ll be sending an official notice to Sherpa Guilds in other cities, yeah? Re-employment might be difficult in that case.’

She won’t find this difficult at all. If it’s this old woman.


‘If you can find somebody who would like to take your place, then find them and bring them here’

And having said that, secretly reach out to my other colleagues and turn them against me. No, she might have already done that. 

While Rowe was going through this inner conflict, Yuika continued speaking.

“Therefore, we – ‘Twilight’s Sword’ need a tough Sherpa that can keep up with our progress. To be precise, we need the ‘Sherpa’s map’.”

Yuika pointed to Rowe’s forehead.

“I hear that Guildmaster Gunji was once a Sherpa of the Tyros Labyrinth. The first person recommended by him was you, his disciple. I would be extremely grateful if our party could request your support.”

Gunji appeared to be at a loss, his eyes unexpectedly cute, widening like a small animal. 

“… Hey, Rowe. Don’t say it’s impossible, isn’t there something you could do?”

Fundamentally, he’s a good Guildmaster. Without concern for guild politics or his own position as a Guildmaster, he would usually give priority to Rowe’s intentions. 

Although his plans were usually crushed by Gima…

Rowe shook his head. 

“There are three things I want to confirm.”

First, “Twilight’s Sword’s” dive plans. 

Basic information about the party members, the planned descent level, exploration period, the purpose of the search, etc… This must be submitted when an adventurer party hires a Sherpa. 

Yuika had already prepared a dive plan in advance.

As a quick summary, there were to be three separate dives. 

Regarding the specific details, the first dive will involve aiming for the current descent record of Tyros Labyrinth, the 47th underground floor, the second dive will aim to break through the 50th floor, and the last dive will aim for obtaining the labyrinth core. 

The planned exploration period will be for around 10 days to 2 weeks for each dive. 

It was a plan that cast their sanity in doubt, but it was convenient for Rowe, who couldn’t leave his home for a long period of time. 

The problem would be to survive in the labyrinth, but after all they were the Hero of the East. They had a track record of obtaining two labyrinth cores, so they would surely have good prospects of making it.

The second was confirming the amount of compensation.

The basic remuneration for hiring a Sherpa is determined by the target floor and length of dive, modified by the difference between the party level and the appropriate level for the target floor – the fee takes into account these risks. 

In addition, additional charges will be incurred when requesting a specific Sherpa or opting for certain add-ons. 

Using these criteria to calculate the cost of the current dive plan, this would be the highest remuneration fee ever incurred for hiring a Sherpa, but the proposed payment presented by Yuika was even higher. 

For a Sherpa in a remote region, it was enough to bet his life. 

He had no complaints about it. 

And the third.

The last thing to confirm–

Looking away from Yuika, Rowe bowed to Gunji.

“If anything happens to me, I’m counting on you.”

Sherpas undertaking life-threatening jobs write wills in advance and deposit them with the Sherpa Guild. 

Rowe had already consulted with Gunji to decide the contents of his will.

Half of the money he had earned up to now would be passed onto his only relative, Murau. The remaining half would be temporarily managed by Gunji. 

He wouldn’t let Murau know how much money Gunji would be handling, and Gunji would hold on to the money for Mariete until she was 12. 

Murau has strong attachments to money. so if he handed it all to her, there wouldn’t be any left for Mariete, Rowe imagined.

“Ah, I got it. Leave it to me.”

After hearing Gunji’s reply, Rowe decided.

“This request, please let me accept it.”

“I see, I look forward to working with you then.”

“Please call me Rowe”

“Then, for me – you can call me Yuika.”

Seemingly somewhat happy, the black-haired adventurer smiled.

When asked when he would be ready to dive into the labyrinth, he answered he would be ready as soon as possible. While apologising to his sister in his heart, Rowe enquired about when they would be meeting.

Features of the Tyros Labyrinth, types of monsters, floors that contain Dungeon Oases, it was important to share this information in advance. 

The employer replied that it would be alright if they held their meeting while camped after entering the labyrinth. 

“But depending on the type of monster, certain preparations will be needed.”

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“We’ll leave it to Rowe. Rations and potions as well. Isn’t that something we can opt for you to do for us?”

“It’s possible, but that’s usually contracted after you’re used to diving with a specific Sherpa and after you’ve developed a longstanding relationship. If you’re aiming to capture the labyrinth, wouldn’t it be better to prepare your own equipment?”

There are limits to the amount of equipment that can be carried in the labyrinth. Depending on the party’s fighting style, the specific type of potions needed will also change. 

“That’s true. You make a good point. But I’ve just arrived in this town. I can’t really tell left from right. Can you introduce me to some good stores?”

Such consultations are usually handled by the Adventurer’s Guild.

However, Yuika said that the Adventurer’s Guild were somewhat too overly conscious of her, so she wanted to avoid them if possible. 

“It’s really suffocating over there. If I inquire with them, they would probably send the Guildmaster and the executives. My party members are also acting on their own today. If possible, I would like to rely on you.”

A smile appeared on Rowe’s face. 

“Are you alright with that costing you a bit extra?”

“I’m alright.”

Yuika answered immediately.

“I’m Ma, Mariete. I’m four years old.”

After saying that and quickly bowing, Mariete hid behind Rowe’s back.

As expected, Yuika was taken a little by surprise, her eyes widened slightly and she broke into a smile. 

“I’m Yuika. I’m counting on your father for a job.”

“… Father?”

From their age difference, it seemed she thought they were parent and child. 

Rowe let her know that Mariete was his sister and that he usually called her Marin.

“That’s my bad. Nice to meet you, Marin.”

“U, un.”

Mariete is a shy child.

Her first impression was of Yuika as a beautiful but scary older sister, and was guarded against her. However, she seemed to quickly judge her as someone who wasn’t dangerous. 

She probably understood that she was his brother’s employer. Unusually, she even held Yuika’s hands and tried her best to guide Yuika around the town. 

“My brother says that store has many bad vegetables.”

“Hmm. I’ll be careful.”

“The meat shop here, mixes good and bad meat, so you can’t buy it.”


With eyes that implied she had something to say, Yuika turned towards Rowe.

Rowe had thought that in the event he was unable to return from the labyrinth, he should impart some practical knowledge that would help Mariete to live by herself. But this was something he didn’t really want to explain to other people, so he didn’t say anything. 

“Well, we’re entering the back alley. Please follow me closely so you don’t get lost.”

The cobblestone road turns into bare soil.

After winding around a few corners, they arrived at a spot filled with patched tents. 

Among those tents, one was coloured auburn, which Rowe casually entered.

“Sorry for the long absence, Doc.”

“Yo,  haven’t you been ‘feeding on the labyrinth’?”

It was a middle-aged, tanned man with a cloth wrapped around his head. He had sharp eyes, a shady looking moustache, and on both hands he wore a number of glittering jewel rings. 

“So, sorry for the long absence.”

Following Rowe, Mariete’s face appeared.

“Oh, Marin. You’ve grown.”

The moment he saw her, the corners of his eyes lowered and his mouth slackened into a smile.  

Mariete was nervous, but knowing that this was a business associate of her brother, she quickly bowed.

Finally, Yuika entered.

“What? A new adventurer?”

Yuika is not yet 20 years old.

It couldn’t be helped if she were to be mistaken as a rookie, but from her precise bearing that exposed no gaps, the shopkeeper could see that she was no ordinary person.   

“Oi, Rowe. This sister, who is she?”

“She’s young, but she’s an advanced adventurer. She might become a regular, so don’t get carried away and make a pass on her.”

“Wasn’t planning to. Feels like it’d get cut off.”

To this dubious shopkeeper – Doc, Yuika politely introduced herself.

“Hmm. The Hero of the East. This person’s a big shot.”

“We’re not here to investigate. We’re here to buy-“

“Yeah, yeah.”

What Doc brought from the back of the store was a wooden box divided into compartments, containing various colourful, small ceramic vials.

These were the marked-up potions that Rowe sold to adventurers in the labyrinth. 

In fact, they were undiluted, high-quality products that were difficult to find in your regular markets.

Yuika, who had her curiosity stimulated, opened a healing potion, dabbed the contents on the back of her hand, then licked it. 

“It’s concentrated. Let’s buy it.”

“Before even asking for the price, you’re very generous.”

“That’s because I believe in the Sherpa I hired.”

A large amount of potions was ordered, with mana potions making up a substantial proportion of the order. No discounts were given, and the total amount exceeded five gold coins. 

“Will the delivery destination be the Adventurer’s Guild?”

Yuika considered Doc’s question for a bit.

“No, I still have some in stock, so I want you to deliver it to Rowe’s address. –Is that alright?”

“Yeah. No problem.”

Rowe could see that this black-haired beautiful adventurer had a rather impatient personality. 

She didn’t go around different stores to compare goods. 

And she also wasn’t very attached to gold. 

If so, then it becomes much easier. 

Find out the consumables and equipment “Twilight’s Darkness” uses, if there’s anything lacking, prepare supplies of the finest quality. 

Yuika adopted all of Rowe’s suggestions.

“Well for now, the purchases have been settled. There’s still a bit of time left, but if you’re alright, how would you like to have dinner together?”

“Actually, this morning, the town mayor invited me to a dinner party. But I left before hearing the specifics…”

“I see..”

“I’m looking for an excuse to refuse.”

While making purchases, it seemed that Yuika thought of having a meal together. 

“If that’s so then let’s head to a simple restaurant.”

Of course, he wasn’t able to bring her to those pretentious restaurants.

The restaurant Rowe chose was one he occasionally visited with Mariette, well-known for their chicken skewers. 

On the middle of a slightly dirty counter, a bald, obstinate-looking old man was grilling chicken over a charcoal fire with utmost concentration. The inside of the store was filled with smoke. 

“Ei, thanks for waiting!”

Lined up on the plate were chicken skewers soaked in sauce, along with thinly sliced bread. 

Mariete took a slice of bread, sandwiched a skewer between, and handed it to Yuika. 

“Here, sister. You eat it this way.”

“Thank you, Marin.”

Although It was only been about half a day since they were acquainted, Yuika had a gentle expression as she looked at Mariete. 

“The food here goes very well with ale.”

“Sadly to say, I have never drank alcohol.”

In this country, individuals over the age of 18 are considered adults, and are also allowed to drink alcohol.”

“Let’s order fruit juice then.”

For Rowe, ale, for Yuika and Mariete, fruit juice. 


Perhaps Yuika felt a bit out of place at being treated the same way as a 4 year old child, after finishing her fruit juice in one go, she made an additional order for ale. 

“I’m almost 20 years old. I should be able to handle something like alcohol.”

With just one cup, Yuika was drunk.

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