Dungeon Sherpa

Chapter 41: CH 26

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Not limited to Tyros Labyrinth, but a well-known monster that also appears in the deep layers of many other labyrinths. 

A cow-headed humanoid monster, around 2 sizes larger than an adult male. Strength, about 3 times higher, Stamina, 4 times higher. Temperamental, ferocious, prefers two-handed weapons. 

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Although there are few that wear armour, their entire bodies are covered with thick muscles like rubber and body hair like needles, so among the 3 types of physical attacks, it is particularly resistant to ‘blunt’ damage. 

A difficult enemy that is well-balanced in attack and defence, but probably the one saving grace is that it is not intelligent enough to utilise magic. 


It was Berii who first noticed its existence.

Wind-type magic that delivered sounds from a designated point to her ears, “Whisper”, had been used at both ends of the passageway. About a quarter of a day had passed since they separated from Yuika and the others. 

“… Berii. Magic.”

“If your arm gets torn off, don’t blame me.”

Berii estimated that her own chances of surviving were low, not to mention this man who was just a level 7 intermediate Adventurer. 

Yes, the two of them were basically — flower offerings.

Eventually, from the back of the passageway, a Minotaur appeared. 

Perhaps having suffered an injury from the Labyrinth Collapse, one of the curved horns extending from its head was broken. However,  the other parts of its body looked unharmed, and the muscles on its entire body were swollen and about to burst, as though it was impatiently waiting to release its vicious power. 

A monster whose instincts exceeded reason had no fear. Before it could even recognize them, it was already rushing in with a growl. 

At the same time, Berry shouted.

“Definitely, don’t die!”

Be sure to survive.

And then meet Yuika again.

She had decided so in her heart, but the chances of making it through this battle was likely lower than 10%, the calm part of her head acknowledged this. 

The twin swords that Berii wielded excelled in cutting. Their required Strength was 8 and 7 respectively. Without using her active Gift [Whirlwind], she would probably not be able to inflict decent damage. 

However, active Gifts have a short gap after activation. 

In a straight exchange, that countering sword — in this case, the countering axe — would without a doubt cause her a fatal injury with a single blow. 


The Minotaur lifted its Battleaxe and released a sweeping slash that could not be avoided by going up or down. 

Berii retreated with a backstep. 


Another swing. 

From below to above. And with rotation.

It didn’t look like she could stick close to the opponent at all.

With every blow, she had to back away in cold sweat, and along the way, she ended up next to the man in a long coat. 

To her surprise, this Sherpa hadn’t ran away, and was standing there like a scarecrow. 

’Ah, this guy is finished,’ Berii thought. 

Without cooperating with their comrades, no Adventurer could contend with monster at this level. The extreme difference between deep layer monsters and humans was in their Status. 

To meet a Battleaxe that required 40 Strength with a Broadsword that required 35 Strength. 

Against a diagonal strike that came from the top, Rowe barely managed to react. 

Rather than sharp clashing blades, the dull sound of colliding metal reverberated, Rowe’s body was pushed to the side. Staggering for a few steps, he somehow managed to stay on the ground. 

Continuing, the second blow.

He braced himself firmly and this time, managed to guard. 

Berii, behind him, inadvertently widened her eyes. 

Third blow, followed by the fourth.

“…No, no way.”

His reaction was slightly delayed but, the Sherpa wrapped in a leather long coat was brilliantly receiving that torrent of overwhelming power.

Difference in mass, difference in Strength. 

No matter how you think about it, this was unreasonable. 

‘For ideas, I have just one.’

During their development of a party strategy, Rowe spoke to Berii about a chance for them to survive. 

‘There’s a possibility that Berii, your magic can be a good Combo with my Gift. If there’s only a single monster, then depending on the opponent – we might be able to just barely defeat it.’

That magic was “Winds Lull”.

A support magic that raises the Explosive Power of the body, if applied to the foot, raises movement speed, if applied to the arm, raises hand speed. 

Before the battle, Berii had stacked two casts of “Winds Lull” on Rowe’s left and right arms.

With this, Rowe had the Strength comparable to an advanced Adventurer, Stamina comparable to a Troll, and in addition to that, Explosive Power that exceeded the ordinary person’s. 

But even with that, he shouldn’t have the abilities to compete with the Minotaur. 

In the first place, according to his own report, his Strength did not exceed 31. This did not meet the required Strength of 35 for the Broadsword, and he shouldn’t have been able to properly use it. 

Even if you don’t meet the required Strength for the weapon, you can still swing it for a short time. Of course, this isn’t practically useful, your muscles quickly tire, and your arms end up unable to move. The required Strength refers to the minimum Strength required for just being able to wield the weapon. 

However, Rowe had the passive Gift known as [Stamina Recovery].

Realising that, Berry gazed in wonder.

Maybe this man can… while recovering the Stamina in his arms, use a weapon with a higher required Strength and still continuously swing with all his might. 

As expected, without Explosive Power, his guard would not be in time, and he would likely be easily defeated, but this was supplemented through Berii’s “Winds Lull”. 

With this, it wouldn’t be too unreasonable for his battling capabilities to increase.

But there was no way such a state could be maintained for a long time.

Eventually, he would breakdown.

Aiming for the moment the Minotaur’s Battleaxe was parried and its stance broken, Berii jumped out from behind Rowe and drove into it with her active Gift. 


The log-like arm muscles of the monster were gouged out. 

With Berii’s attack power, it was not possible to defeat deep layer monsters that boasted enormous physical strength. However, even just taking one arm could turn the tides of battle in their favour. 

The Minotaur appeared to be in a fit of rage, and swung around its Battleaxe. If this was received directly by her weapon, it would probably be blasted away. Backstepped, and distance made.

And once again, Rowe became the wall.

The collision of those iron masses scattered sparks.

Naturally, he had no leeway to counter attack. Every time he received the Minotaur’s attack, Rowe’s body was bounced in the air, and he had to stagger to stay on the ground. 

Nevertheless, he continued to avoid fatal attacks. 


The Minotaur howled. 

Despite facing an opponent that was definitely weaker, it wasn’t able to overpower him. Clearly becoming frustrated, its attacks became monotonous, and it started taking big swings. 

Seeing an opportunity, Berii once again jumped out. 

–Heavy Warrior.

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To be honest, Berii made light of this job. 

If in the shallow or middle layers, the attack power of monsters are low, and you may be able to defend with heavy armour or shields. 

However, once it comes to the deep layers, it suddenly becomes much more difficult. 

This is because the attack power of the opponents and the defence power of the allied side becomes significantly imbalanced. 

Blocking with a shield will still launch you flying. Directly receiving attacks with your armour will leave you with internal injuries through the impact forces.

Given the case, then it will be better to wear lighter armour to increase your evasion rate. 

Strafe and dodge around, close in to the opponent when you detect an opening, strike with your active Gift, and gradually reduce the opponent’s health. 

This is how those advanced Adventurers of Warrior classes typically fight. 

10 counts, 20 counts.

Why can you block?

How can you still stand?

30 counts, 40 counts.

Even more unbelievable things were about to happen,

Perhaps the effect of the arm injury Berii had inflicted, or the accumulation of fatigue, the Minotaur’s attack speed gradually slowed down. 

The Minotaur that possessed enormous Stamina and not knowing fatigue, somehow, was the first to start showing signs of defeat.

And at this time, Berii could feel a strange sense of solidarity.

A different feeling from the Clutch with Nuuk.

Hiding in the shadow of that long coat, awaiting a chance to attack. 

What should have been the unreliable, slender silhouette of a Sherpa was instead unwavering. He stood firmly on both feet and lowered his waist, as though he had become an iron tree. 

100 counts, 110 counts. 

The endless battle finally concluded–

The giant body of the Minotaur tilted and fell with a thump. 

“It’s a lie… right? We, lived?”

The one who delivered the final blow, Berii, due to her excessive excitement, couldn’t control her expression, and looked back at Rowe with a face full of smiles.

“I can’t believe it– we did it!”

Rowe also had something that looked like a smile, but the sides of his mouth were twitching, and he had to raise his shoulders up and down to take deep breaths, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to take a single step.

The sleeves of both arms were dyed black, blood was dripping.

He hadn’t been able to properly receive a single attack from the Minotaur. Both of his arms unable to withstand the load, his veins had ruptured. 

Berii’s support magic “Winds Lull” increased the Explosive Power of a specific body part in exchange for placing a huge burden on the muscles. Moreover, it had been stacked, this was something that Berii herself had never used in practice. 

It might be possible for a light weapon, but to swing a Broadsword that required 35 Strength was in the end, too much. 

“Hang on, Rowe, are you okay?”


It would have been crazy if he was still okay.

The man who, in the previous exploration, had ran up 48 Floors in one go while carrying a massive rucksack and Yuika, was now unable to even speak after only a single battle.

“I’ll treat you, so take off that coat.”

She forcibly pried both his hands from the Broadsword, and undid the buttons on the longcoat. When she went over to his back to pull off the coat, she was surprised by the unexpected weight. 

Fullplate — no, something heavier than that.

“What’s this? Layered with iron plates?”

“No, ‘Heavy Silver’… ugh.”

She had stuck a heal potion into his mouth and made him drink it in one shot, and then checked the condition of his injuries. Rowe’s arms had turned purplish-blue, and were covered in lacerations that looked like cracked, dry earth. 

Grimacing at this terrible sight, Berii poured a heal potion directly on his arms, and in addition to that, smeared a healing salve over those wounds. 

Composing himself, Rowe explained to her. 

“In the shallow layers of Tyros Labyrinth — from the 13th to 15th Floor, the rare monster called Silver Plate can appear.”

She had never actually encountered it, but she had heard rumours, and had seen its information in the Monster Book. 

A plate-like monster with sharp edges that nimbly flies in mid-air. The number they spawn in is fixed, and it’s said that they will always appear in a group of 9.

After defeating that Silver Plate, there is an extremely rare chance of a drop item, a small lump of metal known as “Heavy Silver”.

Despite it having the name ‘silver’ attached, it has a chalk-like colour, and doesn’t shine after being polished, it has no value as a precious metal.

Instead, it possesses special properties.

Regardless of the type, it has strong resistance to all attack magic.

The reason why it is rarely sold in the market is because it’s a rare drop item from a rare monster, and while the supply may be low, in the first place, there is hardly any demand for it. 

This is because Heavy Silver does not melt no matter how much heat is applied. Although it drops as a small metal lump, it can’t be refined into an ingot. 

Furthermore, compared to lead and gold, it is overwhelmingly heavier.

The mass of the equipment has a great influence on the success rate of Gifts. If you use magic while in the state of wearing Heavy Silver, you are almost certain to experience Collapse, and if you are careless, even your active Gifts might fail. 

Supply is low, processing is difficult, and it’s heavy.

Heavy Silver is a very disappointing drop item that even naive Heavy Warriors turn a blind eye to. 

“But, for passive Gifts, there’s no side-effect, and to me, the weight isn’t much of a problem.”

Rowe, who had his eye on Heavy Silver during his time as an Adventurer, was on a specific floor — the 13th Floor of Tyros Labyrinth, where he had massacred Silver Plates.

The collected Heavy Silver had been struck with a hammer to transform it into plates, and was sewn into his long coat. 

Heavier than full plate, a magic-resistant armour was completed.

“It took me 3 years just to finish it, and I immediately retired as an Adventurer, so it didn’t have a chance to see active use.”

When asked why he made such a thing, he answered that it sounded interesting.

“Ah, it’s sometimes like that huh.”

Of the Adventurers called first-class, many of them have either 1 or 2 quirks. Standing at turning point of their lives as Adventurers, they nonchalantly make strange choices without even considering the warnings from the people around them, and simply end up rushing straight in. 

Berii could smell the same scent as those weirdos from Rowe. 

“But it wasn’t a complete waste.”

Due to the long coat lined with Heavy Silver, and as well as the weight of the Broadsword, he was able to stand against the attacks of the Minotaur. 

If it wasn’t for that, he would have been launched away from the first blow.

“Actually in the past, the girl working at the reception of the Adventurer’s Guild used to scold me for doing such a useless thing. Now, I can finally say something back.” 

“You, you’re surprisingly idiotic.”

Rowe grinned and Berry sighed in exasperation.

From their cooperation in defeating the Minotaur, you could see signs that the relationship between the two were slightly improving.

They took a break to rest from their wounds, had a meal, and again entered standby mode. 

To relieve the tense atmosphere, they had a short discussion about what they wanted to do after returning to the surface. 

A calm moment that should have otherwise been unthinkable for this pair had they not been put in such a situation.

But that was nothing more than an illusion.

Half a day later, in the passageway they were in, 2 Gargoyles appeared — and that was nothing more than the beginning of their desperate struggle.

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