Dungeon Sherpa

Chapter 47: CH 32

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Berii was walking alone, humming along the main roads of Tyros.

A few days had passed since she was discharged from the hospital. She had made a full recovery, but when she was first taken to the hospital, she had been in a truly terrible state. .

Broken arms and a broken left leg. Countless bruises and cuts, this was the first time since she had become an Adventurer that she was that ragged. 

During the treatment, though she had screamed in intense pain, the one whose face had turned pale in panic was her father, Magikan.

‘T, this. Go easy on her! It seems painful.’

‘Yes, please be quiet.’

With that said, the middle-aged female doctor at the treatment centre hadn’t cared any more about him. 

‘What is this. Are you aware of who I am?’

“Are you a relative? The patient is the one in pain, so shut up.”


Magikan had stamped his feet in frustration and regret, but was kicked out of the treatment room because he was interfering with the treatment. After she was hospitalised, he had visited her frequently, but on one occasion, after being unable to peel the skin of a fruit, used magic and messed up the hospital room, and was kicked out of that room as well. 

“Seriously, what an idiot.”

But strangely, she didn’t feel bad.

Her state of mind was probably influenced by the fact that she was able to properly apologise to Rowe.

On the 50th Floor immediately after the Labyrinth Collapse. When Berii had directly received a charge from a Gargoyle and was rendered unable to fight, Rowe grabbed her by the neck and threw her into the back of the cave that he had earlier dug out. 

While writhing around like a caterpillar, all Berii was able to do was cast support magic on Rowe. She had passed out many times, and every once in a while, regained her consciousness and just kept casting spells.

Her sense of time became vague, and she didn’t even remember how she was saved.

However, in her deep despair and searing agony, she only felt that the dull metallic sound would resound forever.

That was a sound that embodied life. 

That man simply — continued to defend against the monsters’ attacks.

According to her comrades, there were more than 10 monster corpses around him, but Rowe had only directly killed 1 or 2.

The rest was due to friendly fire. 

The monsters in the back used offensive magic, and it was only due to Rowe’s strong anti-magic armour, were they barely able to survive. 

Was that also part of his calculations?

Or was it just a coincidence?

Either way, it was certain that Rowe had performed a miracle.

It was a completely cruel series of events, and at the end of everything, they had been in a state that made anyone who looked at them want to cover their eyes, but still, she was able to meet Yuika again, and walk about the town like this while humming, so she had to thank him. 

She had at least that much sense. 

“Well, except for thing with the Princess.”

Berii entered a huge stone building in the centre of town — the temple of the Earth Mother Goddess.

She submitted the document certifying her as an Adventurer at the reception, paid the usage fee, and then headed towards the hemispherical cathedral. Looking up at the statue of Goddess Galactica on the altar, she was greeted by a benevolent smile. 

Berii was grateful to the Goddess for granting her special powers, but she was not a fervent believer. Without even saying a word of prayer, she entered a door placed around the church.

It was a small cylindrical room with a magic formation drawn on the floor and a single chair on top of it.

This was a room known as the “Baptistery”.

In the cathedral at the Royal Capital, their Baptistery also had a statue of Goddess Galatica, but here was a simpler figure. 

Berii locked the door, sat down on the chair and took a deep breath.


After that, she muttered the keyword.

“’Galactica’s Words’.”

Then, the magic circle drawn on the ground emitted pale light, and the surroundings turned dark. In the end, this was only in Berii’s perception, in reality, there was no change to the room. 

Before long, mixed amidst the ripples of noise. a dignified female voice resounded through her head. 

<This one’s name is… Galactica. ……20 year old human child, state you… request.>

She wondered if anything could be done about her age being mentioned every time. 

It was possible to have a conversation with the Goddess just by praying strongly in your heart, but Berii purposely asked out loud. It was because things would become complicated if she thought about unnecessary things. 

“Is it possible to level up?”


She was so excited that she was about to scream.

However, if your metal state was disturbed, the link would be disconnected, so she forced herself to calm down.

“Then, please.”

She felt a cool breeze blow through her body.

It didn’t feel like much, but with this, Berii was now level 12. At the same time, the party level of “Twilight’s Sword” became 13, catching up with the party of the Hero of the West. 

<Additional, blessings… choose…>

“Of course, I’ll choose the Gift lottery!”

At this point, the only Adventurer who would choose to raise their Status is probably just that idiot muscle-brained, perverted Sherpa. 

The wind blew again, and the new Gift that Berii acquired was――

“……[Leg Blade], huh. It’s helpful… usable, alright…”

An attack-type active Gift, if activated while kicking, adds additional “slash” damage to the attack. 

Finishing by confirming her Status and the experience points required for the next level, Berii cut the link with the Earth Mother Goddess, and chuckled while leaving the church. 

It was close that she was able to level up this time.

For Yuika’s plan to raise the baseline strength of the party, being able to [Accept] the magic core of the Lich was huge. 

It could be said that they had gained quite some momentum for their next exploration of Tyros in 3 days. 

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“Now then. Next, I need to report to the… Princess–“

Using the Explosive Power that she was proud of, Berii hid in the shadows. 

From the other side of the street, a familiar man — Rowe, was walking. 

She didn’t know why she had hid, but now that she had ended up hiding, there was nothing that could be done. 

Rowe was not alone, but was led by two old people.

“Is that… the Guildmaster?”

Joe, the Guildmaster of the Adventurer’s Guild. He was a slender old man over 60 years old, with a wrinkled face and a weary expression.

The other was a small old woman of about the same age, whom she had never met.

But why is the Sherpa Rowe walking with the Adventurer’s Guild Guildmaster?

Having a bad feeling about this, Berii decided to follow. 

The 3of them headed to, by the standards of Tyros, a high-class restaurant. In fact, Berii had also once been to this store. There should be someone handling the reception. If she entered alone, she would definitely stand out. 

Although some active Gifts and magic Gifts were prohibited from being used on the surface, her curiosity won out.


Wind-type support magic that delivered noises from a specified location to the users’ ears.

Inside the labyrinth, the monsters that Yuika controlled were sent on scouting missions. And since Nuuk, who possessed the Gift [Enemy Search], joined the party, the amount she used it had decreased, but since it was the first thing she had learnt after becoming an Adventurer, it was magic that Berii had a fondness for. 

She drew a small magic formation with her fingertips, aimed and shot.

The magic formation clung to Rowe’s back and shattered without a sound.

<Oh? What’s wrong, Rowe?>

<..No, it’s nothing.>

It sounded like Joe, the Guildmaster, had called out to Rowe, who was looked like there was something with his back. 

The effectiveness of this magic ―― the ease of picking up sounds depended on the distance to the target and Berii’s concentration. If she wandered around, there would definitely be noise. Berii pricked up her ears as she walked under the shade of some trees on the restaurant’s property. 

The 3 of them climbed stairs and entered some room. 

<–Hey, I’ve been waiting for you.>

<Looks like business is doing well as usual, Baa-boy. Why don’t you suck in your stomach a bit?>

<Gima. Come on, can’t you stop treating me like a kid? I’m already in my 40s, and I’m already the Mayor.>

<Your name is difficult to pronounce.>

She had met the Mayor the night they arrived in this town. Yuika had skipped the dinner party, so it was just the 3 of Berii, Nuuk and Magikan, that had received their welcome. By the way, it was in this store that they were received.

During the meal, Berii didn’t talk much, but the Mayor was a middle-aged, fat, bald old man whose name was… something like Baramon was mentioned. 

<So you’re that Sherpa? Can you introduce me, Gima>

<Our young hope. Come on, introduce yourself.>

<Nice to meet you. I am the Dungeon Sherpa, Rowe.>

In the private room, there are 4 people. 

Tyros town mayor, Baramon. 

Adventurer’s Guild Guildmaster, Joe. 

The Sherpa Guild — likely the Guildmaster, the old woman, Gima. 

And Rowe.

<He was a former Adventurer, wasn’t he? He was the hope of our guild too. Well, let’s not stand around talking, shall we take our seats and start eating?>

At Joe’s prompting, the 4 sat down.

Berii thought that something smelt fishy about this meeting.

The first thing that floated to her mind was that those in important positions in the town might be trying to get information about “Twilight Sword” from Rowe.

She didn’t know how they might be disadvantaged by that, but it was still unpleasant. 

The conversation was mainly led by Baramon.

<I was allowed to read the Dive Report from this time’s exploration. Sounds like the lowest Floor record was updated, and even a Dungeon Oasis was found, huh. A good place.>

This was probably the one submitted by Nuuk to the Adventurer’s Guild. However, the ‘Dive Report’ was supposed to be confidential information that could only be viewed by a limited number of staff and departments within the Guild. 

<In the report, Rowe– your contributions were highly praised. Calm and accurate judgement, flexible thinking and creativity. There were also battles that they got through with your advice. You seem to be well trusted by the members of “Twilight’s Sword”.>

<I was just doing what was expected of my part.>

After that, it sounded like food was being brought. 

The topic shifted to the history of the town of Tyros.

About ninety years ago. A labyrinth was discovered in this wasteland, and a small tower for labyrinth management was constructed. It was said that this was the predecessor of the modern Adventurer’s Guild and the beginning of Tyros.

By measuring the concentration of magic particles in several floors, it was possible to estimate, to some extent, the recommended level for the lowest floor of the labyrinth.

The result of such measurement and calculation of magic particles by a research team determined the recommended level for the deepest part of Tyros Labyrinth as 15 or higher.

With such high levels required, basic facilities for clearing the labyrinth were insufficient. You would need at least and Adventurer’s Guild, a Sherpa Guild, and an Earth Mother Goddess Temple for nurturing Adventurers. 

In addition, with the drop items brought by Adventurers back from the labyrinth, stores selling medical herbs, ores etc., were able to develop and support Adventurers, and with the construction of housing for these workers, the town of Tyros had gradually grown bigger. 

<Originally, this land was barren, there wasn’t even a good water supply. And it also wasn’t an important stop for merchants.–You know, Rowe?>

Baramon declared.

<It is thanks to the labyrinth that the town of Tyros was able to develop to such a scale.>

I can understand their logic.

But labyrinths are fundamentally, bad things.

I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but when the time comes and the Limit of the labyrinth core is reached, magic particles will be scattered all over the surface. After that, the land will meet its demise and become the territory of monsters — it will end with everything changed into a world for monsters. 

That’s why Adventurers have to clear dungeons. 

Isn’t that what both the Earth Mother Church and the Adventurer’s Guild preach?

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