Dungeon Sherpa

Chapter 51: CH 36

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On the day of the dive.

Members participating in the expedition entered their individual party private rooms in the Adventurer’s Guild and performed a final check of their equipment and consumables.

Then they reported their departure at the reception counter and left the lobby――

“Um, Rowe!”

Before that, Rowe was stopped.

“Hey, Anne.”

Ann rushed over at a trot, but after she saw Rowe’s appearance when he turned back, she unconsciously stopped and backed away. 

“Wh, what are those ominous clothes?”

The usual old leather long coat had changed to a pitch black coat. 

She had described it as ‘ominous’ because something like black mist was rising from its surface. 

“The previous one got ruined during exploration.”

“That, that isn’t a cursed item, is it?” 

“Dark Shroud” — the black fabric dropped from the Lich had been processed into a long coat. 

The long coat lined with Heavy Silver that Rowe collected during his 3 years as an Adventurer had been torn into shreds by the monsters of the 50th Floor. Due to its excessive weight, it would have been difficult to retrieve it from the deep floors, so it was discarded. 

So Yuika had taken the remains of Rowe’s coat and the Dark Shroud to a tailor, and had one made of the same size in a rush. 

This drop item had extremely high magic defence, but exactly as Ann had said, a certain cursed Gift had been sealed within.

――[Extreme Weight].

Doubles the weight of the wearer.

“Huh? Absolutely no way.”

Anne took a step back, perhaps thinking that just getting close would have an effect.

For the Lich that had its entire body composed of bones and had the Gift of [Floating], it might have not been a problem, but in the case when a normal Adventurer or Sherpa wore it, they would become more or less immobile under their own weight. 

A rare drop item with low utility and therefore no value. 

However, for Rowe who had the strength of an advanced Adventurer, and who possessed the Gift [Stamina Recovery], he had no issues with wearing it. 

Since it had similar properties to “Heavy Silver”, it was sufficient as a replacement.

…As long as you didn’t mind how it looked.

“By the way, Ann, what’s the matter?”

“Ah, erm. Actually, I have a favour to ask you, Rowe…”

When Anne, who was looking up at Rowe and fidgeting, was about to open her mouth, a fist dropped down on the back of her head. 


Somewhere along the way, Sura had been standing behind Ann.

“This isn’t good. Making promises before entering the labyrinth is taboo, right?” 

“Eh~, that’s just a superstition.”

Ann was planning to have a dinner party for the four of them, including Rowe and Yuika, but there were unwritten rules for Adventurers and Sherpas.

One of them was to not make any promises before entering or inside the labyrinth. 

The worst of all were promises related to marriage — such as engagement. 

It was said that those who carelessly and proudly let their mouths run while exploring the labyrinth would be unable to return to the surface. 

Of course, there’s no basis for this, but Adventurers and Sherpas place much importance on such taboos. 

“Hey that Sherpa over~ there, the carriage is ready!”

While he was dawdling around, he was shouted for by the Guild staff at the entrance. 

Apparently his turn for the send-off parade had come. 

“I’m going now! Well then, the both of you, see you soon.” 

“Ah, wait— mugu.”

Sura waved her hand as she covered the still persisting Ann’s mouth.

“Well, please do your best.”

Outside the Adventurer’s Guild, a large number of residents were crowding along the path leading to the entrance of the Tyros Labyrinth.

Expeditions were big events in town. Unlike the case when parties enter the labyrinth alone, the departure dates are published.  Furthermore, this time, the news that the Hero of the East “Twilight’s Sword” would be participating was posted on the noticeboard, so the residents’ excitement had grown uncontrollably. 

For better or worse, the town of Tyros was a town of labyrinths and Adventurers.

If you become an advanced Adventurer, your face and name will be remembered, and you will be respected for your courage of putting your life on the line. 

Every time a carriage carrying a party passed through the route, cheers rose and children chased after. 

“Fumu, after a long while, though I had expectations since it was to be an expedition, but isn’t this a wagon? Well, it is far from extravagant.” 

Gorgeously decorated carriages were prepared for parades in the Royal Capital, but this was a remote countryside. The coachman was also the owner of the carriage, and he was not wearing formal attire. For Magikan who liked flashy things, it sounded like he felt a little dissatisfied. 

“It’s the Hero of the East!”

“They’re coming! ‘Twilight’s Sword’.”


However, the loud cheers for them that were clearly different from the other parties helped made him look less disappointed.

“Kyaa! Yuika!”

“Please do your best! I’m rooting for you!”

“Black Princessssssss!”

The most popular member of “Twilight’s Sword” was of course, Yuika. The party’s leader, young, gallant, and beautiful. In front of others, her expression never really changed and that helped her give off a mysterious impression.  

Perhaps due to the effect of her usually wearing masculine clothing, she had more female than male fans, and they were all in a frenzy. 

In terms of popularity, the second most popular was the Sage Magikan.

Berii was third, and the last――

“What is wrong? From earlier, you’ve had a long face.”

The one who asked Berii with a puzzled look was the one only appreciated by those in the know about adventuring, had a fierce face and thus not popular in the slightest, Nuuk. 


While answering, Berii turned her gaze in another direction.

He was probably the least noticed member of the send-off parade. 

Sherpas were riding in the wagons that followed, more enthusiastic than Adventurers, and showing off their muscles while waving their hands. 

7 advanced Sherpas were mobilised for this expedition. With the exception of Rowe, they were all big men with good physiques and deep voices. 

In addition, there was also an effeminate man.

Berii observed Rowe as he bantered with his fellow Sherpas and ignored the cheers of the crowd. 

Before long, the carriages arrived at the entrance of the labyrinth on the outskirts of town.

Adventurers and Sherpas lined up and descended the spiral staircase to take the shortcut. 

Beyond that was the 14th Floor’s Dungeon Oasis. 

“Hey, Twilight.”

The one who called out to Yuika with a flattering smile was a man in his late 30s with a monkey-like wrinkled face — the leader of “Profound Association”.

He was the overall representative of this time’s expedition and also the oldest. 

“Regarding your guiding only being one-way, I can understand. But giving up the magic cores and drop items, is that really okay? Well, we won’t hold back.” 

“We local adventurers know each other very well. But we don’t know a thing about you. Of course, we hear the rumours about you doing well in the Royal Capital.”


Yuika listened silently.

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Perhaps bothered by that, the monkey-faced man rambled on with exaggerated gestures. 

“We formed an expedition and decided to dive tougher. These kinds of bonds are important for Adventurers. And yet, not only camp, but also battles are separated, isn’t that a bit lame?”

With a theatrical flourish, he shrugged his shoulders.

“On an expedition, what’s more important than anything is the trust between fellow parties. Trust is something born when we can acknowledge each other. All the more for battles where we’re betting our lives.” 

He smiled and closed one eye.

“In other words. What I want to say—”

“So you’re saying you want us to show you how ‘Twilight’s Sword’ fights?” 

While interrupting the monkey-faced man’s words, Yuika summarised in one sentence.

For this woman with an impatient personality, she might have already done her best to put up with him. The reason why she was able to barely maintain her composure was because she had decided to join the expedition at Rowe’s suggestion, and thought that she couldn’t suddenly get into an argument and break things up. 

“It’s fine.”

Yuika declared to all the parties participating in the expedition.

“As far as this labyrinth is concerned, we are newcomers. We will pave the way.”

However, there was something else added. 

“You’ll have to follow us tight. Alright?”

“O, oh.”

Like that, for the other Adventurer parties and Sherpas, a hell-like labyrinth exploration began. 

Berii’s support magic that generated a tailwind to the target, “Winds of Fortune” granted momentum, and allowed the members of “Twilight’s Sword” to run at almost full speed through the passageways and rooms. 

Nuuk’s [Enemy Search] discovered monsters, and Yuika would instantly decided whether to fight or ignore them. 

“Okay, let’s do it.”

There were 5 Horned Cats with the characteristic of having quick movements.

But in the end, they were just monsters from shallow layers. With Berii’s twin swords and Nuuk’s finger bullets, as well as Yuika’s Estoc, they were routed in the blink of an eye. 

“I want you to hurry up when collecting magic cores.  ――I’m telling you in advance, I won’t let you use our Sherpa.”

The 6 Sherpas, excluding Rowe, frantically collected the magic cores.

“Then, let’s depart.”

The other Adventurers, who had at first been watching over the battles of the “Twilight Sword” with grins, began to show doubtful looks, and when Yuika chose to ignore the monsters and cut through, they started running desperately.

“Hey, Twilight, monsters are following you!”


“Oi, don’t ignore me!”

Even after descending the spiral path and confirming the safety of the surroundings, there was no break. They just kept dashing along the shortest route. 

By the time they arrived at the 19th Floor Dungeon Oasis, the heavily armoured Adventurers and Sherpas were sweating like waterfalls, gasping for breath and slumped to the ground. 

“After rehydrating, we will immediately be leaving.” 

“Y, you’re joking. Oi, you—”

One of “Mud Lizard”’s members tried to protest, but upon being shot with Yuika’s cold gaze, sealed his mouth. 

“…Wait, Rowe. Come over here.”

It was Rowe’s colleague and advanced Sherpa — Gameo, who called out with a hoarse low voice.

While wiggling his rugged body, he beckoned with a small movement of only his fingers. His other hand was on his mouth and his standing posture was clearly feminine. 

At a distance slightly removed from the members of “Twilight’s Sword”, the leaders of the 5 Adventurer parties surrounded Rowe. 

Berii was watching that scene closely. 

It looked as though he was being closed in by swords, but in the middle of that, Rowe was responding in a friendly manner while gesturing. 

After resuming exploration, for the first time, on the 23rd Floor, Yuika used [Phantasmagoric Needle].  

The opponent was a Chimaera. 

A medium-sized monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, bat wings and a snake tail. It was the Floor Boss who had marked off a corner of the 23rd Floor as its own territory, and since it usually acted alone, it was easy to use [Phantasmagoric Needle]. A monster that she had dominated during “Twilight’s Sword”’s first labyrinth exploration.   

Rumours about Yuika’s skill and her nickname had definitely gone around. 

The sight of the grotesque monster obeying caused a stir and voices of admiration from the surroundings. 

“Ah, hey. Is it okay if I touch it a bit?”

Perhaps having his curiosity piqued, the leader of “Spiral Formation” asked Yuika. 

“I don’t mind, but anyone other than those I approve of — will get bitten.”


Yuika’s tone was cold.

She was completely expressionless, but her eyes were strong-willed, and a slight hint of an annoyed Divine Spirit leaked out. 

Maybe instinctively sensing the danger, the leader of “Spiral Formation” awkwardly went back. 

The Chimerae possessed a thunder-type magic Gift. 

Intermediate magic that inflicted damage to the opponent and inflicted a paralysis status effect ―― “Lightning Net”.

When the monsters were made unable to move, Yuika used [Phantasmagoric Needle] and controlled them one after the other. 

With this, there was no role for the other Adventurer parties. All they could do was to watch Yuika commanding the monster army to exterminate. 

“All annihilated. Collect the magic cores—”

Despite not participating, the magic core and drop items were assigned to the parties other than “Twilight’s Sword”. 

This role for them was probably unfamiliar to them. The Sherpas avoided unnecessary conversations and began to move their hands in silence. 

And then, on the 29th Floor Dungeon Oasis. 

Declaring the end of the first day of labyrinth exploration, Yuika disposed of the monsters.

One by one, they were decapitated.

“Look, magic cores. Hurry up and [Accept].”

In a very heavy atmosphere, meal preparations began.

Though there were 40 tough and wild people, there was not even a single joke. 

“W, wait, Rowe. Here, here.” 

Gameo called for Rowe again.

This time, all Adventurers other than those in “Twilight’s Sword” gathered and surrounded Lowe.

While glancing at the “Twilight’s Sword”, they had a hushed discussion. 


“Piss off!”

Occasionally, voices that sounded like insults leaked out, but they would return to their whispering. 

Rowe was released after that, but the Adventurers’ behaviours clearly changed.

Their gazes towards “Twilight’s Sword” became harsh, and an obvious sense of hostility began to be felt from them.

“..Hey, what did you say to those guys?””

Berry asked Rowe, who had returned.

“Nothing much. No big deal.”

Rowe carved his homemade bacon with a faint smile.

From that hand, Berii would no longer release her eyes.


At this point, as the only one. 

Berii, to every single one of Rowe’s words and deeds — she was filled with suspicion.

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