Dungeon Sherpa

Chapter 57: CH 42

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While carrying his huge rucksack, Rowe looked around. 

The 50th Floor Dungeon Oasis was somewhat smaller compared to the others, its size was about that of Rowe’s house and garden combined. The water in the spring was cold and eerily clear. 

Also because of the Labyrinth Collapse, the luminescent moss growing on the ground, walls, and ceiling were dim, cracked in places and flaking off. Moreover, its colour was a pale purple that stirred up a sense of uneasiness. If this wasn’t a safe zone in the Labyrinth, they would definitely not think to stay here for long. 

The lowest Floor in Tyros Labyrinth was expected to be either the 52nd or 53rd. 

If so, there was a possibility that this Dungeon Oasis would be their last base. The parties in the expedition who had moved towards the upper layers would be positioned on the Dungeon Oasis of the 48th Floor, so they would not be able to count on their help after this. 

Rowe, too, was destined to be on the same side as “Twilight’s Sword”.

“It’s become a bit lonely, but the real thing starts from here. Let’s put some spirit into it.”

Yuika looked at all the members and nodded to Rowe.

The labyrinth exploration was now entering the 8th day. In the previous 2 explorations, due to sleep deprivation, Yuika had dark circles under her eyes, but this time she had gotten sufficient sleep, so she had spirit to spare.  

This was the result of accepting Rowe’s advice that they “should join the expedition”, so for that, she was grateful. 

Even without words, she could convey this sentiment to Rowe. 

“Black Princess. From our last expedition, about half a month has passed. The Lich might have respawned.”

Nuuk warned.

Regarding Floor Bosses, there exist those who appear on specific floors and those who don’t. 

They are called Fixed Floor Bosses and Wandering Floor Bosses respectively , but regardless of which category the Lich belonged to, the chances of it respawning were low. 

This is because when the structure of labyrinths change, the flow of magic elements also changes, resetting the conditions required for Floor Bosses to reappear.

Probably aware fo this, Yuika smiled fearlessly. 

“Well, if I can meet ‘Lichy’ again, that’s fine with me.”

The Lich was enough of a monster to be chosen as a Labyrinth Floor Boss. It would definitely turn into an all-out battle, but if it could be controlled with [Phantasmagoric Needle], there would be no better ally. Indeed, after the Labyrinth Collapse, when they were rushing all over the 50th Floor as well as after that when they returned to the surface, it’s overwhelming strength kept the other monsters at bay. 

[……Heh. Was the Lich defeated? That’s what that guy was wearing, right? No wonder I couldn’t find the Lich even after searching.]

The air shimmered.

After a moment’s delay, the four Adventurers adopted battle stances and readied their weapons.

In a place where nothing had existed before, there was a single monster.

Not at the entrance to the passageway. By the edge of the Dungeon Oasis, standing alone.

“M, monster?”

Berry groaned while holding up her Twin Swords.

“Nuuk! What happened to [Enemy Search]?”

To Yuika’s angry yell, Nuuk shouted back. 

“I do not know! Not a — I did not feel a single thing!” 

“This fella isn’t tinged with Demonic Spirit.”

Magikan held up his staff with an uncharacteristically stern expression. 

The monster’s stature and build was like a human’s. It had haphazardly growing hair of different colours and lengths, and was wearing a silver mask in the shape of a skull.

On its body it was wearing a threadbare, short-sleeved tunic that was patchworked with various colours and materials, on its lower body were a pair of trousers. It was also wearing grey boots. They looked like work clothes. On its back was a basket-like object with numerous sword hilts sticking out. 

The colour of the skin peeking out from its neck and hands was a deep purple.

The true identity of this monster was unknown. 

[Well, no need for such panic, human. I know you all very well.]

Its voice was neither masculine nor feminine. Just like the Lich, they could hear it echoing in multiple layers.  

As soon as it took a few mysterious, clattering steps, the Skull Mask vanished.

[–you don’t want to die.]

It appeared again, right behind Magikan.

Before anyone realised, it was holding a knife, and that knife was placed against Magikan’s neck.

[Isn’t that right?]

“Old man!”

Berii crossed her Twin Swords and rushed forward, but she didn’t leap over. It was clear that her father’s life would be lost at that moment. 

[I know something else, too.]

Surrounded by killing intent that cut through the air, the Skull Mask spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

[That receptionist at the Adventurer’s Guild, Pamira, is a good woman, so nice that she makes me want to munch on her. Her beasts and buttocks are huge. By all means, I wish to be with her. And the skewered chicken from Isozumi is exquisite. Together with ale, delicious. Isn’t that right?]

At this sudden conversation, even Yuika was stunned.

[Hm? What’s up with these guys?]

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The Skull Mask turned its face to the 10 or so monsters that Yuika was currently controlling. Since no orders had been given, they were standing like sticks. 

[……Heh. You are controlled by humans? I was wondering what exactly happened for 3 to be broken through so suddenly, but I see…… Well, it doesn’t matter. If you’ve come all the way here, you’re almost there, or should I say it’s only a matter of time……]

It nodded its head and mumbled as though coming to an understanding about something. 

“You, what are you?”

With wariness, regret, frustration and hostility — while suppressing a whole host of emotions, Yuika asked. 

[Me? I’m glad you asked.]

Nameless. What they called Lesser Demons, the Skull Mask said. 

The role it had been assigned was to distribute weapons and armour to newly born monsters.

And it was interested in humans. 

Higher level monsters possess some knowledge of language from birth, but something like conversations was difficult for them. In the first place, they had no need. 

But it was interested in humans, so it ‘learned’.

[Well, here it’s pretty much just me, the Lord Mother, and the Lich…… Although, I couldn’t freely talk to the Lord Mother, so my conversation partner was exclusively the Lich. A nice, quiet guy. And he’s a good listener. Without getting tired of what I had to say, he listened to me all the time. I hadn’t seen him around lately, so I was looking for him, but to think humans got him. Ah, I know. This is…]

The monster suddenly shouted, [you bastards!].

And then it went back to a monotonous tone.

[…….that kind of situation. Isn’t that right?]

Rowe’s eyes spun in astonishment.

It had been reported in the Monster Book that monsters could utter meaningful words. In fact, even the previous time they faced the Lich, it had indeed ordered the Skeleton Knight that Yuika was controlling to obey it instead. 

However, he did not expect to be able to communicate with monsters and obtain information on their living habits.

This monster was a Lesser Demon. 

If its words could be believed, the same kind as the Garrison who patrolled the deep layers of the labyrinth in groups of 4. 

It said it was interested in humans.

If you were to observe closely, you would notice that the clothes worn by the Skull Mask have buttons and other little decorations on them.

And its messy hair of different colours and lengths.

Perhaps they were drop items from Adventurers who lost their lives in the labyrinth.

The conversation with the Skull Mask also had some inaccuracies in terms of the information. 

Pamila, the receptionist at the Adventurer’s Guild, was the person in-charge before Sura and had already retired 4 years ago. An already elderly and plump woman, the expression ‘want to munch’ was not appropriate for her. Furthermore, while Isozumi was still in operation, the taste of their skewers had gone downhill since the management was replaced about 10 years ago. 

The information this monster has about the surface is probably — outdated. 

If it was curious about humans, then could this be pointed out, arouse its interest, and use this information for negotiation?

This was what Rowe had been thinking about in a corner of his mind, but unfortunately, it did not work out as he had hoped.

Magikan, who had been taken hostage, took the initiative before he could say anything. 

“Black Princess, do not mind me, do it!”


“This fella, does not wield any Gifts. His status is also on par with a Lesser Demon. He  is also not equipped with any armour. Do it!”

[Interesting. Don’t humans want to not die?]

Yuika readied her Estoc.

“Princess, please! Stop!”


“If you cannot do it, I will.”

With the blade against his neck, Magikan started drawing a magic formation with his staff. 

He surely had no hope that he would be allowed to complete it. 

This was an act designed to get him killed.

[……Good grief.]

The Skull Mask pushed Magikan away and threw its knife into the basket. 

[I’m sorry, but I’m forbidden to fight outside of the workplace. Besides, I’m in the middle of a delivery.]

“–[Spring Hare]!”

Not missing the opportunity, Yuika rushed forward..

However, she was one step too slow. 

With a mysterious, clattering step, the Skull Mask disappeared.

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