Dusk of Fate

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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(Altheria May 12 580 Imperial Calander 4:00 p.m., Cuthuerus royal capital, Grayholde)

"*Looks up and Glare* Azazel how could you do this to us!? We always supported you!"(Mana)


"*Distainfully looks down* Don't call me by my name you filthy beast.

*Looks up and turns around* You and your sinners of a family have tricked the good people of this country for far too long!! Today I bring you beasts to justice!!"(Azazel)

"""""""""Woooo!! Yeah, kill that filthy beast!"""""""""

"""""Down with the sinners!!""""

""""""They don't deserve to live!!""""""

""""""""""""Kill her!!""""""""""

"""""""""""End that filthy beast!!"""""""""""

""""""""""""""Long live the prince!! Bring those sinners to justice!!""""""""""""""

How did it come to this? We never wanted this. We were peaceful. Mom was a Kitsune. Dad a human. He knew he shouldn't have married her but, he loved her, so he did. Mom was the best Illusionist in all of Altheria and yet *Hic* I was so naive back then.

If I just never showed that bastard my traits, he wouldn't have been able to take us down. Fuck! Why was past me so stupid!? Mom always said never to show anyone our traits yet... yet I was so stupid and naive to think I could trust him!

I thought we'd spend the rest of our lives together and have kids and rule this wretched kingdom! Why was I so stupid and naive to fall in love with a guy like him!? Fuck! Mom, Dad, Axel, Lily I'm sorry. Please forgive this idiot. For she ended up killing us all.

*Hic Hic*

"*Distainfully looks down* So it seems the beast can also cry. Well, no matter. Any last words before you die?"(Azazel)

"(Glare) Why, why did you do this? I thought we were in love?"(Mana)

"Hah, me love a beast? (Glare) Get real. I was just using you from the start. And now that your family has no use, I'm getting rid of the thorn in my side.

Now die, you sinner!"(Azazel)

*shing shick splat*


It hurts! It hurts so much! It feels like my body's on fire and freezing at the same time! My head's getting fuzzy. It's getting hard to think. I...'m *Blink* s...o *Blink* sl...eepy. *Eyes close*

(Place unknown)

Mmm, why's it so dark? Is this the afterlife? Then am I really dead?

"You are dead, but this is not the afterlife"(?)

Suddenly, a female voice started talking to me.

"(Looks around) Huh? Who said that!?"(Mana)

"Down here."(?)

"*Looks down* (Confused) A cat?"(Mana)

"(Dead Pan) I'm not just some cat."(?)

"(Shocked) A talking cat!"(Mana)

"(Indignant) I'm a god dammit!"(?)

"(Confused) You mean one of those beings from Cinith?"(Mana)

"*Scoff* I'm not one of those possers who are gods only in name. I'm a True God. A God of the Universe. Those gods don't even have a true divinity or better called an authority. Those Gods are just fakes while I'm the real deal."(?)

"(Confused)*Dizzy* Um, Miss Goddess I'm really confused."(Mana)

"*Shakes head* It doesn't matter. I called your dead soul here for a reason."(?)

"(Confused) Why?"(Mana)

"I called your soul here because I saw your plight and wish to give you a second chance."(?)

"(Excited) I can go back and save my family!?"(Mana)

"Hmm, not exactly. You see you're already dead in that timeline so, instead, I'm sending you to a different timeline."(?)

"(Depressed) But wouldn't that mean I'm taking over someone else's body?"(Mana)

"Fufu, child I'm merely sending your soul down an alternate path. The body you'll be in is you. Just slightly different things happened there. But it is without a doubt still you. Just think of it as having some knowledge of the future."(?)

"So, what you're saying is you're sending me back in time?"(Mana)

"In a sense yes. I'll give you a Unique skill on your way and my blessing too."(?)

"(Excited) Thank you so, much!"(Mana)

"Fufu, think nothing of it. You'll be able to talk to me through my blessing so, enjoy your life."(?)

Then things started getting fuzzy.

"(sleepy) Ah, what's y...ou're na...me?"(Mana)

"Alas, child I cannot say. So, for now, call me N."(N)

"(Sleepily Nods) O...k."(Mana)

And everything goes dark.

(Altheria May 8 580 Imperial Calander 10:00 a.m.)


"*Turns over* Mmm, close the curtains it's too bright."(Mana)

"(Surprised) My lady you're awake!"(?)

"Mmm, don't yell Caeda my ears are sensitive. You know that."(Mana)

"My apologies, it's just great that your finally awake. And just in time to greet the new king.*Pulls out of bed* Come on if you don't hurry the Lord and Mistress will leave you behind."(Caeda)

"(Half-asleep) Ok, ok I'm going so stop pulling me."(Mana)

"Great, let's get you bathed and dressed."(Caeda)

"(Half-asleep) Whatever."(Mana)

(One bath later)

That was refreshing. Now that I think about it. Is this some kind of dream after death?


Nope. I'm awake. Then what's going on? Is what that weird cat said true?

{I wasn't lying when I said you'd go back.}(N)


"(Concerned) Is something wrong my lady? Did I pull too hard?"(Caeda)

"(Embarrassed) Ah, no everything's fine. Just got spooked."(Mana)

"(Concerned) Alright, but you can tell me if something is wrong."(Caeda)

"*Nod* I will."(Mana)

So, it wasn't just a hallucination when I died.

{Of course, it was real. Do you know how much trouble one could get in for even claiming to be a True God without being one? Trust me when I say it wouldn't stop at just dying for it.}(N)

Well, that's a scary thought. So, you said there are some differences this time do you know what they are?

{I'll give you a hint. It has something to do with you being dragged out of bed.}(N)

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Really? You can't just tell me.

{Well, that would be boring. Just ask your maid she knows.}(N)

(Annoyed) Are you sure you're not some kind of chaos god?

{No, but I'm marrying one. Hehe.}(N)

I have multiple questions that I don't want answers to.

{Well, I wouldn't tell you either way. Welp, bye got to go.}(N)

Wait I have so much to ask!


And she's gone. Damn god. What's the point of allowing me to talk to you when you don't even respond when I want to talk?

{Because it's fun.}(N)

"*Jump* Ah!"(Mana)

"(Concerned) Are you sure you're, ok?"(Caeda)

"*Sigh* Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind."(Mana)

"*Looks at with Pity* Poor lady, lost her fiancée and is still depressed."(Caeda)

"(Confused) What did you just say?"(Mana)

"*Gets on knees and bows* I'm so sorry for bringing up this topic! Please forgive!"(Caeda)

"(Flustered) W-Wait hold on! Why are you bowing!? I'm so lost. (Confused) Why are just suddenly bowing when I asked a question?"(Mana)

"*Head on the floor* Because I have committed a grave sin."(Caeda)

"(Confused) H-Hold on. What do you mean grave sin? First, stand up."(Mana)

*Stands up*

"Since when have I ever been mad at you Caeda?"(Mana)

"(looks away) That's... well never."(Caeda)

"Yeah, you've been my closest friend since I was 4. I wouldn't get mad at you for telling me the truth. You should know that. Is this you saying I would suddenly change? I thought we were closer than that. But it looks like it was only me."(Mana)

"*Ear droop* I'm sorry. I-I just thought you'd be upset when you heard this topic."(Caeda)

"*Stands up* (Pats head) *Smiles* I wouldn't get mad at you over something small. You're a very dear friend to me."(Mana)

 "*Hugs* (Depressed) Sorry for doubting you."(Caeda)

"It's alright. (Sits down) Now continue brushing my hair."(Mana)

"*Nods* On it."(Caeda)

*Sigh* Caeda I wouldn't get mad at you. After all, you ended up being one of the few who tried to protect me even till the end. Even if it meant your own death.

*Sigh* *Smiles* I still remember the day we met. Dad had brought home a cute little elf slave with him. She had sky-blue eyes and matching blue hair.

"(Curious head tilt) Papa, who's this?"(Mana)

"*Smiles* She will be your maid from now on. Make sure to be nice and treat her right, ok?"(?)

"(Excited) Alright! I'll be good and treat her right Papa!"(Mana)

"Haha, alright my little princess. Why don't you show her where your room is? She will be living in the room right next to it."(?)

"(Excited) Ok! Come on lets go! *Grabs hand*"(Mana)

"(Scared and Nervous ear droop) A-Alright."(Caeda)

"*Pulls hand* Come on!*Runs*"(Mana)

"P-Please slow down."(Caeda)

"(Smiles) Alright! Your room will be on the second floor. Ah, right what's your name? (Happy) I'm Mana Twilight."(Mana)

"C-Caeda, Caeda Daemaris."(Caeda)

"(Happy) Let's be friends."(Mana)

"B-But I'm a slave. (Depressed Ear droop) Y-You shouldn't be friends with me."(Caeda)

"(Stops) *Head tilt* So you don't want to be friends?"(Mana)

"(Flustered) Th-that's not it. I-"(Caeda)

"(Excited) *Big Smile* Great then we're friends now, ok!?"(Mana)

"(Looks down in defeat) ok."(Caeda)

"Great! Now let's go!"(Mana)

Hehe, now that I think about it, wasn't I one-sidedly forcing her to be my friend? Well, we ended up very close friends with her sneaking into my room sometimes and having a sleepover. Granted we would always get in trouble for doing so, but it was always fun.


"(Curious) What's so funny my lady?"(Caeda)

"Ah, just remembering all the fun we had as kids. And how we would get in trouble a lot."(Mana)

"(Eye roll) You mean how you'd drag me into trouble with you."(Caeda)

"Fufu, don't act like you didn't sneak into my room in the middle of the night quite often."(Mana)

"(Looks away embarrassed) T-That was because I was checking up on you to make sure you weren't causing trouble."(Caeda)

"(Mischievous smirk) And what do you call sleeping in my bed with me?"(Mana)

"(Embarrassed blush) Th-That was- stop teasing me."(Caeda)

"Hehe, it's always funny seeing you embarrassed."(Mana)

"My lady, you're so mean."(Caeda)

"Hehe, you tell me that a lot but, you never stop being my friend. Anyway, what was it you said earlier?"(Mana)

"Ah! Promis you won't be upset?"(Caeda)

"*Sigh* If it makes you happy, I promise I won't be made. Happy now?"(Mana)

"*Nod* Alright. Well, the entire royal family and corrupt nobles of this kingdom and our neighbor Cleirus have been wiped out. The king has killed all of the royals including my lady's fiancée his highness Azazel.

This is also why you are getting ready. So, that you may greet the new king."(Caeda)

"(Shocked) What!? When did this happen!?"(Mana)

"(Frightened) D-Didn't you say you wouldn't get made if I told you?"(Caeda)

"Ah, sorry if I seemed mad. I was just shocked to hear the news that they're dead."(Mana)

"(Confused) You're not said that he died? When you got the news 2 days ago you fainted."(Caeda)

"(Shakes head) I'm fine. Now what I'm curious about is the new king. What is he like?"(Mana)

"No one knows. There are very few who know what he looks like. But one thing everyone knows is that the king has a blue cat that roams the castle freely. Some say he holds the cat so dearly that he'd kill any who did anything to it. Granted no one knows for sure.

The rumors about the king himself are that he's a ruthless blue cat beast-man who'd kill anyone who dares offend him. Some say he enjoys battle and torturing people. Some say he doesn't even bleed. Some say he wields a spear made from a dragon others say a sword, but they all agree his weapon was made with dragon material."(Caeda)

"(Curious) Is he a Neko-Mata?"(Mana)

"That is unknown. Everyone who's seen him has either died or refused to say anything about him."(Caeda)

"*Sigh* I guess I'll have to into this blind. *Stands up* Well lets go."(Mana)

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