DxD : King of Asuras

Chapter 34: Amrita

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" King was it ok to behave like this toward him, it conveys to people the feeling that you were suspecting him. " Mahisha spoke once Svarbhanu had moved out of the chamber. 

" Oh! Was I? Well perhaps, but that is not the main problem. Have you done the other work I allotted to you? " 

" Yes, king I have already documented the names of all the Asuras who were faithful followers of Prahlada before you returned and still feel that the path of peace tutored to them by their so-called God Vishnu' is the better one, rather than following your path of waging a war against the Devas. And king there is one more issue," Mahishasura spoke with a cruel smile on his face, he had long wanted to kill these vermins who yell about walking The way of nonviolence all day and every day.

" oh? What is it ?" 

" Most of these people are the in the immature generation of Asuras as since they haven't witnessed the war and have no genuine pain associated with the War. But eradicating them may hurt the younger generation of our race. " Mahishasura spoke with some predicament on his face as the population of Asuras was actually not that large and the rate of childbirth was naturally not that acceptable and was even among the lowest in all races, so disposing of so many youngsters will definitely hurt their roots. 

" You are a little mistaken in your thinking Mahishasura. I will not dispose of them intentionally. I am just taking them to undergo the war so that they don't talk about nonviolence again and if there are yet people who dwell on this stupidity then we will keep using them as front liners in further wars. " Andhaka talked with a humorous face while glancing at Mahishasura's face. 

" I was too dense, the King is extraordinarily wise. " Mahisha talked with a full-on impression of a loyal minister. 

" any response from the Nagas to our decision of shutting down the Rasatala. " 

" They -- my king I am sorry for making a big mistake. " Mahishasura's face immediately changed its color when the topic of the response from the Nagas came forth. 

" Tell me what happened. " Andhaka uttered calmly as It was upon him to judge whether what Mahisha did was correct or incorrect. 

" They had sent a messenger when you were gone but I had him sent into prison as soon as he arrived," Mahisha spoke while looking down and not daring to meet the eyes of his lord. 

" From what I recall messengers are not treated as such, and you should also know it, right? Then why is he in prison? " Andhaka spoke with a cold face. 

" King he --, this messenger is the same one which had come to our realm for the last thousand years and every time he comes, he acts so arrogantly and looks at us as if we are some inferior species. Prahlada didn't do anything to him as messengers aren't considered to be treated severely but I couldn't be any more forbearing with him as he was calling us rats and said we should bow down before them ." Although there was some lie and exaggeration mixed into this but most of this was true. 

" Cut his tail, his hand, his legs and make it serve us all as food and tell Guru Shukra to heal him every day so that we can have snake meat every day. " Andhaka spoke calmly as he really liked the taste of that crocodile and he wanted to eat meat again to see if they all tasted this good. 

as for the reason? Anyone who should harm the pride of the Asuras should be punished. 

" My lord I don't eat it, meat. " Mahishasura spoke with a narrowed gaze. 

" Well ok, then it looks like I will have to eat it myself, alone. " Andhaka uttered with some dismay. 

" But king what about the response from the Nagas? " 

" What? Do I look like I care about their response? One day or another we will be clashing so I do not have any need to be polite to them. If they ask simply tell them that we haven't welcomed any messenger and if they behave aggressively then just strike them. " Andhaka said aggressively. 

He solely worries about fighting with the big three and other than that he is not concerned about anyone in a one-on-one fight. Be it Indra or the Naga Kings. 

" As you say, my lord. " Mahishasura told with a malicious face, while already beginning to think about how to answer back to the Nagas which can make them the angriest. 

" Oh! I forgot, I even have to go to the teacher to talk about that child's apprenticeship. " Andhaka muttered slightly and then nodded to Mahisha 

" You can go and by the way gather the forces and also gather the powerful Asuras of Satan class and above as we will be smashing the Second Realm with a crushing force. And as for the commander? It will be you and I will only observe in the dark as vigilance against any concealed danger. " Andhaka talked lazily as he almost forgot about the war. 

" Looks like I should commence taking almonds already. " 

" Then I shall give you a serviceable performance my king. " Mahisha uttered with some joy on his face. 

" Hmmm " Andhaka waved his hand and gave a sign to Mahisha to go out. 

" Now what should I do? Well, let's practice as you don't seem to give me any op power up, Dear Author" Andhaka spoke lazily while extending a middle finger towards the sky and once again started to do meditation. 


On an enormous snowy peak, (Kailash.)

"Mahadev ( Shiva's name. Meaning the God who is worshipped by Gods ), the cosmic ocean has started to demonstrate uncommon stirs and from time to time there are even some slight typhoons which spew out treasures and I am afraid that the moment for the drink of immortality, the Amrita to come out has come upon us. " Vishnu talked while caressing his head with some pressure as he had to regulate the world every day and see how it was doing and it wasn't as satisfactory as it was supposed to be.

" Worry not Vishnu as this day had to come one day or another. By the way, have you felt any activity from any other pantheon. " an old man with four heads questioned Vishnu calmly. 

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" No, Brahma, and if I stood in their place then I too won't impede in any other pantheon's happenings and particularly in our Hindu pantheon affairs. " Vishnu talked with dignity and certainty in his tone. 

" Yet it's adequate to be observant as you never know what may go on and you have to agree that Amrita is worth the risk for multiple deities in other pantheons. " Shiva talked cautiously. 

" Don't fret, I will be observant about this matter as I must do so, it is my job after all. I maintain the order after all and oh! I overlooked something. That Bible fellow had requested me if he could take some Amrit for some testing. " Vishnu said while recalling the Bible God requesting him for Amrit. 

" Why though? Gods of his class won't be having any help from the Amrit? I guess he must be up to some unknown invention. " Brahma uttered curiously as since they both are deities of creation they get along very well with each other. 

" as ever we won't be intruding at all, in the battle which will ensue for Amrita. " Shiva talked in a rather unusually unkind manner.

" I do not approve Shiva. I am the one who must sustain order in this world and we have already noticed what went on when Hiranayakashipu was the King. If Asuras acquired the Amrit then the devas will become like Kids in front of them and it will make the whole world a chaotic hellhole, " Vishnu renounced Shiva's proposal quickly. 

He doesn't care who is the King of Svarga or the three lokas but the world order shouldn't be tossed into Chaos and that is precisely what occurs when the Asuras arrive in power. 

So it's fairer for the world if the devas are in power as the world can go on peacefully as it usually goes. 

" Then who all will do the Manthan, you should comprehend that we still have to Churn it out ( Amrit ) of the sea. " Brahma spoke with a poker face while attempting to calm the two.

He doesn't interface much in these Asura and Deva issues as indirectly he is their Grandfather so the fairest he can do is to simply stay unbiased and do nothing. 

" One side can be Devas and on the other side put the Nagas, Kinnaras, Vanaras, and all the other races or if even that is not satisfactory then some devas can go to the other side to make equal the gap. ' Vishnu talked quickly and to him, it looked as if the Asuras were out of this topic. 

" I have already said it and I will say it once again. WE WILL NOT INTERFERE, AND I INSIST! " Shiva uttered while red streaks of fierce power buzzed around him and the whole of Kailash appeared to start trembling. 

" Do you suppose I do not know that you have a kid in the Asuras. " a look of astonishment flickered in Shiva's eyes after hearing Vishnu's terms. 

" But you have to comprehend it, Shiva, that child was born from the outcome of your wrath and destruction and nothing promising is gonna come from him except Violence. " Vishnu said coldly without caring about Shiva's complexion. 

Shiva settled down a little as it seems they don't seem to learn about Andhaka being alive but once again his temper flared up as he recollected something. 

" And you should also recall why that occurred, correct? It's all because that Cowardly Indra sneaked an attack on my tiny boy who wasn't even eleven years old at that time and then you arrived to save him spattering all kinds of gibberish about how it will influence the world and all that. And as I said, but still let me repeat it again, I STRONGLY INSIST. " Shiva talked with an angry face and his entire body had started to turn red while he looked at Vishnu menacingly. 

" But it will impact the world or-- " 


" Husband, what went on why are you getting this infuriated? You know all the inhabitants of Kailash are getting nervous, " A charming and gorgeous woman with a snow-like exquisite face, goddess-like facial characteristics, with long silky black hair while adorning a Red saree with golden borders, stepped into the Cave where the meeting of the Trimurti was going on and glanced at the furious look on her husband. 

Both Brahma and Vishnu sighed in comfort when they saw Parvati coming in and Vishnu even had the intent to discreetly call Parvati here, as she is the only one in this condition who can make Shiva consent on this issue. 

" Lady Parvati .... ...So that is how it was, now tell me am I incorrect in trying to do the correct thing to preserve the world order? " Vishnu talked gleefully. 

" Husb-- " 

" SHUT UP, my judgment is absolute, and don't preach me on anything as you also didn't fight less with me during Ganesh's time. " Shiva uttered while grimacing at Parvati. 

" Husband what I mean to say is that you are correct. And I consent to your decision of not to intrude in this case and let the Devas and Asuras resolve it among themselves. " Parvati spoke with a painful smile on her face. 

Since she had chosen to give their 'Real' firstborn kid to the Asura king, Shiva had been a little mad with her and she had initially thought that her husband's wrath will calm down with time as It wasn't like their child was living some tragic life, instead, he was living as the Crown prince of the Asuras who were the ruler of the most powerful realm of that period but who would have known that Indra won't even let go of a small child, since Andhaka's demise Shiva had gotten colder and colder towards her at some occasions and she herself feels guilty for her decision as she was too much thoughtful towards the good of the world at that time and it made her make such a big mistake. 

Vishnu glanced at Parvati with incredulity and a 

feeling of backstabbing attacked him." But Lady Par-- " 

" It's no use Vishnu. even if she said yes to you, I won't agree at all. And as I said, we three would not intrude, meaning we three would not intrude, and it's FINAL and you can try to see if I am joking. " Shiva spoke with full red-colored eyes and a chilling tone and didn't mind at all while telling his true thoughts. 

Parvati listened to the words of her husband and it really made her feel hurt and it feels as if she had lost the trust of her husband. 

" Remember my warning carefully. You, you, and me, nobody will intrude at all, and if you sent any of your family members then you are dispatching them at your own risk. " Shiva talked violently and quickly vanished from the Kailash mountains. 

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