Earth Reforged

Earth Reforged

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Genre :

Action, Fantasy, Mystery



Status :


Earth Reforged

Review: 9.9/10 from 5 ratings

In a land infested with monsters, dangerous highwaymen, and war torn city states, Earth Reforged follows the events of two individuals whose ability to harness forbidden magic leaves them at odds with the world around them.
Atlas, an Earth user in self imposed isolation, finds himself with an odd companion. Finding purpose in life once more, Atlas protects his new ally as their ventures take them to the worlds source of magic.
Sala, a Wind Speaker, finds herself alone and terrified as everything and everyone falls apart around her. One thing remains a constant, a voice send from the realm of Suffering.
One isolated in wild-lands, the other surrounded by a sea of monsters. How could they save a world that would see them dead for possessing power that comes to them naturally?

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