Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1422: Visitor

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The middle-aged man was the chief of the bloodline that Emery was part of. Not only was he said to be someone close to Emery, he was also one of the major figures who helped the kidnapped acolytes escape from the elven planet.

Hence, she found it strange she could not find herself liking this Wolf Patriarch.

Klea took a step forward and spoke in a polite tone. "Elder, what do you mean that you are taking him home? Are you going to follow us back to our planet Earth?"

Although the fierce-looking golden-haired grand magus clearly heard her question, the man did not say anything. Instead, he looked around for a moment before walking towards the small garden where Emery's body was.

Ignoring the look given by everyone in the area, he arrived in front of Emery's lying body. He looked at it in excitement and said, "Good. It's not ideal, but it's not completely ruined either."

Seeing how strangely the golden-haired man was acting, Magus Rosia interrupted him. "Senior, you are currently in our home, the house of Izta the Gilgamesh. Please introduce yourself and your purpose for coming here."

Everyone watched as the patriarch casually turned around and flashed a faint smile before saying, "I am Lucius Corvin, the Patriarch of the Wolf Bloodline and the reason I am here is to bring back his body home, to be placed amongst his people in the Kingdom of Corvin."

The moment she heard such ridiculous words, Klea couldn't hide her frown anymore.

"My apologies, Elder. But Emery only has one home and that is Earth."

Despite hearing such an answer, the man nonchalantly replied, "He did. But now, not only he is an inner member of my clan, he is also my disciple. Therefore I will lay claim to his body and bring it back to our homeland."

Of course, those words quickly rang the alarm in Klea's head. She might have known about Emery joining a Wolf clan, but she was absolutely certain she never heard him taking another person as his master, especially one that was of grand magus level.

When he saw the reaction of the others present, Lucius just simply said, "He joined recently so he might not have the opportunity to tell you all. But don't worry. I will make sure he receives a proper burial. One that is worthy of being a member of the Corvus Clan."

The one-sided decision making of course infuriated everyone present. Especially Klea who couldn't hold her emotions any longer and exploded at the other party, apparently not caring about his strength or status.

"NO! He's not going with you and also, he's not dead!"

Klea's feelings were evidently shared among the four female magus and one grand magus. The latter, Fuxi of the Eastern Sage, had a solemn expression on his face, like he was ready to take action if necessary.

Still adopting his nonchalant attitude, the Wolf Patriarch swept his gaze across them before stopping at Fuxi and saying, "One cosmos… and just a bunch of you think can stop me? Are you all sure about this?"

Undeterred by those words, Thrax also took a step forward and stood in front of Klea. He assumed his fighting stance, ready to act immediately should a fight start, but had not drawn his weapon yet.

The situation gradually turned tense as everyone began to display their power. At this point, Lucius' sharp fangs and claws had already been revealed and it looked like a fight might break out at any moment now.

But then, the taut atmosphere suddenly shattered and everyone's attention was diverted when they all felt a powerful energy coming from outside the palace. It exuded a seemingly infallible power, as a voice filled with majesty resounded in the whole Terra palace.

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"I see you are still as ruthless as ever, Lucius."

All eyes turned to the palace entrance, where three figures could be seen walking in. The newcomers were quickly recognized. One was the famous Dragon Prince, Zach Talon, another was the female dragon magus, Shena, while the last was the Zodiac King himself, Alduin Talon.

Their arrival, in particular the latter, quickly made Lucius retract his claws. With a smile on his face, he said, "Brother Alduin? What a surprise to see you here."

When the supreme magus finally arrived, all the female magus promptly gave their respects. Fuxi showed appropriate respectful behavior, followed by Klea and Thrax.

Alduin approached the tube and silently looked at Emery's lying body. Various glints flashed across his eyes, unbeknownst to anyone else. As for Zach, even though he tried to hide it, the young dragon still couldn't hide the fact he was shaken by what he was seeing.

A long sigh rang out from the Dragon King as he said, "What a shame…"

Turning his head, he looked at Klea and the others saying, "I truly sorry for your loss. He will surely be missed."

He then looked at the Wolf Patriarch and said, "Lucius, for the sake of the dead, let's not make a scene here. Come on now, you will come with me, we have a lot to catch on with" Knowing he couldn't refuse, Lucius nodded slightly before following suit.

Everyone was still in daze by what had just happened. The supreme being had come and gone like the wind. In an instant, he took away their trouble as if he knew what was going to happen. Klea and the others of course breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Zach still remained. The Dragon Prince was staring at the cold body in exasperation.

Knowing the peculiar relationship between the two of them, Klea did not disturb the man from whatever he was thinking. Besides, there was still the last person of the three.

Magus Shena, who Klea knew quite well, walked up to her. Holding her hands tightly, the female magus looked her in the eyes and said, "If anyone is causing trouble here, let us know and Zodiac City will be sure to come help immediately."

Klea nodded her head, accepting the offer. It was at this moment that Zach turned away from the lying body and spoke to Klea.

"I heard that you might have a way to save him…"

But before she could say anything, he added, "I don't need to know how, just that If you succeed… tell him I'm still waiting for our final duel."

For some reason, those words moved Klea. She involuntarily shed another tear while nodding in affirmation.

However, just when they thought Zach would be leaving now, he instead walked up to Thrax and said, "How about you come with me? I will be enlisting to the alliance army tomorrow, let's bring wrath to those elf bastards!"

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