Easygoing Sect Leader (Isekai Cultivation)

Chapter 41: Love Master Interlude 01

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Winter Gale had been enjoying her new job quite a lot. Truth be told, life at the sect had been growing rather dreary for her – even raiding fruit orchards had been beginning to lose its appeal. She had always enjoyed skulking about, getting the better of her peers in games of intrigue. Sadly, the sect had been sorely lacking in intrigue, until now.

With her newfound role, intrigue was everywhere. Every disciple going about their business was a new potential target for elaborate schemes, every mission and event a playing ground for various plots.

Today, she had decided to stop by Soul Food Hall, partly due to the ample opportunities provided here, partly due to feeling a bit peckish for some quality food.

Today the lithe woman had chosen a tree by the outdoor cooking space of the Hall as her first skulking spot. She was well hidden behind her techniques, allowing her to observe the ongoings freely. Winter Gale was running her eyes through the kitchen, wondering what sort of scenario she should try to cook up here.

Eventually, she spotted a potential target. One of the disciples, a woman with a freckled face, finished cooking up some manner of fish soup and walked off to serve it. Winter Gale narrowed her eyes and took out her trusty jade slip – it always had appropriate advice for every situation.

“Hmm, let’s see. I think I remember something about this... Aha! There it is! Pattern 53 – the way to a man’s heart is through their stomach!”

This situation had potential, so she flew off to a table at the restaurant area for a clearer view. Winter Gale of course desired the best possible seating to view the upcoming drama, so she chose a nice, shaded corner seat at the restaurant, and flagged a disciple to give her own order – it wouldn’t do to engage in plotting on an empty stomach.

With her order done, she turned to survey the situation. Winter Gale had been exceptionally fast in securing her seating and ordering, so her target was just now arriving in the dining area, carrying the dish on one hand. Winter Gale quickly scanned the area to find her secondary target, and soon found who the dish was headed to – a man with curly hair in Boreal Night Hall robes.

“Hmm, let’s see here. [Tinder] technique!” A modest flame roared into being in the Love Master’s hands, and she bent down to examine it. “Not the best compatibility I’ve seen, but workable.” Winter Gale turned back to the two disciples and narrowed her eyes. “This situation will require some additional... spice.”

The Love Master had learned in her efforts that just putting the idea into people’s minds was rarely enough to get some proper passion roaring. Sometimes she had to adopt some more direct measures.

She dismissed the flame in her hand and began to consult her jade slip again. She was in a hurry, as the dish was rapidly approaching its destination. Not having much time, she chose a tried and true technique which had worked many times so far. “Hmm, I’ll rely on this again. Pattern 165 – The accidental body contact. Heh, with this there is no way some sparks won’t fly.” The plotter turned an examining eye to her target woman. “Especially with such bountiful... assets.”

She had to act fast, and with subtlety. Judging by his robes, the man should be well versed in stealthy techniques. Winter Gale however was one of the best in the sect, there would be no contest here. She leaned forward in her seat and gathered strands of darkness Qi into a simple weave, the most basic technique beginner spies are taught – [Tripwire].

The target woman never saw it coming and tripped on the wire, sending the plate of hot food flying up in the air, and her ample bosom descending down on the man’s face. Winter Gale quickly sent a few stealthy strands of Qi to secure the dish’s landing, the food was important for this part too.

She leaned forward even further to examine the reaction of the prospective couple as bosom met face. “Hehehe, those embarrassed and flustered expressions, those blushes, there’s no way sparks won’t fly from this. Master’s teachings are so wise!”

At this point she was on her tiptoes, leaned all the way on the table, when voice from her side suddenly interrupted her thoughts. “Excuse me miss; your dish is here.”

You are reading story Easygoing Sect Leader (Isekai Cultivation) at novel35.com

Winter Gale turned her head in shock and saw a broad-shouldered Soul Food Hall disciple holding her order. What? How did I not notice his approach?

The suddenness of the man’s appearance managed to shock her so much that she completely lost her balance, sending her falling against him. Her face careened straight against the man’s thin robes, letting her feel his chiselled abs on her cheek.

After a heartbeat of contact, Winter Gale regained her balance, activated a technique to meld into the shadows, and then repapered on her seat. Faintly blushing, she managed to stutter out an apology. “Awawa, s-sorry about that. You really surprised me there.”

The man’s expression did not change one bit, he merely bowed and handed over the dish. “As I said, here is your dish.” After laying the dish down, he walked off.

Winter Gale took a few deep breaths to calm down, then remembered her mission.

“Oh, right, those two!” She turned just in time to see the woman walking off while the man began eating the soup. “Alright, operation [The Way To The Heart Is Through The Stomach], go! [Tinder] Technique! [Right Swipe]!”

She watched the karmic nudge pass along the thread and was satisfied to see the pair cast glances at each other. “Heh, master’s wisdom always works. There’s no way good food and some body contact won’t lead to love!”

Satisfied with her work, she turned to her own dish – an ample serving of spirit rabbit soup. She began to eat it ravenously, and almost squealed with delight. It was cooked perfectly and seasoned just right. It was one of the best dishes she had ever eaten. “Wow, I knew master was wise to take these guys along, their cooking is something else!”

As she ate, she found her thoughts drifting to the cook who had brought the dish back to her, and her little mishap with him. It was the first time she had felt a male body like that...

Suddenly, her head jerked up in a horrified realization.

“Wait a minute, this is wrong! I’m the Love Master! I make others fall in love! I’m not the one who...” She found her tongue twisting at those last words, unable to say them. After a brief struggle she shook her head. “Bah, enough. What a stupid delusion, there’s no way I would...”

She again shook the improper thoughts out of her head and went back to happily eating her dish. However, she did feel the idle flutter in her chest, and found herself casting the odd glance towards the kitchen area.

The trials of a [Love Master] are many...

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