Easygoing Sect Leader (Isekai Cultivation)

Chapter 47: Chapter 42 – Aki makes a terrible mistake!

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Aki started to weave out Qi to form his [Karmic Work-Life Balance] technique, and the illusory device manifested in his hand. Aki looked at the gauge and saw that it was in its neutral position as it should. I really need to think of a name for this thing. Maybe I’ll call it my rest-o-meter?

Aki pointed the rest-o-meter at the two Slime sect disciples and began to take measure of them. The meter whirled around the gauge as karmic thread connected to the first of the disciples, and the meter eventually settled into the “work” section. Hardly a surprise, this.

Aki closed his eyes and focused on his spirit sense. He wanted to get an accurate picture of his foe’s strength, so that he could know whether his technique would be strong enough against the man. Hmm, this guy is definitely the weaker of the two, my technique will probably work against him. But can I overpower the other guy in that situation?

Aki knew he needed something more, so he turned back to observing the fight. The weaker of the two Slime sect disciples was rushing into melee range with Little Hawk, while the stronger one was staying back, throwing out globs of slime whenever he saw an opportunity. The weaker man was shouting out something. Aki focused on listening in.

“Junior, you dare? A puny first realm cultivator has the gall to stand in the way of young master Grey Goop’s desires! You are courting death!”

Aki looked at the man with disbelief. Such cliche lines are actually spoken, for real? And young master Grey Goop? What sadistic master gave him such a name?

The stronger disciple, the one who was standing back leisurely, chose to spoke in.

“Younger brother, I am beginning to tire of this game. The time drags on, and I would wish to claim my cultivation spot soon. You are free to use your ultimate technique.”

The other man nodded, then began gathering Qi as he rushed at Little Hawk.

Little Hawk had been silent during the whole exchange, focusing on evading the attacks from two directions he was getting. His face was grim in focus, but somehow, he was persevering. Aki felt some pride that this disciple of his sect was managing so admirably. I think I should act now—the fact that the other guy is a young master sort might play to my advantage, I can probably make something of the situation.

Aki began preparing his [Claim Sleep Debt] technique while the slime sect disciple prepared a technique of his own. Aki wanted to time this right, ideally, he would use his own technique just as the man’s was nearing completion. Aki carefully monitored the gathering of Qi, then judged the time to be right. He sent out the pulse of dream Qi.

The slime sect disciple shuddered as the dream Qi entered his body, and he lost control of the technique he had been building. The Qi began to build up and expand, turning the weave into a bloated balloon. It burst, and the man failed against Aki’s technique, falling asleep right as his own technique sent him flying into a cliff-face.

Grey Goop looked shocked that his underling had suddenly fallen, and Aki chose to make his entrance. He put on an expression of panic and started running towards his target. “Young master, it’s an ambush! A group of Liquid Sword sect disciples are coming for us!” He shouted as he approached the man.

Grey Goop looked confused, but Aki sensed that he was still wary. Shit, I need to confuse him more if I want this to work. He’s still got some brain power left. Alright, more confusion go!

Aki fumbled his sword scabbard off from his waist. He quickly infused Qi into it to make it emit a powerful aura and threw it at the Grey Goop. “Do not worry! Elder Slime told me to hand this to you at the right moment! With this [Mysterious Legendary Heirloom Sword], you can beat the enemy!”

The man reflexively reached out to pick up the scabbard as the words “[Mysterious Legendary Heirloom Sword]” registered in his mind. A flicker of greed meddled with the confusion he was feeling, and his eyes glazed over for just a moment. It was the opportunity Aki had been looking for.

Excellent, he seems to be confused enough now that he thinks I’m actually an ally of his. Now, let’s see how hard these fists of mine can punch.

Aki acted as if he was going to run past the man, but at the last second, he veered in to punch him right in the face. Grey Goop was distractedly looking at the scabbard he now had in his arm and missed Aki’s pivot wholesale. Aki landed a powerful strike at full strength right on his nose.

Now, Aki’s body may have been stripped of the powerful cultivation base it should have had, but some aspects of that still remained—chiefly, his physical body. It was still the body of a third realm cultivator, though one that was significantly starved of the Qi it would have needed to operate at full power. Aki, however, had recently unlocked his second Qi string, and the one he had condensed was a strong one indeed.

All this to say that yes, his fist hit the man pretty darn hard.

Grey Goop’s face was crushed under the fist, and he was sent flying. Aki almost celebrated, however, he saw a the man bring out a pill from his robes, and eat it mid-air. The man landed back on his feat and spat out a big glop of blood. He glared at Aki.

“You dare try treachery against me, young master Grey Goop?” He shouted, conjuring up globs of roiling slime above his head.

Well, shit. I was kinda hoping I could take him out with one punch. I guess I can try to confuse him more.

“You have mistaken me young master, the legacy of the seven-sided moon is not a gentle one—if you want to obtain true power, that is. You should be able to understand this if you have listened to the true teaching well enough.” He said with a mysterious smile. He was getting quite good at those by now.

The young master did not seem cowed by Aki’s speech. “What? Do not speak in riddles, harlot. I will have an explanation for this!”

Aki grimaced mentally. I guess that type of stuff doesn’t work as well if you’ve just punched ‘em in the face. Maybe I need to try an alternate approach?

You are reading story Easygoing Sect Leader (Isekai Cultivation) at novel35.com

Aki turned his back to the man who was still preparing the globs of slime for an attack. Aki was pretty sure he could outrun them. “If the legacy of the seven-faced elder interests you not, I will take my leave. Another worthy one shall be found.”

This time the man’s face turned to confusion, then interest. As Aki began walking away calmly, he stopped conjuring up his globs of slime and called out. “Wait, where do you think you are going? I demand an explanation.”

Aki turned back and smiled—the man had bitten the bait. Aki only needed to stall for a bit more, because the man seemed to have forgotten about Little Hawk entirely. To be frank, Aki had too. The disciple had scuttered off as soon as Aki had entered the fight, and it was only by chance that Aki had noticed him sneaking behind Grey Goop, holding something that looked like a fancy umbrella of all things. Is that his [Mysterious Cheat Item]? An umbrella? I wish I had gotten one of those when I came here...

Aki turned to face the young master and continued speaking. “Ah, you wish to compete in the seven deadly trials of godhood? It would be a worthy challenge for one of your stature.”

“What? I’ve never heard of that? What is this trial you speak of.”

Aki smiled coyly. “Why, you haven’t heard of it? It is—”

Little Hawk’s umbrella smacked Grey Goop on the head, and the young master’s cultivation base seemed to go out of control. His face turned to a panic as his Qi began to roil out in wild threads, wrapping him up in a cocoon.

Aki was rather curious about what exactly was going on here, but his curiosity went unanswered as the technique suddenly stopped, and both Little Hawk and Grey Goop collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. Aki was the only one left standing in the vicinity.

Well, this is awkward.

Aki looked over the suddenly silent mountaintop, and at last his eyes were drawn to the spot of power, which seemed to be a clear mountain spring. He could sense rich water Qi around it, bubbling up to the surface from the depths of the mountain.

I mean... I planned to help my disciple out, but... Aki looked at the unconscious Little Hawk. Yeah, he’s a little indisposed right now. Surely I could just have a try at this.

Aki walked over to the spot of power and began condensing the water Qi in the manner which he had practiced. He however noticed an issue. The water QI he had been gathering in his core so far was warm, relaxed and calm, while the water Qi in this spot was cold, harsh and vigorous. It was quite the contrast.

As the two types of water Qi collided in his core, he felt a backlash and spat out blood. He immediately stopped trying to cultivate any more of it. Aki looked at the spot of power with dismay. I guess that earlier steam place really would have fit me a lot better. This is just a bit too different from what I’m used to.

He looked back over to the unconscious Little Hawk. His ragged hair was in a tangle, and his face was caked with sweat and blood. Still, the young man’s vital energies seemed to be fine, so Aki was not worried. Ideally, I would help him cultivate this stuff as I can’t. Can I do that somehow despite him being unconscious?

Aki walked over and picked up the unconscious young man, then carried him over to the spot of power. He set him down in the middle of the roiling Qi and waited. Nothing happened. Drat. I guess you really do need some sort of active component for cultivation. Just sleeping in the Qi would have been very convenient.

Aki walked back to the man and kneeled on top of the spot of power. He took Little Hawk’s head, and placed it on his lap. For his next attempt, he wanted to actively try guiding water Qi into the man’s meridians. Alright, let’s see if this works.

Aki started gathering up strands of water Qi, and then slowly started guiding them towards the sleeping Little Hawk. He swept his body with a strong spiritual sense, trying to find the way his meridians were arrayed. With the layout figured out, Aki began guiding the water Qi inside.

However, as soon as the Qi started entering inside the young man, he shivered and opened his eyes. Aki looked him in the eye and smiled. Excellent. If that woke him up, he can now cultivate on his own.

The man looked around in a daze as he took in the situation, then he suddenly blushed furiously and stood up. “E-excuse me miss... I take it you helped me?”

Aki looked at the blushing man and felt confused at his reaction. Then, suddenly, a grim realization hit him. Aki shuddered. Wait a minute. He is fighting an overwhelming enemy, and then a mysterious swordswoman arrives to save the day. He falls unconscious, but wakes up with his head in her lap.

Aki looked at the man with open horror. I’ve totally set myself up for a [Mysterious Jade Beauty] harem flag here, haven’t I? Aki felt in his soul that this young man was somehow favoured by the heavens, and he knew how dangerous getting tangled up in such fates could be. He knew he needed to correct this situation—fast.

Ok, I need to make sure there are no misunderstandings here. I need to be absolutely clear with him.

Aki stood up, blushing furiously himself. He pointed an accusing finger at Little Hawk. “H-hey! This is a misunderstanding, alright! I-it’s not like I like you, or anything!”

Aki smacked himself on the head as he realized just what he had said. Oh no, I was panicking too much and now I sounded like some type of desperate tsundere!

The young man was opened his mouth for a response, but Aki did not want to hear it. He felt that staying here could only make things worse. He turned tail and fled.

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