Echidna: The Remodeling of Humanity

Chapter 15: 1x0d: Insect

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Dear diary,

There was a demon at school today.

A real demon. A real supernatural creature. Right there in the school.

She was horribly pale, as if she’d never been out in the sun before. She wore some fancy earrings, too, some of them dangly and hypnotic pretty. She had these horns coated in what looked like rubber or PVC, like some gacha fetish thing. why do I know these things But it couldn’t be, couldn’t possibly, they looked like they’d never had dirt on them! Like they were coated in glistening oil!

She had a tail, too. It looked like it was made of the same stuff as the horns, but it wriggled around like it was alive. But she was clearly in control of it; I saw her holding a phone with it, even. Even a pro cosplay tail couldn’t do that.

Gloves, too. Ending in glowing purple claws. Actually, most of her ‘demon’ parts glowed, as did her eyes…

And yet, I feel like there’s even more than that, that I can’t see. That maybe she doesn’t want me to see.

Um, how do I know she’s a real demon? Well…

No one else at school noticed anything. They all were just acting like this was totally normal. It was like she was the popular girl everyone knew, who had been here from the start. A single touch by her made girls excited, and she could just casually do it, even in the most lewd and inappropriate ways…

I think one came by being touched

I snuck up and watched her on the roof with some other girls who tried to confront her, and her tail turned into some kind of stinger, and with a single injection of whatever was in it, they kneeled and looked like they were brainwashed.

Then Celina, that American girl with the big hair, walked into the computer lab. She then ran out, before walking back in like she’d been brainwashed why do I know what that looks like anyway, just like those girls from before. And when she walked out, she looked like she’d…

um, I guess I don’t know how I’d know this, but she looked like she’d just, um…had a really good session of, um, masturbation? Or, it must be sex, because when I looked in, I saw the demon look me right in the eye

and she just gave me this huge shit-eating grin before I ran away almost as fast as Alice could.

I think she might already be starting to brainwash I can’t go back to school.

Dear diary,

I went back to school. I swear I tried not to, but I did.

Today, the demon told me her name was ‘Rita’.


that’s just a normal name, right? Just a regular ol’ American name? One anyone could have? I expected something different! Like…um, I guess ‘Lilith’ or ‘Homura’ are classics, but something with more syllables? ‘Morrigan’? Uh, who is it my uncle likes…‘Albedo’? Maybe?

But no, she’s just ‘Rita’.

That’s not the name of a demon, that’s the name of a lame ineffectual supervillain! Y’know, I caught that guy whose name is a letter making jokes about a terrible sentai supervillain from the Heisei era named Rita with that creepy ____ guy who keeps bothering my crush onee-sama senpai Alice! Um, how did it go…?

“After ten thousand years, I’m free! It’s time to brainwash girls remodel humans for Yuri to masturbate to the Demon Lord conquer Earth!”

part of me thinks ____ and Rita are the same person, but that couldn’t possibly be true, right

Um, according to my research, there’s a Catholic saint named Rita. Patron of abused and heartbroken women. It sounds kinda gross to me, though. But it’s short for ‘Margarita’, which means ‘pearl’…or, uh, some kind of booze? No, that can’t be right.

still doesn’t add up to me, none of this feels right, how is there a demon at my school, how is she

she smells like love

I want to kneel to her

No, no, I can’t think like that! I can’t let her brainwash me! I have to resist! I have to resist, for Alice’s sake! I can’t breathe in and be hypnotised trust rita love rita obey rita

Dear diary,

I’m sorry. I masturbated to Rita.

I promise I’ll do better next time.

Dear diary,

please let me free

free me

free me

free me

free me

free me

free me

Dear diary,

I’m sorry I got girlcum on you.

Dear diary,

Rita made me write this.

I finally returned to school again today. because Rita willed it That letter girl is still kissing Rita’s feet, and has started wearing a girl’s uniform. I saw Celina going around with horns like Rita’s and a tail up her bum, and she bent over to pull it out and it was as thick as a water bottle. I think Nabeshima-sensei is holding a brainwashing class now or something; she used to be this total doormat, but now she’s teaching them trust rita love rita naughty things about arousing tempting perfect gross anime masks. What happened to Spaceflight?

It’s clear to me now. The entire school has been taken over by Rita. Only one person still hasn’t come back…

Alice, please, don’t come back.

“Really, Yuri? You’re still trying to pull away? You’re so close, that I could probably just…” Rita showed off her tail to me, at lunch hour. It dropped a single drop of black fluid into letter girl’s mouth, and she swallowed like it was the most amazing thing in the world. it made me wet I looked away.

“Um. There’s someone important to me…” I swallowed as I told her. “I, um, I don’t want to betray her. I don’t want to surrender. Even though just breathing in near you makes me wet. Even though my heart screams for it.

“Really…so, you have a crush, huh? On Alicia, of all people?”

I almost screamed. I was so scared, I was so scared of how she saw right through me. Could everyone see it? Could everyone see, that I was, I was always around her, I wanted so badly to tell her I loved her, did everyone know?

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“I could give her to you,” Rita said, stroking G’s purple hair. “I could brainwash her. Turn her into your girlfriend. Wouldn’t you want that?”

why didn’t I say yes

“N-no! I want, um, I need her, um, umm…I want to…” I shook my head, trying to resist the urge to kneel to the Demon Lord Rita. “It’s meaningless, if it’s like that…I don’t even need her to accept. I’m fine if she rejects me. I just love her so much.” it was too easy to surrender my thoughts to her.

Uhuhu,” she laughed. her laughing makes me wet “How amusing…alright then. If you really feel this way, I’ll let off, you know? I’ve got more than enough insects to maintain order, if you don’t end up giving the game away.” being insect makes me wet “But why don’t I show you something?”

The purple light on Rita’s horns shifted, and a hologram appeared in mid-air. It was of some conversation a while back somewhere in the school, recorded by the demon’s smartglasses. And it was two people I knew really well…

“You know, sometimes I don’t know why we’re even friends with the dyke,” my crush said. Alice said. “Every time Sabina kisses a girl I have to reach for the barf bag.”

“I know, right?” said one of her other friends – Marie, Danielle, I couldn’t tell from just a recording. “Can’t she keep her opinions to herself? She’s always shoving it in our face.”

“If she didn’t know how to get us good booze, I’d dump her in a heartbeat.”

“It’s unnatural.” My crush rolls her eyes. “She lived in LA for a while, I bet she got poisoned by the water.”


Part of me wanted to cry.

But I didn’t. I’d already cried for the same reason, so many times before.

“…you’ve always known, right?” said Rita. “That’s why you’ve never told her. It would be bad enough to get rejected, but knowing that saying it would make her look at you like that, it’d be too much to bear.

“Honestly, I don’t really get it, but love is funny like that, huh? Uhuhu.” Rita licked her shiny, wet lips and I stared into her hypnotic, mesmerizing glowing violet eyes. “She’ll be around tomorrow, right? I totally could brainwash her. Turn her into your girlfriend. Remodel her brain into something more appropriate for the late Reiwa era. Someone who can only love girls.” She licked her lips again. her tongue is so thick and long I want it inside me

I tried to think. don’t wanna think Tried to think through the noise and pressure and static I felt emanating from Rita’s horns.

And then she made her offer.

“Or, you could just surrender yourself to me, Yuri, and I could make you forget all about it. It’d be better that way, wouldn’t it? Your love could be directed entirely toward me.”

Her tail, as Rita shoved a finger into G’s lips and the girl sucked on it like a penis her tail just before, stretched forward and between my legs, pulling upward and rubbing against my panties and my private place. “Why don’t you decide? Pleasure everlasting, or rejection? Freedom, or happiness? Go on, Yuri, I’m giving you that choice.”

Rita makes me wet

I felt so good I wanted to give my soul away right then and here

don’t wanna think anymore

I stared into her eyes. I tried to pull away, I swear I did, but I couldn’t. No one can resist Rita. No one…

I let her brainwash me

no insect can win against Rita…

and when she was done with me, I was never the same again.

Surrender yourself to the Demon Lord, insects.

Surrender your soul to the Machine Empire.

Dear diary,

I’m sorry, Alice.

If you ever read this, I’m so sorry.

I’m surrendering my will to the Demon Lord, okay? Remember, it’s your own fault for being such a homophobic bitch I’ll always be your cute little sister. Someday you’ll unbrainwash me and we’ll both laugh about it, okay?

But I can’t resist.

The Demon Lord has placed her mark on me. She stung my brain and my soul. Even if I tried, I’ve given myself away. I’m not sure I can think for myself anymore.

I don’t want to think for myself anymore She’s given me something to listen to. And I’m going to. It hurts too much to love you when I know you’ll hate me. I can’t stand having fallen in love with someone who’s so callous and hateful. It’s less painful to forget than be rejected.

I’m going to listen to the Demon Lord’s podcast now, okay?

I love you, Alicia. I promise I’ll try not to forget entirely about you.

even if you deserve it I’m sorry.

Dear diary,

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Trust Rita. Love Rita. Obey Rita.

Just Rita.

Just Rita.

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