Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 27: Chapter 22.1: Julius, Certified Lady Killer and Goblin Slayer (Part I)

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Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 22: Julius, Certified Lady Killer and Goblin Slayer (Part I)

Our visit to Norvek has almost come to an end. My family and Mia's family were all busy loading our newly bought wagon and tending our new horses to depart to our home.

While I was finishing packing a few of our new things at Auntie's house by myself, I was interrupted by a certain person just a few moments ago.

“I am serious when I tell you this… fail to write to me and I will personally come to see you at your village to demand an explanation! You must absolutely not forget to write me letters, you hear me!” Marina pointed at me and spoke with authority. Though, the expression she had didn’t match her tone at all as she seemed to be on the verge of tears.

“I promise I won’t forget to write back, Marina.” I smiled warmly at Marina who was grasping both of my hands tightly with her remaining hand…

A week has passed since the execution of the lord of this region and his sons. Things have been pretty hectic in Norvek during the last week, for obvious reasons.

Eliana, with the help of Auntie and the Adventurer’s Guild, has been capturing and putting under arrest all of those who actively participated in the ‘business’ of the Earl. They are also relentlessly pursuing any information about any accomplices of the now-deceased Earl who helped him kidnap people from the neighboring countries and those who bought slaves from him.

Because of that, we have barely seen Auntie in the last week. The only times we did see her were when she came to sleep or to take a bath. Each of those times she had a tired expression and spoke with annoyance about the whole situation.

In the few times that we could actually have to talk, I asked her to tell me about the execution and what was going to happen with the ones who have been turned into slaves. This was mostly due to my own morbid curiosity.

She told me that the Guild would help them return to their homelands free of charge if they wished to do so. If not, the guild would support them in making a new life for themselves here in the Empire.

Something that is quite impressive and admirable, in my opinion. I respect the Guild and my Auntie more because of that. 

As for the execution… She didn’t give me many details other than saying that the Earl apparently spoke in an unknown language during his final moments. His sons died praying, apparently.

That is all I managed to get Auntie to tell me about the execution. She refused to answer any more questions about it and every time I tried asking her again she hit me with the line: "Asking too many questions about this topic is not good for a child, go play with your friends!"

Since she told me that, I decided not to pry any further about the topic. Mainly, because I lost interest since there were far more interesting things going on at the moment.

Anyway, my family and I have been running some errands as well as doing some sightseeing during the last week.

My dad and I went to the local blacksmith and bought some weapons for me to learn how to use and some leather armor to use during training so I can get used to wearing it.

I'm pretty happy with all the things we bought. I never thought I would get to use an actual Chakram... I'm looking forward to learning how to use it! 

Although I'm quite surprised they have those here since they were invented in India. I guess this must be the doing of another otherworlder. Or maybe the people here came up with the weapon on their own?

Well, I don't think wouldn't be any harm in studying the history of this weapon in this world.

Anyhow, I also went to the market with my mother and my sisters. That day Mia had to go with her parents to say goodbye to everyone they knew in town and Marina was with Eliana visiting Lady Casca, the ruler of this region.

While I was a bit bummed that they didn't come with us, I was also happy to get some time together with just my mother and sisters.

Anyhow! I found something preeeetty great while we were at the market with my mother!

Do you wanna take a guess? Or should I tell you? Fufufu!

Alright, the answer is… Strawberry and watermelon seeds!

Hahaha! I can't wait to eat some watermelon this summer! If I plant these seeds as soon as I get back home, they should be able to grow nicely. Same with the strawberries!

I’ve done some gardening before with my mom back on Earth, so I am confident that I can take care of our future plants! 

But you know what's the best part about all of this? I can use the strawberries and watermelons to make fruit-scented soaps!

The idea of making a business with soap is becoming very appealing now... I'll need funds for traveling in the future, after all.

For that to happen, I would have to figure out a new recipe and an efficient way of producing it.

I'll figure out everything when we get home.

I was already pretty happy with what we got, but I didn't expect to become even happier due to the short visit to the market.

My sisters unknowingly found a few seeds for orange trees! It was a bit expensive, but my mother said that it would be great to be able to have oranges whenever we want. She bought the seed without any hesitation, even though I told her it would take years until the orange tree started producing fruit.

Just like my mother, I am really looking forward to eating some oranges when the tree finally gives us the delicious fruit!

I guess we will also have orange-scented soaps on the market in a few years.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any coffee nor anything that resembled it…

Oh well… I can't do anything about that but keep looking for it… I hope it does exist in this world...

That's pretty much all the things that happened to us this week. 

Sure, there are more things I could mention, like that time where Mia hit Klein right in the nose with his book or when Marina tried to make those pancakes that were spawned straight from hell, or when the twins tried to prank Dad with some weird-looking masks they bought from the market, but they ended up scaring me instead when I was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night… 

I think I'll keep all that to myself for now...

“Your highness, I am afraid that our time here is running short. Lady Eliana requires your presence to deal with some important matters.” Marie, the elven woman who serves Eliana, bowed to Marina as she urged us to be quick about our farewell.

“Those things can wait...” Marina shook her head and refused to let go of me…

“Lady Eliana insisted on you being with her at the meeting with Lady Casca. I deeply apologize for interrupting you, but we must go…” Marie spoke with a somewhat nervous tone, yet she managed to remain firm in order to fulfill her orders.

“...” Marina frowned as she let go of me without letting out any words of complaint, even though it was clear she wanted to stay for a while longer.

Despite all her brattiness, and all of her dignity or whatever you want to call it, she’s still just a kid. 

In the last few days, she has gotten quite attached to me as well as the twins and Mia. Klein, not so much since he didn’t really play with us and just stayed in the background reading.

It is difficult to say goodbye to the people you call your friends, even if it is a temporary one. I know this far too well since I spent most of my early childhood on Earth moving across several countries with my biological parents. I can relate to how Marina feels about us not seeing each other for a while.

Even as an adult, saying goodbye is not an easy thing to do. For that reason, I don't really mind indulging Marina for a bit.

At least, in this case, we will be in the same country and we know when we will see each other again.

I looked at the elven woman who now looked like she was doubting herself after seeing Marina's disappointed expression.

I think I'm feeling pretty childish myself today.

"Umm… Miss Marie, are you sure she can't stay just a little bit longer…?" I asked Marie with a seemingly sad expression.

Both Marina looked at me with puzzled expressions. Marina even more so than Marie.

"We aren't going to see each other in a long time, so even spending a little bit more time with her would be enough for me… Pleeeeease!" I looked at her and used the ultimate skill universally known as Puppy Eyes.

Marina's puzzled expression suddenly turned into shock because this was the first time she had seen me like this.

"Huh…?" Marina looked at me wide-eyed as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Hehehe! It feels pretty good to be able to try this out on someone since I'm usually on the other end of this situation...

Thanks to Marina's reaction alone, I was already feeling pretty satisfied! I was certain (not really) that this tactic would work with Marie just by looking at Marina.

And believe it or not, I was right. Though that was unbeknownst to me… 

I would soon find out that I had majorly overdone it…

<SYSTEM ANNOUNCEMENT: The user has gained the Title: [Novice Lady Killer]. The title has been added to the user status. 

Requirements: Captivate one or possibly more women who are older than the user. 

An alternate title known as [Novice Gentlemen Killer] could also be gained…>

Excuse me, what...?

Naturally, I was dumbfounded thanks to the sudden announcement of the mechanical voice in my head…

"I… Umm… if this stays as our little secret then I don't think Lady Eliana would get angry if we were late by just a couple of minutes…" Marie, the previously firm yet nervous maid, was now looking pretty flustered. 

Her cheeks and even her ears were painted in a bright shade of red while her eyes were wandering all across the room, trying to avoid my gaze at all costs.

It was Marie's flustered voice that made me snap out of my dumbfounded state.

While I was witnessing Marie nervously twiddling with her thumbs while avoiding making eye contact with me, I decided to open my Status.


Name: Julius / Crux ♦♦v♦♦ 

Race: Human

Age: 7 years old

Ability Points: 25 points

Titles: Reincarnator(?) / Transmigrator(?) / Novice Lady Killer NEW! /

Jobs: Unemployed

Level: 2


  • HP: 92
  • MP: 110
  • STR: 26
  • VIT: 79
  • DEF: 18
  • RES: 20
  • LUCK: 34
  • SPD: 32
  • INT: 130


  • Cooking / Level 5 ↑ LEVEL UP!
  • Crafting: Soap Making / Level 1
  • Stealth / Level 2 ↑ LEVEL UP!
  • Archery / Level 1
  • Hunting / Level 1
  • Magic: Fire Element / Level 3
  • Elemental Resistance: Fire / Level 1
  • Magic: Dark Element / Level 1 
  • Elemental Resistance: Dark / Level 1
  • Magic: Earth Element / Level 1
  • Elemental Resistance: Earth / Level 1
  • Magic: Wind Element / Level 1 
  • Elemental Resistance: Wind / Level 1
  • Magic: Light Element / Level 1 
  • Elemental Resistance: Light / Level 1
  • Magic: Water Element / Level 2 ↑ LEVEL UP!
  • Elemental Resistance: Water / Level 1
  • Mana Manipulation / Level 3 
  • Mana Perception / Level 3
  • Swordsmanship / Level 3
  • Poison Resist / Level 2
  • Pain Resist / Level 1
  • Paralysis Resist / Level 2
  • Charm Resist / Level 2 ↑ LEVEL UP!

The title had actually appeared on my status, right beside the most confusing title I had… 

I don't know whether I should be happy that my tactical puppy eyes worked (although, not as I intended) or if I should feel worried about my mother looking into my status and seeing this troublesome title…

I really hope Lia's powers are still working on me despite her absence… 

Speaking of which, I really hope she returns soon. Just by looking at my status, I was reminded of a few questions that I have for her.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait...

Of course, I didn't forget to follow through with what I had started.

"Thank you very much, Miss Marie!" I smiled warmly at the maid as I thanked her.

"I-It is nothing…" Marie's eyes met mine just before she became even more of a flustered mess. She immediately started twiddling with her thumbs at an inhuman speed.

I have to admit, the sight of this flustered elven woman is pretty cute and funny.

While I was thinking of that, I turned around to face Marina.

"That was… Odd…" Marina was still looking at me with a puzzled expression. She was also shooting some glances at the flustered elven maid every now and then.

"Why? I just asked nicely." I feigned ignorance with a smile on my face. "Then? Is there anything else you want to do with me or tell me before our time is up?" My smile immediately turned into a grin as soon as those words came out of my mouth.

Since I'm feeling pretty childish today and we are not going to see each other for a while, it would be a crime not to tease her a bit.

"Ummm… Well… I was with Liliana, Luna, and Mia before coming here and… How to say this…?" Marina averted her gaze as she found herself at a loss for words.

I, with a cheeky smile on my face, got closer to Marina while she wasn't looking at me.

I could already guess what she did with my sisters and Mia that she's struggling so much to say on her own.

"What did you do with them?" I asked Marina with a seemingly innocent expression.

"..." Marina didn't respond.

Just like Marie, she started avoiding my gaze each time I tried to make her look at me.

I really shouldn't have this much fun teasing her, but I can't help myself for some reason.

"You're pretty mean to me, you know that…?" Marina suddenly muttered after taking a look at me while frowning.

Before I even had the chance to reply, Marina quickly wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

As soon as that happened, I was able to hear a squeal that was made by a certain elven maiden nearby.

"I will miss you…" Marina whispered in my ear with clear embarrassment in her voice.

Of course, I immediately returned the hug as soon as I heard those words.

"I'll really miss you too." I said to Marina.

Although there are some big issues about her family and her father doing the whole "enslaving otherworlders for our gain" thing, I genuinely think Marina is a good person. She can be a brat at times, but she is still a good person. I might be too trusting for my own good, but that's how I feel about her.

And she's also a precious friend, so I can't wait to see her again.

However, despite how good my relationship is with Marina, I can't let myself get careless. Especially against the likes of her father and her aunt…

Unfortunately, our heartwarming goodbye hug wouldn't last for much longer...

"Ahem." Someone coughed from behind us to get our attention. 

The moment I turned my head around, I noticed a familiar old man wearing a butler's attire…

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"Your highness, I apologize for the intrusion but I am afraid that you will be late to the meeting with Lady Casca." The old butler simply bowed before Marina with grace and dignity.

I was expecting Marina to just let go of me like she had done before when Marie tried to separate us, but this time, Marina did the opposite instead.

“I’m staying until my friends depart from this town. I don’t care about the reunion.” Marina started acting like a brat in front of her servants as she started hugging me tightly…

Well… While I might be calling it a hug, it actually resembles a wrestling hold… This is obviously due to Marina being way stronger than she looks… I was genuinely struggling a bit just to make her hug less tight…

Unless I use magic, there’s no way for me to physically overpower Marina who is apparently Level 15… She told me about her level a few days ago.

Well… Who needs to breathe anyway, am I right? Hahaha…

“Your highness, as your professor of etiquette, I am disappointed by your nonchalant attitude. The future Empress of our country should act with dignity at all times, especially in front of her servants and friends. Skipping on an official meeting will only tarnish your image.” The old butler shook his head with disapproval. “However, if that is your wish, this humble servant has no other choice but to comply.” The old man bowed.

Wait a minute… Is he trying to use reverse psychology on Marina? That’s a bit unexpected…

“...?” Marina looked at the butler with a perplexed expression while keeping her hug tighter than I would normally like… “Are you not going to try to drag me to the meeting?” Marina asked after hesitating for a few moments.

“Your highness, we both know that I do not hold that kind of power over you. You’re the Crown Princess of the Marcelian Empire, the only ones with power over you are his majesty, your father, and the gods themselves. An old man like me can only hope to fulfill my responsibilities of teaching you adequate manners and taking care of your needs.” The butler shook his head while keeping the most serene expression I had ever seen.

“...” Marina suddenly fell silent. She had gotten lost in her own thoughts. Luckily for me, I was able to breathe normally again as her hug finally got less tight…

“Although I can still try to encourage you to attend for the sake of your respect for Lady Eliana.” As if he was putting the final nail on the coffin, the old butler used those words to finish his argument.

Marina seemed at a loss for words for a second… Although reluctantly, she decided to quickly put an end to our hug... Something which really surprised me… 

Deep down, I was relieved that I had been released from my prison, but of course, I will never tell her that.

“You’re right... I am ashamed of my shameful display and my improper attitude…” Marina apologized to the old butler while casting a few short glances at me.

“There’s nothing to apologize for. These kinds of things are normal for a child, like yourself, your highness. After all, not being able to see a precious friend is something very sad.” The old man spoke with an almost yearning tone as if he was remembering a far and distant past. “However, you can rest assured that I will personally deliver each and every single letter to your friend.” He bowed to Marina once again.

“I wouldn’t expect less.” Marina replied with a dignified tone. She was speaking in the same way she did the day we met. “We will depart for the meeting at once.” Marina gave her orders before she started walking towards the door.

I just silently stared at her back as she was leaving… However, she immediately turned around and started looking at me quite intently. She grabbed the tips of her frilly dress and bowed in the most graceful way I had ever seen.

For a moment, I couldn’t help feeling mesmerized by the sight… I could only think of how beautiful she looked…

“Although this really pains me and I don’t want to say it, our time together has come to an end... For now, at least. I will look forward to reading your letters and I hope you feel the same way about mine… From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for becoming my friend, Julius. I definitely prefer this instead of having you as a servant.” Marina showed me a wide smile. “Please don’t forget that you still have to represent me in the tournament three years from now! I will look forward to it! Farewell!” Marina stuck her tongue out in the most childish and playful manner before running outside without waiting for my reply. That single action really reminded me of Liliana for some reason.

(Jeez… This self-proclaimed best friend of mine can be quite complicated to understand at times…) I just smiled as I stared at the open door as a bittersweet feeling attacked me due to already missing my friend…

While I was already lost in my own thoughts, a hand that wore a white glove was suddenly placed on my shoulder.

“I am afraid we haven’t had the time to introduce ourselves to each other, young one.” The hand belonged to the old butler. “My name is Tian Sebas, I have been under the service of the crown for the last seventy years. It is a pleasure to become your acquaintance, son of the Skull Crusher.” The old butler finally introduced himself to me.

Pfffft! No way! No fucking way! I was just kidding when I thought that I wouldn’t be surprised if he was called Sebastian, but this is too much! Hahahaha!

I was completely caught off guard by his name… I’m ashamed to admit that I had to do everything in my power in order not to laugh in front of the diligent old man in front of me…

I genuinely couldn’t believe that he was named like that…

“I… It is a pleasure to… Meet you too…” I tried to speak while holding back my laughter with all my might, making it seem like I was stuttering due to being nervous...

“If I am not mistaken, your name was Julius, was it? I thank you for treating her highness as just another common child. I believe that this experience will shape her to become a better person and a better ruler in the future.” The old butler patted my back earnestly. “However, just because I’m grateful doesn’t mean there aren’t things that I believe you should improve if you wish to continue being friends with her highness.” Tian Sebas had a strange sparkle in his eyes.

Unfortunately for him, I couldn't take him seriously… I was giving my all into not losing it in front of him and Marie… I really felt bad about it, but I just couldn’t help it.

“I will be regularly visiting your village in order to deliver you the letters of her highness. For the sake of your friendship with her, I will personally teach you the etiquette required for those who are friends with royalty. This is not negotiable, so please prepare yourself for our lessons.” The old butler continued to speak while I didn’t pay any attention…

(Gods… I don’t think I can hold on for much longer…) I was holding my stomach, still giving my best in order not to laugh but I was quickly approaching my limits…

“If you don’t mind, it is time for us to take our leave. After all, we must stay by the side of her highness at all times as her faithful servants.” The old man patted my back one last time before he walked outside the house.

(Oh thank Melius…) I was relieved that he was about to leave. I didn’t want him to witness what was about to happen…

The old butler had left… I could finally let go of all this laughter that had been contained within me… I could finally roll around the floor while laughing hysterically without feeling bad about it.

However, just mere seconds before I could let it all out… I felt a small hand touching my shoulder. That hand belonged to Marie, the elven maid.

“I… Ummm… I was wondering… Could I get a hug too…?” Her cheeks and ears were painted in a deep crimson. Her delicate fingers were playing nervously with my sleeve.


The amusement I was experiencing just a few moments ago was completely erased just by that simple question… I was now just feeling really awkward… How could I not be?

Unfortunately for Marie, her wish would not come true today…

“Marie? What are you waiting for?” Tian Sebas’ voice echoed through the living room of Auntie’s house.

“Ah… I’m going! Sorry!” Marie apologized in a panic… “Umm… I hope we see each other again… Until then, I’ll be waiting!” Marie whispered before leaving.

She quickly ran towards the door, only stopping to bow to me in a similar manner Marina had done previously before actually leaving.

I was left there, looking at the door unsure whether I should feel sad due to not being able to see my friend, laugh due to the strange name of the old butler, or if I should feel flattered or confused about the sudden request of the elven maid.

Fortunately for me, I wouldn’t have to deal with this myriad of emotions for long as my family would arrive shortly after the departure of the princess and her servants.

Oh, who am I kidding, my choice was clear from the start… My sisters eventually found me rolling on the ground while laughing like a maniac due to the strange yet almost stereotypically accurate name of the old butler.

-----Liliana’s POV-----

We were finally on our way home after leaving Norvek behind. We were currently traveling through the beautiful and infinite grasslands of the Empire after leaving behind the seas of wheat around Norvek.

In our wagon, it was just me, Luna, Mia, Julius on the back and my mother handling the horses. My father was traveling on a different wagon on his own while Mrs. Natalie and Mr. Harold were traveling with Klein in another wagon of their own. We are basically a caravan!

Sadly, Auntie had to stay in Norvek because some big stuff happened regarding the execution of the lord of the region. Sigh… I really wish she would quit the job she clearly dislikes to come and live with us…

Anyway, I don't want to get sad again so let’s continue! The trip so far has been very peaceful and uneventful! Even the guys of another caravan of adventurers waved at us! They were carrying the corpse of a monster called Draco-mantis on their cart! It was a huge insect that had gigantic swords instead of arms! It looked super gross and super cool at the same time!

Although things have been nice on our trip, there have also been a few problems… One of those is the speed we are traveling at… This is because Mia and her family have a bunch of stuff… It almost seemed like the hoard of a dragon!

We had to buy another carriage just to carry their things! 

I’m not blaming them, but I don’t even know why they need that much stuff… After all, mom always says that life is better if all of the important things you have can fit in a bag!

Anyway! Another problem I have right now is…

“I’m so boreeeeeeeeeed! Are we there yet?” I asked for the second time.

“Nope.” My mother replied while enjoying the scenery outside.

“We are not even close yet.” My little sister answered nonchalantly.

“Hey, don’t stop now! I want to see if the prince actually kisses the heroine!” Mia said to Luna with a lot of expectations.

“Mn… It is getting very interesting now…” Luna nodded and continued reading the romance novel she and Mia got at the market the other day. 

This novel is apparently a very famous one in the capital at the moment. This particular novel has a whole series of at least fourteen or fifteen books, all written by someone that goes by the name of M. N. Grapes.

While I like romance novels just as much as those two, I would get really dizzy if I tried to read in this shaky carriage… I’m also not in the mood right now…

“What a drag!” I said as I threw myself to the wooden floor of the wagon. I was convinced that I would die of boredom before reaching our village.

As I was laying on the floor, I started rolling around until I spotted what I wanted to look at.

A black-haired boy laying on the ground, soundly asleep. He had a very peaceful expression.

(There you are.) I thought while crawling closer to him.

I wonder what he’s dreaming about… I bet that it is the thing that made him laugh when we returned to Auntie’s house before leaving the town. 

He was just rolling on the ground holding his stomach and laughing like a crazy person all the while saying: “I’m sorry! I can’t take him seriously with that name!”

Afterward, he didn’t even tell us the joke or what happened to make him laugh like that! So I’m currently very annoyed at him, mainly because I’m bored and it wouldn’t have hurt him to tell me the joke…

The only thing he said was that Marina had visited to say goodbye.

Which reminds me…

“Luna.” I called my sisters name.

“What? We are on the best part…” Luna stopped reading and looked at me while frowning.

“You have gotten pretty outspoken ever since Marina came into the fray.” I grinned from ear to ear as I started teasing her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” She tried to use the book in her hands to hide her embarrassed expression.

“You know exactly what I am talking about.” I said with an innocent tone.

Marina is a bit weird. She said that she had never had friends before and that Julius was her first friend. Because of that, she was extremely clingy, and that is saying a lot coming from me who is also very clingy.

Ever since that football game Julius taught us to play, a burning fire sparked deep within my little sister. She became less shy and more competitive and outgoing when Marina was around.

My guess as the older twin is that she sees Marina as a love rival for Julius' attention! Something which makes me glad, mainly because she’s not competing with me or Mia…

I have learned that my little sister can be really terrifying when she’s in a competitive mood…

“You have been more confident these last few days, Luna. I think this trip was quite wonderful because of that.” My mother joined the conversation.

“Ah! Now that you mention it… It's true!” Mia’s ears suddenly perked up.

“Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Luna shook her head in denial.

She can deny it as much as she wants, but it still doesn’t change the fact that she has been less shy ever since Marina became our friend.

“What are you gonna say in your first letter to Marina?” I said to her with a warm smile.

Like I said before, Marina is a bit weird. I genuinely thought that she only wanted to receive letters from Julius since she was constantly reminding him every single day about sending letters to each other after we all left Norvek. I didn’t think that she would actually ask us to send her letters as well.

She also asked for my advice about how to say goodbye to Julius since she hadn't been in this situation before. So, I gave her some advice here and there about what to do since I had experienced saying goodbye to my friends when we left the capital to live in the forest. 

I’m convinced that everything went well despite Julius not telling me anything… Hmm… I will ask her about it in my letter!

“I don’t know yet… Maybe telling her that I will win next time we play football?” Luna simply shrugged.

“Or maybe you could tell her that you won’t lose?” I showed a teasing smile as I looked towards Julius.

“...” Luna looked at Julius as well for a moment… She then hid her face again with her book. “I might do that actually…” Luna spoke with a somewhat aggressive tone.

Yep… She’s really terrifying when she’s in this state… At this point, I am really convinced that Luna and Marina were enemies or rivals in a past life…

“So you’re basically sending her a letter claiming Julius as yours?” I giggled as I kept teasing her.

“Maybe.” Luna said without missing a beat with a very serious tone.

Ah, they grow so fast… I’m really happy that Luna is finally breaking out of her shell. I remember when we used to live in the capital and she was bullied by the older kids whenever mom and dad were working… I’m really proud of her.

“Then I will do the same! I won’t lose the opportunity to talk about my Beloved Prince!” Mia smiled warmly just as her ears started moving happily.

“That’s fine by me.” Luna shrugged. “Mia, let’s continue. We are almost reaching the end of the first book.” Luna quickly changed the topic back to what she was reading about…

“Okay! I really hope it has a happy ending!” Mia said happily as she got closer to Luna to be able to read directly from the book.

As Luna started to read the contents of the book out loud, I found myself casting a glance at my younger brother.

(Sheesh… How can you sleep so soundly when your older sister is feeling so bored…?) I asked him in my mind, waiting for him to eventually wake up and entertain me with stories of his former world.

Unfortunately, my wish didn’t come true… Julius remained asleep while I remained bored, lying on the floor of the carriage.

I hope something interesting happens soon... Otherwise, I will really die out of boredom…

Chapter 22: Julius, Certified Lady Killer and Goblin Slayer (Part I)


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