Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 51:  Chapter 41: The Three Reincarnators.

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Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 41: The Three Reincarnators.

-----??? POV-----

I was standing in the middle of my shared room, staring at my roommate with disbelief.

"Sarana unnie… Did you just fucking teleport all of our dirty laundry, all of our food waste, and all of the dust in the dining room to this room and then teleported all of that outside and hit, of all people, the goddamned Skull Crusher with all that!? The man who could snap us in half with his bare hands in less than a second!" I was having a hard time believing what had happened just mere moments ago.

My roommate was lazing around and lying under her bed covers. She answered my question by giving me a simple okay sign. I was able to see a pair of fox ears for a moment before her hand returned to her hiding place…

Ah… Fuck my life… Why do I even bother questioning unnie…?

"It is not like he knows my skills and that I was the one who did that! If anything, it was Grandpa's fault! He was the one who came here screaming at us to wake up as if the world was ending all of a sudden…" Sarana spoke with a muffled voice since she was still hiding under her bedsheets.

"I'm telling you, Lilia unnie will not be happy when she finds out about it!" I said in a panic.

"Jeez! You worry too much! She doesn't know that I can use Spatial Magic either! But if it worries you that much, I'll handle unnie. She's weak to my fluffy tails, after all." Sarana said as she raised her upper body, making the bedsheets that were covering her fall onto her lap. 

My roommate's naked body was fully exposed to me the moment the bedsheets fell…

Sarana was a foxkin. She had long blonde hair which was tied in a bun, as well as nine very fluffy tails attached to her lower back which were all the same color as her hair, while the tips of each tail were painted in a pure white. She had a pair of yellow-colored eyes and a smile that was full of mischief. 

Even as a woman myself, I had to admit that Sarana was extremely attractive. I'd call her sexy even… She has the right amount of fat in the best places, especially in her chest… She is very busty too, American double D's kind of busty, perhaps even more!

She's the kind of woman that would definitely make people on the streets, both men and women, check her out…

I'm not envious of her! I'm totally not!

"Fuck! At least wear some underwear!" I complained as I averted my gaze.

"What? Does it embarrass you to see your dear unnie naked? It is not like it is the first time either." She simply giggled while stretching.

"Just put something on! I don't care what it is!" I yelled at her.

"No can do! All my clothes were dirty and I kinda teleported them outside so…" She just shrugged. "Oh! How about this?" She suddenly decided to use her tails to hide her naked body.

"Somehow that just makes it worse…" I facepalmed.

"It looks very erotic, now that I think about it…" She started rubbing her chin while checking herself out. "Well, whatever. I cleaned every single corner of the house like grandpa asked, so I'll be going back to sleep. It is my midday nap beauty nap, after all. Good night!" She enthusiastically covered herself with her bedsheets from head to toe and went back to sleep.

She may be smoking hot on the outside, however, her personality is… Well, she's very lazy and the most perverted person I have ever met… She's also quite nerdy and has very obscure tastes in anime, manga, novels, and movies…

She also likes to act oblivious to people on the streets checking her out… In fact, she has turned down pretty much everyone who has ever asked her out… Her reasons? I'm not sure… She always changes the topic whenever I ask her.

In any case, Sarana is my older half-sister… Sort of… She was my older half-sister that I didn't know about in my previous life. In our current life, we are not related by blood. Hell! We aren't even from the same race!

Believe it or not, we didn't find out that we were sisters until we both found ourselves together in the Divine Realm of a goddess and we were told that we would be reincarnating together in a world with swords and magic.

How did that happen? In short, my dad from Earth was a deadbeat who bailed on Sarana when she was a baby.

The long story? Our father was an American working for the US military as an officer stationed in Japan. After a year and a half of being there, he left Sarana and her mother and cut all contact with them after the US military moved him to Korea, where he met my mother, then settled in Seoul, they got married, and then they had me a year and a half after they got married.

For the entirety of my life, he was a good father to me. He never gave me a reason to doubt that he was a good man, definitely not the kind that would abandon his own children… 

My high opinion of my dad quickly changed the moment I met Sarana in the Divine Realm of the Goddess we now follow. The last thing I remember before waking up in that place was drowning on a trip to the beach with my friends and someone I was crushing on… I was 14 years old.

The name of our Goddess is Catris, and she's the deity who rules over love in the world we live in.

Catris informed us of the fact that Sarana and I had died at the same time… She died after slipping in the bathroom and hitting the back of her neck… 

I couldn't imagine how much that would suck, but drowning sucked a lot too, so…

Anyway, this goddess also informed us of the fact that we were sisters and offered us a chance to live a new life together in a world different from Earth. All she wanted in exchange was that we would have to help her to do something when the time came. 

What's the thing she wants help with? I don't know, she said that we would find out about it later when she needed our help.

It wasn't like we had much of a choice, so we accepted her proposal.

The Goddess also allowed us to choose what race we wanted to be in our new lives, so that was a huge point in my book.

And so, after talking with the Goddess for a while, I was reincarnated with my half-sister that I didn't know about and now we are living a somewhat comfortable life in another world. We have been together pretty much since our first day in this world.

We might not be real sisters here and she might be preeeetty weird sometimes, and we might fight a lot every now and then but I do love her very much! She's the older sister I always wanted to have when I was little!

"Oi… Are you not going to go and greet unnie, at least? Are you leaving me to handle Lilia unnie by myself…?" I asked with worry while looking at the lazy fox woman.

"Ya-huh! I mean, I don't have any clean clothes anyway... Well, I don't have any clothes at all right now since everything is on the patio, so… Yeah, you're on your own, Laura!" She said while giving me the thumbs-up. "I might help you out if you do my laundry though." She asked with a seemingly innocent expression.

"Deal… But please don't leave me alone with Lilia unnie…" I quickly bowed to my sister in a panic.

"Hehehe! I'm glad that you agreed quickly! If you hurry up and bring me some clean clothes, I'll make something delicious for lunch! Until then, I'm going back to sleep!" She smiled at me before turning her back towards me…

Things have not been the easiest for us since we came into this world… When we regained our memories of our previous lives and the deal with the Goddess, we were both 3 years old and orphans on top of that. The two of us were adopted by a very eccentric dwarven witch and her promiscuous human ex-husband (who was already over a hundred years old, apparently).

The witch had found us on the edge of a road near the capital, where a caravan had been raided. Our parents were nowhere in sight, so she decided to take us in.

Because of that eccentric dwarven witch, I also got an even more eccentric and serious older sister. Her name is Lilia. She was 19 years old when we started living with her.

Things in our household were pretty hectic and very far from normal. Our adoptive grandmother (she said she was too old to be our mother) was a very serious woman and a huge workaholic who often locked herself in her room to continue her research. Our adoptive grandfather was either working on his multiple successful businesses in the district or chasing women around to get in their pants, and even going to brothels despite his advanced age!

Don't misunderstand me, even with their antics and all of their questionable behaviors, they were good parental figures that were always there for us when we needed them, and I also love them very much.

Then there's my adoptive oldest sister, Lilia, who was pretty much the sweetest woman I had ever met. Kind, beautiful, serious, hardworking, and also good with children. She was the kind of woman that most men would like to marry. Trust me, I don't say that as an exaggeration. When we first came to live in this household, she already had no lack of suitors. Pretty much every guy her age was crazy for her and she rejected them all again and again.

The only one who managed to win her heart was a dull-looking muscular guy who turned out to be the strongest guy on the continent… 

Unfortunately, just like our adoptive grandparents, she also was very eccentric and had her own odd quirks…

For example, she used to start singing very loudly in the middle of the night, not caring in the slightest that she'd wake everyone up, all because she had managed to master a certain spell or certain magics that our grandmother had taught her. Ah, that's another thing, she also barely slept at night because she was imitating our grandma and studying nonstop to ace her tests in the Imperial Academy so she could become a renowned magician like our grandmother.

She also has a bit of a short fuse… Her temper is one of the reasons I don't want to go and face her alone… She's a terrifying demon from hell when she's pissed off!

I am serious! Lilia unnie is someone that should absolutely never be enraged… She has the title of Crimson Witch in the neighborhood for a good reason!

Apparently, before we even came into the picture, she almost turned a gang of thugs who used to live in the neighborhood into a bloody paste because they got on her bad side and they were bullying children…

Because of her temper, I am scared of even opening the door to go out of our room! For all I know, Lilia unnie could be standing outside the door, reciting our death sentence!

Eeek! Just imagining it makes me shiver!

"Unnie is not outside, so don't be scared. I just heard her and her husband going into the bathroom. You should take this opportunity to run and do my laundry, don't you think?" Sarana said with a mischievous tone.

"Shut up, you lazy fox! I'm not scared! Weren't you going back to sleep!?" I yelled at her again.

"Oh, yes! I totally can sleep comfortably having to hear your frenetic heartbeat while sensing your nervousness, you dumb elf." She replied sarcastically.

"Fuck off! I'm not nervous!" I yelled one last time before going out of the room and slamming the door shut as I left.

Just as Sarana had said, Lilia unnie was not outside of our room and the bathroom door was closed shut. I could hear Lilia unnie giggling while her husband was confused over what had happened to him a few moments ago.

Yep! Let's take this opportunity to sneak downstairs and do the laundry so I will not be alone with a possibly pissed-off unnie!

Without much effort, I was able to do just that. I walked through the hallway as sneakily as I possibly could and then I went downstairs, feeling a little envious of my adoptive older sister.

"Sheesh… Lilia unnie got herself a good hubby, don't you think it is my turn now, Catris nim?" I said as I absentmindedly walked down the stairs.

The Goddess didn't say anything back to my comment... It has been a few days since the last time she talked to us.


My ideal partner would be someone with money. I won't say that I don't want a marriage filled with love, but after struggling a few times on Earth because my scumbag dad and my mother weren't the wisest when it came to financial decisions, I'd choose a loveless marriage for money any day!

And It is not like our current life is a field of roses either… All of Grandpa's businesses have gone under for one reason or another in the last year and we are currently heavily in debt because he planned to turn this old house into an inn and bar…

It would be all good and dandy if Grandpa's brilliant mind hadn't forgotten that most people would not want to stay so close to the slums and the fact that we live on the edge of the Artisan's District, so people would be less inclined to stay with us because of the loud noises and the occasional bad smells coming from the workshops.

So, since I don't want to be crushed by debt in my second life, I want to marry a rich guy so I can live a comfortable life and maybe pay for my grandpa's debts, so he and Sarana can live comfortably too. Oh, and I'll marry a rich guy because I also love money! Huehuehue!

While I was lost in thought I quickly walked through the lonely dining room and went towards the kitchen. When I arrived there, I noticed that the door to the inner patio was wide open.

"Hmm?" I was a little caught off guard by what I saw on the patio…

On the patio, there was a young boy, no older than ten years of age. He was barely 1.30 meters tall. He was wearing a black tunic with brown linen pants and a pair of leather boots and he had a bright red scarf wrapped around his neck.

The thing that caught me off guard about him was the fact that he had black hair, a color that is very rarely seen in the country we live in… I used to have the same hair color, so the moment I saw him, I was hit by a nostalgic feeling…

But not only that caught me off guard… The boy was out there on his own doing our laundry using magic in an impressive and efficient manner.

"Hmm… Maybe I should make pizza… I've been craving to have some for a while… I'd have to make a pizza oven though… I don't think it would take too long with earth magic, especially considering the amount of space and good soil this patio has." The young black-haired boy was talking to himself.

The boy was washing our clothes using water magic, then rubbing a bar of soap against them a few times, after that he dried them with wind magic and then finally, he separated everything by colors and by the type of clothing and he put them into a few different baskets.

I was left extremely dumbfounded… Not because I had realized that I didn't know who the boy was or where he came from, but by the fact that he knew what a pizza was…

For me, that could only possibly mean one thing…

"I wonder if I could get some anchovies and prawns at the market… We pretty much have all the ingredients I need, but I'd kill for a seafood pizza right now! Though, I'm also deeply disappointed that there might not be any pepperoni here…" The young boy was sulking.

There was no doubt in my mind, that the boy was a reincarnator…

"Oh well. I guess I can invent it at some point. It might take some effort, but in the end, it will be worth it!" The boy smiled, quickly composing himself.

The moment he said that I started to panic internally for a variety of reasons… My grandma's words soon echoed in my mind…

(Laura, Sarana, the fact that you came from another world way more advanced than ours should be kept as an absolute secret. You must not reveal this information even to those closest to you. Not to Lilia, not to your friends, not to your romantic partners, and not even to your own children... Do not try to create things from your world and share it with others! This is for your own safety! If this secret falls into the wrong hands, you'll become a slave of the royal family. You have been warned.) I could hear the voice of my granny in my head.

That was one reason, but the most important one was…

"C-C-Child! Y-Y-You! Don't touch my panties!" I screamed very loudly while blushing.

My shout caused the boy to look at me while he held a pair of my white panties in his tiny hands… 

He had a look of a deer in the headlights while I rushed at him at my full speed to take my underwear from his hands.

Aaaaagh! This is so embarrassing! Stupid Sarana unnie! This is your fault! I'm gonna get back at you for this!

-----Julius' POV-----

I was on my own in the middle of the patio of my mom's childhood home. 

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The patio had a large garden that was big enough for it to have a decent football (soccer) field, an enormous stable for horses and carriages as well as a smaller storage building on the corner of the patio. The whole patio was surrounded by a huge brick wall which prevented the neighbors from looking into the property from their own patios. The wall isn't tall enough to prevent them from looking at the property from their windows though.

I was left on my own as soon as my mom left to help dad clean himself up. Liliana, Luna, Mia, and Leaf said something about needing to have an urgent girls' talk and they invited (dragged) Neris to go with them, so they ran to mom's old room which was near the basement, while Klein wanted to be alone for a while with Elissa, so he casually invited her to go outside to talk about history and ruins, as usual. She accepted and Klein was obviously delighted.

Klein has all of my support obviously and I wish him the best of luck!

Anyway, since I was alone, I thought it would be a good opportunity to check if we had the ingredients I needed to make pizza, and surprisingly we had them! I mean, those ingredients weren't exactly the ones I'd normally use, like the cheese, for example, it was a very different type of cheese and it had a strange texture, but it was good enough for me.

The kitchen was clean and all, but I still decided to disinfect everything with my trusty soap, just in case. So, after I came outside to retrieve some of my soap from one of our wagons, I found the women's clothing that dad was talking about…

The clothes were laying on the ground, covered in sauce, grease, dirt, and a little bit of oil, which as you can imagine, would end up staining and damaging the clothing.

At first, I thought about ignoring it and minding my own business, but I knew that it would leave a sour taste in my mouth afterward if I just left the clothes there… Since we are going to be staying for a while, I decided to help out with chores. 

I didn't have anything better to do for the time being and I thought it would be a good gesture and a good way to test some of my new soap recipes, so I started washing clothes using my magic.

I was having a good time doing the laundry since I was able to test the effectiveness of my new soap and had the satisfaction that I was helping out around the house.

Well, apparently I took too many liberties with what I was doing…

"Child! Hasn't your mother taught you not to touch a lady's underwear!?" A blushing young woman had taken a piece of underwear from my hands.

That young woman had screamed and ran at me at full speed just a few moments ago...

The woman in question was an elf. She had long blonde hair which reached her waist and a pair of green eyes that almost looked like shining emeralds, she had the usual pair of long pointy ears as well as soft pink lips and a very beautiful face. She was very tall and slender. I think she was about 1.76 meters tall. She was wearing a simple tank top which was barely preventing her large breasts from spilling out and some very skimpy shorts, which left very little to the imagination… She was also wearing sandals…

Saying that the woman in front of me was attractive was a massive understatement… If I hadn't met Lia before, I'd have said that this woman was a goddess in mortal form…

I, like any reasonable man, was left stunned for a moment because of her beauty and her sudden appearance…

"The only thing she told me was to always be extra careful with women's underwear since they are very delicate things." I said the first thing that came to my mind in my dumbfounded state with a flat tone.

"Huh?" The elven woman was taken aback by what I had just said and became even more flustered.

"Ah! I'm really sorry for touching your underwear without your permission!" Her flustered attitude quickly made me regain my senses and realize my mistake, so I apologized. "I saw all of those clothes on the ground and noticed that it was dirty, so I did what I usually do back home and started washing them so they wouldn't be ruined. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." As I remembered the words of my etiquette professor, I immediately explained myself and apologized while bowing profusely.

It was my bad… I'm so used to helping mom do the laundry back home, that I just didn't think it would be bad for me to wash her underwear…

"Umm… Wait, it wasn't that big of a deal! You don't need to go that far for this! There's no need to bow that much! You were just trying to help us out, right!? So please stop!" The woman's face became as red as a tomato and immediately grabbed me by the shoulders to stop me.

It was cute to see the elven woman panic and try to make me stop.

"Alright." I did what I was told and stopped bowing toward her.

"Sigh…" The elven woman let out a sigh. "I'm sorry if I scared you too… For all I know, you could have been a pervert who steals women's underwear." The woman explained herself while averting her gaze.

"I don't think a pervert would go out of his way to wash the underwear they want to steal, though… But it is fine, I was the one taking too many liberties even though this isn't my house." I smiled awkwardly.

"Ah! That reminds me… Who the heck are you and what are you doing in our house!? More importantly, why are you even talking to yourself so loudly about stuff from Earth!? Are you dumb or something!? Do you want to become a slave of the royal family!?" The elven woman suddenly leaned closer to me and started bombarding me with questions.

Wait… This woman knows about Earth? Could it be that she's a reincarnator too?

I was, of course, flabbergasted by that fact. To think that I'd find another reincarnator in this city, and in my mother's childhood home, no less…

(Yes, that seems to be the case.) Lia replied with a deadpan tone. (I just learned about that woman and the other reincarnator from Catris, so I'll explain in detail tonight when you come to my Divine Realm. It is a bit of a long story…) Lia seemed very tired all of sudden.

"Wait, this is the worst place to have this conversation! So you are coming with me whether you like it or not!" Just like that, she picked me up like a ragdoll and started carrying me over her shoulders not caring about my clear confusion in the slightest.

(So, there's another reincarnator besides this woman…? Wait, that's not important right now! What should I do!? Where is she gonna take me!?) I yelled in my mind.

I knew that I could escape from the woman very easily. I didn't really feel like I was in real danger, but I was already prepared to use my all to escape at a moment's notice. Fortunately for the woman, I was stopped by Lia.

(Julius, you don't need to escape from her. She doesn't have any malicious intentions towards you and even if she did, you're way stronger than her, strong enough to knock her out in pretty much just a second. But more importantly, she's our ally, so don't knock her up.) Lia explained with her usual flat tone.

Our ally huh… 

(Just play along for a bit and indulge her! It'll make things easier to deal with!) Thiasis suggested.

(I agree with Thiasis. Just play along for the time being and I'll explain everything properly in due time.) Lia agreed with her other half.

"Ah! Sarana will need some clothes too, so don't mind if I do!" She said as she hurriedly picked one of the baskets I was using to put in the clothes I had just washed.

The elven woman immediately started running back towards the house with me in tow…

(And what about explaining everything now? Do I have to remind you of my conditions to get my trust back for lying to me?) I asked with a serious expression.

(I know, I know… Please, just trust me on this one. If it was up to me, I'd explain everything right now, but Catris got surprisingly insistent in wanting to explain everything to you herself when she gets back from the material plane after picking up something she needs… I'm sorry, but can you just bear with it this time?) Lia pleaded with me with her usual cold voice.


(Well, meeting Catris to let her have a piece of my mind for her stunt with Auntie was one of my conditions to forgive you, so I'll let it slide this time.) I was a little peeved that I didn't know what was going on, but decided to listen to Lia this time.

In the blink of an eye, the elven woman had already taken me into the house and ran across the huge dining room and we went upstairs. She was running through a long hallway while carrying me on her shoulder.

"Do you usually kidnap kids, or is this your first time doing it?" I couldn't help myself and decided to tease the woman for a bit. "Where are you taking me anyway?" I asked.

"My room." The woman replied with a serious expression. There was a little bit of embarrassment in her voice.

"Isn't it a little early for that? At least take me out for dinner first, jeez!" I said with amusement.

"Aren't you awfully cheeky for a boy your age!?" She got a little pissed off and started pinching my cheek…

"So I have been told." I said with a smile full of sass. "By the way, what's your name? My name is Julius. Nice to meet you." I took the opportunity to introduce myself.

"Laura." She said with a serious tone. 

The moment she told me her name, she finally stopped moving and then placed me back on the floor. We were both in front of a wooden door…

"Julius, you don't have a choice. You'll come in with me, and you will answer each of my questions truthfully. For your own sake, I need to know a few things about you. Do you understand?" Laura explained to me with a compassionate expression.

"Yes, I understand. But I do have a question... Are you a reincarnator too? I mean, I already know that you are, but I'd like to confirm it." I said to Laura with increasing curiosity.

"Shh! Don't ask that here!" She quickly shushed me before opening the door to her room. "We can talk about it inside, so come on in!" She said while looking around the hallway as if worried that someone was spying on us.

The room looked like the typical room of a young woman. There was a pair of twin beds, one in each corner of the room as well as a pair of nightstands beside them. There were also two wooden chests at the feet of each bed.

There were also a few bookshelves as well as a couple of desks on each side of the room, and a small coffee table in the middle on top of a cozy-looking rug.

There were even a few cute stuffed animals and toys on one of the beds.

It was just a common shared bedroom… In fact, someone was already using one of the beds… That person must be Sarana.

I couldn't see her appearance since she was wrapped and covered by her bedsheets.

"Alright, pardon the intrusion. Oh…" The moment I stepped into the room, for some reason my sense of danger started going crazy…

My instincts were telling me that there was a wild beast in this room… A beast that shouldn't be disturbed…

The more I looked at sleeping Sarana, who was still in her bed and not giving any signs of movement, the more my instincts yelled at me to leave.

Gods, why can't I shake this bad feeling?

"What are you doing?" Laura gently pushed me into her room and immediately closed the door. "Come on and sit wherever you want. We'll be talking for a long time, so please make yourself at home." Now that we were here, she sounded way more relaxed than before.

I saw Laura quickly casting a barrier on the door. I assume that the purpose of the barrier was to prevent our conversation from being leaked.

Laura then walked past me as if what she just did was the most normal thing in the world. She immediately sat on the floor in between the coffee table and the empty bed. She placed the basket with the clean laundry she had in her hands on top of the coffee table and invited me to join her on the floor.

"Ehh? What happened to the cheeky boy from a moment ago? Could it be that you're embarrassed because this is your first time going into a girl's room?" Laura said with a smirk. She clearly wanted to tease me back.

"Ah? No, not really. I was just looking around. The room seems very cozy and comfortable." I said before walking towards the coffee table and sitting on the floor to the right of Laura.

Normally, I would sit on the opposite side of the coffee table to face the other person I'm going to talk to, but of course, I obviously don't want to leave my back exposed to Sarana, since my instincts are still telling me that she's dangerous for some reason…

Even though I was keeping my eyes on Sarana, I couldn't shake off the bad feeling and inexplicable fear I was still feeling…

"Oh? Of all places, you chose to sit by my side? I didn't know we were that close already." Laura quipped as she poked my cheek a few times.

"Well, I guess we are pretty close since I was doing your laundry and all just a few minutes ago." I said while pointing at the white panties she had left on the table.

"Forget about my underwear already! Delete it from your mind!" Laura said with embarrassment as she grabbed the panties and threw them in a drawer.

"Ehh? What happened to the cheeky elf from before~?" I asked in a slightly mocking tone.

Despite feeling fearful of the person on the other side of the room, I felt inexplicably compelled to tease Laura more and more.

"Why…!? You…!" Laura was so annoyed that she suddenly started pouting.

I couldn't believe that she could become even more beautiful, but I was wrong apparently… She looked very cute while pouting.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to piss you off." I apologized since I was feeling a little bad for her. 

"I am not pissed off." She said in a totally pissed-off voice… "Sigh… Let's forget about all that… Let's move on and get into business." She said before looking at me with a very serious expression.

Silence took over the room as Laura took her sweet time to formulate in her mind the questions she wanted to ask me. While she did that, I obviously kept looking out for any sudden movements from Sarana.

"First question. WHO exactly are you, Julius?" Laura looked at me as if she was preparing herself to analyze each and every single one of my words.

"That's a little vague for a first question, but I guess you want to know about both of my lives, so where should I…-" I was completely oblivious of what was about to happen.

Suddenly, while I was talking, my whole body was wrapped by some strange and fluffy things… By the time I realized what was happening, it was already too late…

"I caught you~." A feminine voice whispered softly in my ear.

Almost instantly, my bad feeling became a sense of imminent doom… My mind couldn't process how it had happened, but I was sure of it… I had been caught by Sarana…

Ahh… So this is where it ends… What a miserable end…

 Chapter 41: The Three Reincarnators.


Please tell me in the comments what you think about the honorifics in the chapter. I consider this to be an experiment, if you guys like it, I will keep writing these pov with honorifics (at least the Japanese and the Korean ones). If you don't like it I will only keep the honorifics in this chapter

and write the future pov normally.

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