Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Stamina Potion and the Legend of the Demon King Bass.

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Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 5: Stamina Potion and the Legend of the Demon King Bass

"Kid, we are done for the day." Fred spoke with an easy-going tone as he placed his sword against his shoulder.

"*Pant… Pant… Pant...*" I couldn't even reply. I was about to faint from exhaustion.

My body also hurt a lot thanks to Fred's attacks...

Despite being on the brink of unconsciousness, I stubbornly kept getting up and going back to my stance.

But as expected of an experienced Monster Hunter, he was capable of handling me without breaking a sweat.

Even with the sense of familiarity I felt with the sword I was currently holding, it was clear that I was nothing more than a novice.

"Stubborn, eh?" Fred approached me and ruffled my hair. "That's a good quality to have if you're going to keep training with me." Fred looked overjoyed and also relieved that I was alright.

"*Pant…* I'm… Not done… Yet... *Pant…*" I, of course, was in no shape to continue.

"Kid. We are done for the day. Resting is also part of training, so you can let go of that sword." Fred looked a bit worried again.

Fred then quickly took the wooden sword from my hands.

"You did well. Not many can keep up with my usual training. So you can feel proud and rest now, Julius." Fred insisted while he ruffled my hair.

"Okay… *Pant…*" I nodded feebly.

As soon as I did that, I fell to the ground. I landed on the soft grass below me.

I want to sleep forever… I'm so tired…

Fred's training was tough… I felt like I had just run a marathon… I don't even know how I was able to keep up with him…

I never thought I would be able to do that many push-ups and sit-ups… Much less running for an hour straight without stopping to rest...

Maybe it was because of the Status System of this world? Or maybe it was because this body is already used to this kind of training…?


Well, that's another pointless question that I won't be able to answer right now…

I looked towards the sky… There were a few clouds here and there, some of those clouds were covering the sun which had risen a while ago...

I wonder how long Fred and I trained?

"Kiddo, can you move? It is time for breakfast." Fred smiled at me. 

"I can't…" I shook my head feebly while looking at the tall Monster Hunter…

Fred then seemed to have fallen deep in thought…

He looked like he had just decided something.

"Well, that's only natural. I'll bring you a natural remedy that Lilia made last week." He nodded to himself. 

Oh, so do you have one of those magical beans that cure all wounds and restore your stamina?

Just kidding! There's no way those things would also exist here! It would be great if they did though...

"Brace yourself, kid… That remedy doesn't have the best flavor in the world. It will do good for you though. Just wait for me here." Fred smiled awkwardly before leaving me there.

"Okay… I won't go anywhere…" I smiled feebly.

I just kept looking at the sky and the clouds that were forming before my very eyes… It was relaxing.

It was so relaxing that I was starting to feel sleepy. My eyelids were feeling pretty heavy…

I was closing and opening my eyes, trying to fight the sudden drowsiness that I was feeling…

It was then that I noticed a red-haired woman in the corner of my eyes.

She had short red hair that barely reached her shoulders and she had a weird eye color... Her eyes were violet-colored, which was a pretty strange yet alluring sight. She was shorter than Lilia, being 1.50 meters tall. Her attire consisted of a white shirt, a black tie, a long blue colored coat with matching pants, and a pair of leather boots.

She looked like she was a teenager, but I felt that I was wrong about that assumption...

For a moment, I thought that she was a product of my imagination because of my exhaustion…

"Falling asleep while cloud watching is pretty great, right?" The red-haired woman smiled at me.

Oh… So she's real? Weren't we the only people in this forest?

"Umm… Who are you?" I asked with a wary expression.

"Just a family friend. Mind if I lie down on the spot beside you?" She kept smiling at me.

"I don't really mind." I nodded.

"Thank you very much!" She thanked me before lying down beside me.

It is not like I could have stopped her anyway…

I turned my head around to face the strange woman.

"What's your name?" I asked again.

“Tiria.” She turned her head around to face me. “You must be Julius, ain’t that right?” She smirked.

“Huh? How do you even know my name?” I looked at her with confusion…

“Fred told me about you. You seem to be in a complicated situation, so I came here to help Lilia, Fred and you to figure out what to do.” She turned her head back and looked at the sky again.

Huh? How did Fred tell her about me? I don’t think I was told there’s a city or anything like that nearby and I don't think they left the forest in the short time we have known each other, but I do remember being told that WE were the only ones in this place…

Could it be that phones actually exist in this world? I mean, it doesn’t sound that unbelievable considering magic exists…

Interrupting my train of thought, Tiria spoke to me...

“I must say that I’m impressed. I think you have a talent for martial arts.” She nodded to herself. “Not everyone is capable of enduring Fred’s training... It took me one full month to be able to keep up with him, you know?” Tiria seemed really amused.

She was watching us? That's a bit creepy...

“You trained under him?” I asked Tiria.

“Yeah. That was a long time ago. Fourteen, maybe fifteen years ago... Well, it doesn’t matter. I was fourteen at the time and Fred owed a favor to my father. My father wanted the legendary [Skull Crusher] to train me in order to become a powerful knight just like Fred. So, my father used that favor and I was in Fred's care until I became an adult and he invited me into his order of knights.” Tiria explained with an expression filled with nostalgia.

[Skull Crusher]? Is that Fred’s nickname? I know he was a knight, but I would have expected something more... Knightly…?

Don't get me wrong, that nickname is cool, but that's the kind of nickname a Barbarian would have instead of a Knight...

“Oh, he didn’t tell you he was famous, right? That makes sense... The guy never really cared about fame and glory.” Tiria nodded in understanding.

“He does look like he could easily crush some skulls… Is he really that famous?” It was really surprising to hear that Fred was actually a famous person.

Tiria looked incredulous for a while… It was like she didn’t know how to answer my question.

“This is probably the first time in my life that someone has asked me THAT about Fred… Having amnesia must be rough…” Tiria nodded to herself. 

Well, it is more like I’m not a native of this world and this is my second day here so… Of course, I couldn’t tell her that.

“Fred is probably the strongest man alive on the continent right now.” Tiria looked at me and spoke with a serious tone.

Huh? The strongest man alive...? Are you kidding…?

“You don’t need to look at me with that surprised expression... It is true! Do you wanna know why he’s called [Skull Crusher]?” Tiria smirked. “ Fred has a defensive Unique Skill that makes him unbeatable. A skill that makes the skin of the user so hard that it becomes able to deflect even Adamantite and Mithril! I heard that he actually got his nickname because a man tried to headbutt him but the man ended up crushing his own skull because of Fred’s skill.” Tiria spoke with excitement.

Wow… I could have never imagined that he had such a powerful skill… Also, Adamantite and Mithril exist in this world as well…

I wonder if other fantasy minerals are also a thing here…

I want to get my hands on some late-game weapons and items!

"And trust me, I can confirm that he has that skill. I tried to stab him while we were training and the blade ended up snapping in half like a twig… It was incredible!" Tiria looked proud about it.

Umm… Did she just openly admit that she tried to stab Fred…?

I could only raise an eyebrow to that…

"It didn't help that you tried to stab me three times after that one…" I suddenly heard Fred's voice.

Excuse me… What? She tried to stab him three times... Damn, that's...

Tiria stood up and then smiled.

"What can I say? I was a curious teenager." Tiria shrugged with a smug look on her face. “It was honestly worth the three weeks of hellish training after that!” Tiria looked really proud about it.

I just looked at Fred with a deadpan expression.

He was carrying a small glass bottle in his hand.

“Well, I guess you already met Tiria… She was my apprentice and subordinate when I was a knight. She’s currently the Guild Master of the Adventurer’s Guild in a town nearby.” Fred scratched the back of his head uncomfortably.

There’s an Adventurer’s Guild as well… This fantasy world still keeps impressing me!

“If you ever think of becoming an adventurer or you need a favor, I’m your gal!” Tiria smiled confidently.

“Ah, thank you! I’ll think about it.” I will consider her proposal.

Maybe becoming an adventurer wouldn’t be so bad… I think it would actually help me find some information about how to release Melius, or at least where I can find Lia.

Hmm… I really need to think about it…

“Tiria, he’s still seven. If you want to recruit him at least wait until he’s older.” Fred didn’t seem too keen on letting me become an adventurer.

Fred then looked at me and showed me the glass bottle from before.

“Kid, this is a [Stamina Potion]. As you can imagine, it will completely restore your stamina if you drink all the potion. But remember my previous warning, it tastes terrible.” Fred frowned while showing me the glass bottle.

Potions that restore your stamina… This world is really amazing!

“A [Stamina Potion]? Fred, that sounds like child abuse…” Tiria looked disturbed.

“The kid won’t be able to move otherwise… I’m sorry about this, kid… But you’ll have to drink this...” Fred suddenly apologized. He crouched and then offered me the bottle. He looked like he was about to regret this for some reason.

They must be exaggerating… It can’t be that bad! Right…? Right!?

I struggled to raise my upper body before taking the bottle out of Fred’s hands.

“I’m sure I will be fine. I’ll just drink it in one gulp.” I smiled at Fred and Tiria.

They both looked at each other with worried expressions.

I just took the cork out of the bottle in front of them…

(Here goes nothing…) I thought to myself before drinking the potion.

I took the bottle towards my mouth… I noticed how Fred and Tiria made expressions of pity…

As soon as the liquid inside the bottle touched my lips, I started regretting my decision… Fred was right… It was bad… Like, really really really bad…

In other words, I was a fool...

My eyes immediately started to tear up as I discovered what was quite possibly the worst drink I ever had… A potion made in the kitchens of Hell…

I was about to vomit thanks to the absolutely awful flavor of the potion...

Despite the flavor, my body was feeling completely reinvigorated. I felt like I could do Fred’s training all over again.

Because of that, I decided to endure and drink everything up… It was a hellish experience…

It was sickening… The potion taste was a combination of an acid rotten lemon, spoiled milk, and rotten bread… It was horrible...

I threw the bottle to the ground as soon as I was finished…

“Uuuuuuhg…” I was looking at the ground while crying and groaning thanks to the horrible taste of the potion…

“Do you believe me now?” Fred sympathized with me.

“Believe it or not, drinking it in one gulp just makes it worse...” Tiria smiled bitterly.

I just looked at her and cried… 

Why didn’t she tell me that sooner!?

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Liliana asked me with a concerned expression.

“H-H-Have some juice!” Luna brought me a wooden cup full of fruit juice to make the horrible taste of the potion go away.

“Sniff… Thank you…” I thanked the two of them while tears were still streaming down my cheeks...

I have no words… Never in my twenty…- Or is it seven? Hmm… This is a bit confusing... 

Never in my many years of life, have I tasted something so horrible that it will probably still haunt me in my nightmares! 

Yeah, that definitely sounds better...

Anyway, how can something taste so bad!?

I drank the sweet fruit juice in order to try to erase that awful taste from my mouth… It wasn’t working too well…

I frowned when I realized that the aftertaste of the potion would stay for a while…

“Julius, why did you even drink that thing? Mom says that kind of medicine should be only used in emergencies...” Liliana was looking at me with pity.

“S-S-She even keeps it locked in the kitchen so we don't drink it by accident... “   Luna was twiddling with her thumbs.

“Fred was the one who gave it to me… I thought he and Tiria were exaggerating about the taste...” I was filled with regret.

Muscular pain and not being able to move would be definitely better than this…

I swear upon my previous life and the current one that I will never drink another one of those potions again!

“I hope you get well soon so we can run around and play!” Liliana showed me an honest smile.

Liliana, Luna, and I were currently sitting outside the house while I recovered from my potion poisoning…

Apparently, Fred, Lilia, and Tiria had to discuss something very important without us kids present, so they told us to play outside.

Of course, I don’t need to be a genius to know that they are probably talking about what they should do about me.

“Thank you, Liliana.” I smiled feebly at her.

"We can still have fun sitting here…" Luna averted her gaze from mine.

Luna turned around and grabbed a book from her bag and then she showed it to us.

"I brought some books… We can maybe just sit and read for a while..." Luna was blushing a bit. She was covering most of her face with the book.

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"So what books did you bring?" Liliana said as she got closer to her sister and started examining the books she brought.

I just drank my fruit juice while looking at the twins.

"You only brought books about fairy tales and legends…" Liliana kept examining the books.

"Yeah…" Luna blushed even more.

"That's fine by me. You brought my favorite book and everything!" Liliana seemed pleased with the books her little sister brought.

Liliana suddenly smiled at me… She grabbed one of the books and then crawled towards me… She then sat by my right side.

"Luna, we can't start reading without you." She looked at her sister and smiled warmly at her.

"Ah… Yeah…!" Luna hurriedly crawled towards us and then sat by my left side. She was blushing even more than before.

"Julius, do you wanna read for us?" Liliana offered me the book while showing me an adorable smile.

"Yeah, I'll do it." I nodded.

I needed to distract my mind from the horrible aftertaste that was still haunting me…

I drank all of the fruit juice from my cup before taking the book from Liliana's hands. As soon as I read the title, I started feeling dumbfounded, but also a bit relieved…

The title of the book was in English. That meant that the rest of the book should be in English as well.

I was worried that the writing systems in this world would be different, thus I wouldn't be able to read… I'm glad that's not the case.

"Julius, do you know how to read?" Liliana asked with a bit of concern.

I nodded again.

I took a deep breath in order to calm myself down…

"Let's begin… The book is titled: [The Legend of the Demon King Bass]."

So, Heroes and a Demon King… This world just keeps getting better and better!

"The story is set 3,000 years ago when the continent of Hresviae was plagued with warmongering states and aggressive tribes. It was an era of chaos. Monsters roamed the lands freely, without groups like the Adventurer's Guild to exterminate them…" I started reading the story out loud.

The pair of twins were listening to me very intently.

"Unbeknownst to everyone, a threat far greater than any warmongering kingdom, aggressive tribe or dangerous monster, was about to reach the continent. A Demon by the name of Bass appeared in our continent alongside a great fleet filled with ruthless and cruel demons… That marked the beginning of the [Thousand Years War]..."

Oh! It is getting really interesting!

Liliana suddenly hugged me…

"This part always gives me goosebumps… Sorry… Hehehe…" Liliana laughed awkwardly.

She didn't stop hugging me though...

"It's okay, I don't mind." I smiled at her.

Okay, where was I...?"Bass and his demons terrorized the continent during the war. Burning villages after sacking them and making the people run away from their ancestral homes. Many consider that time as the darkest era of our continent…"

I see…

Before I could continue reading, Luna was now hugging me as well.

"..." She was averting her gaze and blushing more than ever before.

I just smiled bitterly before I started reading again.

"The people prayed and prayed until the Gods finally listened to their pleas. They sent salvation in the shape of a human man… Rokkshar, The Indomitable. Rokkshar was the man who would become the founder of an empire that would encompass the entire continent of Hresviae. The Marcelian Empire."

So the gods sent the people a Hero. How could I not see that one coming?

"Rokkshar and his men fought with glory and honor, slaying demons and liberating the lands that the cruel demons had stolen from our ancestors. Battle after battle, more and more demons perished at the hands of our savior, until…"

I flipped the page with impatience…

"Bass, the Demon King, presented himself before Rokkshar. The Demon King made an offer to Rokkshar. The vile Demon wanted the Hero to become his subordinate... Rokkshar didn't speak a single word to the Demon and he simply unsheathed his Demon-slaying sword: Hlogjold. Rokkshar attacked the Demon and the battle for the fate of our continent began. The fight to end the [Thousand Years War] and the reign of terror of the Demon King once and for all…"

This is getting interesting! Though this book should be called: "The Legend of Rokkshar, The Hero'' instead…

"Despite the Demon King being alone while fighting against Rokkshar and his army, the magical prowess and combat skills of the malicious Bass proved to be far greater than Rokkshar's… In his rage, Bass used a powerful spell far beyond any mortal could use and provoked the eternal separation of the continent of Hresviae… Hresviae was split in half by the wicked magic of the Demon..." I read the last part with a bit of shock…

So, the continent of Hresviae was split in half with one spell…? I hope they are exaggerating...

"Uuuh… This part always makes me nervous…" Luna hugged me tightly. There was a bit of embarrassment in her voice.

"Yeah, me too…" Liliana also hugged me tightly. Unlike Luna, Liliana seemed really amused…

"Rokkshar was dumbfounded by the sight of the continent being split in half… The spell also served as a signal for the armies of the Demon. Soon, hordes and hordes of Demons rained upon Rokkshar and his army, turning the battle against the Demon King into an all-out war…"

Damn… Things didn't look good at all for Rokkshar…

"As the battle raged on, and the demons started to outnumber the troops of Rokkshar, the Gods themselves heard the prayers of the men at the battlefield. A woman with a celestial aura and six wings as white as snow descended upon the battlefield. A Seraph was sent by the gods to aid Rokkshar in his battle against the Demon King. The name of the Seraph was Daliah…"

Wow… A genuine angel came to assist Rokkshar. And a Seraph on top of that… If I remember correctly, they are the ones with the highest seat in the hierarchy of Angels...

"By the time Daliah and Rokkshar had reached the malicious Demon King, both armies had been nearly wiped out. The last confrontation would take place upon a mountain of demonic corpses…"

It seems like we are near the climax of the book…

"The battle against the Demon King was bitter and bloody… Even with the combined efforts of the Angel and Heroic Rokkshar, the Demon King was still in a league of his own… The situation was starting to become dire for our saviors…" I stopped before reading the end of their battle.

The twins looked at me with interest, beckoning me to continue without saying a word…

"But... When the situation looked hopeless and the remaining men were despairing, Rokkshar and Daliah were able to pull off a miracle... The Demon King stood in front of them motionless, with a sword piercing through his chest. The powerful Demon King who had inflicted suffering and wickedness upon our lands had been slain. Peace returned and men were finally allowed to sheath their swords to celebrate the beginning of a new era."

That's it...? They really didn't mention how they pulled off that miracle? That's so lame… 

That totally ruined the climax of the book...

"As the peaceful days began, Rokkshar settled down and married one of his companions. The two of them founded the city of Mutm and a few years later, Rokkshar and his descendants unified the two continents under one banner. The banner of the Marcelian Empire. The End."

Hmmm… I would have liked a longer epilogue… 

I also wonder what happened to Daliah...

"You're a good storyteller!" Liliana smiled at me while still hugging me.

"Thank you. The book was very entertaining!" I smiled back.

Despite the multiple questions I still have about the book, I genuinely enjoyed it.

"Mom used to read it to us when we were little. It was really fun listening to you reading the book!" Luna said happily. She seemed less shy than before.

"Read us another one!" Liliana said with excitement.

She immediately handed me another book...

"Julius, can we read this one next? This one is my favorite…" Luna was acting a bit shy again. She handed me another book.

Well… It looks like we'll be here for a while...

I'm actually quite happy about this development. I can learn a lot about this world just by reading and I can get closer to Liliana and Luna.

It looks like Luna is getting more comfortable around me, so that's a great start!

The three of us stayed there reading until lunch.

-----Lilia's POV-----

"So, yesterday I spent all day calling all of the Adventurer's Guild branches and even some of my contacts in all the major cities of the Empire, and well… No one is looking for a kid with the description you gave me." Tiria said with annoyance.

"Are you serious? Even though black hair is rare in this part of the Empire…" My husband frowned.

This is certainly a bad sign…

The theory about Julius being similar to the [Heroes of Another World] is becoming harder and harder to refute...

"But that just means that no one is looking for him in most major cities, right?" I was rubbing my chin while trying to think about how to find Julius' parents…

"That's true! Maybe his parents are desperately looking around their village and they haven't reported his disappearance yet!" Fred nodded to himself thanks to that plausible theory.

Tiria simply shook her head.

"Lilia, Fred, do you guys really believe he's from some village or small town in the countryside? You two told me about his magical affinities with the [Six Elements] and his talent for swordsmanship. You know it just as well as I do that he's like the [Heroes from Another World]." Tiria spoke with a serious expression.


"But he doesn't have the title of [Hero], does he?" Fred asked while looking at me, waiting for an explanation.

I shook my head in response.

"He doesn't need to have it. That's why I said he is LIKE them. Lilia, you do remember that the founder of the Adventurer's Guild was a reincarnator from a place called Nippon, right? Julius could be from the same place." Tiria looked at me expecting me to agree with her.

I just facepalmed as I realized that there was no way of denying it any further… Julius is not from our world, but he's not a [Hero], which is relieving.

"I haven't stopped thinking about that…" I said with a defeated expression.

"Things will just be getting harder from now on… We must be prepared." Tiria had a serious expression on her face.

"Aye… If the Emperor or the Laurents find out about this…" My husband looked extremely troubled. He started scratching the back of his head.

The Laurents… How could I forget about the other most troublesome family in this enormous country… 

"That's the point, Fred. We can't allow them to even realize that he exists." Tiria got up from the table and started looking through the window.

"What do you suggest we do? Keep him here forever and tell him he is our prisoner?" My husband said with annoyance.

"Well, that's an option." Tiria started rubbing her chin.

Fred raised an eyebrow and gave her a look…

"Jeez! I was joking! No need to look at me with such hostility… Hahaha…" Tiria shrugged and then laughed awkwardly.

"This is not the time for jokes, Tiria. I know this might be filthy rich coming from me, but this is a very serious situation where we might save or doom a child!" Fred reprimanded his former student.

"It was just a joke! It is not like you had a better suggestion!" Tiria argued with Fred.

"Now listen here, you little…-!" Fred got heated up because of Tiria.

The two of them look like a father and daughter arguing. Although Tiria is only 5 years younger than Fred and I, it seems more like a siblings' quarrel.

Wait… Father and daughter…? Siblings...

As soon as a wild idea formed in my mind, I hit the table with everything I got in order to make the blabbering duo shut up.

"Lilia?" Fred looked at me with confusion.

"Are we in trouble…?" Tiria looked scared of me.

"I think I have the solution for our problems." I smiled at them. "We are going to say that Julius is our child. We are going to adopt him and raise him as our own. That way, the talents he has with magic and the sword could be explained and we wouldn't really need to hide his existence. Yes, we would still need to tread carefully around the Laurents and the Emperor, but it wouldn't be as difficult as completely hiding his existence." I explained my idea to my husband and Tiria.

Fred and I have a bit of reputation in the capital of the Empire, so if we say Julius is our child, it would make sense to everyone that he has talent over the sword and magic because of us.

The two of them seemed shocked at first, Fred even more than Tiria.

Tiria was the first one to recompose herself.

"Actually, that might be the best plan we have in this situation. I mean, I will still keep looking for his parents, but unless they make a report at the Guild, the possibilities of finding them are very slim." Tiria nodded in agreement with my idea.

"But to adopt him all of a sudden and without even asking him if he wants it… That's a bit…" Fred seemed reluctant.

Tiria turned around before I could say anything and walked towards me.

"Well, it looks like it is my turn to shine. I will be having a talk with little Julius to see if he wants me as his Auntie. I'll leave you two to figure out the details." Tiria whispered in my ear with a mischievous tone before leaving the room.

Fred and I looked at each other for a second, before taking a seat again.

"Are you serious about doing this?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Do you think it is bad?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Nope. I know that you just want to help and protect that kid. I just think that we need to have a long talk with him to see what he thinks." Fred crossed his arms while looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I know. We also need to talk about the troublesome titles he has…" I looked towards the window. 

"And we need to warn him about the Emperor and the Royal Family." Fred scratched the back of his head.

"And your former family." I added.

Fred immediately frowned.

"Yeah, them too… You know what? Just to be safe, let's warn him about all the nobles of the Empire while we are at it! Hahaha!" I was able to hear the characteristic laugh of my dear husband.

His laugh actually put me at ease.

"Let's not forget to warn him about never drinking with Tiria. Hehehe!" I giggled.

With a merry atmosphere and now having a plan, I was finally feeling at ease… Well… More or less…

"By the way, I think the twins are in love with him." I said casually.

"They WHAT!?" Fred hit the table while having a surprised expression.

"Yeah. Don't you think it is cute? We are basically going to raise our future son-in-law." I smiled.

"Oi… Oi… Don't you think you're going too fast to be thinking about that? I'm sure it is just curiosity!" Fred tried to deny the reality of the matter.

"Childish curiosity often blooms into love, you know?" I said with a teasing tone.

"Gods…" Fred kept looking at me in disbelief.

"Don't worry too much about that topic. We have a few good years before we really need to start worrying about it." I smiled at him again.

I should probably start thinking about names for my grandbabies and learn how to make sweaters. Yeah, that sounds like a good way to spend my free time.

"Dear gods…" Fred looked like he had fallen into despair.

"You will be an amazing grandpa!" I started teasing my husband. I couldn't resist after seeing the funny expression he had on his face.

Fufufu! Keeping Julius with us is probably the best idea I ever had!

Chapter 5: Stamina Potion and the Legend of the Demon King Bass


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