Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: A Short Hunt…

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Echoes of Fire and Shadows

Chapter 8: A Short Hunt...

Two weeks have passed since I was taken in and adopted by Fred and his family.

In those short yet incredibly fun days, I learned a lot of things about this world, I played a lot with the twins and I grew closer to them, I trained my martial arts with Fred and Tiria and I studied magic under Lilia.

Things have been going extremely well for me ever since I came to this world.

Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't have any problems of my own...

"..." I took a deep breath and didn't let my target leave my field of view.

I grabbed an arrow from my quiver. I quickly aligned my bow and my arrow with my objective.

(You're mine now! You won't escape again!) I looked at my target with an excited expression.

I drew the bowstring and the arrow towards me… The feathers at the end of the arrow were tickling my cheek…

The force and effort required to keep the bow ready were making my muscles tremble…

I took a good look at my target and considered my chances for a successful shot…

I didn't need to think twice… I knew that this shot was going to hit...

My target hadn't noticed me yet…

(Now!) I shouted in my mind as I let go of the bowstring and arrow.

The arrow traveled quite fast... In a matter of seconds, it reached the neck of the beast, however...

"Waaann!" The animal produced a strange cry.

I had somehow missed...

The animal quickly ran away before I could prepare myself to shoot again.

"Aw, dammit! I was so close this time!" I said with annoyance…

I was also stomping the ground angrily thanks to my frustration… This is the ninth time today that I missed my shot and my prey escaped…

"Oi!" Tiria shouted before hitting my head with a karate chop…

"Oww!" I yelped in pain thanks to the sudden hit…

"I know you were 20 years old in your previous life, but you're a kid now, so watch your mouth! No nephew of mine will be that vulgar!" My auntie was scolding me…

"I don't think it is that big of a deal." Fred was scratching the back of his head while looking at us.

"It is a big deal! Julius, listen to me instead of your tactless Dad. Girls in this world don't like vulgar men at all! You have to act like a gentleman at all times, are we clear!?" Tiria's face was extremely close to my own… She had a very terrifying expression as well...

"Yes… I apologize for that…" I immediately averted my gaze.

I'm not ashamed to admit this, but I'm a bit scared of Tiria…

Despite her usual easygoing attitude, she's really strict with me…

She started training with Fred and me every morning… Let's just say that our training sessions have gotten longer and harsher…

I totally didn't faint after our training session today… I also didn’t vomit after that...

Anyway… Tiria's aura and the amount of mana she has are something out of this world… 

Her aura is completely green-colored.

According to what I had learned in the last two weeks with Lilia, or in other words, my Mom, that only means that Tiria is only compatible with the Wind Element.

For the record, Fred doesn't have any aura. Well... He does, but it is actually a bit faint and I can barely distinguish the color which is some sort of dark gray. I was told by my new mom that this means that he cannot use magic in the same manner that we do. He cannot manifest his mana in the shape of a spell in the outside world, but he can use it to strengthen his body to gain incredible bursts of power. This is apparently called [Kai] by magicians, and for people like my dad who are unable to use magic in the same ways magicians do, they simply call it [Fighting Spirit].

I was told that I could also use it, but it would take a long time before I could ACTUALLY use it. Trust me, judging by the unintelligible explanation of my dad, I truly believe that's the case...

"Tiria, don't be so harsh with the kid… You're always spewing even worse words than that one when you are at the Guild's bar, isn't that right?" My Dad looked at my Auntie with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, but the difference is that I'm drunk when I do that and there's also the fact that I am an adult." Tiria retorted. "You know? I don't think Lilia will like the fact that you're encouraging him to be a vulgar kid." She showed him a gentle smile.

"Oh, look! The deer is getting away! We should go after it! We won't be able to have dinner tonight if we don't catch it!" Fred immediately changed the topic.

Lilia can also be even more scary than Tiria, so I understand why Fred dropped the topic…

"That's what I thought." My Auntie smiled triumphantly. "Pick up your arrow and let's look for another prey." She encouraged me by patting the back of my head.

"Yeah…" I nodded and went to pick up my arrow.

Despite the moments where she's terrifying or harsh, I genuinely like Tiria. She's a good Auntie.

The reason why we are here hunting is because of her. She thought it would be good for me to learn how to hunt and how to gather food in case I find myself in the same situation I was in when I came to this world.

I agreed with her obviously. So we have gone out to hunt and to gather edible plants, fruits and vegetables almost every day.

I have also learned how to make fire without using magic. It was difficult, but I'm certain that I can make a proper campfire in almost any situation.

"Blood… I managed to hit it…" I talked to myself while inspecting the tip of my arrow. I then looked in the direction in which the animal escaped to...

The animal I was hunting was a deer, a Draken Deer to be precise. 

This animal seems to be about the same size as the deers from Earth. I think there’s not a lot of differences between them to be honest. 

Well… There’s actually one major difference... 

These deers have the ability to channel mana in their antlers; something which turns their charge into an attack capable of taking down robust trees.

Draken Deers only use that ability when they feel cornered or there’s nowhere to run. It is their last resource, basically.

“The deer is getting away, Julius... Let’s just pick another prey.” Tiria urged me to get moving.

“No. I think we can still catch it.” I shook my head.

It seems like I did way more than grazing the deer... It is actually possible that I might have hit a vein. 

The reason why I say this is because there’s several small puddles of blood left near the place where the deer was standing just a few moments ago.

A very important vein, it seems.

“Oh. So you actually managed to hit your prey and injure it. Not bad… Not bad at all.” Auntie smiled at me and praised me. “Though, now we need to hurry and finish it off before another predator tries to steal our dinner from us.” Auntie smiled bitterly.

Oh right… I forgot that this forest was filled with all kinds of animals and their monstrous predators...

Things like Wolves with large horns, Goblins, humanoid pigs called Orcs, Minotaurs, Sabertooth Tigers, enormous venomous Snakes, Grey Bears who are almost as big as elephants… And those are only the ones that have been discovered in the shallow parts of the Great Forest Falgren...

Multiple expeditions have been sent to go deeper into the forest, but not a single one of those expeditions has managed to return…

So basically the only safe places to live in this forest are the shallow areas.

Wow… I really have learned a lot thanks to Liliana and Luna… They are awesome teachers.

“Aye. I can already hear a few of those predators going after our prey.” Fred spoke while looking at something in the distance.

I don’t hear anything though…

“So? Do you still wanna go after it or do you wanna pick another one?” Tiria asked while looking at me.

“I’m going after this one, of course!” I said with determination.

After coming to the forest to hunt and being the only one going back empty-handed every single day has hurt my pride a lot…

I can’t stop chasing this prey when I’m already so close to succeeding! 

“Alright, go for it!” Auntie spoke to me with enthusiasm.

I simply smiled back before I started running to catch up with my prey…

I followed the small puddles of blood in the dirt…

“Waaaaaaaaaan!” I could hear the animal let out another strange cry. The deer was clearly in pain.

“It’s close…” I said while I ran towards the deer.

I continued to follow the trail of blood and the cries of pain of the animal until I arrived at a small clearing.

The deer was limping while trying to get away… The muscles of its rear legs were spasming… Most of the fur of the animal was covered in blood. A small chunk of its neck was missing. A lot of blood was being poured out of that wound...


I didn’t know if I should feel proud that my arrow had done a lot of damage or regret for the suffering I caused…

When those thoughts appeared in my mind, I quickly shook my head and slapped myself…

“A lion does not feel pity towards its prey nor does it show pride about hunting them… They just hunt and eat… That’s it…” I repeated a quote that Tiria had taught me for moments like this… A quote that has become my personal mantra...

Tiria told me that quote the first time we went out to hunt… I tried to shoot with my bow, but I hesitated when I saw my first prey and I couldn’t release my arrow… Tiria approached me and then told me that quote at that moment...

A quote that I have engraved in my mind since then…

I will be going against an actual god… If I cannot even hunt an animal, how can I expect myself to make Agmos pay for what he did to me?

Just as I asked myself that question, the deer suddenly turned around and faced me…

For a moment, I thought that the animal would prepare itself to use its last resource against me… The creature simply fell to the ground… 

The animal was breathing heavily, the muscles of its legs were suffering spasms and blood was still pouring out of the wound in its neck.

I just looked at the deer in silence while walking towards it.

“Waaaan…” The animal cried feebly.

“I’m sorry... I’ll relieve you of your suffering now.” I said to the deer.

I unsheathed a hunting knife from my belt.

“No hesitation… I cannot allow myself to hesitate...” I talked to myself while moving my knife towards the heart of the creature.

“Waaaaan…” The animal let out another feeble cry… The creature was looking at me very intently while it was dying.

“Sorry.” I apologized one last time.

I took a deep breath to calm myself… 

I raised my knife into the air and then... With a steady hand, I stabbed the animal in its heart...

“Waaaaaaaaaan…-” The deer let out a dying cry while my knife was piercing its skin…

The loud cry of the animal lasted merely a moment… A moment that I would probably remember for as long as I live.

I will forever remember this beast as the first thing I ever killed.

“I hope you find peace in your new life.” I prayed for the sake of the soul of the deer and then took my knife out of its heart.

My hands and most of the blade were covered in the blood of the creature that I had just murdered.

“...” I looked at the corpse of the animal in silence.

I cannot allow myself to feel pity, regret, nor pride if I want to destroy that bastard Agmos…

I stood up after taking one final look at the animal. I then turned around only to see Fred and Tiria standing behind me.

“Very good! I think you’ve finally graduated from my hunting school!” My Auntie patted my back with a smile on her face.

“Ah… Thank you.” I smiled bitterly at her.

I still haven’t told my new family about my deal with Melius or my grudge against the God of Deceit, Agmos… I have tried to do so in the last two weeks, but for some reason, I don’t feel ready to do it yet…

But… I need to be honest with them… I need to tell them everything soon…

It has been two weeks since I became part of their family and I can safely say that I trust them completely…

That’s why I feel the need to tell them… I can’t keep hiding this from them… Not after everything they have done for me.

“...!” I was about to open my mouth to tell everything to Tiria and Fred, but...

“Well, we have enough meat for two days. Man, it is really impressive how you mastered that bow in just two weeks.” Fred smiled at me while inspecting the corpse of the deer.

“Considering how he started, it is nothing but impressive! Otherworlders are really amazing huh...” Tiria started ruffling my hair while teasing me.

I was interrupted by the two…

Maybe now is not the time…

“Can you blame me? I had never picked up a bow in my previous life…” I said with a bit of annoyance.

I’m ashamed to admit this, but I almost lost an eye while playing around with the first bow they gave me… Yeah, I started taking practicing with the bow a little bit more seriously after that…

“Jeez! Don’t look so annoyed! I’m really complimenting you, you know? You’re the first person I met that learned how to use a bow in just two weeks!” She started ruffling my hair even more vigorously...

“It wouldn’t be so easy in my world… It is all thanks to the Skill I received.” I replied.

I have learned four skills in the last two weeks. Those skills are: [Hunting], [Archery], [Stealth] and [Cooking].

I don’t think I have to explain what they do, but they do have some interesting effects that I have noticed.

For example, [Hunting] has made me more sensitive when it comes to noticing trails left by animals or appropriate places to set up traps. I still need to learn how to make traps though…

[Archery] has not only made me able to use bows, but it has also improved my accuracy with almost anything basically. I’m the current champion of throwing rocks at trees in our household! The twins and I were the only participants…

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[Stealth] is… Well… Let’s just say that I have been scaring the twins more often than not…

Moving on!

With [Cooking] I get something similar to a sixth sense when it comes to knowing when a dish is ready. That’s it… Besides that, I haven’t really noticed much of a difference compared to how I used to cook on Earth.

Anyhow, this is what my Status looks like right now:


  • Name: Julius / C♦♦♦ ♦♦v♦♦ 
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 7 years old
  • Ability Points: 0
  • Titles: Reincarnator(?) / Transmigrator(?)
  • Jobs: Unemployed
  • Level: 1


  • HP: 75
  • MP: 50
  • STR: 16 
  • VIT: 55
  • DEF: 15
  • RES: 14
  • LUCK: 26
  • SPD: 18
  • INT: 106


  • Cooking / Level 4
  • Stealth / Level 1
  • Archery / Level 1
  • Hunting / Level 1
  • Magic: Fire Element / Level 2
  • Elemental Resistance: Fire / Level 1
  • Mana Manipulation / Level 2
  • Mana Perception / Level 2
  • Swordsmanship / Level 2
  • Poison Resist / Level 2
  • Pain Resist / Level 1
  • Paralysis Resist / Level 2
  • Charm Resist / Level 1

“Anyway, let’s head back before any annoying monsters come here after smelling the blood.” Tiria finally stopped ruffling my hair... “I want to drink some wine!” She suddenly shouted with excitement.

“Aye.” Fred nodded before grabbing the corpse of the animal and carrying it on his shoulder. His clothes were now covered in the blood of the dead animal... “Let’s go, kiddo.” Fred ruffled my hair before he started walking towards our home.

“I want to see the faces of the twins when they see what we got!” I said with excitement.

The three of us started walking back home.

“You mean the one YOU got! We didn’t really do anything besides giving advice.” My Auntie corrected me. “Sigh… I will always think that it is a shame that the twins never learned how to hunt.”  My auntie then sighed heavily.

When my Auntie and my Dad started teaching me how to hunt, we also told the twins to come with us, but they refused to come.

Luna hates how her arms get numb after using a bow and Liliana simply doesn’t like to fetch the arrows. Those were their reasons.

I would have liked to spend more time with them though...

“Everyone has their likes and dislikes.” Fred shrugged while carrying the heavy-looking corpse of the deer I killed…

“Speaking of likes and dislikes…” My Auntie paused for a moment and looked at me.  “Aren’t you tired of wearing those clothes, Julius? Those clothes are starting to look like rags.” She pointed at my clothes.

Ah… She’s right…

I have been using the same clothes for the last two weeks… My black shirt has a few holes here and there and my shorts have a few stains on them… My shirt also has some blood on it, which will be difficult to wash even with water magic…

Mom has also been washing my clothes using magic whenever I’m taking a bath, so they don’t really smell, but they still look bad…

Yeah… I DO need more clothes…

“Yeah, I would like to get some new clothes. Is it too expensive to buy some?” I asked my Auntie.

“Not really. I know of a few great places we can check out in the town where I live. What do you say, Fred? Wanna go back to civilization again?” Tiria asked my father with a grin.

“We need to buy more wine thanks to your visit… Some construction supplies, a few weapons, and armor for the kid would also come in handy.” Fred said with a deadpan expression.

Weapons and armor for me? Hahaha! Does that mean that I will become a knight!?

Well, I will just look like one though since only nobles can grant knighthood...

“Hahaha! I’m guilty about the first part!” My Auntie laughed very loudly. “I’ll get us a ride to Norvek then. It has been about four or five months since the last time you guys were there at my place.” Tiria smiled at Fred.

Fred just nodded in response.

“Norvek… Is that the town where you live, Auntie?” I asked her.

“Yep! I have the feeling you’re gonna like it! The town not that far away from this place, you know? You can go there and come back in less than a day.” Auntie patted my back.

I’m getting excited! I’m finally visiting a town in this world! I’m really looking forward to seeing the town and its people!

Because of my excitement, I unconsciously started grinning from ear to ear...

“Hehe! It looks like someone is very happy!” Auntie got closer to me and started hugging me. “In the short time I have known you, I’ve noticed that you start grinning when you get excited or when something catches your attention. It is kinda cute, you know?” She spoke with a teasing tone.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I averted my gaze.

Yeah, I have been told that I do that a lot… I also used to do that on Earth…

“You don’t need to get embarrassed with me! C’mon! Keep showing me that cute side of you!” She started poking my cheeks.

“No…” I kept looking in the opposite direction in order to hide my embarrassment…

"It will just be for a bit!" She started poking my cheeks even more vigorously…

The two of us kept going back and forth with Fred silently listening until we reached our home...

-----Liliana’s POV-----

My sister and I were watching Julius who was sitting on the opposite end of the table. He was rubbing his belly after eating a lot of the food my Mom prepared. 

My Aunt, my father, and Julius had returned a while ago from their daily hunt. The three of them returned with an enormous deer as a trophy from their hunt. 

“I’m so full… The food was so good…” He said softly. He had a very adorable smile on his face.

Hehehe! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing that smile!

“A trip to Norvek huh... I think it is the perfect occasion to go on this trip!” My mother looked like she was on board with my Auntie’s idea.

“Aye. It is finally time we get started on making this place look like a town as well. Tiria, do you know of anyone who wants to move away from Norvek? We could use some merchants or farmers here.”

“A few come to mind. I’ll introduce you to them.” My Auntie smiled before taking a sip of her drink.

I stopped paying attention to the adult’s conversation because I suddenly felt someone pulling my sleeve to get my attention... It was my little sister.

“I wonder if Mia and Klein still remember us…” Luna had a nostalgic expression on her face.

“I bet they do! I don’t think they would ever forget such an amazing pair of twins!” I said with a grin.

“I hope so…” Luna nodded shyly.

Mia and Klein are a pair of kids we met when we were living in Norvek while we were staying with our Auntie just before moving here to the forest. I think the last time we saw them was an eternity (five months) ago…

“Are they your friends?” Julius suddenly joined our conversation. He was tilting his head in a very adorable manner.

“Yeah, we spent a lot of time playing together while we were preparing to come here…” Luna nodded while blushing slightly.

She has really gotten used to talking to him… I'm really glad.

It would be weird if she kept stuttering or acting so shyly after spending as much time together with Julius as we normally do. 

I’m proud of my little sister!

“I see…” Julius nodded to himself. “Do you think I can become friends with them as well?” He smiled bitterly.

"Of course! They are going to love you!" I smiled back at him.

"I'll be looking forward to meeting them!" Julius looked very excited.

While I was admiring his cute excited expression, my little sister decided to pull my sleeve to get my attention again. She got closer to me and then started whispering in my ear.

"We can't let Mia and Julius be alone together." My little sister said with determination.

"Why? I don't think it would be a problem." I looked at her with confusion.

"How many times did she fall in love in the short time we were living in Norvek?" My sister asked with a serious expression.

Oh right… Mia DID fall in love a lot of times while we were there…

I think she "fell" in love at least 4 times the day before we left...

Her room was also filled with tons of romance novels and books...

Also… If I remember correctly, her dream was to find her prince or her knight in shining armor…

Yeah, it would be a bit of a problem to leave the two of them alone...

"Yeah… Let's not leave them alone. Ever..." I agreed with my younger sister.

She nodded at me. She seemed really pleased and relieved that I had agreed with her.

"But will Luna be alright when we go to the town? I'm asking because she didn't look too keen on going back to the city the day I was adopted." Julius suddenly asked while looking at Luna.

"Ehh…?" Luna looked dumbfounded for a second. She started blushing immediately after.

Jeez, Julius really worries about her… That's so adorable~!

"Luna loves Norvek, so she'll be fine! It is just that she doesn't really like the noisy streets of the capital!" I smiled at him.

Actually… Her dislike for the city also has to do with the fact that we didn't have a lot of friends there or the people who tried to become "friends" with my family because of my Dad...

Well that doesn't really matter anymore. It is not like we'll go back to living there anyway.

I know we'll stay here forever!

"I see… What about you, Liliana? Do you like Norvek?" He asked me.

He's also worried about me… What a cutie!

"Hahaha! I also love that town! I'm looking forward to showing you everything" I smiled at him.

Hehehe! I really love Julius! He's so kind and genuine. He's a little bit of a dork sometimes, but he's really amazing!

"I also want to show you everything in Norvek!" Luna quickly recovered from her embarrassment and joined our conversation.

Jeeez! My little sister is also really adorable~.

"I'll be looking forward to it then! Please show me the whole town!" He smiled once again.

Yup… That smile is definitely the cutest!

"Of course! But first… I need payment!" I said with a teasing smile while I got from my seat.

I immediately started walking towards Julius while I kept smiling at him.

As soon as I got close enough, I extended my arms and wrapped them around him…

Julius was now at my mercy… I was hugging him tightly.

I really love how soft and warm he is! This is definitely the best!

"Sheesh… My older sister is so clingy…" He spoke with an exaggerated tone before returning the hug.

Yep! We have gotten really close in the last two weeks. Although they were short, I enjoyed every single day with him and Luna!

"Don't leave me out!" Luna said with a jealous expression.

She got up from her seat almost instantly and ran towards us.

She didn't waste any time and hugged the two of us as soon as she reached us.

Jeez… These two will make me faint one of these days thanks to their cuteness!

I want to be with these two forever!

"Thank you… Liliana, Luna…" Julius suddenly whispered in our ears.

Julius then stopped hugging us… He had a serious expression on his face.

Luna and I just looked at him with confusion…

Why is he thanking us for?

Also, that kind of expression is also very cool and cute at the same time!

He then clapped loudly in order to get the attention of the adults.

"I have something to tell all of you… The reason I was reincarnated is… I have to release Lord Melius from his seal!" He shouted something unbelievable with an extremely serious expression.

Lord Melius? Seal…? Huh?

"I've made a deal with him in order to take revenge upon the God of Deceit!" He shouted something even more unbelievable…

Revenge against a God!?

Huh!? What is he even saying!?

Both Luna and I looked at him with confusion…

"J-J-Julius… What do you mean by that?" My little sister asked.

"Exactly what I just said. I'm sorry I didn't mention this before, but as you may understand, this isn't something that you can reveal lightly in front of others." His expression didn't change.

He then started looking at the adults… My Mother, my Father, and my Auntie, all looked just as confused as I was…

"Julius, are you serious!?" My Auntie got up from her seat very quickly. It was so quick that she almost let go of her cup of wine…

"Oh, dear… It seems like you're still full of surprises…" My mother smiled warmly at Julius while trying to hide her inner turmoil.

"Kid… Do you seriously plan on taking revenge against a God…?" My father asked with a serious expression.

"I do." Julius nodded with an expression filled with determination.

Ah… Somehow, that look on his face is very reassuring…

"Tsk… Well, can you at least tell us the full story about that?" My father scratched the back of his neck.

Julius nodded again.

"It all starts after my death in my previous world…-" 

Julius then started telling us the full story of the circumstances of his Reincarnation…

Luna and I could only listen in silence while being dumbfounded by the unbelievable reunion of our little brother and the God of Creation...

Chapter 8: A Short Hunt...


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