Echoes of Insanity

Echoes of Insanity

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Echoes of Insanity

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Just a small speck in the vast void in-between galaxies; the inter-galactic colonization ship ARI flew through the nothingness of space. I am one of the few selected to remain awake on board the ship, in charge of administrating the thirty billion passengers jacked in to a simulated reality.

One day, something new happened.. Something unexplainable, yet evidently dangerous. By the urging of the central AI on the ship, I was forced to take refuge within the simulated reality that I could only previously observe as an array of statistics on the outside.

However, the simulation wasn't in a good state either. An inextricable connection to the events of the real world seemed to exist in the simulation, and things only began to get weirder as time went on...

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