Echoes of the Lost Age

Chapter 23: Chapter 26- First semester, no going back.

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“How about you go first?”

I stood together with Lyria outside the first classroom. This was the first class on the first day at the academy. I thought that by allowing her to go in first, she would hopefully attract some of the attention and allow me to sneak in. Not a very great plan, but it’s what I had to work with.

She paused halfway through the entrance.

“Okay then.”

I gave it a few moments before entering myself.

The classroom was much larger than I expected it to be, with rows and rows of seats extending upwards. It looked like a section from the stadium we used the first day of the trial. At the front stood a single desk and a large screen?

Lyria had already attracted the attention of half the classroom, while some came up to greet her, others watched from afar. Mission success.

I climbed up the step as I looked around, considering where I should even sit. I had reached halfway up the row when I spotted a hand waving at the edge of my vision. It was Senna, her hands waving wildly as she tried to get my attention.

She removed the satchel on the seat next to her and pointed.

“Got you a seat.”

I thanked her and took a seat next to her, glancing around the room as I did so.

“Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Just preparing, like everybody else.”

“What room are you in? I’m stuck with two Avians.”

She rested her chin against the desk, pouting as she spoke. “I’ve had a tengu as a roommate before, but these two just shed feathers nonstop.”

 “We are in room seven. Lyria and Allana are my roommates.”

“Oh.” she said, glancing at the elven girl before returning to her sulking session.

I then overheard some students speaking among themselves while looking towards the entrance

“Hey, is that the draco princes?”

“Huh, another princess? Where?”

“The One with the black gold horns and black hair. Her Name is Ming Daiyu. She’s from the direct line of the Ming Family.” 

“That name, she placed first in the trial, right?”

“Wow, so many royals and nobles this year.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard the other group has quite a few as well.”

I looked toward where they were pointing. It was the Draco girl we fought at the trial, her obsidian-like hair which was tied in a pigtail now flowed freely down her back. Even now, in such a relaxed setting, her Qi pressure, though nowhere near Master Shino’s level, was still unnerving. Regardless of the whispers and badly hidden pointed fingers, she still held that placid expression.

"Alright, settle down Guppies.”

An old-looking man walked through the door. He had nicely groomed  white hair, and his wrinkly yet stern face scanned the large classroom. He walked with a slight waddle, but didn’t bother using his cane. His dusty looking clothes made me think of some of the older martial masters that lived near the temple. The lack of any stand out feature gave me the impression that he was human.

He stood in front of the large desk and waited for the chatter to die down.

“Good day. My name is Angelo Dickens.”

“Pft” Senna puts her hand to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh.

“I know, I know, insert dick joke here.” He said before continuing.

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“I will be the one responsible for teaching you lot navigation and the rules of such. Great to see you all here today, and welcome to the academy.”

“We usually do introductions, but we are currently three weeks behind, so I’ll leave that for you to do personally. For now, I’ll just be taking attendance.”


“Alright, it seems like we are done here.”

He walks gingerly over to the center of the table and sits. He takes a while to settle himself and even pops a few pieces of candy into his mouth. Savoring the taste, he looks down at his pocket watch before once again facing us.

“Before we start the first lesson, I want you to think for a moment, and think really hard. What is the reason you want to be an explorer? You don’t have to tell me I already know the answers, Fame, fortune, to live the tales of your predecessors, to escape your current life or to feed the mouths of your family. Ive heard it all.”

He tosses the candy over to the other corner of his mouth.

“I’ve seen many bright eyed people like you throughout my life, youthful and hopeful, chasing the glory of a so-called Explorer, only for them to die on one of these barren worlds. Some not even allowed the liberty of a proper burial.”

“I want you to ask yourself. Is this really worth it? And if so, what am I willing to sacrifice? Calling this occupation hard is an understatement. Be on your toes every step of the way, and a single mistake can spell the death of every team member. You will be responsible for the lives of every person in this room.” 

 If you are certain that this is what you want to do, I will need your full cooperation. He walked to the back of the desk and pulled out a sheet of paper; he slid it onto the desk and dropped a pen on it. 

I mulled over his words. I already know my reason for coming here. “To live the tales of my predecessor.” These words resounded in my head. 

Is it worth risking my life for? If the trail was anything to go by, it was very apparent how quickly things can go awry. 

I don’t care about the money it could bring, nor do I have a family that relies on me. I always wanted to know what it is my mother enjoys about this so much, telling me stories about how she met the people she journeyed with or how they killed some grand cryptid together or the many worlds she explored.

I looked towards Senna, who simply clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes at the professor and Lyria, who seemed to listen intently. A warm feeling welled up within my chest.

I barely knew them, but these people were actively trying to get closer to me. Yeah, they may have had their selfish reasons, but no longer am I the strange human that must be avoided. The strange human that spreads her own mana burn. And I have no intention of returning untill I  find out how to properly control my mana.

“I will allow you a choice, now and only now, if you leave this classroom I will not fault you, I won’t kick you out of the school, I will even contact the higher ups and have you placed in a sector where gate exploration is irrelevant. Your other courses will not be affected and you will continue to receive your current benefits until the term ends.”

It wasn’t a bad offer, honestly it was the best option for someone like me. But it felt wrong. There was a nagging feeling that it would be a big mistake to leave, but either way. I had already decided.

I relaxed into my seat and closed my eyes, waiting for the class to continue, then I felt a breeze pass over me. I looked at the source, only to see Allana.

Notepad in hand, she walked toward the professor, her messy black hair swaying as she descended the stairs. She handed him her notebook, which he read for a moment.

“Are you sure?” He said.

She nodded.

“I see. You may leave.

She walked out of the classroom with her head tilted towards the floor. 

He turns back to us, his stern expression returning.

“Anyone else? This is a one time offer. If you choose to leave after this point, we will consider you a dropout.”

He looked around as he waited for another soul to go out the door. Though all he got was our quiet stares.

Satisfied, he lifts himself from his chair and walks towards the screen

“Very well, let’s begin.”



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