Edelweiss the Sword Empress

Chapter 7: 06 – Entertaining The ‘Guest’

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Edelweiss and Roy's family started walking towards the door, but Alfrea called them when Roy was about to open the door.

“Oh, you guys almost forgot to bring the proceeds from selling wolves” (Alfrea)

Walked and gave the money bag to Roy.

“1 wolf's body cost 2 silver coins, you sold 11 wolves which became 22 silver coins and were cut to by 10% by the guild, so in the bag, there were 19 silver coins 8 bronze plates (1980 cents)” (Alfrea)


Roy nodded his head and periodically returned. When on the way to Roy's house, Edelweiss whispered to Rhea and asked.

“psst-psst aunty, can you teach me the value of the currency?” (Edelweiss)

Rhea who heard the question from Edelweiss looked a bit surprised by her request, although a bit surprised, she still teach her.

“For the name of the currency is cent and for the type and value of the coin is like this” (Rhea)

type money

- copper coin

- copper plate

- silver coin

- silver plate

- gold

- gold plate

- platinum

- platinum plate


money conversion

1 copper coin = 1 cent

10 copper coin or 1 copper plate = 10 cents

10 copper plates or 1 silver coin = 100 cents

10 silver coins or 1 silver plate = 1000 cents

10 silver plate or 1 gold coin = 10,000 cents

10 gold coin or 1 gold plate = 100,000 cents

10 gold plate or 1 platinum coin = 1,000,000 cents

10 platinum coin or 1 platinum plate = 10,000,000 cents

“How is it? can you remember it Edel?” (Rhea)

"Yep, I can" (Edelweiss)

At that time Clara who was on her mother's back woke up.

"Ah, Clara how are you?" (Edelweiss)

"Uhh, I still feel weak" (Clara)

"Hmm, well it's good that you're not pale anymore dear" (Rhea)

When Edelweiss and Rhea were looking at Clara who had woken up, Roy told them that they had arrived home.

"We arrived home" (Roy)

 They entered the house, and after entering the house Rhea said.

“I will lay Clara in her room” (Rhea)

And she goes to Clara's room.


Roy nodded to Rhea. Then Edelweiss heaved a sigh of relief, it was because they had walked quite a distance.

"Uncle I will rest for now" (Edelweiss)

"Rest in the room, there is 1 empty room you can use Edel" (Roy)


Edelweiss nodded and followed Roy. After arriving in the room Edelweiss immediately lay down and fell asleep. Edelweiss needed to rest, she will entertain the 'guests' that would come in the evening, that is if they come.

When the evening comes, Edelweiss wakes up because she feels evil intentions. And she got out of bed.

I think it's time to welcome the 'guests'. But I didn't think I'd be asleep until this late, if I didn't feel any ill will I'd probably be asleep until tomorrow morning.

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Edelweiss walked out of the house while removing her presence and approached the 'guests'. Edelweiss didn't want to wait any longer, because she thought it will be best to solve this problem quickly.

Aha found them, hmm there are 4 people.

On the other hand, the 'guests' were discussing in whispers to one another.

“Let's finish it as soon as possible I want to relax and have fun” (Assassin A)

“Well, I agree but before killing his wife let's have some fun with her first” (Assassin B)

“Hehehe isn't that obvious? Why are you still asking the obvious thing?” (Assassin C)

“Because he's an idiot” (Assassin D)

They didn't know that behind them someone else is listening to their evil intentions. Edelweiss who was listening to what they had planned on Rhea and looked at them with a cold gaze.

Oh, it looks like there's a pervert here.

Edelweiss said that in her mind while smiling but that smile didn't reach her eyes and stared at them coldly.

"Hey, what are you guys doing whispering like that?" (Edelweiss)

“!!!!” (The guests)

They were all startled by hearing a voice they didn't recognize, when they turned around, they saw a woman with white hair with blue eyes, she was sitting on a tree branch and emitting the aura of a graceful princess.

"Is there something wrong? Why are you all silent?” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss asked them with a smile while tilting her head. They all smiled evilly at her, and their thoughts were all the same which was 'let's catch her alive and play with her.

Edelweiss could guess what was on their mind by looking at their current expressions, but Edelweiss kept smiling as if she didn't understand what they were all thinking.

Wordlessly they all attacked Edelweiss and forgot their original purpose to come here.

Oh my, they all attack me at the same time? Did they forget their goal to get rid of their target? Are they stupid?

Edelweiss descended from the tree branch and started walking leisurely, she glanced at the slender sword in the hand of one of the guests and spoke.

"Hey, may I borrow your weapon?" (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss suddenly appeared before the owner of the slender sword in question, she stole the sword in his hand and kicked him in the stomach with a “gentle kick”.

Too bad I'm not wearing heels when I kick him.

“Thank you for lending me your sword, but I don't know when I will return it to you” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss said that while smiling sweetly. While the 'guests' looked at her in horror, they couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes, she blows away their friend with just one kick.

“You monster” (The guest)

They shouted simultaneously and attacked her.

“Wow” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss dodged their attacks with just a little movement. While Edelweiss was busy entertaining the 'guests', Roy left the house and saw Edelweiss's situation which looked like she was dancing, her movements were very graceful.

Edelweiss and Roy's eyes met, Edelweiss nodded her head to give him a signal that she was okay.

Let's end this right now.

Edelweiss who had not used the sword in her hand since earlier now started to use it.

"How about I slap you with this sword in my hand?" (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss asked them, but she didn't wait for their answer and directly slapped them, she do a [sidestep] to the left and used her [Sword Art: Crescent Moon] but used the side of the sword instead of the blade.

“[Sword Art: Crescent Moon] with face slapping mode” (Edelweiss)




Roy who saw that subconsciously held his cheek. While Edelweiss smiled happily and looked very satisfied after slapping the 'guests' with her sword.

It wasn't long before Alfrea came, she saw the 'guests' lying on the ground unconscious, she smiles because she finally got the evidence, Alfrea gave a thumbs up to Edelweiss, Edelweiss who saw that, of course, replied to her with thumbs up too.

“Thanks for your hard work, Edel I didn't expect you to beat them up so quickly” (Alfrea)

“Well, no problem. I leave the rest to you guys the trouble here, I'll go attack the bandit base now” (Edelweiss)

“Okay” (Alfrea)

“Okay and be careful Edel” (Roy)

Edelweiss replied to them by waving her hand and disappeared instantly.


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