
Chapter 20: Vol 1 – Chapter 20 (Re-Challenge)

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  • 3rd Person POV

*BEEP *BEEP, Waking up from the alarm. Evan lazily grab his phone beside him and turn off the alarms including the following ones.

Then he stands up from the bed enduring the temptation to just stay on the bed for another five minutes. He stretches his body with a look of satisfaction in his face

“Ungghh!! AH~ feels nice”.

Moving onward to the bathroom and cleaning himself up, Evan begun eating a cereal & berries for breakfast as he look at the windows. The sun is rising up giving a clear blue sky with him smiling looking at his phone.

“2 days… just 2 days!”

He seems enthusiastic for the event as he look at the website to see of any updates including the EidoNews website. Scrolling down, he didn’t see any new rules being posted although he did see a ‘clarification’ in the trivia section.

Magic items & Magic equipment is one & the same in this rule as such you cannot have 1 legendary magic item and 1 legendary magic equipment at the same time.

“Hmmm… I have [Egg of Time], [Antique Circlet], [Magie Magia’s Travelling Garden], [Magic Circle Engraver], [Robe of Everchanging], [Branch of Good Berry]”

He thought knowing that he is empty on one slot for very rare category magic items.

“Sigh… very rare category or legendary category mostly comes from dungeon. Although the legendary category only drops when in a party. The very rare can drop in dungeon (solo) but with a miniscule chance. So, I guess… I’ll try to challenge that dungeon again just to see what I get. Not that I wanted to have a revenge match with the goblin witch hahaha...”

Evan cheekily thought of the dungeon [Claw Peak Cavern] as he finishes his breakfast then clean the dishes.

Wiping his mouth, Evan enters the console as he logged in the world of ‘Eidolon’. The scent of salty breeze and damp soil under his feet greeted him. He’s in the familiar ‘safe glade’ near Clamshore as he opens the chest and harvest 2x [Crystal Aster Flower] for the day with it comes on cooldown.

Looking around and expanding his ‘radar’ he confirmed to himself that there are no entities near him. So, he went deeper to the mountain concealing himself using [Invisibility] and [Muffle] to keep his movement silent.

To identify him would be a challenge in itself especially in the forest. Using the same path he remembers; the forest terrain slowly change into a rocky field with a path to the mountain.

Upon nearing the place, from afar Evan can hear the sound effects of magic being casted, players shouting & grunting taking down monsters.


Right there, he can see players grinding levels and money slaying the mountain goblins. While moving he’s grateful that the players here aren’t related to any major guilds as he moves forward using the path forward towards the mountain with the players did not notice him.

Arriving at the entrance to the dungeon, he leaned his body left & right. He didn’t see any major guild members in the surrounding as he heave a relieved sigh. “Must be due to the event, the veteran players challenge hi-level dungeons and the guild focuses on that” He commented.

Feeling quite safe, he enters the dungeon with the usual prompt of being under levelled & challenging it solo. Nevertheless, he press (Y) as his figure vanishes to thin air.

Evan is delivered into the depth of the cavern, warmth coming from his back as he turns around. Greeted with the sunlight leading to the exit of the dungeon.

Deciding on what to do, he chooses

“[Summon Umbra]”

Emerging behind his shadow, a large size wolf-dog appeared. He stand side by side with Evan as they move forward deeper into the cavern.

As usual, they encounter a goblin camp filled with 5 goblinoid creatures. One of them is the chief while the others are simple mountain goblins.

Evan commanded Umbra to stay silent for now as he toggled on his [Mana Shield]. In doing so, a sheen of mana covered the surface of his body almost like a skin-tight suit, comfortable, and not constricting with him moving his hands around.

Looking around at the encampment in front of him stealthily since he is invisible and muffled. He began weaving mana together into a condensed sphere. After a while of chanting, even rocks and pebbles began to lifts, hover, and move closer to the middle of his hands as if gravity intensified in that area and begin pulling things around him.

He continue to focus forward before finally unleashing the magic.

“[Gravity Crush]!”

 With that, he slam shut his two hands. The rocks around Evan fall to the ground as gravity returns surrounding him. But something is shifted on the goblin encampment.

*SNAP* A massive pushing force outright flatten out the tents & crushed the bone piles into dust. With stalactites become so heavy that it snaps and fall to the ground accompanied by stalagmites falling apart due to the pressure, the magic is exerting.

The goblin shrieks simultaneously as the magics also affected them


*CRACK *CRACK *CRACK  They fall prone, and the normal mountain goblins were crushed with their body vanished signifying that they have been defeated by the spell. After a while, the increased gravitational force ceased, leaving behind tents that are crushed into flat, and bones that turn into small fine pieces.

“Ohh!! That’s a good spell”

Evan smiles as he look at his MP bar, It appears a chunk of it have been removed from casting the spell and slowly being filled up. Pointing to the remaining goblin Evan commanded

“Umbra! Go!! I choose you”

The wolf-dog jumped to Evan’s shadow and appeared behind the still living chief goblin. In doing so, the fangs of Umbra elongated and enveloped by inky shadow as he bites deeply to the shoulder of the goblin.


Its body vanishes and with that, they managed to clear out the entire area. Moving forward, the pair finally encounters the Goblin Witch in idling animation of dancing & chanting in unknown language.

Thankfully, the pair hasn’t enter the field and triggering the fight so they can prepare before entering. Evan summons something adjacent to him.

Fast as a blink, a floating octahedron emerge & hovers around him. Evan can see its crystal-clear form, but it is invisible in other people vision. Before him, the panel that shows the POV of the mana core emerges. He commanded it to [Warp] moving to a point right in the middle of the boss battle.


Silence comes for a while as Evan sigh in relief. The goblin witch doesn’t notice, what is going on as the octahedron still hovering there above & in middle of the field. He tapped & stroke Umbra’s fur as he casted a supportive spell.


A veil of mana engulfed Umbra protecting him from physical attacks. Evan then enters the field with Umbra as the goblin chants goes quiet noticing the intrusion. It shrieks and begun a quick ritual in summoning the living tar as per the boss encounter goes.


Umbra leaped forward and bite the living tar with an expression of disgust.

“I promise I’ll give you lot of treats okay?”

Evan quickly commented earning a reply of disgruntled grunt from the wolf-dog.

He separated himself from the wolf-dog, pointing his index finger to the goblin witch. Crackles of electricity condenses into a point on his index finger as a bolt of lightning shoots from it.

Hitting the goblin. Earning a shrieking reply from the goblin witch


The witch retaliate by pointing her skull staff towards Evan and shoot a sphere of flame. By seeing how the witch weave the mana, Evan tampers with the spell by unravelling the weave, the flame vanishes before it reaches him.


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The witch look surprised from the spell as Evan took that chance to weave a spell by swirling his hands together.

“[Electro Sphere]!!”

*CRACKLE *CRACKLE A swirling sphere of electricity appeared near her as it pulses & arcs a bolt of lightning towards her, it pierces her torso leaving behind scorch marks.


It appears to hit a significant amount of damage as Evan follow suit with his own bolt of lightning from his index finger.

The battle went on with Evan dismantle any rituals or magics that the goblin witch casted allowing him to fight the battle one-sided with Evan winning.

Upon her health drop to 50% by judging by how she looks, all haggard and her clothing torn & singed by the arcing electricity. She point her staff as the living tar turn into a golem and hardened into spikes. She then wave her skull staff towards Evan with the golem move closer quicker compared to liquid form towards him.

“Heh! I expected that”

It tries to stab Evan, but the mage folded the mana around him as his figure disappeared and reappeared right on top of Umbra. Evan currently riding on the wolf-dog’s back.

The wolf-dog moves at an incredible speed, fighting against the hardened living tar. Taking damage in between since Umbra used his body as a shield preventing the tar golem from attacking Evan. The mage touches Umbra’s fur and cast healing spell recovering his HP back to full.

Due to Umbra’s erratic movement and Evan’s view to the witch is blocked, he cannot aim the witch for spells resulting a stalemate.

Umbra taking damage from the tar golem and Evan continues to heal the wolf-dog. In addition, whenever the witch tries to attack using spells or making a ritual. The mage just unravels the weave of mana preventing it from happening.

Rest assured, Evan had something else in his sleeve. Bending his neck up, he can see the octahedron floating on top before looking down to the panel showing the POV of the octahedron.

It appears to be showing him a direct view at the witch queen perfect for gaining information on where she is. Umbra kept on moving his body to take damage from the golem as Evan closes his eye and begun weaving mana.

“Strange… I close my eyes and now I feel like I’m in the octahedron seeing the witch clearly”

Upon Evan mould the mana, the crystal changed its form into a four-triangle pointing inwards as it shoot a bolt of lightning similar to the spell that Evan used to whittle down the witch. Dealing damage once again, seeing it happens in the panel & his mind Evan can’t help but to cheer himself & Umbra since the wolf-dog is protecting him.

“I see… I see… so that’s how you use this”

Evan slowly learns on how to alternate between the POV of the mana core and his own character. Changing in between too quickly made him a bit nauseous as he heals Umbra.

The witch sees where the bolts coming out. She point her wrinkly finger up to the air emitting the very same spell of [Fireball] with Evan quickly unravel the threads of mana of that spell making it vanish instantly.

“Hehehe… it’s quite bad match-up fighting against me eh?”

 Evan seems proud of himself albeit he is constantly being jostled around riding Umbra’s back.

“I better finish this!”

He can see the witch getting considerably weakened, he lifted his hand up and swirls it together weaving the mana above. With that, thick black clouds begun to gather above the battlefield accompanied by the sounds of rumbling thunder.

Before long, Evan clenched both of his fist and pull something heavy to the ground.

“[Lightning Strike]!!”

 In doing so, the rumbling intensifies before a massive bolt of lightning emerge out from the clouds and crashing down upon the witch.


Her shriek echo through the cavern as her body vanish and with that the living tar melted to the ground the mechanic that held it together disperses.

Umbra stopped jostling Evan around, seeing the battle have ended as the mage just lay down on his back taking a quick rest in the wolf-dog’s fluffy fur.


He sighed, although it doesn’t consume a lot of his MP, it affects Evan mentally making him tired due to concentration required and the constant changing perspective from the mana core then to himself to keep healing Umbra. Before long, a prompt appeared before him.

Congratulations for completing the dungeon [Claw Peak Cavern]!


He can see a box appeared on the panel as he tapped it. It opens and presented him the rewards in tackling the dungeon. He gain several EXPs enough to gain several levels at once with multiple pings accompanied it. In addition to 1000 GC, he also get several items.

[Black Tar]






Yes (One-Use)




50 GC


0.2 gram

Requirement to use:



A glass flask containing a viscous black liquid. It is highly flammable and last for quite some time.


Can be thrown and make the content spreads to 5 metre area. The surface coated with this tar are highly flammable & explosive.

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