Elania, Arachne in a different world

Chapter 102: 2.12 A Present (NSFW/18+)

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NSFW chapter. The nsfw part is in spoiler bracket.

I stood at the table and rested my head in a palm as the others ate. The smell of Elly’s cooking was amazing, as always. Ironically enough, she’d prepared chicken fillets…

I sighed. My mind wasn’t quite here.

I was somewhat happy that the smell of normal food was still alluring. I was certain I could have eaten some if I wasn’t bloated.

It was but a glimmer of light in the darkness that clouded my mind.

Talking about what happened with the others turned out to be taxing.

I thought of what had happened to my body so far. I’d grown extra eyes, I’d ‘eaten’ something that I would never have gotten near in a far too macabre manner.

My body was changing to be more and more spider-like and it had me worried…

Sure, my inherity sheet said that minor adjustments could be made to my body, but what if at some point there would be nothing left of my humanity?

I had my eyes closed in thought, the ones I could close anyway…

Velariah to my left seemed to notice my mood. She didn’t look too happy to see me like this. Nira to my right also seemed slightly worried, though I doubt her worry was anywhere near my level.

My headache had almost disappeared entirely. It seemed these new eyes were starting to become more and more natural to me.

I was probably too worried about all this, I knew.

Even after dinner was finished, I remained quiet. I was certain the others knew how I was feeling at the moment. Thankfully, they didn’t ask anything.

I sighed deeply as the others quietly went around doing whatever. I saw Nira and Draco grab their books again, and Seralyn went upstairs. Velariah took the vial with borer material from her pack and brought it to the kitchen before returning.

“Let’s go to our room, shall we?” The white-haired elf asked softly.

I nodded. Maybe it was better to just go to bed early tonight? I kind of just wanted this day done and over with. Maybe I’d feel better tomorrow.

“Good night, Miss Elania,” Draco said.

Nira repeated Draco’s words.

“Thanks, guys, and I’m sorry. I don’t feel too well right now.”

“It’s understandable,” Draco spoke. “Don’t worry about it.”

I gave Gray some head pats and scritches before heading to the bathroom with Velariah.

I don’t know why, but somehow I was looking forward to seeing Minia…

Velariah closed and locked the door behind me as I stepped over the hammock. I could see Minia on the wall above the head-end of the hammock. She was happy to see me… but also… concerned.

I sighed once more.

“What’s the matter, Elania?” Velariah walked up to me and hugged me, her head not reaching higher than my chest.

“Meh, I’m just feeling down. I imagine it will be better tomorrow.”

“Whatcha feeling down about?” She looked up at me with a caring look in her eyes.

“I’m just scared. It’s probably misplaced, but I can’t help it.”

“Scared of what?” Velariah asked softly.

“About giving up all of my humanity. I feel like I lose more and more of who I once was. With these new eyes and a new way of eating, I just feel like I’m becoming more… spider than human.”

“El...” The elf whispered. “You know that’s not true. If anything, you feeling that way means you’re becoming more of both.”

“You think so?”

Velariah nodded.

“Your emotions are far more human than some people that I’ve encountered in the past, El. I see what you mean and I know that it scares you, but you won’t ever stop being you, Elania. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you.”

I put my hands on her back and patted her.

“Thank you, Vel. I’m truly grateful to have you...” I whispered.

“I’ll be here for you...” She took my lower set of hands and held them tightly.

I lowered my torso and took the elf in for a proper hug.

“You really need to stop worrying about things like these, El,” Velariah whispered. “You will always stay you. I also doubt Velineri would dare to take away from your beauty...”

I managed to smile slightly at that comment. “You think so?”

“She’s kind. I’m sure you’ve caught her attention by now. Your efforts in this village are sure to have pleased her. You’re helping her children, El. I’m sure she’ll watch over you.”

Velariah planted a soft kiss on my lips, causing me to relax and clearing some of my worries from my mind.

“I’m sure she loves you as much as I do,” Velariah continued with a soft voice.

“I hope you’re right. I’d hate to turn into a full-on spider. I don’t mind this body, I’ve come to love it, but I daresay this is more than enough.”

“Hmm, maybe you’re right.”

“What? You want me to grow even more eyes, or what?” I asked, confused.

Velariah shrugged. “Spiders have eight, I wonder why they have that many in the first place. You think they can see different things than us?”

I smiled slightly. “I can speak from experience that these two additional eyes don’t allow me to see anything that I couldn’t see before. I just see… more. Much more.”

“Well, I think they are cute. It helps that they match your hair,” Velariah smiled before kissing me softly again.

Velariah glanced over at the bathtub.

I knew where this was going.

“Hey, El? You want to—”

“Take a bath?” I finished her sentence.

“Nothing escapes your sight, does it?”

“Not anymore, I’m afraid. I think I actually should, though. I haven’t cleaned myself in what? A week? I’d also like to get rid of anything that reminds me of that borer.”

“That’s a good point. It also allows us to waste some time. It’s your birthday and I still haven’t given you a present,” She smiled seductively while still hugging me. “I was planning to give that to you after getting you nice and clean.”

“Damn, Vel. I can’t believe you were actually serious about that.”

“You seem like you need it,” She stated matter-of-factly.

“Hmmm, I could do with some distraction. It’s true that you’re my favorite distraction. Thanks for lifting my spirits, Vel.”

“I’m happy I could be of help,” She said while hugging me even tighter than before. “You don’t deserve to feel down. You’re too kind-hearted for that.”

“Stop it, Vel. You’re making my heart melt… maybe both.”

“Seems you got your humor back, good. Come, let’s get you cleaned.”


I undid my clothes and laid them in the sink. I prepared the towels as well while Velariah got herself undressed.

I was quietly watching her with my left-left eye while she removed her clothes.

I couldn’t help but stare. Fortunately, there was no way she was going to notice.

Maybe these spidery parts weren’t so bad after all.

“You’re staring, aren’t you?” Velariah smiled at me.

“Huh? No?” I said as I innocently reached for the sponges.

“I know you were, El. Your body language tells me everything I need to know.”

“Well, damn...”

“It’s fine,” She smiled again. “Stare all you want, it makes me feel appreciated.”

I tossed the sponges in the tub while Velariah turned on the faucet. She had stripped completely nude and I was lost in her beauty…

Her curves, her hair, her eyes, her smile… She was already messing with my mind...

She stepped into the tub and adjusted the water temperature before plugging the drain.

“I’m so going to make a proper showerhead someday...”

“What’s that?” Velariah asked.

“It’s some kind of vessel with holes that is placed at the end of a tube that is usually made of some flexible material. Water goes through the tube and falls down from above in small streams. I imagine it would make cleaning my huge body far easier.”

“Sounds interesting. Flexible material you say?”

I nodded. “It’s basically an extension of the pipe that leads the water to the faucet.”

“That’s for another day. You’re kind of ruining the mood, El.”

I smiled. “I guess I am, huh?”

“Come,” She beckoned me over with her hands.

“I thought you wanted to waste time,” I smiled in a teasing manner.

“With you here, dummy.”

I stepped into the large tub as Velariah made space for my body. Almost immediately, she used the sponges to clean my chitinous parts.

“You’re looking forward to getting freaky after this, aren’t you?”

Velariah nodded. “El, you have no idea how much I want you.”

I chuckled and took her in for a kiss while she continued cleaning. My pedipalps were around her back, and I could feel her heart beating fast through them.

“I think I do,” I smiled and kissed her again.

“You better not get ahead of yourself.”

I didn’t reply to that. I simply enjoyed Velariah’s touch with the sponges on my chitin. She started working on my legs.

“You’re surprisingly clean. It seems we may be done here faster than I imagined.”

“I literally shed my skin, Vel. What did you expect?”

“I guess that’s one way to get rid of dirt and grime.”

I giggled and leaned on the edge of the tub while the elf worked behind me.

I was curious about Velariah’s wishes. She seemed like she wasn’t joking about the times when she had mentioned for me to use my silk on her. Would she enjoy being stuck in webs while doing it with me?

It was my birthday, right?

She’d said she was fine with everything, right?

I smiled at the thought. If that’s what she wanted, why would I object?

For some reason, I was looking forward to it. I thought it was weird at first, but I loved this elf more than anything in the world. I would happily use whatever I had at my disposal to make her feel good.

How to pleasure your elf girlfriend in another world as an Arachne? The thought made me giggle in my mind.

I guessed I would find out soon.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the elf’s work as she scrubbed my rear. There wasn’t much to clean, but the feeling of a sponge and her hands was still lovely.

The most interesting part was that I could still see her work because of my expanded field of vision. She seemed to enjoy what she was doing.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her…

My human heart pounded against the wooden tub.

You are reading story Elania, Arachne in a different world at novel35.com

About twenty minutes later, Velariah announced she was done. She unplugged the stopper and allowed the water to drain for over a minute or two while quickly cleaning herself, before plugging it again.

“Now it’s time to relax,” She said before worming herself between me and the tub edge.

“You say relaxing, but your eyes say something completely different,” I commented.

“Hmm, I’m fine with whatever,” She said seductively.

“Have the others gone upstairs, yet? Do you have any idea?”

“That’s what we’re waiting for,” She said before she groped my breasts and kissed me.

“Waiting, my ass,” I said after she broke away. “I’m going to teach you some manners after we’re done here,” I said in a teasing voice.

“Yes, please,” The elf’s eyes practically begged for me.

“Soon,” I smiled, before kissing her and lowering myself.

I placed my front four legs around her frame as I started playing with her body. My upper hands held hers while my lower hands ran over her soft skin from her hips to her breasts. I was unable to resist, but I’d wait with the real deal until later.

I had… ideas...

“El...” She moaned softly.

She didn’t get the chance to speak more before I already had my lips on hers.

“Shh, Vel. I’m just warming you up. I have plans for you after we’re done here.”

“Hmmm, looking forward to it,” Velariah let out as I continued to stimulate her with my many touches all over.

I was getting more confident with her, and it was showing in my actions. I was not going to hesitate with Vel. I wanted to make her feel the best I could make her feel.

Our kissing intensified and at one point I’d let Velariah’s hands go free. She saw her chance and ran her hands over the chitinous chunks that were embedded in my flesh around my belly button. The touches drove me crazy and I started using my tongue to add more power to my passionate kisses.

That continued for a while until I felt my muscles around my mouth tire. I slowed down and let the warm water that filled the tub relax my large body. I still played with the elf’s nipples and allowed my torso to rest on hers. Our lips still touched in small kisses as I observed her with my new eyes. My human eyes had closed a long time ago, likely out of habit.

“You’re the best, you know that, El?” Velariah whispered.

“Why?” I asked with a smile.

“I simply never imagined loving someone would feel this good.”

“Well, there’s a lot to love with me in particular, I guess,” I said, referencing my many limbs and oversized body.

“I have to admit that it’s quite… how do I say this without sounding creepy?”

“I already know you have the worst leg fetish, Vel,” I said before planting another soft kiss on her lips.

“That’s only because they belong to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. But yeah, the feelings you give me… I’m addicted to you, El.”

“Cute.” I smiled.

I placed the ends of my pedipalps behind her shoulder blades and used them to massage Velariah’s skin. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the additional touches.

“This is exactly what I mean,” She whispered.

“You’re one lucky elf.” I grinned.

“I know,” She said before moaning softly. I was still running my hands all over her while hugging. I was going to make sure Velariah was the most relaxed and comfortable she could be.

Time seemed to pass slowly as the tub was finally filled. I turned off the faucet with one of my hind legs. It was surprisingly easy now that I could actually see what I was doing. I continued massaging and stroking the elf’s skin with my hands fully submerged.

I then relaxed with my head on hers, my lips on her lips, and let time pass us by.

“Hey, El?” Velariah whispered after what felt like hours.


“Is this birthday of yours getting any better yet?”

I smiled. “It started crappy, but it’s quickly becoming the best birthday I’ve ever had. Thank you, Vel.”

The elf put her hands in my hair and kissed me deeply.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“And I haven’t even gotten to my present, yet...” I said as seductively as I could.

Damn, I sucked at this... romance thingy.

“Hmmm, El, you’ve got me all worked up...” She said before giving me another kiss.

It seems my plan so far had been successful. Velariah seemed to have trouble resisting me. More than once did her hand reach out for the crevice in my carapace, but I’d taken hold of it and redirected it each time.

“Patience, Vel,” I whispered.

“Hmmm, you tease!”

I sure was. I teased her for several more long minutes, causing Velariah’s heartbeat to work overtime as I fueled her desire for me.

There was no doubt in my mind that the elf was practically begging me for release.

“Give me one minute, please,” She asked and nodded to the doors.

I let go of her and she stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her, and walked to the doors. She unlocked them and opened one slightly, peeking around the corner, before closing and locking it again.

“It seems everyone’s gone to bed,” She said with a smile. “I can’t believe I have to check my own home.”

I pulled out the stopper with a leg and stood up, allowing the water to fall off my body. I gently swayed around a bit to speed up the process before I stepped out of the tub, accepting the first towel that Velariah handed me.

She dried herself quickly before assisting me.

The moment she finished, I turned around in the blink of an eye and took hold of her hands while lifting her with my pedipalps. I then walked to the wall to the right of the head end of the hammock, lifted her, and held her up against it.

I used my free set of hands to run fingers over her stomach.

I kissed her passionately, my tongue making its way inside her mouth.

“Hm, is it time for my present yet?” I asked seductively while raising my fangs to run them over her stomach slowly as my hands moved to her hips.

“By all means, yes!” Velariah was practically begging.

I tickled her skin with my fangs as I whispered into her ear.

“But my present isn’t wrapped up. It kind of ruins it, don't you think?” I said before I kissed her again.

Velariah seemed to have completely surrendered. I could truly do everything I wanted.

I loved this feeling. I hoped that it wasn't a spidery instinct creeping in.

I didn’t give her a chance to speak. I didn’t remove my lips from hers as I used my hind legs to bring sticky silk forward, nimbly passing the thread from leg to leg until it reached Velariah.

I replaced my pedipalps under her shoulders with my two front legs. I was going to need those more dextrous limbs to stick her to the wall more easily.

I started with the elf’s legs. Silk was stuck to the wall, before I zigzagged it around her legs, moving up. I made sure to use plenty so she wouldn’t be uncomfortable. I then made sure to bind her right below her breasts, leaving plenty of open skin that I could touch. Finally, I made sure her arms were completely covered. She was not going to be able to move a single limb.

“El, you tease,” She said with a soft moan after I finished with her arms. I could now let go of her shoulders and she remained in place perfectly.

“I like my presents wrapped,” I smiled before kissing her. I then used my hands to run them over her squishy breasts, pinching her nipples, while running my other set over her hips, all while lowering my mouth to her belly button, which I kissed gently.

I held my pedipalps right next to my face on her stomach and felt her muscles twitch in reaction to all my touches.

“Hmm, and it seems you’re enjoying this,” I cooed.

I raised my front four legs and placed the first set under her shoulders, gripping into the sides of her back. My second set was placed behind her back, just above the straps of silk that ran under her chest.

I gently contracted and retracted the final joints in my legs and I caressed her skin in many places on her body. Velariah’s heartbeat continued to rise as I was driving her crazy.

“How does a spider massage feel?” I asked with a smile.

“El...” The elf moaned, her eyes closed.

I continued kissing the elf’s belly, I even ran my tongue over her freshly cleaned skin and inside her belly button. Velariah’s muscle contractions combined with her rapid heartbeat confirmed that she was experiencing exceptional pleasure.

I brought in another pair of legs to use on Velariah and found that despite only having one pair on the ground, I was still completely stable.

My front set moved to hold on to her arms and I could feel her struggling against the restraints. The feeling of her struggling only served to turn me on even further.

That was certainly some kind of spider instinct there.

I think?

I massaged her all over, and continued to play with her chest as I moved my lower set of hands down from her belly to Velariah’s completely soaked nether regions.

“Seems you forgot to dry yourself properly,” I joked before I kissed her again.

“El, you know damn well that’s not from bathing,” She managed to say before another moan escaped her lips.

She was too cute like this.

My hands and extra limbs were too much for her to handle, it seemed. I was, after all, using fourteen separate limbs to stimulate her.

“I never knew you were into this kind of stuff this much...” I said softly before forcing my lips on her again.

Velariah moaned during my long, passionate kiss as my fingers found the sensitive spots in her groin. I made sure to move my fingers gently and slowly while rubbing her pearl.

She was breathing through her nose heavily as I refused to break the kiss. Her arms struggled against my silk and legs with each breath she took, but even with all her strength, she was not able to even budge it.

She opened her eyes briefly as I slowly moved two fingers inside her warm mound and all I could see in them was pure, unadulterated lust and need.

My fangs never stopped running over her belly either, and I could feel she loved every second of it.

I never imagined I would be using them on the person I loved…

Velariah’s vulva was begging for more. She was getting wetter by the second as I continued my barrage of stimulations all over, and now also inside, her body.

I took her in for one last deep kiss as I felt her body nearing her breaking point. Velariah’s tongue eagerly accepted mine and used it as her last means of offering some kind of resistance to her bindings. Nothing was left of the dominant elf that made me experience unbound pleasure not so long ago.

Velariah’s moans and nose-breathing intensified as she came closer and closer.

I opened my mouth only for a moment to tell her I loved her.

My fingers sped up in rhythm with her body. Velariah opened her eyes very briefly again, during which I could see her love for me sparkle before they closed again and I felt her entire body spasm as she climaxed.

My massaging and kissing her didn’t stop, and neither did her convulsions for a good twenty seconds or so. She had accidentally bitten my tongue a bit during her orgasm. It wasn’t hard and didn’t hurt. I think she was quite shocked herself.

When I broke the kiss and continued massaging her body, she was still panting heavily. Her eyes were closed as she leaned her head back against the wall. I felt her limbs grow weak as all strength left her body.

“El...” She managed to whisper during her panting.

“Hm?” I smiled as I looked into her eyes when she opened them.

“El, I...I...” She seemed to have trouble speaking under her heavy breath.

“Shhh, just relax,” I said softly, before giving her small, soft kisses on her lips.

“I love you, Vel. I hope you enjoyed that.”

She seemed to catch her breath after a minute or so of struggling.

“I did… I love you, El... ”

Another minute or so later, she managed to compose herself.

I never knew I was that good.

“I love you, El, but I thought it was your birthday...” She seemed to refer to me only pleasuring her.

“And you’re a wonderful present, the best I’ve ever had.” I ignored her meaning.

She smiled as I planted another kiss on her lips. “Do you mind unwrapping this present now?”

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