
Chapter 7: Chapter 2 – Kindness

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{[The child witnessed death, his heart blossomed through war and cruelty, but still bloomed pure.]}

The sky above lit up with thunder and lightning. The bolts shot down and lit the world with light for a fraction of a second.

As Roger carried the young boy, screams of agony, regret, and rage echoed behind them. The air itself became thick, and every inhale was heavy with a metallic aftertaste.

“Roger!” A shorter man with long black hair tied into a ponytail stopped his four-wheeler. “Where's Airodu!”

Roger shook his head.

Hop on.” The other man’s tone shifted deeper. “Our company is in shambles and-”

In the distance, another bolt of lightning came towards the earth, and the ground below them shook violently. “That demon will slaughter us if we try fighting it.”

The four-wheeler was ideal for the forested terrain. It was modified to use solar panels instead of fuel to move. It was also silent, except when it tore through branches and tossed loose gravel behind it. It was a gift from a wealthy lightning elemental.

“Let’s go.” Roger hopped on the back and held Ananias as Sam led them away from the battle and through the dark forest.




“Everyone?” Roger’s mouth and eyes dropped. “We had sixty soldiers.”

“Had… We had them. But after the battle three days ago, our entire chain of command was destroyed.” The younger officer crossed his arms. “We're not just the last remaining soldiers. We're the last remaining adults in ONE.”

“There has to be someone else.” Roger hesitated. “We can’t be the last two.”

“We are,” Sam reassured him as he moved a stubborn hair strand behind his ear. They were not bound to any nation. So they chose what hairstyles they wanted. Sam had long black hair that he kept in a ponytail. In contrast, Roger had a short buzz cut. “We both searched that mountain. If anyone survived, they would've made it to the base… Accept it. It's just us now.”

“Damn it!” Roger squeezed his palms, making his knuckles white. “This is New Mexico all over again.”

“In that desert, our numbers were cut from thousands to less than a hundred. Don’t compare them… New Mexico was much worse than this… Plus, that's where we lost the warrior with celestial flames.” Sam glanced around their base. They had managed to survive the night, but they were utterly combat ineffective. “We're going to have to train them.”

“Come on, Sam. You can't be serious.” Roger sighed heavily. “They're still children and way too young to fight.”

“What other choice do we have?” Sam retaliated. “Breaking God’s Luck falls on sheer luck as adults. But for children, it's different. All these kids broke God’s Luck because their conditions were perfect. They’re the only ones who can take the fight to the demons.”

“But they're still children.” Roger raised his eyebrow. What his friend was suggesting was cruel. “They shouldn't be on the battlefield. Even if we didn't give the order to collect these kids, we're in charge of ONE now. We decide what happens to them. Making them fight at such a young age is cruel.”

“That's right. We can choose. We found these kids on the verge of death, and we can't return them to countries that abandoned them. That's a death sentence. Instead, we can use them to protect humanity.”

“Sam… They’re children.”

“And we’re facing a powerful foe. God's Luck prevents everyday people from seeing demons. It twists their minds and creates illusions, hiding them from the truth. We can't rely on the elementals to protect us. Airodu was the only exception. And even she was killed. If we don't act, no one will. You may hate the methods our former Officers used, but they were right. We need every human that’s broken God's Luck to fight.”

“Can you stomach the fact that a child might die following your orders?” Roger glared at his friend.

“Yes.” Sam glared back. “We might not be the only humans who've broken God's Luck, but we're the only ones who have the means, funding, and soldiers to fight back. If you think we shouldn’t risk the lives of children to protect the greater good. Then you have no right calling yourself an Officer.”

Sam stepped away from his friend. “But if you don't want that obligation, then give it to me. I'll be the devil that defends the world with their blood on my hands… But, of course, I won’t make them fight right away… I'll train them to the best of my abilities. I'll raise them like Spartans, and once they're strong enough to fight, I'll send them out… To kill and to die… Wash your hands clean, Roger. I'll carry the burden, like a proper Officer…”

Roger’s fingers hurt from how much he was squeezing his hands into fists. He hated the position he was in and the fact that all his comrades had died at the hands of their enemies. But he loathed the fact that Sam was right. If they didn’t fight, no one would. Even so, he didn’t want to carry the weight of dead children on his consciousness.

“If you want to leave ONE then go. You’re under no obligation to stay. But I need you.”

Roger rubbed the back of his head and gritted his teeth. “I'll stay… If there is a God, I know I'm going to burn in the worst pits of hell…”

“I don't mind.” Sam put his hands in his pockets. “If we save the world, what happens next to us doesn't matter. It’s a shame that demons walk among us, and angels are nowhere to be found…We were abandoned long ago… So why would they care if we take drastic measures to survive?”




Ten years later.

The full moon shined above freely, giving its light to a town that stood empty. Only darkness and death remained. The village was run down, and most homes were held up using random pieces of aluminum, decayed wood, and plastic. Lastly, only some of the ‘homes’ had electricity and running water.

A shadow ran through the town like a ghost. Using the trees as cover, taking advantage of the darkness. Ananias stopped behind a tree. He was now a young teenager with a black and green uniform, no older than fourteen. On his right shoulder, he wore a patch with three letters, surrounded by a circle with the planet behind it… (ONE)

He gave a hand signal. Another boy hidden a few trees behind a collapsed home gestured him back. This teenager was a bit older than him, maybe sixteen. The older boy aimed his M-4 Carbine up towards the inside of the run-down shack.

The older teenager controlled his breathing and waited for the moment his body exhaled. That’s when he slowly pulled the trigger.

Inside the home, a bullet went through a demon’s head. His companion turned and paused for a moment. What had just happened? Another round was fired. “You’re clear, Airodu.” Murmured the teen into his headpiece.

Ananias kicked the door open and took a glance at their eyes. They had black scratches. An oddity of nature that once haunted his most profound dreams. Now he used it to identify his enemy.

“Targets are K.I.A… Push deeper into the town.” Ananias’ voice was still childish, but his words were filled with confidence. “Kill them quickly. If they organize a counter-attack, we will take losses. Remember ONE… We own the night.”

No one replied. They didn’t need to. Their orders were given, and they followed them. Ananias would, on occasion, make out the muffled bangs of bullets in the distance. Each platoon was erasing the demonic threat from the world.

This small town was poor, even for this part of Mexico. Of course, no one would care if everyone here just disappeared, which made it an ideal place for demons to strike when God’s Luck cracked, and they had no invisible shackles stopping them from slaughtering everyone. A phenomenon with no explanation. Sometimes they kill, sometimes they don’t. And who was there to face this enemy? Children with state-of-the-art weaponry.

The roofs of the town were all made of thin metal and were held together with cheap nails. Their homes were bundled haphazardly, making dashing through the rooftops easy. Ananias ran across it.

His job was simple.

Kill every demon he laid eyes on.

He was a close-range fighter, but he was the best and tallied more kills than his allies on every mission. That was largely thanks to his elemental powers.

A few demons stood together inside a run-down home, unaware of how close they were to death. One scoped Ananias as he rushed into their building. The teenager wasn't important. Only his staff was. “That weapon.” Ananias quickly swung, shutting him up.

Words broke through his headpiece. “Oscar, November, Echo.” The call of a squad getting overrun.

Every squad held their breath.

At the church, we sprung their trap, and they’re not burning up either!” Demons that don’t burn inside a church were unheard of. Ananias pulled on the invisible strings of his power to force open a door. Releasing his weapon, it disappeared into the wind.

A skill all elementals and demons possessed. If they have a weapon bound to their soul, they can make it disappear into their bodies.

Why is it always a church?” Ananias asked no one in particular.

The streets were empty, silent, and barren. No one suspected a battle was being fought, which only proved they were doing their jobs right. “Delta Squad is heading to reinforce.” Echoed a voice in his ear.

The church came into view. It was better designed than the rest of the town. With concrete and sheetrock, plus it had windows. The temple only had one way in and out. A perfect location to place the wounded since the sacred ground punished the demons entering. But this time, it became an ideal place to stage a counter-attack.

Fight an enemy long enough, and they’ll learn your tactics and ultimately use them against you. However, that doesn't mean you can't improvise.

Ananias pulled invisible strings and controlled the wind around him. The weapon he was entrusted with formed from the air in his hands. Molding into his grasp was the Airodu, a crystal staff that's hue turned dark blue in the night. Ananias wielded it better now that he was older.

He would grip its center with both arms and parry attacks if forced into close combat. Its floating diamond shards also fired like bullets if they were infused with elemental power. Since they were bound to the staff, the fragments always returned. Every part of the Airodu was a weapon.

Ananias devised a quick strategy, the best course of action to keep his soldiers alive.

Delta, here are your orders.” The headpiece stayed silent for a few seconds. “Surround the church. I'll engage the enemy. When they retreat, flank them.”

Understood.” A feminine voice replied and passed along valuable information to the rest of ONE. “Airodu will provide support for Alpha Squad.”




This church’s roof was designed to have an attic, but it was never finished. Its trusses were still visible. They were thick, easily wide enough for people to run across them. It stood as the perfect place to ambush from above. Pews were laid in rows for its former flock on the ground level. They had long been forgotten and were covered in dust and grime. No one had sat on them for months, long before the demons arrived.

ONE squads were typically made up of five to twelve soldiers. Each adequately trained and ready to eliminate the enemy. This five-person squad was now down to three. The remaining troops used the thick pews as cover. They were peppered with arrows that slowly rotted the wood into black ash, but for the time being, they served as great shields.

Two teenagers lay dead a few pews ahead of the soldiers. One died with a spear to her chest, and the other got hit by two arrows. The survivors were pushed back, created a makeshift fort, and were pinned down with enemies all around them.

Some moonlight shined through the glass-stained saints, giving both the demons and the humans a dim light.

Varela and Rivera are K.I.A!” The girl holding the radio was older than Ananias but much shorter. Her voice was confident on the radio, but the shaking in her hands wouldn’t stop. Her headpiece came to life as she transmitted. “Oscar, November, Echo. I repeat, Oscar, November, Echo.”

She waited a few seconds, firing a few stray rounds into the darkness, when she detected the movement of a demon. The girl's breathing accelerated, and her heart raced, eager for a reply. Then, finally, her radio came back to life.

Airodu is heading to your position. Keep engaging the enemy until he gets there.” She fired a few rounds, killing a lone demon that stuck its head out from between the pews. Before she responded, an arrow struck her radio, short-circuiting it.

Damn it!” Out of frustration, she tossed her radio aside and defended her position. It was only a matter of time until they were black on ammo and overwhelmed. But a part of her was relieved. If it was him, they had a chance.




Outside the church, a group of ten teenagers positioned themselves around the trees and vegetation. Staying in groups of two, they followed Ananias’ orders. An Asian girl with a black helmet fell prone on dewy grass. She had painted an angry Hello Kitty face on her helmet and had a band-aid on her cheek. She kept her assault rifle aimed at the church and waited for Ananias to give his orders.

A younger teen landed next to her. He took longer to adjust his weapon against his shoulder and aim it at the church. This was his first mission. He leaned against a tree, using it to prone his gun.

Gunfire echoed inside the chapel. The teenagers inside were his brothers and sisters, the image of them dying made his heart drop. Glancing at everyone around him, he didn’t comprehend why they were so calm. It irritated him, so he spoke his mind furiously. “I can’t stay out here and wait.”

Easy, Leo.” Kitty's voice was sweet enough to calm a storm. She was his battle buddy and his superior. Her black scarf was neatly wrapped around her neck to fight back her habit of always being cold. “If Ananias tells us to wait, it means he has a plan. He’s a Second Lieutenant for a reason. Trust him, and we’ll get out of this alive.”

Leo kept his finger on his trigger, fighting to keep his breathing under control. Something that he wouldn’t have to worry about in his following couple of missions.




Shattering through the stained glass Ananias made his entrance. He took a second to grasp the situation. His soldiers were still fighting. He pulled on invisible strings and pushed himself across the church, using his power to jump ten to fifteen feet in whatever direction he desired. Below him, his enemy had managed to push close to his allies, enough for a spear to reach them.

Quieting his mind, Ananias pulled on the strings of his power. Like cords on a harp, he pushed himself down directly into the heat of the battle.

Ananias stopped the spear with his staff. He hit the ground fast. Something impossible for any human, but not if the wind was yours to command. Ananias pointed at the demon with his free hand.

Bang.” Pulling his strings, the wind ripped through the demon like a bullet, leaving a hole in his head. As he fell, his spear shattered like glass. Caught off balance, the demons above them retreated into a corner. ONE observed them skitter deeper into the church.

The demons needed a few seconds to regroup.

The young Lieutenant finally examined the dead soldiers. His chest burned hot, and he closed his eyes tight. Today, it's two.”

The staff.” The demons whispered to each other loud enough for their plans to be eavesdropped. They didn’t care for Ananias’ name because it didn’t matter. Only his weapon carried weight.

Alpha retreat, I’ll hold them off.” Each squad member had one type of wound or another. Their Sergeant had blood going down his head, and the female who tossed away the broken radio supported her side. Somehow an arrow had pierced between her ribs. Luckily she had pulled it out before it started rotting her flesh away.

The last soldier from their platoon was unconscious beneath them with multiple wounds on his chest. The Sergeant was a few years older than Ananias but not nearly old enough to be an adult. He spoke his mind.

Don’t be stupid. We don’t fight alone.”

Ananias spun his staff collecting his power into it. Before a battle, the first thing he did was create a shield of wind around his fingers. It wasn't strong enough to deflect an attack, but it bounced away blades and direct strikes. This had saved him from losing any fingers.

Ananias rarely argued with his soldiers. He detested the idea of making them follow him out of fear. He viewed that as a tactic ineffective leaders used. So instead, he became the best soldier in his company, with countless decorations. He did this so that they would follow him out of respect. It worked better than he had ever imagined.

Everyone of you is wounded, and judging from your pouches, almost black on ammo. You're worth more alive than dead. Now retreat, Slash. I won't ask you again.” Bitterly the Sergeant complied. He helped the other two up. Their exit was slow, but they got out alive.

Alpha Squad is retreating. Three friendlies.” Slash spoke into his headpiece, alerting his allies so they wouldn’t shoot them as they left the building. He gave an exact count of friendlies in case a demon trailed them. Slash gritted his teeth. He was utterly powerless, even with his skills and an assault rifle, none of it compared to Ananias. “Airodu is providing support. Stand by for his orders.”

The demons had no interest in the soldiers who retreated. A far better prize had crossed their path. Ananias was used to this. He wasn't entirely sure why they wanted his staff, but sometimes the attention it brought was worth the risk. Most of the demons circled over Ananias, using the roof's tresses to have every advantage in the battle. After they had positioned themselves, the room grew quiet. The foulness of gunpowder residue had started to disperse and was being replaced with the scent of dust.

They ambushed Ananias, attacking from all directions. The Lieutenant unleashed his elemental power. Pulling on his strings, he tugged himself away from them like a ghost disappearing into the darkness.

Where did he go?” Asked a demon gripping a pew with three dozen arrows impaled on it.

Behind you.” Whispered the boy into his ear. Ananias followed it up by piercing his chest with his staff, ripping through the demon’s internal organs, the staff’s shard’s span furthering the damage. The demons gasped in awe. He had chosen to attack a demon surrounded by allies. It was reckless but terribly effective.

First, I break their morale,” Ananias spoke to himself in a whisper. Repeating a tactic that has worked dozens of times.

How did he do that!” Screamed a forgotten voice.

Next, I cut their reinforcements apart.”

Ananias was gone again. Using his power, he burst away from the enemies that had ambushed him. Instead, his focus was on the demons that had stayed above in the tresses. One by one, he killed them, and they fell lifelessly onto the church floor. Creating a loud thump’ as they landed.

His enemies were both confused and shaking with fear as demon after demon fell from above. They were landing around them like heavy hail in a storm.

Lastly, I break their spirit.”

Arrows!” Unaware of his location, his enemies fired madly into the exposed tresses, killing more of their own. Ananias landed staff first into the chest of a large target. Pulling on his power, he lifted a pew and pushed two unlucky demons with his wind, crushing them against the wall.

One after another, they broke ranks and retreated out of the church. Ananias used this chance to hide behind a thick pew to catch his breath. He had strained his elemental power and fought to keep his breaths silent. With each inhale, his body hurt. This was the price elementals faced when they overexerted their powers.

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The remaining demons retreated. This much Ananias grasped by listening to their footsteps. Slowly he pushed a button on his headpiece and gave a SITREP, giving orders between his breaths. “They’re retreating... Bravo... You know what to do.”




Kitty kept her thermal sight on the demons as they fled from the battle. Her platoon had allowed them to escape, and now it was their turn to spring a trap. Karma would have her justice. “Counting twenty-two demons. Fire on your closest two targets. Evaristo and I will take care of the two that remain.”

Nobody said a word. But all the soldiers controlled their breaths and kept the buttstocks of their weapons tight against their shoulders.

Fire in three... Two... One…”

In unison, the rounds flew and killed their respective targets. Then again, they fired, this time out of sync. Kitty and Evaristo focused their sights and killed the two demons that were singled out.

A few spare rounds fired, hitting the demons again. Just because they were down didn’t mean they were dead. A few spare rounds in their bodies were for extra insurance. Kitty glanced at the corpses and gave her report to her Lieutenant. “Allies recovered, targets eliminated. Airodu permission to enter the church?”

Permission granted.”




Ananias was using this chance to recover. His soldiers understood how much strain his power put on his body and would protect him until he was renewed enough to fight again. It rarely happened since Ananias did his best to preserve his elemental power. But nobody blamed him when he needed a break.

As his soldiers moved in, they kept their weapons at the ready, scrutinizing the room in case some demons had stayed behind. He had caught his breath, but his body still ached. The pain was similar to having your bones broken.

The curse of an elemental.



Clear!” Their voices echoed. Kitty and Evaristo moved towards Ananias.

The soldiers were a little older than Ananias. Most of them were fifteen or sixteen. These were the kids that had survived the longest on the battlefield. Most of them found themselves fighting at around the age of thirteen. Ananias was the exception. He killed his first demon at eleven.

Evaristo refused to glance at his dead friends. Doing so would break his composure.

On the other hand, Kitty took in the gruesome sight. She used it to fuel her rage.

Evaristo was the only one with a shortened Dragunov sniper rifle. His helmet also had more attachments for long-distance snipes and thermal. The rest of their platoon moved pews and bodies and created a new fort, just in case they got attacked again. They put the bodies of their friends in the corner of the room and covered them up with their waterproof ponchos.

None of them cried. They were jaded and accepted death as a normal part of life.

What went wrong?” Evaristo was puzzled by their situation. “This is a church. Demons shouldn’t fight that well in here.”

Maybe they’re evolving?” Replied Kitty almost eagerly.

Evaristo shook his head. “Demons don’t evolve.”

“We don’t know that. Arch-demons have unique powers."

“They do, but these are lesser demons.”

Ananias let them debate as he examined the altar. The carpet below it was worn out. Curiously he took a step towards it.

Ananias?” Kitty stared at her Lieutenant with concern as he pushed the altar towards its side, and it had wheels with suspicious marks on the floor.

A trap door was underneath it.

This isn't a church.” Ananias grabbed the metal handle on the trapdoor. It was heavy for the teen, so Kitty and Evaristo manhandled it. Three children who often fought for days without rest still had their downfalls. One metal door was something they struggled to open without the help of one another. Once it opened, the familiar scent of death filled the room. Everyone gagged except Ananias.

Kitty wrapped her scarf around her mouth and nose to keep the foul scent at bay. “What do you think is down there?” She forced her words out, trying not to throw up.

More death.” Ananias glanced at his friends. They were all taller than him by a few inches. I’ll go alone... Kitty, Evaristo, hold the church. If the other squads ask for help, go to them immediately. I’ll be fine on my own.” Both of them nodded. Ananias took a deep breath and a light step into the underground tunnel.




Underneath the church, he passed computers too advanced for this part of the world. Lights were still on even though most of the town lacked that basic essential. But the one thing that soured the place was the bodies. Dozens, some were demons, but most were human. He stepped over them, scattering flies away from their corpses. Some of the demons were killed by bullets. Others had their limbs ripped apart. These were not fresh cadavers. Some even had maggots. This place was a tomb, but maybe something salvageable was here.

Ananias stopped. A voice caught his attention.

A whimper, maybe.

He turned his head, and the whimper echoed again and again.

Ananias followed it towards a room painted light blue with badly crayoned pictures pinned all around it. Inside the chamber, dozens of dirt stakes had ripped through the metal floor, killing a handful of demons. Their cadavers still hung on the metal foundation when the earth ripped it from below. They were all demons, except for three bodies at the end of the room, where they made their last stand.

Two of the corpses wore white clothes with a child wrapped around their arms. Their bodies had shivered and hardened due to decomposition. Mesmerized by the odd carcasses, Ananias found himself getting closer. Something was off. The little boy’s chest moved up and down. Then he opened his eyes. His eyes flared a beautiful shade of green, like polished emeralds.

The boy cuddled the corpse's arms, wary of Ananias. His eyes were fierce and ready to fight. Pulling on his strings, Ananias’ staff disappeared into nothing. This put the green-eyed boy at ease.

Are they your parents?” The boy didn’t say a word.

The boy was malnourished, and his lips were dry and scalding. Ananias’ changed his language. As a warrior of ONE he learned multiple dialects along with the other child soldiers. “Who are you?” He asked in Spanish.


Your power is scarce in this part of the world. How did you get here?”

The boy tilted his head left. His light brown hair was almost the same color as his skin tone.

I don’t know.”

Ananias compared himself with the younger boy. They had both lost everything, yet not a single tear was shed. And he was an elemental. Adam was an ideal soldier.


{[There was something about his eyes… A cold emptiness you recognized.]}


Who can take care of you?” Before Ananias finished his sentence, the boy shook his head furiously. The Lieutenant deduced the situation for a second, then he extended his hand and opened his palm.

What are you doing?” Asked the boy.

Come with me.”


Because you can stay here in the shreds of your old life… Or you can come with me and make a better one.”

The young boy focused on his family and the hands that continued to cherish him even after their deaths. Gripping both arms, he pushed forward, snapping the bones of the corpses from their loving embrace. Then, cautiously he grabbed Ananias' hand, letting go of everything he once treasured.


{[One act of kindness is all it takes to shift the world.]}


Ananias carried the young boy. He was dehydrated and fighting to keep his emerald green eyes open. He walked out of the underground passageway. Kitty and Evaristo gave him an odd expression when he carried Adam out with him.

“Ananias?” Evaristo stepped forward, visually confused. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making him one of us.” Evaristo glanced at Kitty with half his mouth open and one eyebrow raised. She nodded, satisfied with his decision.

“You can’t do that,” Evaristo suspected how his superiors would react. He wasn’t in the mood to get yelled at. “Did you forget our mission?”

“Everyone was killed except for him,” Ananias argued, which was rare for him, desperate to hold on to the dying child in his arms. His eyes sharpened with rage, which shocked every soldier around him. But, even if they were comrades, Ananias wasn't someone you wanted to fight. “He deserves a chance to live.”

“It’s not like you to disobey orders.” A Lieutenant walked toward Ananias. He was the platoon leader of Bravo company and was about two years older than Ananias, making him sixteen. He had heavy Asian features but stood over six feet tall. “You have to leave the kid here.”

“He’s like me.” Ananias held Adam closer to him. He was on the verge of death. Everyone around him perceived as much. “He’s an elemental. What do you think would’ve happened to me if ONE hadn’t saved me?”

Zan, and every soldier of ONE, understood that Ananias viewed himself in the dying child. It wasn’t their call when it came to recruiting new members. That fell to Sam and Roger. Even so, Zan had to follow his orders.

“Leave him.”

“No… Who’s going to stop me?” Ananias’ eyes glared up at Zan, his face filled with blood-lust. “You?”

Evaristo and Kitty endured the fear Ananias gave them. He never gave threats unless he intended to follow through with them. Above all, he was an elemental, someone far more powerful than them. If he wanted to, killing them all would be a breeze.

Zan, on the other hand, persevered past that. Ananias wasn’t just a weapon. He was his little brother, one bound by blood, and one who had a lonely heart.

“I’m just looking out for you.” Zan crossed his arms. He wasn’t amused that Ananias had challenged him, but he understood why. “We’re orphans caught in a war.”

The others stood quiet.

“Never forget that ONE is your family.”

Despite everything, Zan made up his mind, even if it meant getting chewed out and possibly getting stuck on the worst details for a few months. “Put the child in the armored vehicle… I’ll take the heat for this.”

Ananias’ anger faded. He had been trapped in this world. With soldiers he grew to love. But no matter what he did, he was never really comforted. He lacked something, and he discovered what he lacked in Adam. Yes, it was childish and selfish. But to mend his bleeding heart, Ananias was willing to do anything.

“Yes, Sir!” Ananias fought back but failed. He smiled.

“You don’t have to address me like that anymore. We’re both the same rank.” Zan glanced at Adam. “ONE can always use another powerful soldier. I expect you to train him.”

Ananias carried Adam away. The town had been cleared, and they tended to the wounded and gathered their dead soldiers.

“You want a little brother with powers like yours, Ananias. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.” Zan kept his words to himself. “You may have an amazing power, but you’re just as human as the rest of us.”




“How many dead?” Roger asked Zan while he leaned against his revolving chair.

“Two K.I.A.” Zan stood at attention. He was already taller than Roger but not nearly as buff as him. “I also left a detailed report on Lieutenant Ananias’ rash decision to take an elemental he found and his desire to train him.”

Two dead…” Roger stood up and walked towards a bookcase with glass doors. It had some books, but it was also where he stored his booze. He used a cane to hold the weight of his damaged leg. For a time he fought alongside the children, but he got hit with three demonic arrows, and his leg rotted away. He didn't lose it, but it would never heal again. “How many demons did we kill?”

“Seventy.” Zan stayed at attention. “Our mission was a success. But, unfortunately, the village was already destroyed when we arrived, and we didn't find a single living human, just dead locals. This was a large nest, and we didn’t find an Arch.”

“I see.” Roger poured himself straight whiskey and sipped on it slowly. “I don’t mind that Ananias took in a child. He’s allowed to disobey orders if it’s beneficial to ONE.”

Roger sipped his drink and spoke with a tone that was nothing but self-loathing. “We kidnap children all the time.”

Zan gritted his teeth. “Sir, may I speak out of line?”

“You may.”

“You gave us a chance. Every soldier here has broken God's Luck because we fall under the three conditions.”

“One. Witnessing someone get murdered by a demon. Two. Losing both your parents by demons or otherwise. And three. All this has to be done before they start puberty…” Roger spoke of the three known conditions for a child to break God’s Luck. Adults occasionally broke God’s Luck, some under the same conditions, others under none. With adults, it was always at random. “After every mission, we look for children in the aftermath, and if they've broken God’s Luck, we steal them away and give them a gun and a mission.”

“Sir… You’re drunk again…” Zan sighed. “Why do you keep refusing to see the good you’ve done in this world. Because of you, it's not just the elementai fighting them. It’s us too. Humanity is defending itself thanks to you and Sam.”

“You’re sixteen years old… And you’ve been fighting for years… To me, you’re just a kid.” Roger took a large sip of his drink. “And yeah, I’m drunk… How else am I supposed to cope with the fact that I send children to their deaths?”

“By accepting that we're not just children. We are warriors, the defenders of humanity. We were chosen to fight them.”

“Chosen by a drunken fool.” Roger scoffed as he poured himself another drink. “I wish that at least one of you hated me… All I need is one of you to hate me…”

Zan relaxed and stopped standing at attention. His eyes landed on Roger. “You are a drunken fool and the closest thing we have to a father in our lives. Even if you have to pretend, please remain that man.”

“As you wish.” Roger submitted. “I won’t be around much longer anyway.”

“The cancer is spreading?” Zan’s eyebrows rose quickly. “After your last surgery.”

“It came back.” Roger sighed. “Soon, it'll be just Sam running this company… Zan. There's something I want to talk to you about.”

Zan returned to attention. “Yes, Sir.”

“Relax.” Zan returned to the rest position. “I have a mission for you. It involves Ananias and Sam…”

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