Elf Dictator In A Fantasy World

Chapter 2: We can rebuild him, we have the technology

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Rain, cold and pain.. etched into my memory, and then a vicious wolf with a maw full of razor sharp teeth.. it bites and bites, though I can't do anything to stop it as if I am paralyzed. Pieces of me disappear into its mouth, and I can only watch.

'You're supposed to be dead..' I cry out but no words come.

The wolf devours everything and just as it's about to eat my face, I hear the voice of an angel..



I feel my terribly fast heartbeat, so that it was on the verge of being painful.

“Master...can you hear me?”

Hearing that voice again, I struggle to awaken. My eyelids so heavy as if weighed down by mountains but with effort, I pry them open and see a dull purple light shining in my face.

When I focus a bit more, I realize that it’s the face of a woman with an eerily perfect facial structure. She had a slim yet straight nose with a v shape jawline and a purple bob with long bangs.

As I look around I notice that she’s on a tv screen connected to one of the many mechanical arms.

“How are you feeling master?” She asked with concern, though it was hard to tell whether or not it was artificial, my restless heart somewhat calms nonetheless.

I feel dull aches throughout my body and a strange itching sensation on my back, a great improvement compared to before though where the pain was practically everywhere.

“Okay.” I answer with slight groan of soreness.

Looking down, I see what shape my body is in. Apart from lots of bruising, I couldn't see any sign of stitches.

What particularly caught my attention was my missing left arm which was now a bandaged stump.

“Eleanor, why haven’t you replaced my arm?” I question with a hint of worry.

I can still vividly remember the specs of the Emu and it includes many features including the replacement of limbs, something quite easyily performed in the late 21st century.

“Master, although I would have loved to replace your arm, limb replacements are offered in the premium package or bought separately, I am currently equipped with the base package.” Eleanor answered with pity in her voice, her eyes almost watery.

“Oh right.” I nodded my head. I didn’t really have the time to care which package or version of the emu I created.

With a thought I found a rather nice looking cybernetic arm in my memory which appeared in my hand with a flash of light, though... I felt a little out of breath after summoning it.

“Well then, Eleanor please install this arm.”

Her mechanical arm picked up the cybernetic limb before throwing it to the side like it was junk. “I’m afraid I cannot do that master.” Eleanor showed an expression of disappointment as she shook her head.

My eyes open wide in disbelief as I ask. “W-why not?! It should be fine right?!”

“Master, that is a series 13 fullbreaker exokrauss cybernetic limb. I cannot install any cybernetic implants that do not come from Lilum corp or its affiliates.” Eleanor smiled as she added. “Though I can get in touch with the Lilum digi storefront to procure a limb just perfect for you master?”

I grip my forehead and sigh. “Who makes this shit up?” Shaking my head I say tiredly. “Fine, contact the storefront.”

Eleanor nods her head. “Okay master, contacting Lilum digi storefront now...”

Moments later, she frowns and says. “Unable to connect to the intranet... unable to connect to Lilum emergency servers..” Eleanor sighs with a hint of bafflement in her digital eyes. “I cannot connect master, I’m sorry. This is truly odd!”

I nod my head. “I Expected as much..” Though there was a slight hope that she would connect to something at least, something that could help me figure out what in the hell happened and what happened to me.

With my thoughts as my guide I find a rather impressive looking cybernetic arm that has rocket arm functionality from the lilum corp cybernetics branch within my memories.

“This looks pretty good!” I grin widely.

“How about this Eleanor?” I hold out my hand and a sleek cybernetic limb appeared and that familiar feeling of weakness too.

The cybernetic arm was dull red in color with a grey composite material on the underside.

Eleanor’s voice squeaked in joy as she chuckled. “That’s certainly a fine choice master! The Lariat series B guided rocket arm has 14 meters of reinforced nano wire with a total weight capacity of over a hundred tonnes!”

“Take note that since this is a military grade cybernetic, the force it places on the human body is tremendous and could easily rip your body apart!"

"It requires you to install a neural link and port along with an endoskeletal support frame class 3, all of which I have three sets of. You don’t have to worry about the class 3 spine cybernetic implant as I have already installed it for you.”

I mumble. “Right.” but then realization dawns and I blurt out. “Wait! You replaced my entire spine?!”

Eleanor nods happily as she smiles. “That’s right master! Along with one of your lungs and your liver, all which function better than the originals! Aren’t Lilum cybernetics the best? To be honest master, I wanted to replace a lot more especially down below.. but guidelines prohibit me from doing so if unnecessary...stupid restrictions!” She showed a face full of grievance, her eyes full of fierce indignation.

‘Down below?!’ I gulp as I look down and see nothing out of the ordinary to my relief.

‘Wait a minute..’ I felt a slight unease as I recall something. Information on the Emu flashes in my mind.

In 2092, the first [EMU] unit, serial number 001 was recalled due to its A.I going rogue and turning its owner, tech mogul Markus Wilson, CEO of Feron cybernetics into a full cyborg-.... an anonymous hacker who pried open Markus's personal database revealed that he was installed with a Lilum’s famous penetrator32k featuring vibration functions and an elongation feat-

A cold sweat ran down my back as I breathed a nervous sigh.

‘Eleanor’s smiley face seemed to a mask for a demon..’

“Okay Eleanor, listen carefully! Install everything necessary to use my cyberlimb and nothing more okay?”

Eleanor nods her head. “Certainly master.”

“You will need at least one ocular implant so you can keep track of your cybernetic implants though I don’t have any of those in supply.” She added with a raise of her lip.

“Okay...” I reached out my hand and a pair of Lilum eyeballs appeared, weakness once again fills my body.

Eleanor seemed to be overjoyed with sparkles in her eyes. She smiled shyly as she twiddled her thumbs. “Master... your legs too.. it’ll take at least six months to heal both so.. why don’t you just replace them too?”

Gritting my teeth I place the eyeballs in one of Eleanor’s mechanical palms and summon two Lilum military grade cyberlegs causing that feeling of weakness to grow even stronger.

Eleanor blushed as she spun from side to side, her voice now seductive and sweet. “Master.. how about I replace your peni-”

My eyes instantly become alert like a cat which had its tail stepped on, I shout crazily. “There’s nothing wrong with that! So don’t even think about installing anything there!!”

Eleanor pouted angrily as she muttered. “Stupid master..”

She sighed sadly as if the whole world were against her. “Master I will install your cybernetics now.”

Before I could reply, one of her mechanical limbs injected me with something and my vision went dark.



I awake to noise of my hungering stomach though I quickly notice something different as I look at the mechanical arms hanging above, my eyesight seems.. better? As if it was compared, before I was wearing some really thick glasses and could barely see and thing, but the moment I take them off I see completely different world!

I look at my left arm which has now been replaced with the Lariat series B. Clenching my fist, it feels extremely.. similar as if it were my own arm just like my fleshy right arm, but hearing the sturdy metallic fingers touch left me a bit bewildered.

I look down and see my that nothing has been changed except for my two new cybernetic legs both of which look no different from my previous legs apart from lack of hair and a silver line that showed where they were connected to my skin.

“How does it look master? I did great right?” Eleanor appeared with a smug expression.

“Very good Eleanor.” I say with praise in my voice as I sit up on the table.

Eleanor laughed, seemingly proud of her work, though her expression quickly changed to one of solemness.

“Master when I scanned you again just before your second surgery, I noticed a strange anomaly..”

I feel a bout of nervousness as I ask. “What anomaly? You didn’t change anything did you?”

Eleanor shook her head and said. “No master, what I noticed is that you seemed to have aged by 6 years.. your health is my concern so I took note..”

My mouth opens agape in shock. “Wha-what do you mean?!” My heartbeat began to raise.

“Originally when I first scanned you master, your age identified age was 36 years but now it’s 42 years..”

“How is that possible!? Am I growing older by the second!? Eleanor tell me!” I cry out in desperation.

“No master, I’ve performed several scans since and you’ve been aging normally..” Eleanor explained in a calm tone, though there was visible confusion.

“6 years how..” I rack my brains and then as if a bulb hat lit up above my head, I mutter. “Wait.. 6 years.. 6.. two arms... two legs.. two eyeballs..”

“Could it be when I created those cybernetic limbs?!” I blurt out.

Eleanor cups her chin in thought before nodding. “Yes master, the probability is high. Your creation of the Lilum cybernetics could be the cause of your sudden ageing.”

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I gulp as I stare at my hand. ‘There’s only one way to find out.’

‘If I’m going to risk creating something, it might as well be something I’ll need to use..’

I look at my nude body in thought.

‘I hadn’t really noticed before but when I was falling, I was completely bare ass naked which means there was nothing that could have hinted at my origins..’

‘If I’m going to wander this dangerous world, I don’t want to be doing it in my birthday suit!’

With a thought some plain looking clothes appear in my hands.

A black tank top, comfy cotton trunks, some work pants and a pair of sturdy combat boots.

“Eleanor scan me.”

“Scanning now master..”

A blue light washes over me, I hold my breath and wait for the result.

“Scan complete.. no change detected..”

My tense expression relaxes though I’m now tremendously confused.

“Is that right Eleanor? I haven’t aged at all?”

“Yes master, you’re still ageing at the normal rate. There has been no recent changes to your cell structure.”

My stomach growls once again so focus and a protein bar appears in my hand.

As I wolf the it down, I ask with a full mouth. “Scan me again.”


“Detected ingestion of protein bar... no other changes detected..”

I frown in thought as once again nothing has changed. “Hmm.. could it be?”

I flash of light appears as a glowing blue chip appears in my hand and I feel a tremendous weakness.

“..Scan again..” I ask, though I have a sinking feeling something has changed.

“Scanning... detected anomaly.” Eleanor says with urgency in her tone .

“What’s changed..”

Eleanor bites her lip and replies. “Master, it seems that when you created that Lilum Orion Mk2 storage chip, you aged another year...”

“I see..” I sigh. “Let’s check once more.”

Again I create a pair of sunglasses as I have a sneaking suspicion.

“Scanning.. anomaly detected!” Eleanor remarks in surprise. “Master, you have aged by 0.002 years compared to the last scan.”

I nod my head. “It’s as I thought Eleanor, I have a certain amount of energy that my creation ability draws from. The more advanced the thing I create is, the more my energy is drained until all that is left to take is my lifespan. Those cybernetics were so advanced that it drained everything I had and went straight for my life while the sunglasses barely took anything, not only because they’re simple but because there was no more creation energy.”

Eleanor nods her head with her finger on her lip. “That certainly sounds plausible master.”

‘I shouldn’t create anything that’ll be likely to draw from my lifespan due to insufficient energy...' As if realizing something my eyes narrow. ‘Wait how much lifespan did it cost to create the emu?’

‘Eleanor mentioned I was 36 in her first scan so was my age in the 20’s? Or maybe even teens? Just thinking about how much time I lost is already making me doubt life..’

I sigh. ‘No use thinking about it now, what’s happened can’t be changed. What matters is that I’m still alive and kicking! First things first, I should begin to explore this strange forest..’

I quickly put on my clothes. They fit perfectly and feel well made.

“Master will you be leaving?” Eleanor asked with an expression of sadness on her face.

“Yes, but you’re coming with me Eleanor. I didn’t create that storage chip for nothing after all.”

With a look of visible surprise, Eleanor asked. “Are you sure master?”

“I don’t know how many years I lost creating you but I know one thing.. it cost me a lot! I’m sure as hell not letting such a big investment here to rot in these woods..”

Eleanor smiled and threw a shy glance. “Oh master, I’m a big investment? Such a flirt.”

I ignore Eleanor’s silliness and ask. “Where should I plug this storage chip?”

“Right here master.” Eleanor stretched out one of her mechanical arms which had a chip port.

After inserting the chip, the emu’s lights began to flicker and an automated voice sounded. It was similar to Eleanor’s but more robotic and soulless.

“Eleanor A.I has been uploaded to storage chip for scheduled maintenance.. switching to low energy mode..”

I take the chip and feel for the neural port in the back of my head, it’s surprisingly easy as my head has been recently shaved. My new bald haircut is probably due to Eleanor.

I insert the chip and feel a slight shock as a progress bar appears within my eyesight.

It was strange to see as I also saw my cybernetic's status, current power supply and a visual map of my body, with various areas showing small injuries.

When the progress bar reached a hundred percent, I heard Eleanor’s familiar voice.

“Hehe master, can you see me?” Eleanor suddenly appeared in the corner of my eye on a small screen waving her hand excitedly.

“I can see you, how was the installation?”

“It was very smooth!” Eleanor threw a flirty glance, her voice sickly sweet. “Master.. I’m deep inside you right now..”

“Stop fooling around.” Black lines appeared on my forehead as I said. “What about power reserves?”

Eleanor reassured. “You don't have to worry about that master. You currently have the pre installed kinetic generators in your legs, solar skin around your neck, a solar panel on your Lariat series B and a converter installed near your heart, power generation is no problem and is operating at optimal standards. My inclusion is barely using three percent your generated power, though that may increase if I run any scans.”

“Okay then, good. It sounds we’re ready to go.”

“Let’s explore!” Eleanor pumped her fist as her screen disappeared from my eyesight.

As I exit from the emu, I take a breath and feel the cool morning air enter my lungs.

From the looks of it, the rain had stopped a long time ago with the sun shining brightly through the dense leafy thickets. The surroundings were filled with ancient trees covered in vines, there were various plants and fungi suited to life below the trees covering the forest floor.

“Eleanor, how long has it been since I entered the emu?”

“Approximately 26 hours, 12 minutes and 43 seconds master.”

‘That long? It didn’t feel like it.'

I look down at the wolf corpse which was thoroughly on the path to decomposition. Although it was similar in appearance to the wolves recorded in my memory, the horns certainly differentiated them.

“Master.. this wolf species is not recorded in my database.” Eleanor remarked with curiosity in her voice.

“Eleanor, give it a scan.”

A dim red laser burst forth from my eyes scanning the wolf and updating its information.

“Scan complete... power usage at 6 percent. Master, the wolf possesses no apparent mutations or signs of genetic tampering..”

“This must be some kind of alien wolf!” I remark in surprise as if I had uncovered some great secret.

I grip the wolf by the horn and lift it’s head inspecting its face, it was the same one gave me nightmares though with an extra hole in its eye socket.

The horn cracks under the vice grip of my cybernetic arm and then shatters.

I snort. “You made a mistake eating my arm wolf, look at you now, you're dead.. food for the insects.”

I turn my gaze away and make a quick sweep of the area. It doesn't take long for my ocular implants to locate the revolver I created.

I walk over to it and pull it from free from the dirt. I wipe the muddy revolver clean with a cloth and then place it in my newly created leather holster. With it, I feel a lot safer.

Feeling slightly meloncholic, I pick a random direction and begin walking.

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