Elknid’s Behemoth

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

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“Finally, another broken water pipe.”  EB’s frustration was showing in his voice.  The AI’s personality had shifted the more he was with Kim.

“Ooooh, why do we need more water?”  Kim was still covered in the behemoth’s mind-altering goo and was being led along by EB’s floating camera drone by the cable leash.

“To get you clean, you can’t be covered in that goo all the time.  And you’ll be back to normal.”

“I guess.  But…”

“But what, Kim?”

“Oh, you should call me by my full name!”  The goo-covered woman couldn’t help but giggle.

“But what, Kim Stone?”

“No, my new name.  Do it, master.”

The drone turned to look at the woman, giving another long pause before the AI said, “But what, Slave Kim?”

“Oh, have I been bad?  Bad enough to punish master?”

“No, you haven’t!”

“Awww, Okay.  Don’t change my ID back to Kim Stone even if I order you to.  Just tell me you can’t.  Just call me by my full name or the first name, never ever use Kim on its own, got that?”  The woman visibly shivered as she thought of it, “Or just show me the video of me telling you to change my ID.  I know I won’t remember this fun time.”

“You really are high on that goo.  Slave Kim”  The AI started to move towards the broken water pipe, dragging the leashed woman behind the drone.  But Kim didn’t move and tried to grab the leash and tug back.

“I’m not moving till you agree to that order, EB.”

“Fine, Slave Kim.  Shall we get clean?”

“Oh, I guess you don’t have to use my name all the time.  But when you do, make sure you use the right one.”

“Okay, Slave…  Can we get the goo off you now?”

“But I don’t wanna get clean, and becomes boring Kim again.  Please.”

The drone stopped again and turned to look at the woman.  It watched her for a few seconds and then used the collar to shock her.  Visible sparks flowed over her body, and she cried out.  “Ooooh, yes!”

“I don’t know why you like that so much.  It’s supposed to be a punishment.”

“But it feels so good.”

“It has to be that goo.”  EB dragged Kim under the water to start washing off the goo.

“Wha…. another shower?”  She quickly turned away from the camera drone and noticed she was still partially covered in the slick gel.  Her hands started to wash rapidly to get rid of the rest of the goo.

“We got the drone, but you were covered in the goo again… Kim.”

“Oh yuck!  Hey, what’s this cable?  And why do I have this collar on?”

EB took a few moments to figure out the best way to tell Kim, without going into too much detail, “The collar has a recharge function on it.  The cable is there to help power the drone.  You need to wear the collar because it needs to be close to your implant so I can transmit audio and visual data from the drone’s camera or other views…. Kim.”

She let go of the cable and cleaned herself in the pouring water.  It wasn’t long till she was clean, and the two went back into the tunnel.

“I must look a sight, naked, collared, and leashed by a drone.  Good thing you can’t take a picture of yourself leading me like this.”  Her breathing increased as she thought about it, her face flushing red.  However, she did cover herself again when the camera drone started to turn towards her again.  “Hey, don’t look!”

The camera turned back to the tunnel, “We can get some secondary camera drones that use this one as a mothership if you like…. Kim.”

“So you can take pictures of me being led by you?  No, that would be so embarrassing.”

“Yes, it would be, they don’t have a big battery, but some of them can be quite stealthy.  So they might be useful for scouting and ensuring we don’t run into anything…. Kim.”

“Okay, I guess we can get some of those too, but how?”

“We might run into some slaver bots that might have some.  We just need to distract them long enough for me to hack into it to steal the drones.  Or disable it…. Kim.”

“Um… EB… Why are you always calling me by my name?”

“You had requested I call you by your full name while covered by the goo.”

“Oh…  That’s so formal.  Just call me by my first name.”

“As you wish, Slave.”

“What?  That’s not my first name!”

“When you put your collar on, it changed your ID in your implant.”  The AI paused before continuing, “You’re now Slave Kim.”

“Can’t you hack it and change it?”

“No, I could change it once, and this is what you asked.”

EB Played the video for Kim.  She was on her knees with the collar around her neck.  Her hands were between her legs, with her large breasts pressed between her biceps.

“Could I be Slave Kim?” Then, with some editing, he cut out a little bit, “Make me Slave Kim.”

After the video played, EB said, “I can’t change the ID again.”

Kim looked shocked and blushed deeply, “I’m going to be called Slave Kim by everyone who can read the ID?”

“Yes, slave.”

“Can’t you just call me Kim?”

The AI paused, “No, I’m prevented from calling you anything but Slave, or Slave Kim.”

Despite her embarrassment, Kim shivered as she stood there, her breath increasing as she bit her lip, “So… you have to call me slave?”

“I’m afraid so, Slave Kim.”

Kim couldn’t help but look down at the ground.  “Umm, is there any way around this?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Well, as long as I don’t have to call you master, we’re good.”

“I think the same protocols apply, Slave…”

“So Master or Master EB?  What happens if I don’t call you that?”

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“I don’t think there are any restrictions on that.  Technically I’m supposed to punish you if you’re bad.”

“Really?  Why is that?”

The AI played another picture of Kim on her knees again.  She was masturbating and had the cable attached to her collar, “Oh, of course, Master EB, punish me whenever I’m bad.”

Kim’s voice got quiet, “Oh…  I guess you’d better.”  She shivered again, still trying to cover her nipples and pussy.

“What was that, Slave?”

“No, no, no, never mind!”  She said, shaking her head back and forth.  The drying hair swished back and forth.  It was long and covered the top of her rump while standing still.  And with her previous vanity, the hair was colored a bright, fluorescent magenta.

EB tried an experiment and gave the leash a bit of a yank.  Causing Kim to stumble forward as she walked.  “I think I want to hear it, Slave Kim.”

Despite herself, the tall woman moaned at the yank, “I said I guess you’d better.”

“Better do what?”

“Punish me when I’m bad!  You’re a bastard for making me say that!  Owww!”  She did get shocked by saying that.  “That hurt!”

“Interesting.  When you’re covered in the goo, you almost orgasm when I shock you and literally beg for more.”

“No way!”

“I can play the video, Slave.”

“Ummm, no, I’ll be good.”

“I’ll be good, Master EB.”  The AI repeated for her.

“I’ll be good….. EB.”  The AI moved closer, winding in the leash as it approached.

“Say that again so we can hear it?”

“I’ll be good, Master EB.”  Kim let out a gasp and looked down, her blush still deep.

The drone moved back again, “The long-term effects of that goo need to be studied, or you were like this before the purge happened.  Too bad you can’t remember anything.”

“I…. I don’t think I was like that, master.”  She felt her breath quicken again.

“It’s something we can explore later.  But unfortunately, something also appears to be corrupting my personality.  My apologies, Slave Kim.  I’m not sure why I did that.”

They walked in silence, Kim trailing along behind the camera drone.  She became more comfortable with how they were walking, bringing her hands to the side to walk normally.  She quickly covered up whenever EB turned the drone to look at her.

“Do you hear that, EB?  Owww!  Master EB!”

“Yes, I do, Slave.  It sounds like some sort of quadrupedal robot.”

“Is it one of the commonwealth’s or the slaver’s?”

“I don’t know.  We should hide if we can, at least for now.”

The hallways were mostly bare apart from branching hallways, “What we need is a box, or a crate or something.”  Kim said to herself, “Something to hide in.”  She moved down the hallways and hid one of the bulkheads.  The bulkhead served as a slot for fast-acting doors used to section off the hallway in case of emergencies.  EB detached the cable from the collar, then moved towards the ceiling to hide next to one of the lights.  The glare of the light should conceal the glow of the drone’s repulsers

At the intersection of the hallway, the silvery armor panels of the bot came into view.  The bot’s body was modeled on a muscular tiger.  The head was a large camera mounted on the neck.  The camera had the same style as the drone that EB was inhabiting.

It’s a slaver bot.  It looks like a scout and has limited combat capabilities.”

“Do you think we can get it?”  Kim thought very hard but didn’t receive a response, “Do you think we can get it?” She asked very quietly.  The bot stopped in the hallway and looked back and forth.

You might be able to sneak up on it.  The power supply should be in the midsection.  The plates have a lot of gaps between them so that the bot and twist and turn easily.  You should be able to get your hand in there and pull the main power cable.  Just don’t get caught.  We don’t want the unlock code for your collar scrambled.”

“It can do that?”

I don’t know.  I protected the other command codes in the modules added to the collar.  The basic collar already had been programmed to the slavers’ command system.  The only thing missing was the collar code.  They might be able to reset it with one of the other passcodes.”

“Shouldn’t I take it off then?”

No, then we wouldn’t be able to communicate.”

“You could before.”

That’s when I was inhabiting my AI core.  I didn’t transfer that system to the drone since the collar has a better module for communications.”

“Oh…  Well, okay, I’ll do my best not to get caught.  It’s turning its back to us.”  The naked woman slipped out of hiding and started to creep barefoot down the hallway.  Trying to sneak up on the bot.  She was showing signs of excitement, both physically and sexually.  The only sounds she made were her elevated heartbeat and faster breathing.

Then when she got to within five meters of the bot, her excitement overrode her caution and patience.  She made a sudden movement, and the D-rings on her collar chimed with every move.  But unfortunately, EB and Kim also forgot one crucial fact.  They were attempting to steal some stealth drones from the bot, and those drones were out watching the hallway and saw Kim the entire time she was sneaking forward.

The ambusher was ambushed as the cat-like bot swung around, grabbed Kim by the collar with one of its front paws,  and slammed her against the wall.  As Kim tried to reach for her collar and the paw, the bot gave her a body-numbing shock, and she collapsed onto the floor.  She lay there on her back when the bot released her.

She could only watch with wild-eyed fear as the bot slowly moved over top of her.  It was programmed to take the capture slow, almost to savor the reaction and emotions of the victim.  Then, the lower housing around the camera-like head opened like a jaw, and white goo started to dribble out onto Kim.  She was finally able to shake her head and moan when she recovered enough to do so.

The bot then quickly rolled her onto her front, grabbed her arms with its forepaws, and brought them together behind her back.  Kim’s right forearm was brought to the opposite forearm with the elbows bent at ninety degrees.  Her elbow was bound to the opposite wrist with metallic rope.  The rope acted much like a snake, wrapping itself around and securing her arms in that position.

More goo was dribbled onto her, this time onto her buttocks, and the slippery gel flowed down between her buttcrack.  Finally, the bot pressed something against her anus.  The object had a rounded tip and felt at least two centimeters wide.  Kim lay there frozen, wondering if she should push back against it as the bot produced a ballgag on chainmail straps, bringing it towards her mouth. 

Metal small robotic arms came out from the bot as she was held in that position and grabbed onto each side of her collar.  She cried out as a shock was applied, something that was strong enough to cause her to open her mouth.  However, her goo-addled mind couldn’t do anything but stare open-mouthed at the gag in front of her.  Her eyes tracked the ball as it fell below her vision.  Finally, all she could see were the metal chainmail straps destined to go over her head.

EB wasn’t idle when the attack was going on.  When the slaver bot was playing with Kim, EB moved the camera drone along the ceiling towards the slaver bot and got its cable into place to start hacking the robot.  Fortunately, the slaver bot froze just as it was about to press the gag into Kim’s open mouth.

“I have it, Slave Kim.  I’ve been able to disable the bot.”

“Oh, too soon, master!”  She cried out and pressed herself back against the probe on her bottom.  “Oh yes, couldn’t you have waited a couple of minutes?”  She started to rock against the bot, pressing the penetrator deeper inside her as the bot stood over her.  She opened her mouth and took the rubber ball behind her teeth when she rocked forward.

“That gel is too fast-acting, Slave Kim.  I can’t believe you’re already….”

Kim was lost in her own world, humping back against the bot and happily pulling against the metal rope around her arms.  EB decided to let her enjoy herself for the moment.  Her climax was hard enough for her to black out for the moment, laying happily on the ground beneath the slaver bot, drool slipping out of her mouth around the undone ballgag.


Author’s Note: I hope you’ve enjoyed Chapter 2 of Elknid’s Behemoth. 

I’m still exploring formatting options and other ways of making the presentation more enjoyable.  I currently have ten chapters written.  I aim to reach a backlog of 33 chapters and then post one daily for three weeks.  After that, my goal is to have 12 chapters in backlog (in case I get writer’s block again), and if I ever reach 23 chapters in backlog, I’ll do another week of a chapter a day.

If you want to read ahead, look for me on Twitter or my Patreon.  If you want to be part of the creative process, just hit up my discord too.  I always read ideas and suggestions.  I’m always open to adding fetishes if there’s enough interest.  In case you’re wondering, I’m not planning on pay-walling this story.  It’ll always go up on the site for free, just at a chapter a week (with exceptions)

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