Emperor Of The North: Rewrite

Chapter 25: Chapter 23: A Meal Between Old Friends and An Emperor

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Inside a massive hall with floors covered in snow-white marbles with white gold veins, we sit at an absurdly long dinner table waiting for dancers and musicians in the room to finish their performance, so we can start having our talk.


While I am very uncomfortable about the situation, especially opening your eyes to this new strange world, I must admit that the show they are giving is worth your time.


Two masked women, one in yellow and one in blue, are dancing and jumping between flying and moving platforms, climbing higher and higher in a pattern synchronizing with the music the band is playing. While I cannot call what instruments they are playing, there is one I can see, a white grand piano. I wonder what these people have for the color white.


The performance is coming to an end. From looking at the musicians and dancers, I can say they are coming to the finale. While I am constantly looking at my comrades sitting and watching the thing as if nothing happened an hour ago.


I don't know them, but I am still not sure if I am dreaming or not, but it doesn't matter as I don't trust this Emperor Nolan. He claims to be the leader of a massive human empire that controls almost all of the world, but if they are that strong, why do they even need us? What can a couple of old dogs from a world without magic and swords as primary weapons of war do?


The music reached its climax, and the dancers finally met when the platforms they were standing on connected with each other after one final turn, they bowed before the emperor.


Emperor Nolan got up and began clapping with a cheerful face. "It was such a hearth warming performance! I always like this dance about the sun and sky. The dancer in yellow shows the sun, and the blue is the sky. Our religion says that the first two humans were the sky and the sun. They climb through the darkness to give humans, their predecessors, a safe time each day, I can tell more about the details, how the sun fell in love with the sky, or how they defeat banished gods of dark each day to the shin, but I suppose all of you want to learn something else." At least man has some common sense.


"Finally." I decided to talk first. "Now all this greeting stuff is done, when we learn more about, let's say, what the hell is happening here? Why are we here, and how you will help us find Captain Erwin."


"Well, this will be a long story, but let me give you all details to make you understand the situation we have on our hands." He cleared his throat. "I am Nolan, Emperor of humanity and ruler of the Empire divided into three parts. Six hundred years ago, saint Ailia started a holy crusade against enemies of humanity to save mankind, creatures we once called allies, and fought side by side. Victories we gained over a century created this Empire we live in, but threats are never over."


"And what can threat humans if almost all the world got conquered by them?" Jim asked. "Are we connected with that threat or the children you brought from the other world you called heroes, even though I am sure half of them that doesn't even know how to dice onion let alone use medieval weaponry?"


"Currently, the majority, around sixty percent, that lives in the Empire is pure humans, have almost full rights, only below nobles, under them are demihumans, people with mixed blood, that inherit characteristics of some wild animals, they have limited rights. Still, compared to others, they are on the good side. The third most populous race is citadel dwellers, an elven type banished from their homeland who live, well as their name states, in citadels. A citadel elf's main work is being a soldier for Empire in exchange for near equal rights to demihumans, and nobles of their kind have the same rights as a human noble. The fourth most populous in numbers is dwarven, the first ones to stab us from the back. They paid the price for that too. We conquered all of their homes, which are massive mine cities underground, and turned those places into work camps. They now dig ores and forge metals for the Empire, but any criminal, regardless of race, is a potential worker to be thrown into those camps. The vast majority that has some rights are orcs. They are wanderers and traders. An average orc is around four times stronger than the average human, so we use them in jobs that require muscle in exchange for protection. Also, they are not allowed to use weapons or settle, except for three months in predetermined locations by governors, where they can give birth and do jobs for the local governors."


Good, then we are in a world with many different races that got into each other's throats before, which can repeat, considering what we heard. It is not like I love the bastards of the neighboring country, but things look much more extreme here. "Well, excuse us for not understanding things since we are from a world with only humans."

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"What a good world to live in." Emperor happily said. "I heard that all the time from young heroes and cannot stop myself from envying them."


"Can't say that. Even if we don't have weird magical races, we humans still find a way to divide ourselves and kill each other. I fought in a war that lasted more than ten years. For what? Nothing."


"But we have our reasons to be protective. On the south of the atlas is a massive and seemingly never-ending ocean where Lurkers live, human-like fish creatures of all kinds that inherit the floor of the deep blue. They raid our ships, and if they get strong enough, our shore cities, pillaging everything and killing everyone. On the north, there is the Great Forest, dividing us from the race that calls themselves Above, creatures who mastered the magic of this world, they have been quiet for now, but at the first chance, they can send their minions to us. On the east. There is a new continent with a massive kingdom that goes ten layers above the ground and 90 layers below it that inherits creatures we call demons. They are monsters of mad magic that is beyond our understanding, every two hundred years or so, they grow strong and attack the mainland to conquer it, their magic is strong, and their numbers are almost endless. Humanity defended against them two times as Empire, and countless more in the past, when we still had allies, but their fourth attack is approaching, and that's when all of you come in. As you said, Roland, our heroes are inexperienced, but through battles and tutoring, combined with the gift of gods, they will become quite strong, yet that days are at least half a decade away."


Gill got into the conversation. "So, until they are ready, we work as their replacement."


Emperor Nolan nodded in agreement. "I am glad we cut that short. If it takes five years for inexperienced children to reach the level of a great warrior, I expect you, some of the best your world ever have to offer to become strong enough in mere months."


Pechman jumped into the conversation. "Then let's cut a deal. In exchange for help in our search for Captain Erwin and a ticket home after all this bullshit ends. I promise we will fight for you. Can you provide us with all that?"


A bright light appeared right above Emperor Nolan. "Yes, I can. Gods agree on that. In exchange for your heroic services, I shall make you connect with your friend and send you back to your home. So, for that, please repeat after me." He pushed the massive table away, and a loud sound echoed through the room. I don't know if I should be angry about the sound or be amazed by his strength. "By the gift inherited me by Gods above, I call my weapon." From nothingness, a long glowing sword made out of gold appeared.


And while I was still thinking if I should be surprised by that little magic show, Emperor Nolan snapped his fingers, and a white aura covered his sword, and two angelic wings grew from his back. "I am Emperor Nolan, Emperor of Humans, but I am not just a ruler who sits on his throne and gives orders to his minions while enjoying himself. I am the champion of Goddes Of Light. Only a fool thinks gods left this world for a couple of teens to defend, while demons, monsters, and false idols lurk in shadows, waiting to corrupt it. They are aware of the danger."


Pechman grabbed a silver fork from the table and began inspecting it. He looks not even fazed by the little show Emperor is currently giving. "Good for them. Can you tell us where we can get ourselves weapons, preferably not something glowy like that? It won't be very tactical. Oh, and while on that, can you ask your gods for modern weaponry if you don't have any because if you expect us to hold swords and shields, good lord, you choose the wrong people."


Nolan's wings and sword disappeared, and he sat back in his chair. "Hah, I was alerted by the possible arrogancy beforehand, but please, gods gave you something better than your 'modern weapons' please follow me. This room wouldn't be fitting."

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