Emperor of Universe

Chapter 1: Prologue

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The stars sparkled in the clear, pitch-black sky. The moon was high and bright, casting a pale light across the land. The chilling night air clung to them like an icy kiss.

The silence of the night was deafening.

The smell of death hung heavy in the air, like a stench that had lingered for years.

The sound of battle rang out through the night.

It was the sound of war.

The clash of swords. The screams of men the sound of horses' hooves. The sound of steel cleaving through flesh

A battle had erupted between the armies of Colthek, the king of the land, and the army of the rebels.

Despite the fact that the rebels outnumbered the Colthek army, the king's army was under the command of the strongest king in the country.

For ten days, the battle raged, and it had been as fierce as any war had ever been.

King Colthek could've won the war, but he had lost the war.

He was stabbed in the back by a traitor's poisonous dagger in the midst of the battle. The poison had caused his body to weaken and his muscles to spasm.

King Colthek's army had finally been defeated, and his remaining army had fled.

Now, King Colthek now lies wounded on a bloodied field surrounded by the dead bodies of his men and his enemies, his former soldiers. He was bleeding from several cuts, and it was a miracle he was still alive.

The night was quiet. The sounds of battle had faded into the distance.

The moonlight bathed the king in its pale glow.

He looked up at the moon and the stars. He was lying on his back, and the moonlight illuminated his face.

King Colthek was a middle-aged man in his sixties, wearing a crown.

His face was pale and drawn. His hair was disheveled and unkempt. His eyes were hollow and dark. His armor was stained with blood. Blood ran down his face and dripped off his chin, leaving a trail of crimson like a river.

His breath caught in his throat as he stared at the moon.

What did I do to deserve this treachery?

The king wondered at his own reflection in the blade of his sword.

He believed he had always been a good ruler, a good king.

His father had died when he was only a boy, and he had inherited the kingdom at a very young age.

As a king, he spent most of his time dealing with the problems of running a kingdom and its people.

For years, he did everything possible to make sure the kingdom thrived and prospered. He had brought peace to the land and prosperity to its people. He had been the one to give his people freedom, hope, and security in their time of need.

His reign had been a success, with his people happy and prosperous. But no matter how hard he tried or how much he gave, it never seemed to be enough.

Yes, despite all of his efforts, his own people still betrayed him.

Ultimately, even his own men had betrayed him, stabbed him in the back, and started a civil war in his kingdom.

He knew he was naïve, as he failed to see the true nature of the men he had trusted.

The war had lasted for years. It had been a long and bloody conflict. It was only now that he was lying on the ground, surrounded by his enemies, his own men.

King Colthek looked around the cold, dark battlefield.

It was a sight of horror.

Blood. Corpses. Everywhere.

Thousands of them, strewn about like discarded dolls. They were his men. They had followed him into battle, fought beside him, and died for him, their king.

But it had all been for naught.

They were all dead. They were all gone, and he was left alone on the field.

He had never felt so alone in all his life. He knew he was going to die. But he was still determined to fight to the very end! He would not let them take away his pride. He would not let them rob him of his honor.

I am a king and a warrior! I will die like a king should!

He will show them his last stand as king!

King Colthek grabbed the sword protruding from his side, as if he had only remembered that the battle was far from over. He tried to muster enough strength within himself to maintain his dignity as a king and leader.

He pulled himself to his feet with difficulty. The pain was excruciating. His body felt like it was being ripped apart. The king staggered, but he stood steady and held his sword aloft as his eyes turned to his former men, the ones who had betrayed him.

They can only silently watch in awe as he takes his place before them, ready to fight until his last breath.

His eyes did not show any signs of weakness, and everyone could sense the fire burning within. Not only that, they can sense his intensity. For a dying man, he had a presence that was unmatched and a charisma that was almost undeniable.

He is a man of power and a man of destiny.

He was the king! He is a warrior! He was the man they most feared!

Their heartbeat began to quicken as they watched the king.

The king was a man of mystery and a leader who commanded respect. He was the one who had led them to victory, and now he was the one who was going to lead them to their deaths.

As this cornered beast would kill them, they could only prepare themselves.

Just before the beast could attack, the man in black armor stepped forward.

King Colthek's eyes narrowed when he saw the man in black armor step closer. He was a man with a powerful presence and an air of mystery about him. His armor glistened and shone under the moonlight.

He watched the man silently as he removed his helm and revealed his white hair, which contrasted well with the midnight darkness.

When he looked at the man's face, the king could only sigh.

"Callum," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

It was his loyal general.

The man had served him for years and was the closest thing to a friend he had ever had.

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said quietly as he kneeled before him.

"I never thought you'd betrayed me, Callum." King Colthek chuckled sarcastically through his pain.

King Colthek's eyes peered at the man.

"This is for the best, my lord." Callum shrugged apologetically, but with a seedy twist of his lips. "A lot's changed, but let me make this simple for you, my lord. Your rules are too kind for those rats!"

"This again? You don't know what you're talking about." King Colthek's voice was a hoarse whisper.

"No, but I do. You never punished those who deserved it. They did not deserve it! You were always too lenient, and it brought them to this."

King Colthek shook his head and said, "And? You usurp me solely for that reason?"

"No, my lord. You'll pardon me for saying it this way, but your reign seems to have gone off course and turned back on you. You are too far away from where the people once placed their trust in your guidance, my lord. Your ruler is destined to sink into oblivion with this revolution!"

King Colthek sighed heavily, his breathing was labored, and he was staring at his old friend. "Callum, what exactly do you hope to gain from this coup?"

Calmly, Callum stood straight as an arrow and said, "Exactly nothing!"

A murderous light flashed across Callum's eyes, and King Colthek knew the final indignity was coming.

No more words are needed; only a fight is needed for this king to bring a final charge against the traitor who led them into betrayal and their own downfall.

Callum pounced down toward his side and drew the sword from inside himself. When they pulled it out, a powerful flash was produced and flashed at blinding speeds across their bodies, which seared their flesh and sent a painful chill through them.

A black line spread on each side of them as they became linked by their swords, with only the gap separating them.

The two men clashed swords, and the clanging of steel rang out in the air.

King Colthek swung his blade with precision and force, while Callum swung wildly, trying to catch him off guard. But King Colthek did not fall prey to it and continued swinging with incredible skill at full speed, causing his adversary much pain as he pounded him with numerous blows of steel.

The two men look like they are evenly matched, but it was clear that King Colthek was still the stronger of the two.

King Colthek continued to strike with a ferocity that made Callum wonder if he could even last through this.

Callum tried to counterattack, but the king was too fast, and he blocked every blow with ease.

The clash of blades continued as the two men continued to clash, but the king was slowly gaining the upper hand.

However, as the battle went on, King Colthek was losing strength with each passing moment.

He was bleeding. His body felt like it was going to collapse at any moment, but he still tried to swing his sword with a vengeance.

It was miraculous for him to last this long, especially with that damaged body of his. But everyone knows that despite his injuries and blood loss, King Colthek was a skilled warrior and still very dangerous.

If he wasn't injured, he would have killed Callum already.

Callum himself knew this well, and he was trying his hardest to keep up with the king, but he was no match for him.

While Callum was a fine knight and general, King Colthek was a seasoned veteran, a peerless warrior, and a master of swordsmanship. He was a legend and the best fighter of his generation.

Callum was sweating profusely, his breath was ragged, and his heart was beating like a drum.

King Colthek's movements were agile, and his blade was sharp. If he was caught off guard, the king would kill him! His sword began to bend under the pressure of the king's blows, and he knew he couldn't last much longer.

But Callum also knew that the king was also on the verge of death.

King Colthek's body was covered with blood; he was a mess, and his face was pale. His wounds were becoming deeper and deeper, and his blood flowed faster.

Nevertheless, the king continued to fight. His blade was slicing through the air; it was like a whirlwind.

Callum's sword met with King Colthek's blade with a loud metallic clang, but he could see the king's swing strength was weaker than before.

He can see King Colthek weakening.

His armor and his body had been battered as he tried to hold himself back, but he still continued the battle with Callum. He was having a hard time breathing, and his shirt started to drip with sweat, dripping with the blood from his body as he gasped for air.

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His body began to slow down and lose strength. It was only a matter of time for him to fall unconscious or maybe pass away since it didn't appear as though he could finish the battle against Callum.

He aimed his sword at King Colthek's neck, but the king dove and moved out of the way.

The king moved back and slashed at him with his blade, but Callum dodged it and kicked the king's wounded abdomen. It caused the king to stagger.

Callum still fought back as strong as ever and even harder because the king's strength was declining day after day. 

But the king still fought on, defiantly!

King Colthek roared a sound no living person could make as he continued his pugnaciousness.

With his dying breath, he saw the King still holding a weapon ready but also breathing heavily from running, while his eyes were bloodshot.

Callum could barely lift the blade with his remaining energy, and it was of no help against King Colthek, who continued to rush with renewed vigor.

King Colthek charged Callum's way and swung his sword. Callum tried to counter, but the king's blade was slicing through the air and stabbing into his abdomen; a red fountain of blood sprang up. Callum grunted as the king pressed his blade deeper into his body, striking the arteries and stitching his body together with fresh blood.

The soldiers were gaping in horror as they observed this.

Even though the king was dying, he still fought like a beast!

Even Callum finds it hard to believe. It was incredibly exhausting to battle this king!

Callum gripped the hilt tightly and managed to pull King Colthek's sword from his abdomen. He staggered on his feet, as he was so close to falling down, but still tried his hardest not to fall.

He had to find a way to break the stalemate; he had to do something drastic!

That was when Callum noticed his king had overlooked something.

Callum had another advantage.

"Do it!" Callum shouted.

His archers fired several arrows down at them, and with that, the arrows from above pierced through the king's body with swiftness. As a knight, Callum hated this cowardly act more than anyone but he had no choice; this was the only way to kill this powerful king.

The king staggered backward, and his legs gave way as he tried to stay upright. His body felt like it was being ripped apart as he coughed and blood shot out of his mouth.

Callum knew this was the only chance he had; he rushed towards his king and swung his sword with all his might, and it sliced through the air and hit King Colthek in his torso.

King Colthek stumbled and fell to his knees as blood oozed from his wounds. The king's eyes still show no fear and a sense of defiance.

His face contorted as he gazed back with fierce resolve and murderous intent.

The traitors had a look of shock and horror on their faces.

Even so, King Colthek was more than ready for another round of bloody and merciless battle, but even his formidable warrior's body was beginning to buckle under the strain as he tried not to fall. His limbs felt tired and numb, while blood dripped down his chin with each gurgle he uttered.

His body felt like a limp corpse as the king grimaced and groaned, and his legs weakened beneath him before he tumbled face forward onto the ground with a clatter.

I guess this is it.

He knew that he was going to die.

He rolled onto his back with his last ounce of strength, his eyes glazing over the night sky.It was a dark night, with the moon shining brightly above the clouds.

His blood pooled around him, and his breathing slowed down until he was too weak to move his hand or foot any longer. He could only lie there and stare at the sky, and the moon was the brightest thing in the sky.

King Colthek felt a sense of serenity wash over him.

At the very least, he can die while watching the stars twinkle in the night sky.

The king always loved to gaze at the night sky and imagine what was out there. He always wanted to know what was beyond the veil of the night.

He wondered what was on the other side of the moon and if he would be able to see it.

What was beyond the moon? What wonders could be on the other side? What mysteries and wonders could be found? Will he meet his wife there?

How amazing would it be if he could see it?

As the king continued to look up to the sky, his eyes grew heavy as he felt the cold touch of death creeping up on him.

His voice was raspy and exhausted, and as his chest heaved with each slow exhale, the only way he could speak was through labored breathing. "Callum, I think I'm done."

An overwhelming sense of calmness washed over him.

His eyes briefly light up before falling into a deep sleep.

He was finally at peace as his last breath escaped his lips.

He had died while gazing at the moon, just as he had wished.

Callum was silent as he stood over King Colthek's lifeless body, staring down at the body.

He felt drained and exhausted, but his heartache was unbearable.

Seeing his corpse laid out like this was more than he could bear. He was numb with grief and guilt as he felt the weight of his actions settle upon him.

The king had trusted him, and he had betrayed him.

He had betrayed his king and his best friend.

He wanted to tell him how sorry he was, but he knew that wasn't enough.

He wanted to tell him that he was and always would be the best king he had ever known.

He was ashamed of what he did, and he wanted to apologize to the king.

But he couldn't do that. He could never do that.

Despite betraying his king, Callum’s loyalty has always been and will always be with King Colthek.

So many feelings were swirling and threatening to erupt, but he contained himself for a short moment and stood his ground while the words fought their way up from deep within his soul.

He wanted to shout, he wanted to cry, and he really wanted to end himself, but he managed to keep his composure and remained strong.

He didn't want to do it, but the decision he made was best for his people. Above all else, the safety of the king's family must be prioritized.

Callum could never forgive himself for betraying his best friend.

There is nothing that can justify his betrayal.

Callum kneeled down next to the king and closed the lifeless king's eyes gently. A final sign of respect, as well as closure for him.

A tear flowed down his cheek as he whispered softly, "Rest in peace, my king....."

It was his final tear left inside of him, which could not be shed, but at the same time, Callum felt heavy on his feet, with a tremendous sense of guilt and responsibility weighing him down.

With that heavy sense of responsibility on his shoulders, Callum could only walk away from King Colthek's lifeless body.


It was a very dark space…

After I died, I was expecting to see my late wife, but I saw nothing. There's nothing here but darkness... It feels like I've been here a long time...

Is this heaven or hell? Is this the afterlife? For a sinner like myself, I expected something grander, but oh well, it's better than being burned in hell for eternity. I knew that was all bullshit. While I'm not against religion in my kingdom, I am not the religious type, you see. Though it's regrettable I can't see my late wife...

To begin with, how the hell am I still conscious if I'm dead? I don't understand.

Dammit… I should have finished that book before dying. I was so close to finishing the book. For fuck's sake, can Callum or the rebels pick a better time before attacking my camp?

I remained silent and stared into space until I noticed something in front of me, some kind of light...

As I stared at the light, suddenly I was being swallowed by the light.

I struggled with all my might until my struggles ended with a pop, and then it happened. As I was being pulled towards the light, I heard a baby crying. As I got closer, it got louder and louder, almost like it was coming from a distance.

"WAAAAAHAAHAAWAAAAAA." My mouth?! What the hell?!

"Congratulations, my lady! It's a cute and healthy boy again!"

I just heard a voice right now... Did I hear that right? I feel pretty cold right now, and what is this smell? It feels like somebody just picked me up, and why can't I open my eyes? Who the hell is shaking me? Then I'm being handed over to someone. Now I am lying on a soft surface. What is this softness? It feels like soft skin.

I tilted my head to try to see the surrounding people, but light filled my eyes. I narrowed my eyes in discomfort. When I felt my eyes adjust to the brightness, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a face. A beautiful face, a giant face! Is it female? And why is it smiling so brightly? 

Is this heaven? No, that's impossible. I am pretty sure I have a spot saved for me in Hell.

So where is this, and who is this woman? She seems to be in her mid-20s.

"Hello Rowan. I am your mother. Your m-o-t-h-e-r! Your father and brothers are going to be here in a few minutes. I wonder what’s taking them so long."

The beautiful woman said this while she kept kissing my face. Stop kissing me, woman!

...... Wait a minute, mother? What the hell? She is my mother? My mother died when I was five. She was killed by a pandemic, and I still remember her face! You're not my mother! As far as I can tell, you can't possibly be... This woman is the last thing standing between me and an eternity in hell!

Or maybe this must be some sort of hallucination...

Hahaha.... Probably because there is way too much going on here, I started deluding myself.

Then I heard the door open.

"Dear, what took you so long?" said the female giant in a somewhat angry tone.

"Sorry, sorry... Sebastian had something very important to report. I came running as soon as I heard the news. So where is my baby?" A man voice replied to the giant in an apologetic tone.

I want to turn around, but I can't. Whoa…. I was again picked up by someone. Seriously, what's the matter with you people? Stop tossing me around! I am a king! I would have your head for this!

Someone carried me in his arms and lifted me up.

"Oh, my son! You look exactly like me!"

It's a man with crimson-red hair and blue eyes who is really handsome, and yeah, I will stop calling them giants now, because... in this situation, even an idiot can tell what's going on here. There is no other way to explain this other than that. I have heard this concept before from forest witch and I thought it was impossible and just laughed it off but it happened to me!

Yeah, it seems I have been reincarnated.

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