Empire of the Rose

Chapter 2: Chapter 2.1 : Seowon palace

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Chapter 2

As the first round of consort selection came to a close, the number of ladies participating began to thin out. By the end of the day, the number of ladies had been reduced from a thousand to just over five hundred.

The return home was a welcome relief for some of the ladies who had been eliminated. They were able to escape the scrutiny and pressure of the competition, and they were able to return to the comfort of their homes.

But for others, it was a harsh reminder of their failure. They had hoped that the consort selection process would be their chance to rise above their circumstances and achieve a better life, and the disappointment of being eliminated was crushing. Many of these ladies were left with a sense of hopelessness and despair, wondering if they would ever have the chance to achieve their dreams.

And those who remained let out a sigh of relief, but they knew the journey was far from over, and they were determined to win the ultimate prize. Surviving the first round of the selection process was one step closer to achieving their dreams.

"This concludes the first round of the selection," the head eunuch announced at the end of the day's proceedings, his voice echoing across the square. "Ladies, please follow your respective court eunuchs. They will show you the way to your quarters, where you can rest and prepare for the second round."

Escorted from the entrance square of the main palace, the consort candidates approached the palace compound in the distance, a little distant from the royal grounds. As the sun began to set, it cast an orange glow on the path ahead, lined with gardens and lanterns. They came close to the Seowon palace, meant to be the "place of learning and tranquility," providing comfort and relaxation to those residing there.

Excitement and anticipation washed over the ladies. The compound was a separate area within the royal palace grounds, where they would live and train during the selection process. It was a place of luxury and refinement, and the candidates couldn't wait to see what it offered.

The ladies who had made it through to the second round of the competition followed the court eunuchs, relieved to be able to take a break and rest after a long and intense day of competition. Though no one informed them about the specifics of the second round of the selection process and when it would begin, they knew it would be more competitive and challenging. Despite having no clue, they resolved to prepare themselves for the challenges ahead.

As they passed through the gates, greeted by a group of court maids and eunuchs, they caught their first glimpse inside the compound. They saw activity facilities, recreational spots, and several connected buildings designed to help them prepare for the next round of the selection process.

While the court eunuch escorted them, a scowling young woman beside Beom Haewon glared at her. She walked beside Beom Haewon, and with a swift movement, she hit Beom Haewon's shoulder with hers, almost making Beom Haewon stumbled.

Her features were sharp; her eyes were narrowed in a permanent scowl. She had long dark hair pulled back into a braid, held in place with intricate hairpins and a red ribbon. She donned a beautiful, ornately decorated hanbok with creamy pink cloth and silver embroidery. She displayed her social status and wealth through her clothes and seemed to relish the attention and envy it brought to the other ladies.

The lady hissed to Haewon, "Just because you stole my spotlight today doesn't mean you're stealing it from me next round. I'll ensure you're eliminated before you even get the chance."

Beom Haewon regained her footing while the hostile lady continued to walk in the distance, her back straight and her head held high. She felt a chill run down her spine from the venom in the lady's words. Though she was more confused by the other lady's hostility, she asked outwardly, "What did I do to her?"

However, she suspected that it began when she arrived late at the square and became the center of attention. She remembered the scowling lady who was all smiles before she passed through the gate to the square. From then, her elated face faltered when Beom Haewon unintentionally took the spotlight during the first round of the consort selection.

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"Ladies," the court eunuch, leading them into their building, called out. "Your handmaids will accompany you to your designated quarters to meet your needs. Please take a rest for tonight. We will have the opportunity to see you again tomorrow."

As the court eunuch's voice echoed down the hallway, the ladies followed in his trail, each heading to their separate chambers. Beom Haewon, the last lady in line, entered her assigned room and closed the door behind her with a soft click. Inside, she found her handmaid, Yijin, already occupied.

The room was small but comfortable, with simple furniture. There was a low table, cushions for seating, and a raised platform for sleeping. Beom Haewon sat down on one of the cushions and let out a sigh of relief.

"I can't believe we made it through the first round," she said to Yijin, who was busy unpacking their belongings and arranging them neatly on the table.

"You did well, my lady," Yijin replied with a smile. "But the competition has just started. We need to rest and prepare for the next round."

"I didn't do well, Yijin. My objective is to get eliminated in the general physical examination," she said. She was of average height and had always dreamed of being taller. But now, her size was working against her. "Ugh, never once have I dreamed of being shorter! And they didn't even care about my calluses!"

When she was little, despite the average height of a typical little girl, her neighbors' children made fun of her for being small. She reminisced about tears streaming down her face while watching her older brother console her after beating up her bullies. He said the idiots only teased her because she was the lone girl in the village, and everyone else was a teenage boy.

Beom Haewon's childhood memories flooded back, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. She had always been self-conscious about her height, and it had caused her no end of grief growing up. But that self-hate ended just this morning. 

'Only if I didn't chug drums of goat milk in the past, then I could have escaped this consort selection custom of being small!'

If only she had learned to be confident and not let her insecurities tell her to improve. But Beom Haewon knew that she couldn't dwell on the past. She had to concentrate and do everything she could to prepare for her elimination in the next phase of the consort selection. 

"My lady," Yijin's voice brought Beom Haewon back to the present moment. "It's not too late to change your mindset. And who knows, this consort selection may bring you opportunities and happiness you could never have imagined."

Beom Haewon went silent for a moment, ignored Yijin's comment, and stood up, making her way to the sleeping platform. She lay down, faced the wall, and closed her eyes, hoping to get some much-needed rest before the next round.


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