End Omega

Chapter 30: (S1) EP 27|The Swords

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“But of course, my lord!”

The gates opened, creating a loud noise that sounded like an army of a million soldiers marching onwards their enemies.

In the midst of the path, a man walked towards the just opened gate.

“A pleasure to have the fifth Dei visit us here, please, follow me.”

He turned his back towards the lord, Ilgadir followed him inside the exquisite establishment, its walls were made out of a special type of stone, it certainly resembled much of a medieval type of prison building. But the mist was so present that only the front side was able to be seen.

Ilgadir held an absolutely serious expression for the whole time, his face seemed as if he felt very agitated.

The man in front of him snapped his fingers, and the large black door opened by itself.

They stepped inside, there was only a one-way path, there stood no ground nor any sort of ground surface that surrounded the single stony path.

The only thing that surrounded the narrow path was a sea of gigantic stone faces, these faces were known to be the faces of either Gods or Spirits that had ever tried to escape the Prison of Gods, every single one of them had been killed by the man walking in front of Ilgadir.

His name, was Johan. Noah’s closest guard, he noticed the overwhelming presence of Ilgadir entering Noah’s realm, and decided to show up.

Ilgadir looked down at the faces in disgust.

“May I ask what your reasonings for visiting the Prison of Gods are? It is a rare occurrence to have a Dei come here by their selves, I only sensed your presence, none other.”

“I needn’t tell you for my reasonings, I will simply negotiate with Noah. If he decides to dispute it to you, then that is his own choice.”

Johan closed his eyes and gave off a smile.

“As you wish.”

It was at this moment Johan started to feel suspicious of Ilgadir.

Johan snapped his fingers, and a portal appeared at the end of the path.

“Please, step inside of the blue portal, you will be teleported to Noah’s throneroom. This is the furthest I will go myself.”

“I acknowledge your hospitality.” Ilgadir said walking past Johan, who still had his eyes closed as he walked past him.

He gave Ilgadir a glance over his shoulders as he stepped inside the portal before walking away.

Ilgadir got sent upwards at the speed of light, it took less time than him blinking his eyes and he found himself in Noah’s throne room, it was a place of darkness, only a large window could be seen with a silhouette facing towards it, with his arms crossing each other behind his back, wearing a cloak.

A moment of silence stood for a few minutes, Ilgadir felt nervous, but kept his calm.

“What are you looking for, Ilgadir?” 

Ilgadir took a few steps forward trying to get closer to Noah, but as he got closer, a sudden force canceled his entire body from moving.

“I believe this is an appropriate distance, Ilgadir.”

“That is fine.” Ilgadir replied closing his eyes.

“I have come here to negotiate regarding your new prisoner, your members have taken her recently.”

“Which one of the two are you orating about?” 

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“A force to be reckoned with, I am talking about your newest strongest prisoner, Theia.”

“What are your minds regarding Theia?”

“I want to bring an accord.” 


“Thank you for the meal, it was delicious.”

“No problem, Xy! Get well rested.” Eshi said.

*Eshi is a part of the cooking team that serves Rani’s dorm.*

Yurwa walked inside the dining room, sitting in front of Xy.

“Hey, are you feeling a little better?” Xy asked.

“I’m fine, what about you?”

“Not the best, but good enough to be able to move as I wish. By the way, I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Xy, what about yours?”

“I’m Yurwa, nice to see you well, Xy.”


“I wanted to ask you something, however… On that night, who were those guys attacking you?”

“Hello, Yurwa, have some tea, hope you ate well at Tezuka’s dorm.” Eshi said, handing over a cup of green tea.

“Thank you.”

She walked away and Yurwa began savoring the tea.

“Those are not just “guys”. They are members of the God Noah’s group called “The Swords”, they serve as Noah’s wrath on those who break the rules amongst the Gods and Spirits.”

“Hm… What ties did they have with you? Aren’t Gods meant to protect us?” Xy asked.

“Not all Gods and Spirits are goodhearted, but in this case, they had come to retrieve Theia for breaking a rule…”

“Theia had killed a human many years ago, but kept herself concealed to not be caught by The Swords, it was my fault, as I used the God Invocation technique at that moment, which forced her to initiate her true self in the form of a power…” Yurwa said looking down.

“I see… That is… Unfortunate.” Xy said.

“No need to feel bad. It is a pain I must bare.” Yurwa replied.

‘She must have used some sort of God Invocation to have herself connect with that Goddess, it must have been through the Astral Plane.”

*The Astral Plane is a spiritual realm that lies above The Bridge it is a place where humans are able to spiritually enter in order to merge their selves with a chosen God or Spirit. This technique is known to be extremely difficult, many nations use the traditional God Invocation that temporarily lets its user initiate a power of a God, but only a few are able to enter the Astral Plane, it is commonly used mostly by the people of the Aria nation.*

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