Ends of Magic: Antimage LitRPG

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 A Mage’s Mansion

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The next evening, Nathan had returned to the suite and was idly chatting with Sarah about different kinds of weapons used by adventurers. He had learned in the last few days that Sarah and Aarl’s father Stanel Crusens was a famous [Weaponmaster]. He’d retired from adventuring after the death of his wife to raise Sarah and Aarl and run the training for the Gemore Guard. He was famous for being a master of literally any weapon he laid his hands on.

“... so when you get to the higher levels, a lot of strange weapons start to make sense and weave some magic. There was this orc trader who had some skills related to chains, so his main weapon was this hundred foot chain with heavy metal balls every couple of feet. He could wrap somebody up in a snap, knock down a building or sling a boulder half a mile. There are still tools better at each of those tasks, but it’s a good example of a specialist who doesn’t sacrifice too much. Better than an idiot with a sword larger than he is. The real trick is getting class skills that are useful at low levels and let you explore more esoteric things at higher levels.” The last was semi-directed at her brother, who was frowning at some kind of textbook while he worked through some math.

Nathan wasn’t sure if he should help Aarl with the math. He was pretty sure it was relatively simple arithmetic and multiplication, though there was definitely some geometry involved. Nathan still couldn’t read standard text very well, much less mathematical notation. Something to revisit after he could read. There was an awful lot on that list. He was pretty sure that Velek was planning on testing his general knowledge once they’d sorted the reading problem, so that would be a good way to compare Gemore’s education to Earth’s.

Though to be fair I was working on the highest form of qualification my world offers. That being said, the Heirs have probably had about the best education you can get around here. But they really don’t need as extensive a math education as I do. Did? Huh. Well I don’t regret learning multi-variable calculus, it was a required class and worthwhile to understand Maxwell’s equations.

Stella bounced into the room, returned from a longer tutoring session & dinner with her parents. Khachi followed closely behind, looking resigned. You could tell by the drooping ears.

Stella seemed especially enthusiastic. “Hey Nathan, you know how you wanted to get more exposure to different kinds of magic? Well my parents have invited you to our house tomorrow! It should be interesting for everybody!”

Nathan blinked at her, taken aback by the enthusiasm. He opened his mouth to blandly accept, but was interrupted by Khachi.

In a dry tone, he explained. “I’m pretty sure it’s going to be two of the most powerful spellcasters in Gemore trying to take you apart for a few hours. I’d rather go a few rounds with a Rotting Hulk. And she left out that her parents are also having a dinner party afterwards, with all of us and our parents in attendance. You’ll be the object of attention, that’s as sure as the sun.”

Nathan looked to Sarah and Aarl. “Is that bad? That sounds like it’s bad.”

Aarl looked up from his chalk slate with a sharp grin. “They do these dinner parties every month or so, I’d forgotten that it was happening tomorrow. It’ll be great food and the best adventurers around swapping stories. Don’t worry too much about it, if you accidentally insult Stanel and he chops off a limb you can always grow it back.”

This was not particularly reassuring to Nathan. But the first part did sound like it might be a good time to learn a lot more about magic, and potentially even develop his Magic Resistance Talent. As for the dinner… Well, Nathan took a deep breath. He had a choice. He could stress about it and try to badger the rest of his team with questions to prepare. Or he could just not worry about it and hope it wouldn’t be a problem. Not only was there not much he could do to prepare, but if he got himself worked up about it then he might create a problem where none needed to exist.

So, Nathan settled down and asked Khachi about his mother’s tutoring while Stella made her way over to help Aarl with his math. She was apparently quite good at Math and interspersed the tutoring with a bit of teasing.

The next morning, things proceeded as normal - morning exercises, obstacle courses, breakfast, lessons. Nathan met back up with the Heirs for lunch, which was primarily some sort of gamey loin stuffed with pepper-like vegetables and a dark, salty sauce. Practice proceeded as normal, with some sprinting drills and hand-to-hand combat. Nathan wasn't really able to stand up to Khachi or Aarl in a fight, but it certainly wasn't because he lacked for strength. At the end of the session Khachi wished Nathan an emotional farewell, acting like he was going off to war. Stella smacked him, clearly adding some force spell to make his chestplate ring like a bell.

And with that, Nathan was off, following the much shorter Stella across the courtyard to where her parents waited. The old foxfolk and gentle-faced man with deep smile lines stood alone. Their robes were richly colored and decorated, though not the resplendent colors Nathan had first seen as they’d flown overhead after reducing the Grave Tangle to a bad-smelling trash fire. Nathan took a second to remember what he knew of them.

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Right. It’s Dalo and Kullal Caxol, they’re married and Stella has talked about them some. Kullal is the foxfolk and specializes in force magic, especially protective barriers. Dalo is the white-haired guy and specializes in elemental damage. And fusion reactions! Though they're high-enough level they're pretty good at more than one thing. Stella said her mom is pretty good with light magic, and Dalo's got incredibly fine control when he needs it. They look surprisingly old, Dalo’s hair and beard are entirely white and Kullal’s fur is almost more gray than red.

They drew near and Kullal embraced Stella in a hug. It looked very soft. Meanwhile Dalo stepped up to Nathan and offered him a handshake with a gentle smile. Nathan spoke first, using a form of respect he’d learned from Velek as he bowed his head lightly over Dalo’s hand.

“Archmage Caxol, it is a good day for a first meeting. Your daughter has been a great help to my development. I’m lucky to be on her team.”

The man’s smile grew wider. “And from what she’s said, she’s lucky you joined the team. My daughter’s said a few things about the Talents you have, and I would be in error if I said I am not curious.” Dalo combed his fingers through his wispy beard. “But here is not the place for such talks. If my wife has finished greeting our daughter…” Dalo stepped over to give Stella a hug of his own.

Kullal had turned to Nathan, tilting her head back to look at him. Nathan held out his hand, but she brushed by it to give him a hug too. Nathan hesitated a moment before returning the gesture, gently wrapping his arms around the diminutive woman in front of him. It was very soft.

After a moment, she stepped back. “Well, now that we’ve been properly introduced, let’s get moving. I know Stella has high hopes for this afternoon. Come along.”

As they were leaving the Adventurer’s Guild, Stella asked “Who’s going to be at the dinner tonight? And what’s the food?”

Dalo gave an indulgent smile “You’ll find out who is there when they get there. But we’ve hired Cantas for tonight, and given her the freedom she wants. I’m sure it will be memorable if nothing else.”

Stella laughed and turned back to Nathan. “Cantas is the best chef in Gemore, though some people don’t recognize it. I think the last time she cooked Kia was actually exhaling flames. Though I’ve never been sure if that was the dish or dad playing a prank.” She elbowed Dalo, who held up his hands placatingly.

“Everybody must have their secrets, especially once they reach my level. Come now, let us hurry. It sounded as if you had more ideas than we will have time to try, my daughter.”

Nathan followed the family all the way out of the Adventuring Guild. They turned and started climbing the hill that Gemore was built on. The streets were steep, and in many cases had large stones laid flat to form steps. Most of the houses were cut into the hill on one side and standing on a platform on the other, so they could remain flat. The occasionally shallow road switch-backed up the hill, allowing wheeled carts and wagons to climb to the higher districts.

As they climbed the road away from the guild, Nathan turned his head, his eyes drawn to a building just down the road. There was a man leaning against the doorway looking at Nathan, and their eyes met. The man was pale and wiry underneath light chainmail. He had an unstrung bow in a quiver on his back and shortswords on each hip, while his face was rough with several days of stubble. The man held Nathan’s gaze for a moment, and Nathan felt like he was being intensely studied for weaknesses. He opened his mouth to ask Dalo and Kullal, but the moment he did the man stepped into the building and was gone.

Could be a man curious about who I am because I'm walking around with this company. But I think I’m going to trust my gut on this one. He was looking for me. But I highly doubt anybody’s going to try anything when I’m with this family. Be cautious, don't go out into the city on my own.

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