Ends of Magic: Antimage LitRPG

Chapter 69: Chapter 69 An Aurora Duel

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Simla stared around at the bewildered adventurers with a challenging look on his face. “I speak true! Nathan Lark comes from beyond Davrar itself! He is alien, and we should not welcome him into our ranks, nor let him swear our most sacred of Oaths! He did not know of the Endings until just now. How can he defend the people of Gemore against them? Who knows what his ways truly are!”

Sudraiel looked down upon Simla, visibly peeved. “What does it matter from where Nathan comes? The Adventurers of Gemore have always allowed wanderers to join, and swear, even those who have lost the tradition of Endings. Be silent, Simla. I have deemed Nathan worthy, and that is enough.”

In reply a rough voice pitched across the mountaintop. “Do not deny that Simla’s words hold the weight of truth. If this boy is not from Davrar itself, then we will know more. I do not think I speak for just myself in this. Or will you finally give me reason to duel you, Sudraiel?”

The source of the voice emerged from the crowd of Adventurers. It was an old man, with a grizzled salt-and-pepper beard and hair. He was tall and broad, standing like a craggy granite outcrop. He clutched a pair of heavily-enchanted javelins in one hand. More poked up over his shoulder.

Eldred was nearby, and cheered. “Speak the weighty truths, Kozar!”

Sudraiel turned to address the old man. “Kozar. You’d use this as excuse to challenge me?”

The man - Kozar - shrugged. “Let the boy speak for himself. We’ve truth-telling skills enough to know if he speaks true. Your pets should be able to defend themselves.” He gestured for Nathan to take the floor.

Nathan stepped forward and past Khachi, who was frowning and giving him a concerned look. Thoughts were flickering through his head.

Didn’t expect this. It seems like a setup. The traditional faction of Adventurers are coming after me as a political move and I do not appreciate it. It’s probably not really aimed at me, since the Heirs are the strongest of the new generation, and they and the Guardians are behind Sudraiel all the way. I’m just a weakness they think they can attack.

Nathan felt the ember of rage at the core of him kindle to life. They were using him as a pawn, and he was not pleased.

But now it’s my problem, and I want to make these assholes regret fucking with me. What do I do? Clearly can’t lie. Fuck it, my skill helps me be honest. So it’s time to be Earnest.


Nathan focused his mind past the growing anger and rolled his shoulders as he walked up next to the Seal. He turned and looked over the crowd of Adventurers. Some of the gazes coming his way were hostile - but most were merely curious.

“It is true! I come from beyond Davrar. I was brought here by magic, by the power of an Archmage of Giantsrest. He sought to control me, but I escaped. The Giantraiders rescued me and brought me to Gemore.

“The Adventurers’ Guild of Gemore has taken me in. Become my refuge against this world, with all of its terrors and monsters of all shapes! Gemore has become my new home, and I will fight to protect it. Or would you turn away all who ask for help, and can help in return? That seems a path to a proud and selfish death.” Nathan met Kozar’s eyes, which studied him coldly.

Mid-tier Earnestness 10 achieved! Congratulations, you have maxed out this utility skill! It cannot be improved any further. You must achieve Insight into this skill to develop it to high-tier.

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