Enslaved By Amazons

Chapter 1: Enslaved By Amazons

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The weather was bright and sunny; ideal for sitting under the cool shade of a tree, but Eric didn't have time for such luxuries. He raced as fast as he could, carrying his small bag on his shoulders, with a bunch of tribal bandits chasing behind him.

He galloped through Verity Forest's woodlands, carefully inspecting his surroundings before taking any turns, the sounds of hoof beats getting closer by the minute. Eric was just traveling to a different town when he came across their group by chance. He had heard stories of a cannibalistic group of bandits hidden near Verity Forest for most of his life, but now that he had encountered them, he couldn't help but flee or risk losing his life.

To get away from them, he fled deep into Verity forest, not stopping even when the sounds of their approaching horses faded. He knew Verity Woods wasn't just any jungle; it was a place to be feared. Thousands of men and women had gone missing in this forest, never to be found. People in the surrounding cities and towns believed that the forest had a life of its own and that anyone who entered the forbidden sections of this mystical site would be consumed by the animals or the spirit of the forest.

Once he was sure that he had lost the bandits, he silently made his way through the woods. There seemed to be no pathway around the area, everywhere there were tall trees covering the land as far as he could see. He ducked from every branch that was thrown in front of him, he jumped from every large root that threatened to trip him down.

Eric's heart began racing as he heard the sound of leaves and dried branches cracking, followed by the sound of a large growl. Eric's body shook in fear, but he turned to look at the source of the voice; behind him, in some small trees, a wolf was growling and showing its fierce teeth; Eric could sense the hunger in his eyes, and he ran as fast as he could. Not caring for his bag any longer, Eric turned to look back at his predator, but the wolf was still running intensely behind him.

With no other way to protect himself, Eric grabbed a dried fallen branch and threw it back on wolf, the wolf was somehow able to dodge from his attack but the branch flew and hit right at a beehive, some part of the hive fell down and the buzzing honeybees attacked the wolf and sent him running away in different direction, some of them even began flying towards Eric, who again began running, he ran and ran, suddenly he came near a large lake, it was clear and shining brightly under the sunlight.

 The bees were still behind him, so he jumped into the water, held his breath, and waited inside for a few seconds. When he was confident they were gone, he started swimming to the other side, but the entire lake suddenly became blindingly bright, and he had to cover his eyes to avoid going blind. Then he was taken aback by yet another unexpected occurrence. The entire lake began to whirl quickly, and the vortex's intensity increased so quickly in a split second that Eric had no chance of escaping. He tried to swim out, but the vortex kept pulling him inside, and because he was fatigued from running for an hour, his body gave up and he fainted. 

Around one hour later, he woke up. All his clothes had dried up, but he had a pounding headache. He heard the sounds of waves crashing down. As he opened his eyes and his vision became clear, he found himself lying on a beach. Everything seemed confusing. He was in the middle of the woods just an hour ago; now he was at a beach, and only one thing could explain it. He was teleported here through a portal in the lake.

It was warm here, and the air was fresher and cleaner than in the forest. Eric decided to continue lying there under the sun, hoping his aching head would get better. That was when he heard the voice of a woman. "Pass it to me!" She was saying. That voice seemed to come from behind a large rock formation that was hiding his view.

"Smack!" There was a loud sound of something being kicked, "No!" Another new voice yelled

Eric's curiosity grew; he wanted to see where those women were. He got himself up and tried climbing over the large rock formation, fortunately there were some stairs carved into the rocks leading up that he hadn’t noticed at first.

Climbing the stairs turned out to be an exhausting job. The sun was too high and the heat was making him tired, but somehow he managed to climb the last few stairs. As he walked to the top of the rock, he noticed that a group of naked women were playing some kind of game with a ball made out of vines and seaweed. 

Their wet, sweaty bodies were glistening under the sun, their boobs bouncing as they jumped and ran to catch or hit the ball. Eric found his cock was starting to rise. After such a horrifying experience in the forest, he believed he was thrown into a paradise filled with beautiful women.

He watched this beautiful scene with his eyes and filled his heart with joy. His tiredness was gone after watching their bare butts jiggling. He found a way to get down and made his way towards them. From up on the rock, they seemed to be normal women, but as he got down to the ground level, he realized that wasn’t the case. As he slowly walked towards them, one of them noticed him.

"Look, it’s a man!" She giggled and every woman turned to look at him. There were four women in total. All of them were really tall, well-built and beautiful from head to toe. Eric was having a hard time walking with a really intense boner.

"Hi!" Eric said as he was a few feet from them.

"Wow! It’s been a long time since we had a man." One of them said, they watched him with curiosity, it was really weird to be ogled by naked women when he was all dressed up.

As the black-haired woman walked closer to him, he got a better look at her body. He was really short and skinny compared to her, and only came up to her breasts. He couldn't help but look at their pussies because they were all naked, and three of them had shaved their pubic hair while the other had really wild but tempting bush.

Eric just smiled and watched as all of those women surrounded him. They were towering over him. All of them were way taller than him. He looked like a small toy in front of them; he had to look up in their faces while talking.

"Let’s take him to the city." One of them said, a blonde one this time.

"We should take him to Xena." A brunette one replied, "The whole city can enjoy the sight in the square."

"Uh... Excuse me!" Eric said, trying to make the focus on him, "Where am ..." Before he could finish his sentence, one of the women pressed a flower on his face and he passed out again.

This time, when he woke up from a deep sleeping state, he heard the sound of horses moving and wheels rotating. A warm wind hit his face and his eye sight and senses began returning to him. He opened his eyes and looked around to hold onto something as he felt that he was moving, only to realize that he was being carried somewhere in a cage.

He looked around to notice that he was inside a city. His cage was on a cart that was moved by a couple of horses. The cart was controlled by a mesmerizing woman, her beautiful blonde hair flowing down her toned back.

Helpless and caged, he just sat and watched as the woman took him to a large city square. It was like an outdoor theatre. There was a platform in the middle where a dominant woman was sitting on a throne, and she was accompanied by the same group of women whom Eric had seen on the beach.

A hundred beautiful and tall women were sitting around the area, watching him with curiosity. Some of them talked to each other and giggled to themselves while looking at Eric. He felt like prey in front of them, captured in a huge cage where he could easily stand up.

Eric was surprised to see that there wasn't a single man in sight. The whole area was filled with women of various varieties: tall, blonde, brunette, black-haired, and readheads with incredibly slender bodies, smooth legs, soft feminine faces, and seductive cleavages. Most of them wearing a breast wrap around their tits and a short piece of cloth wrapped around their toned waist, barely covering their firm asses.

The cart only stopped moving when it was right in front of the platform where the dominant woman, who seemed to be their leader, was sitting. Another woman came up to his cage and unlocked the bar door.

Eric was excited by the sight of hundreds of scantily clad women, but at the same time, his heart also thumped hard with nervousness. The leader probably sensed his fear and said, "Come out, little guy. We won’t hurt you." Her voice was commanding yet a bit compassionate. Eric’s body reacted to her words, and he stepped out of the cage and climbed onto the platform.

"I am Xena," The dominant woman spoke; she had long dirty blonde hair. Like other women, she was also wearing a breast wrap, which was struggling to contain her luscious breasts. "And you are welcome to the land of the Amazons."

"My name is Eric. I... I accidently came here through a lake."

"It doesn’t matter to us how you came to our land, but from now on you will have to follow every rule that is set upon you. Eric." Xena said, tucking her hair strands behind her ear. "You are our guest, and we believe that guests should be treated really well."

Xena stood up and approached Eric, circling him and inspecting him. Eric had to crane his neck back to look into her fair face because she was taller than the others. Her golden hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her shoulders were broad and strong, and she possessed an enormous chest that could make any man hard in an instant. Her breasts heaved sensually even as she breathed, catching his attention as he examined every curve of her body with his eyes.

"Sisters, let's give our visitor the royal treatment and strip him naked." Xena gave the order.

"Uh... what?" Eric was astonished since he was only a small man in front of their towering and sculpted bodies, and he couldn't possibly stop them. Suddenly, he was ambushed by four ladies who seized his clothes and began pawing at his body, and he realized it was surely a paradise in disguise. But soon, their gentle caresses ceased, and they began yanking his stuff. First, they yanked his shirt so hard that the button flew off, then they pulled his trousers down, ignoring his protests and ripping his trousers in half.

It was a short and brutal treatment that left him stark naked and embarrassed by one thing that the Amazons weren’t prepared for – he was rock hard.

They stared at his fully erect dick for a few good seconds before bursting into laughter and giggles.

Eric’s cheeks burned with shame and embarrassment, but he stood completely still, looking anywhere but at their faces.

Eric was never a manly man. In fact, he had been mistaken for a teenager most of his life. With his skinny stature, short height, smooth skin, and erect dick, he was an object of fascination for women.

Once the ladies moved out of the way, Xena dropped to her knees in front of him to inspect him closely; even on her knees, she still seemed mighty and powerful. "Umm hmm, you have a nice cock." Xena said, reaching out her hand. She probed the tip of his cock with her finger, gently caressing and tickling the underside with her finger tip. His body reacted to her touch; his body shivered and his cock began twitching rhythmically.

Her other hand moved to explore the rest of his body, her fingers softly grazing over his skin. Sometimes she would pinch his soft nipple between her fingers, or sometimes she cupped and groped his ass cheeks.

Eric looked around to see that all of the ladies were watching him with curiosity and a sensual glee in their eyes. When he looked back at Xena, his eyes fell on her tits, which were spilling out from her breast wrap. Eric just watched her tits as Xena inspected his body with her soft hands, and her breasts had such an effect on his that a small bead of pre-cum oozed out of his tip and crested upon his red tip.

Xena observed his reaction, and reached around to untie her breast wrap. When the fabric that was holding her tits in place fell on the ground, her tits sprawled free and softly jiggled. Eric audibly sighed and some more of the pre-cum oozed out of his cock.

Xena wrapped her fingers around his cock and used the finger of her other hand to scoop up his pre-cum on her finger tip. Eric watched with intense emotions as Xena’s fingers traveled up to her lips and she swiped the bead of pre-cum of her finger with a swift motion of her tongue.

"Ah... mmm, so sweet." Xena closed her eyes and sighed as the taste of his pre-cum settled on her taste buds.

The crowd of women burst into giggles and cheers.

"We usually kill any person, man or woman, who trespasses through our land." Xena said, Eric’s body shivered in fear, his legs shaking as tears began to well up in his eyes.

"But... I don’t want to punish you. First, you didn’t come here willingly, and second, my sisters and I are fascinated by you. If you want to stay alive, you will have to do what we say."

Realizing that there was a chance of saving himself, Eric fell down on his knees, his cock now soft and small as usual, and he joined his hands and pleaded. "Please, don’t kill me. I will do anything you say."

Xena stood up and turned to her sisters. "He is very good." She said. "And you women shall have your reward, but at night, send him to my chambers. As for your reward, when he is shared amongst our sisters, you four shall go first."

"What do you mean by shared?" Eric asked, meeting Xena’s gaze.

Xena smirked at him and said, "Oh, you naïve little boy. Don’t you understand? You are the only man in this land. Every woman and girl here will have a turn on you because, from now on, you are our sex slave."

"Wait," Eric said, panic and excitement rising in his body, but none of them listened. All four girls from before walked forward as Xena sat back on her throne.

A redhead girl was the first to remove her breast wrap which was followed by the others, all of them had really delicious looking tits, Eric couldn’t help but swallow hard as they loomed over him from all sides and then untied the clothes wrapped around their waists, even though he had seen them naked before but still he couldn’t help but feel his sexual urges strike him hard again.

As the clothes fell down, Eric came face to face with their pussies. Their hips were curvy and alluring, their legs were shapely and muscled under the sun-tanned flesh.

They didn’t wait much time and threw them upon him, his small body wrapped by their soft but sculpted figures. One of them caressed his back and thighs, while one slid her fingers through his hair, and one stroked his dick while the one grabbed his ass. It was an extraordinary experience for Eric; he had never imagined he would be desired by many women at the same time.

Out of nowhere, those women pushed him down on his back, so he was lying on the ground. One of them, a redhead bombshell named Sana walked around him, she placed each of her legs on each side of his face, so that she was standing right over his face. Eric licked his lips, from his lying positioned he got a perfect look at Sana’s pussy, which seemed smooth and sexy. She had an innie so her slit and clit was hidden between her pussy lips.

She slowly lowered her hips, and used her fingers to part her puffy lips, once the lips were parted Eric was gifted with the sight of her pink and sweet smelling hole. Sana didn’t stop for a second and lowered herself until she was crouching over his face, and her pussy just inches away from his lips.

"Lick me! Lick my pussy." Sana commanded.

Eric hesitated for a second. Even though he was craving to get a taste a part of him was nervous as well. Being watched by over a hundred females was actually very embarrassing.

"Eric! You want to live, right?" Xena asked.

"Yes!" Eric managed to spit out, his voice almost coming out like a squeak.

"Then do as my sister says. From now on, whenever one of us commands you to please us, you simply can’t refuse. Do you understand?"

"Umm hmmm!" Eric obeyed.

His lips parted and he snaked his tongue out to make contact with her cunt. Sana’s body shook and she moaned, as Eric’s tongue made contact with her needy cunt. Her pussy was salty but warm; the immediate contact with Eric’s tongue made her whole body quiver.

Sana settled over his face, and began gyrating her hips back and forth over his lips. "Ahh... yeah... ahhh!" She moaned, rubbing her pussy against his lips, swaying her hips and grinding harder as he began plunging his tongue in and out of her pussy.

The other three women were also sprawled around his body. It turned out their names were Hera, Aerin, and Tisha. Raven-haired, Tisha was caressing his chest and licking his nipples while also pinching her own nipples with her free hand.

Hera and Aerin were focusing on his cock. Both of them ran the tip of their tongue over his shaft, starting from the tip, where they teased the red mushroom head with their tongue and mouth, their tongue touching each other in the process, and both of them didn’t even shy from kissing each other either.

They took a small break from Eric’s cock as their tongues collided with each other. They pressed their lips together and played with each other’s tongue.

"Do you like it? Ahh... Do you like me riding your face? Do you like the taste of my pussy on your lips?" Sana moaned.

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Both of the girls were getting lost in each other’s mouths, but Sana’s words reminded them of their true target. They reluctantly separated from each other and settled their lips on Eric’s cock and balls. This time, the brunette Hera grasped his balls and glided her tongue over the soft, slippery skin of Eric's scrotum, delicately taking each one in her mouth and sucking them like candy.

 "Oh my Zeus! This feels so good." Sana continued to grind her pussy over his mouth, her speed and intensity building as she felt the pleasure gathering in her core.

Tisha, who was caressing his chest, swirled her tongue around his nipples, taking them in her mouth one at a time, while she flicked and pinched her own nipples with the same intensity.

Tisha eventually let go of Eric's nipple, which had become erect and red from her sucking, and joined her sister between Eric's legs. Tisha sat on the left side of his leg, Hera on the right, and Aerin between his thighs. Hera encircled Eric's shaft with her fingers and closed her lips over his engorged tip, swirling her tongue around the sensitive tip and licking every drop of pre-cum leaking from his slit.

Tish and Aerin were licking each of his balls with their lips, feeling the smooth skin of his ball sac with their lips; his balls were completely wet from all of their saliva, so when they sucked the balls in their mouth, it made a lovely slurping sound.

The rest of the Amazon ladies had also taken off their clothing and were enjoying the sexual punishment put on Eric by pleasuring themselves while watching. While watching the show, some of them fingered their pussies, while others sucked and flicked their own nipples, and still others simply made out with their wives or sisters. They alternated licking each other's pussies and sucking the erect nipples in the hopes of satiating their sexual desires. The whole square was filled with the sound of slurping, licking, moaning, and cumming.

Eric could feel his balls churning even though they had only been sucking his cock for a few minutes. The soothing feeling of arousal that came over him just increased and increased. His hips started to shake so much that the women had to push him down so they could continue to enjoy the taste of his small cock. And then, without even a warning, his cock twitched hard and he came, load after load of cum shooting out of his manhood.

Tisha covered his tip with her lips and took a few spurts in her mouth. It ended with some shots landing on Hera and Aerin's lips and cheeks. Once his cock stopped twitching, Hera and Aerin quickly began licking all the cum they could, swallowing the warm, thick semen like it was some kind of sacred nectar.

Eric let out a deep groan, but it was muffled by the weight of Sana's pussy. Sana was on the verge of orgasming as well, and the vibration from Eric's muted moan travelled to her cunt and sent her over the brink as well.

"Yes... Yes... Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"  Sana pressed her pussy against his mouth harder, making it a little more difficult for him to breathe, and then her whole body froze as her pussy convulsed, orgasm crashing down on her, her feminine juice dripping down her pussy and trickling into Eric's mouth, and she didn't stop riding his face until her pussy was finally relaxed.

She eased off his face and settled down beside him after the calming sensation had wrapped her body. The suffocation and weight of Sana's body had turned Eric's cheeks scarlet. He was a trembling mess. The three women beside his cock had cleaned every last drop of cum from his body and their faces until there was nothing left.

"Haha... You came too soon; we hadn't even begun properly." Aerin, the blonde beauty, laughed. "Are you going to be able to please all of us?"

"Don't worry, sister, aside from his dick, his mouth has excellent talents as well; I didn't want my ride on his face to finish." Sana murmured as she sat up after recovering from her post-orgasm haze.

Tisha spread Eric's legs and sat between his thighs after a few minutes of talking. Tisha reached out with her two fingers and rubbed his soft and little dick, which was lying comfortably. Eric's body twitched in response, and Tisha's lips curved into a smirk as she watched his reaction. Eric returned his gaze to her hazel-colored eyes, and she winked before swallowing his entire dick in one go.

She used her saliva as a lubricant and swirled the soft dick in her mouth, using her tongue to rub it inside her mouth and tickling the slit of his dick with it. Eric whimpered weakly, his legs jerking. Tisha pinned them down and attacked the head of his cock, drumming her tongue against the underside, letting her drool slip past her lips and down to his balls.

Tisha quickly noticed that she doesn’t have to do too much, as Eric started moaning in seconds, his tiny voice making her bolder, making her tongue rub against his underside harder until Eric was practically sobbing with pleasure, hips bucking.

"Is it too much for you?" Aerin asked, watching the reaction on his face and body. "Are you going to come so soon?" She ran her finger over his chest, grazing her blunt nail over his skin, turning his already aroused body into dynamite of sexual energy, which could burst anytime.

"I know you can do it!  Make him cum in your mouth, Tisha." They began applauding for her sister, which encouraged her even more, but then they began to cheer for him as well. "Go for it, Eric! Fill her needy mouth."  Eric’s face turned flushed red with their words of encouragement, and he came into her mouth, his warm come shooting at the back of her throat, making her squeal with joy as Eric’s body jerked beneath her weight.

Each of the four women rode his face and swallowed his dick one by one, causing him to lose track of how many times he came in between their turns. Finally, Hera caressed his cock and made him erect once more; she leaned over him for a second, staring at him with unending hunger. Eric braced himself for what was to come by blushing deeply and making the women around him grin and chuckle.

"Time for my ride, little boy." Hera teased, before lowering herself over his pelvis. As she pushed herself down on him, she guided the cock into her pussy with one hand. Eric’s cock made its way into her cunt, dipping into her slit in one swift motion.

Her pussy was warm, wet, and a bit tight. Even with his small size, Hera was able to feel the pleasure from his cock. Eric tried to hold back a throaty moan, but was unable to. Once again, this caused the other Amazons to laugh and cheer. Hera grinned widely. She pulled herself up until only the tip of his cock was in her and then pushed herself down without warning.

It was a slow and steady pace at first. Whether it was to savor the moment or to make sure they wouldn’t tire him out too soon, he didn’t know, but he didn’t care much either way.

As she fucked him, Hera’s breasts jiggled and swayed, Eric wanted to reach over and grab them, knead them in his small palms, but she was tall and too hard to reach for, so he just let her ride him. After cumming countless times, his stamina was beginning to last a little longer than before, allowing Hera to ride him for a few minutes.

Eric let out a couple of loud grunts as she ground her hips harder, trying to make herself cum before he could come himself. And somehow it seemed to work. She stopped pushing herself up and down and just grinded herself back and forth so that her clit was rubbing onto his pubic bone. This provided her with dual pleasure.

Hera tightened her pussy muscles around his cock and made him gasp. His eyes flew wide open and his mouth gaped open when she continued to tighten her muscles a couple of more times. Her breath became heavy and she closed her eyes. "Ahhhh..ummmhhh." She whimpered, trying to find that sweet pleasure before Eric could explode in her cunt.

And then it came, "Ahhhh.." just a few seconds later. The woman near them was also masturbating to their act, and she moaned loudly, eliciting a moan from Eric as well.

Most of them were busy pleasing each other or fingering themselves, but Xena just sat there with a grin on her face, watching carefully as her own sexual need grew by the second, but she didn't even touch her pussy; instead, she kept her cool and waited for night.

Hera’s back arched as she rubbed her clit on his pubic mound for the last time, her cum leaking out of that cunt, her muscles constricting Eric’s cock in a tight embrace, making him shoot his load as well. Hera’s head fell back as Eric shot his cum inside her, filling that needy hole with the only thing that she desired.

When finally it was all done, Hera leaned forward and kissed Eric’s forehead before she stood up and sat on the side, inspecting the current state of her pussy, which was filled and drenched with the mixture of her juice and Eric’s cum.

Eric was completely exhausted; his cock had softened and his hips continued to twitch slowly; some of the cum from Hera's pussy had trickled down on his cock and balls, which glistened in the setting sun; Eric couldn't believe it; it was afternoon when he came here and now it was evening; the sun was finally setting. 

Because he couldn't move owing to a lack of energy in his body, Eric closed his eyes and fell asleep. While he was half asleep, some warm hands grasped his nude body while he was half asleep; he could dimly feel himself being moved as a woman took him in her arms and set him down on a comfortable bed.

When he opened his eyes, he was bathed in a large bathing pool by the same four women from the beach, who were rubbing his body, washing away all the dirt and sweat, and in just a few minutes, he was ready, completely fresh and energetic as before, but now he smelled a little flowery, which was due to some scent the woman had poured on him, to make him smell feminine just like them.

He was naked all the time. His dick was erect and dangling in front of their faces, but this time none of them stroked his dick or tried to ride him. They seemed to be readying him for Xena. After drying up, he was led to a lavish bedroom, where he was told to sit on a large, comfy bed.

At first he couldn’t climb up because the bed was large and he was small. Aerin noticed this and grabbed his little body. She placed him on the bed and told him to wait, while they all left him alone.

A few minutes later, Sana walked back into the room. Eric’s cock twitched after watching her enter the room with a gleeful grin on her face, "Oh look how cute you’re looking here?"

Eric just stayed silent and watched, "But I can’t have you all to myself, at least not now. My sister is coming. Be ready for her." Sana said. She had a blindfold in her hand, which she wrapped over his eyes and tied behind his head.

Then she guided him and made him kneel on the bed, "Bye, Eric. Have fun." She said, in a sensual tone, as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and made her way out of the room.

Eric just knelt there on the bed waiting for her to come. The only thing he could do was just listen to the sounds coming from the castle and outside the window. The atmosphere was soothing as the chilly but perfect wind blew over his naked body.

Eric tipped his head up as he heard footsteps entering the room, the blindfold keeping him from seeing anything. It was followed by the sound of doors closing. Eric tilted his head as the sounds of footsteps that were caused by Xena’s high heels came closer.

She walked up to the bed, he was right near the edge, and she just stood before him, just inches away. She looked down at his body, admiring how adorable he looked. His cock had become soft, but it was still a sight to see. Leaning closer, she whispered in his ear, "You look so sweet waiting on your knees, probably begging for me to touch you?"

Eric almost whimpered as he felt her hot breath against the side of his throat. "Do you want to know what I want to do with you?"

Eric nodded. He could almost imagine her grinning at his nod. She placed her hand over the side of his thigh and traced the soft flesh with her finger; Eric’s body reacted to her touch by shivering once again.

Suddenly, her touch disappeared from his thigh, and then she brought her hand under Eric’s chin, tipped his head up, and pressed her lips to his. He let out a shocked, muffled yelp as her lips landed on his. He blushed and became embarrassed as his cock instantly grew hard. Xena’s eyes were closed in ecstasy. Knowing that his life depended on it, Eric accepted her supple smooch. His lips parted easily enough to allow Xena’s eager tongue to enter his mouth.

Xena’s tongue met Eric’s the next moment, and he didn’t fight her – or rather, he couldn’t. Instead, Eric accepted her tongue happily, letting out a needy, girlish moan. Xena wrapped her free arms around him to pull him closer, making Eric’s cock sandwiched between their bodies, just as their bodies met. Eric understood that Xena was still dressed.

Eric savored Xena’s taste, pushing his tongue against hers and wrapping his arms tight around her shoulders as she began running her hand down his body. Her fingers traced the delicate paths down his chest towards his lap, then back up. She teased his hard, pink nipples, and pinched them as she gently chewed his lower lip. When she finally broke the kiss and pulled away, both of them were shuddering with arousal.

Xena wanted the pleasure to begin as soon as possible, so she untied his blindfold. Eric just smiled as he continued to kneel. She smiled back at him. Stepping back a bit, she slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders. When the dress finally fell to the ground, Xena was standing bare naked in front of him. His mouth watered with desire after getting a better look at her body. He had only seen her breasts but she was beautiful from top to bottom. Eric totally understood why they chose her as their leader.

Eric’s blush deepened as his gaze fell down to her tits. She noticed him staring at her mounds. It seemed to amuse her as she walked over to the bed and asked him, "Do you want to taste them?"

Eric shook his head in a yes, without even wasting a second, she used her hand on the back of his head to pull him closer, and he made a cute little squeak as she gently pressed her nipple between his lips. Eric’s face was utterly deep red as he realized she wanted him to suck her nipples. Eric looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the feeling of his lips around her soft bud.

The look on her face was enough to make Eric’s body move on its own as he began to suckle. She let out a happy sigh and a soft moan, her toes curling with passion. She wrapped an arm around his body and pulled him close to her as he sucked. He too made small, embarrassed whimpers as she caressed the back of his head.

To make the act more pleasurable for her, he brought his hands to her big boobs, feeling the weight at the same time he suckled her nipples. He squeezed her tits in his small hands as hard as he could. She squealed with delight at his grip on her mounds. He squeezed her left tit and leaned forward, holding a part of it in his mouth. He clamped his lips around her erect nub and sucked hard, making her gasp.

She tightened her grip on the back of his head and held his mouth over her breast, moaning and rubbing her thighs together as the sweet pleasure began to gather in her pussy. Xena was making him feel as comfortable as she could, and it was working as his little body began relaxing as fears and worries faded from his mind, feeling safe and secure in her arms.

"Aaaah!" She moaned, closing her eyes and tossing her head back, a delightful smile on her lips.

Xena finally loosened her grip on his head and let him go for a second. Their separation didn’t last long as Xena climbed onto the bed, wrapped her arms around his naked body, and pushed him down on his back. Her lips again found his as she lied on top of him, but their kiss ended abruptly too. She left a kiss on his cheeks and then trailed a series of slow sensual kisses down his collarbone, enjoying every little moan and whimper that was leaving from Eric’s mouth.

She began kissing down his chest. She moved her lips to his side and began kissing a path down his ribs. She could feel him shaking beneath her and slid her hand up his chest to still him. Xena looked up, meeting his eyes as she grinned wickedly, her lips moving over to his tummy. She could feel him squirm as her lips reached closer to his dick with every kiss.

Once she reached near his cock, she stopped and slowly lowered her mouth to tease him. At first, she only used the tip of her tongue to gently touch the underside of his erect dick. But suddenly, her touch became stronger, and she licked the underside with more passion.

Eric’s body stiffened and his back arched as the spark of intense pleasure shot up his spine. She slowly reached her tongue to the tip of his dick and swallowed the whole shaft with her lips, while Eric quivered from the powerful sensation of her warm, wet mouth engulfing his dick, her tongue caressing and milking it.

Xena started moving her head in a slow rhythm, her chin rubbing against his balls. Eric could feel the pressure building as Xena sped up and deepened her movements. He moaned and gasped from the approaching pleasure. Xena continued to please the man happily, but Eric couldn’t hold back. As he cried out, his hips bucking and his cock thrusting in her mouth, she continued to lick the dick as he filled her mouth with hot cum, shivers running over her whole body as her thirst for the taste of semen was getting quenched.

She lovingly sucked all of the cum that oozed out of his dick and licked him clean until not a single drop was leaking from his slit.

Once he was soft, she quickly walked over his head, placing each knee on either side of his head. She lowered herself over his face. Eric knew what she wanted and, after an incredible orgasm from her mouth, he wanted to please her as well.

Using his hands, he spread her legs so her pussy was open in front of his mouth. It was wet and her folds were practically glistening with her arousal. Without further ado, he dipped his head between her ass cheeks and rubbed his tongue on her slit.

Xena moaned, almost screaming from the sudden attention as he latched his mouth around her pussy and sucked. As he lapped up her juicy cunt, her head tipped up, and he began to fuck her pussy with just his tongue minutes later. She moaned, whimpered, and grabbed the sheets on the bed, but he didn’t stop. Eric just kept sucking and licking that sensitive cunt as he aimed to hit that special spot inside her.

Reaching down between her legs, Xena found her aching clit which needed some attention to. Just as she rubbed her needy bud, Eric also found the g-spot in her pussy. Suddenly the pleasure was elevated in a way she hadn’t experienced. It didn’t take long until she felt the familiar ache of an orgasm. She threw her head back, moaning as her muscled body tightened, the walls of her pussy tightening around Eric’s tongue as she was about to come all over his face, but she immediately got up from his face and grabbed his cock, which was starting to get hard again.

She quickly straddled his thighs, positioning her pussy over his erect dick and lowering herself onto his dick. It was completely hidden inside her pussy in an instant. She let out a beautiful, sweet moan with a lewd smile on her face as she happily felt his cock throbbing in her waiting pussy.

Xena started moving her hips, starting slow and not being too intense, her hips moving with a steady rhythm, yet moaning happily as she made Eric’s dick move and rub inside her. Her tits bounced and swayed as she moved up and down, her body quivering every time she made his little cock thrust into her. His face was flushed, half-open eyes glazed over, his cute little tongue hanging out a little as he panted and moaned. The wonderful, hot, soft, tight pleasure coursed through his lower body as Xena’s pussy tightened around his dick.

Finally, Xena raised her hips up and shoved them down for the last time, crying out in sweet ecstasy as she came, beneath her Eric also lost his self-control and squirted his cum, letting out a girlish moan as he did so. His body stiffened and his back arched, hips twitching and shaking as Xena’s juices began coating his cock. The pleasure was so overwhelming that he went limp. Their moans softened as their climaxes ebbed away, but their bodies continued to quiver from post-orgasm bliss.

She slowly slid off his body, his dick easily slipping out of her cunt in the process, and she wrapped her arms around his small body, so they were cuddling. She turned him so he was facing her and tipped his head a bit to kiss him deeply. She caressed his hair and rubbed his back as he kissed her back. When their lips parted, he just looked into her eyes and smiled.

"My sweet little boy..." She breathed, "You are mine now. You can spend time with my sisters, but at night, I am your master and you are my slave. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." He said, kissing her back as they both fell into a deep, soothing sleep.

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