Epic of The Black Lion

Chapter 10: 10. Food & Outbreak

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Leo and Grayfia started walking back to the City of Vrearc at a relatively moderate pace. The average person, however, would see them as a blur. Both of them were basically 'super power walking’ back to the city. Leo wanted to take his time getting back, he already got his reward and the time limit to the quest was 30 days.

The other reason he wanted to take his time was…


“…That’s interesting, it's nearly identical to my flame manipulation.” Leo was playing around with his newly acquired Darkness Manipulation. He noted that activating it was the same as lighting his flames. All he needed to do was think about using it.

“When did you acquire that, Leo-sama?” Grayfia asks as she looks at the flame-like shadowy aura covering Leo’s right hand.

"Ah, right...I haven't told her what happened." Leo nodded and described how he got it and who he met. After explaining, Grayfia seemed bothered by it. “In truth, I wasn’t sure if I should have told Melisa about it, hell…I feel like I should have prevented them, but I doubt I could have reversed it, and I also don’t know if those forms were slowly killing them or not.” Leo explained himself.

Grayfia nodded. Blame cannot be put on Leo-sama, he does not know intricate magic yet, and I doubt Ageha would have willingly helped him in reverting back those who were transformed. Grayfia concluded. “Yes, I agree…if Melisa had heard of her own parents' transformation and suicide, her mental health may have suffered even more.”

Leo felt a bit relieved; he wasn’t sure if he had made the right choice, but he didn’t harbor too much regret once Grayfia agreed with him. He looked back at his hand and tried to shape the darkness and he first changed it into a small knife. Good, it is still like the flame manipulation. Feeling a bit more confident, Leo started to play around with his new power as they walked.

“Oh, that reminds me, I grew in power, I’m at least Tier 1 – B now.” Leo paused and thought about it. “You do know about the tier system, right?” he asked her a bit unsure.

“Yes I am, Leo-sama. I am also aware that I’m not the strongest person in this world since some Gods may be above me.” Grayfia frowned as she said that. That also means I can still grow in power, and according to Ageha, I can reach a rank behind Leo-sama. Grayfia looked back at Leo who was still experimenting with his darkness.

However, Leo suddenly stopped. “Do you smell that?” he asked Grayfia who sniffed around.

“Smell?” she asked confused. This in turn made Leo confused.

Wait, how did I smell that? he asked himself. Did…did I get enchanted senses after consuming those werewolves…?

<Yes. I forgot to mention that, my bad.>

…Well thanks for telling me. Leo wasn’t annoyed but was surprised he got enchanted smell out of it. He felt a bit remorseful, but they did willingly end their own lives, so a bit of that was lifted. Leo turned left towards the smell. “It smells like flames, burning…do you wanna take a quick detour?” he asked Grayfia, and she agreed.

The two of them turn towards the direction and Leo leads them. He also takes this time to tell Grayfia about his enchanted smell. “I wish I had enchanted hearing too.” Leo says to himself. Perhaps when he devours an enemy that has that ability, he may gain it in the future. The pair followed the smell until they came across an interesting scene.

"Those are...goblins...is this a goblin camp?" Leo asked Grayfia who did not respond. Leo scanned the ‘camp’ and saw that the goblins had made small huts for homes, and other structures like large totems, and even weapon racks.

“Leo-sama, that.” Grayfia tugged on his sleeve and pointed at a certain creature. Leo followed her finger and saw a large goblin who was holding some sort of staff. “Could it possibly use magic?” Grayfia asked while staring at it in interest.

“A goblin shaman or wizard, well whatever it is, it does seem to be able to use magic…” replied Leo as the goblin with the staff pointed at a pile of wood and it erupted into flames. “Well, they aren't doing anything to warrant us killing them, let’s—.” Leo starts to say but stops as he sees one of the goblins dragging something with it.

“Is that…?” Leo saw some kind of bag, and then more goblins started to appear carrying other items, and finally…people. They seemed to be adventurers and they were badly beaten and bleeding.

In total there were 6 of them, 3 males and 3 females. From what Leo could tell, their mana and ki were all quite low, so they had to be F ranks like them, which made them novice adventurers. However, Leo didn’t see them during the exam, so he concluded that they may have taken theirs in another room.

“2 of them are dead, 2 more are near death while the rest are unconscious. What shall we do, Leo-sama? As far as I can see, if we rescue them, we gain no benefit and we would have to carry all of them back to the city with next to no gain.” Grayfia coldly said.

She has a point, but it would be helpful to have some kind of appraisal ability. This would enable me to learn a bit more about them. Leo thought and kept looking at them. He was trying to see if they held any value. His theory was that if they rescued these people and if they were well off or from a wealthy family, it would be advantageous to them. But as far as he could see, none of them looked rich.

“Which ones are dead?” Leo asked, and Grayfia pointed at the 2 males. So 2 males are deceased, while the 3 girls and the last guy are still alive. No… Leo looked at all of the bodies closely, and could see 2 of the girls were bleeding quite profusely. 2 dead males, 2 bleeding women, and 1 guy and girl were the last living ones.

Leo thought about the benefits again. It was a gamble, but if they rescued them, then maybe they would spread their name? It was a gamble, and there was no guarantee since the ones alive may come out of it traumatized.

Leo backed away. “Let’s go.” He chose to let them be, he couldn’t see any value to them, and after going through what he just did over in Sinzafa, he wouldn’t just blindly run into a situation like those search parties, that was what caused their lives to end after all.

Grayfia nodded and followed Leo away from the goblin camp. The two were mostly silent as they continued their journey. Leo played with his newly acquired power again while contemplating whether he had made the right choice or not.


A few hours had passed and thanks to Ageha, Leo knew that they were around 1 hour or 2 hours away from the city. During their journey they encountered some ogres again, and decided to freeze them so that they could bring them back to the guild to earn a little more gold.

Leo also played around with both his darkness and flame manipulation. He tried to combine them and failed miserably as it exploded in his face. Ageha obviously laughed at him, however, Grayfia gave him a small lesson. According to her combining two elements was quite difficult and Leo needed to be more experienced with magic before he attempted to do it again.

So Grayfia suggested that he should master his flame manipulation, and whatever he learned from using his flames, he should try to apply it to his darkness. However, he should also consider what he needs to change to suit the darkness.

“Hmm?” Leo looked up as he felt a large amount of mana. When he did, he noticed that Grayfia had already been doing so. What he saw were multiple flying creatures. “Giant birds?” He was confused since he hadn’t seen any in the last few days.

The two of them watch the giant birds fly over them and past the city and keep on moving. “I sense human mana on it, Leo-sama. Perhaps they are trained and used as transportation?” Grayfia says while looking back at Leo.

“Hmm, so they have creatures like that, huh? I wonder what else this world uses as transportation for the skies. Maybe they have blimps or flying ships in Oseon? I’d like to head over there as in the future.” Leo looked at the giant birds who were slowly fading away in interest.

“…That reminds me, what kind of kingdom do you wish to build, Leo-sama?” the maid asked him. She had been curious about what kind of kingdom he wanted to build; would he copy the medieval style? Go futuristic? Both? Something else entirely?

"Initially, I thought maybe we should stick with the fantasy theme. But after hearing more about Oseon, I started thinking of making it more modern, maybe even futuristic with the help of magic.” Leo had grand ambitions for it. However, he would need help since he had never been assigned a leader for anything, including his job.

Leo was also confused by what Ageha meant by him becoming the next ruler. He wanted to ask her, but wasn't sure he would get a concrete answer. Did he need to micromanage everything? Or just prevent power hungry people from trying to take over the multiverse? He wasn’t sure, so he was still quite confused about that aspect.

“Futuristic…ah, yes Ageha-sama did mention that you came from a universe that was a little more modern than from where I was summoned from. The year that you died was 2040 was it not?” she asked.

“Yeah, although nothing much changed, a few gadgets we had become slightly less troublesome to use, we haven’t managed to start the age of exploration in space yet, other…more stupid issues were being worked on…I mean, global warming was being worked on, so it wasn’t all that bad.” Leo slightly lied.

World War 3 started and ended in 2 years because an unexpected country threatened the world with a new type of technology that would wipe out everything—it would have quite literally blown up the world, much like how Dragon Ball characters blew up plants with their ki attacks.

This country was Italy, to be more specific, the Vatican City, threatened to drop and launch it on the world if they didn’t end the war or come to some kind of peace talk. It was very surprising to Leo since he didn’t think religion of all things would be the one to end it.

Although before Leo bit the dust, things were becoming tenser, and he concluded that the world might have gone into World War 4, and that new technology might have ended everything he knew, so in a way, Leo was sort of grateful for dying before it started.

“So I’ll try to bring in the convenient stuff my universe had first before trying to make it look futuristic, and of course, I’ll have to base most of it on magic, so I’ll need to learn a lot more than just my current two elements.” Leo would also start searching for promising magicians and wizards for his future kingdom, also some engineers.

It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that there might be dwarfs here. Therefore, I can try recruiting the rejects of their society and have them in my future kingdom. To Leo, those rejects usually had a weird quirk or a different way of doing things that didn’t stick with the norm or status quo and are shunned, so he could take advantage of that. Although he also knew that it wasn’t the case for 95% of them, so he had to be careful in that regard.


“…We skipped breakfast, didn’t we?” Leo chuckled as his stomach growled.

"Yes we did. Perhaps we should stop now and try to find food to eat, or do you prefer to speed up and reach the city in less than 2 hours?" Grayfia inquired.

Leo didn’t mind doing either one. If they speed up, they can turn in their quest and take a day off before doing another quest. This is because they did have a lot of gold. He wasn’t too worried about their financial needs. He could take that day off as a way to practice and mess around with both his flame and darkness manipulation.

Leo knew he had to train in his spear mastery too, but he was still quite excited about using magic, so he decided to focus on that. Nevertheless, he wanted to try and manage them all in a reasonable way. To Leo, his priorities with his powers looked something like this.

Magic>Spear>Ki>Everything else.

Since his summoning ability has a 1-year cooldown, he shouldn't worry about it for now. But he already had a person in mind. He was planning to summon someone proficient at the use of the spear and quite adept at rune magic. Leo had debated whether or not to summon her or Grayfia, but in the end, Grayfia won since he wanted a MAID along with everything else. He doubted ‘she’ would even cook for him.

Leo could cook, but he wasn’t exactly the most proficient at it. Maybe I can try getting better at it? Grayfia could certainly help with it… Leo mused as he looked at Grayfia. “Let’s hunt something, I want to finally taste your cooking.” He admitted to her and she didn’t mind.

“Very well, Leo-sama. Let’s stop here and find something edible.” Grayfia stops and looks around them. They were in a good area as they were surrounded by a lot of trees, and animals should be in abundance here.

“…I feel some animals around here, I’ll go get them, you start a fire and make preparations." Leo instructed her and she agreed. Leo then sprinted away to catch some animals.

Once he was inside the forest, he could sense quite a number of animals with his ki. Covering himself with his ki, he ran around the area looking for something suitable to kill and eat. Leo saw many different types of animals, including ones that were native to this world, but he stopped when he saw a lone deer.

“That should do…”

<Don’t underestimate it, Leo. It’s Tier 1 – C, so if you’re not serious, you won’t catch it. Those things are known to be fast. If I had to rank its speed alone with its unique ability, then it’s Tier 1 – S.>

Leo was surprised to hear Ageha give him information. However, he was even more surprised by the fact that this deer’s speed alone would make it near the top of tier 1. Seriously…? So you’re saying I have to catch it by surprise?

<Essentially, yes.>

Leo nodded and slowed down his breathing, and did what he thought was ‘masking’ his presence. Leo started to sneak around the deer and looked at it more closely. It had brown fur, and looked like a typical deer, but what made it stand out was the single horn on its head.

How should I proceed…? Leo had a few options but…his mind wandered back to his darkness manipulation. He wanted to try this out earlier but wasn’t sure if it was the smartest thing to do. He had seen many characters jump into their shadows, or others and attack them from below.

The plan Leo had was to dive into the shadows of the trees and travel in them into the deer's. He could then use the [True Longinus] to pierce it from below, since the [True Longinus] is a Tier 5 weapon on its own, currently. I can’t get better at using it without taking some risks. Better to start now than later. Leo concluded and got himself ready.

Leo also played with the idea of binding the deer’s shadow to himself so they couldn’t move. However, he thought it might require more control of his darkness manipulation rather than just simply diving into his and other shadows.

He looked at the deer one last time while it was busy eating, and then jumped into one of the trees' shadows. Once he was in there, it was mostly black everywhere he looked. However, he could move freely almost like he was swimming, but with less friction.

“This feels weird." Leo says to himself as he looks up. He could see certain spots, and the light coming from those were some images of the surface, and in one of them looked to be the underside of the deer. “Perfect.” Leo grinned as she swam towards that certain spot and summoned his spear. Leo needed to be precise and fast. He needed to aim for an instant kill. If he missed, then this thing would outrun him and he would have to find something else.

After readying himself, he used his maximum output of his speed, broke through the shadow and came out underneath the deer. Then he stabbed the deer in its head making the animal briefly shriek before it became limp. Once that was done, Leo pushed the deer to the side with his spear and pulled it out of its head.

“Maybe I could become an assassin with this…” Leo mused but quickly dismissed the thought. He then cleaned the blood from his pear and looked at the bleeding deer. “Time to take you back then.” Grabbing a hold of the deer, he carried it on his shoulder and started walking away. “You’re certainly light…”

<No, since you became Tier 1 – B, your overall strength has gone up.>

Ah, right, that… after hearing that from Ageha, Leo quickly arrived at the spot that he left Grayfia and to his surprise, she was busy chopping some vegetables. She went around gathering them, huh? It also looks like she found some smaller animals… Leo could see some rabbits and a few leaves with Grayfia.

“Welcome back, Leo-sama. Please put the deer here and let me take care of the rest.” Without taking her eyes off the cutting board she made for herself. She also made a knife made out of ice. She kept on working. Leo doing as he was told puts the deer down and sits on a log that Grayfia had also brought with her.

“Need any help?” he asked her, but she shook her head.

“I am fine, please just sit back and relax.”

However, Leo wasn’t about to relax. He wanted to test out a few more things with his darkness manipulation and got right to it. Tobio Ikuse could do a lot with his own, so let’s see… Leo started to form a scythe out of the darkness and got up. After walking away from Grayfia, he swung it around. It feels odd, but I can probably get used to it. I wonder how many weapons I’ll try to master…? Leo made a few more swings before dismissing it and making a spear out of darkness. “Let’s just mess around with these until Grayfia’s done…”


You are reading story Epic of The Black Lion at novel35.com

Grayfia had finished cooking their meal. As she finished setting down their food, she looked up to see Leo busy practicing with the [True Longinus]. She watched him thrust, jab and swing the spear around as sweat trickled down his face. To Grayfia, it was definitely still amateurish looking as she faced many enemies who used the spear more proficiently.

Leo-sama has been working hard this whole time while I made food. I hope he developed an even more voracious appetite. If I timed it correctly, it’s only been 1 hour and 10 minutes. Grayfia wiped her hands and started walking towards Leo. “Leo-sama, our lunch is ready.”


As soon as Grayfia said that, Leo’s stomach growled even louder. He stopped to look at his stomach then at Grayfia before chuckling. “I guess it is.” He dismissed his spear and walked back with Grayfia. “Smells good…my mouth is already watering.” Leo wiped the drool off his mouth.

Both of them arrived at the make-shift table and Grayfia had made some cutlery out of her ice magic. Leo grabbed them and they felt cold to his touch. But his hunger was above all else so he dealt with it. He first tried the dish with the rabbit. Good! After tasting it, he immediately started to scarf it down.

“Slow down, Leo-sama. Your food won’t vanish or run away.” Grayfia lightly scolds as he chuckles at her and slows himself down. I take it that he approves of my cooking? Grayfia thought and kept watching Leo who looked quite happy while eating his food.

It didn’t take him long to finish that portion and he was eager to try out the deer he killed, and it was as delicious as the other one as he started to eat it quite enthusiastically. “Here is some water, Leo-sama.” Grayfia handed him a bottle of water surprising him. “I bought some before we left Sinzafa. It was after you decided to spend time on the rooftop of the town hall. Alma had a small compartment that kept items cool.”

“So…you just took them? What happened to not taking things, Grayfia?” Leo asked with a cheeky smirk. However, he didn’t get the reaction he was looking for as the maid just stared at him blankly. Leo just shrugged and continued eating. I was just teasing her a bit, but all right…


“Nearly there.” Leo said to himself as they saw the City of Vrearc in the distance and there was some smoke coming from it which Leo thought was weird. Leo loved the food made by Grayfia and sang her praises for the first 10 minutes after finishing and starting their journey again. However, the rest of the journey had been mostly silent with Leo experimenting with his darkness manipulation as they traveled.

“Hmm? Why is…” Both of them saw a long line at the entrance to the city. Most of them were people on foot, but some were people in carriages, horses and other strange looking animals that he had never seen before.

Leo and Grayfia joined the end of the line and he tapped the person in front of him who turned around. “Is something going on?” he asked, and the man nodded.

“Apparently, the expedition down to the dungeon ended in disaster and there was a small outbreak as the monsters followed the Heroes party and the others back out onto the surface. Any adventurer of any rank can go in and help since there are still some rampaging around.” The man explains quite casually.

“I see, thanks.” Leo looked at Grayfia and they made their way to the gate. They arrived there rather quickly and the two guards from before recognized them.

“Y-you two there are—.” He starts up Leo stops him.

“We know, can we pass through?” he asked, and the guard nodded and let them through. Once in the city the two saw the place wasn’t as badly damaged as they thought, but some buildings were still in rough shape.

“Leo-sama, I will check on Biselda.” Not waiting for a response Grayfia disappeared. Leo agreed with her decision but also started to run around the place to see if he could help out. This was a place he needed to stay in, so helping them wouldn’t be too bad. It would be beneficial if they were recognized after assisting.


Hearing the scream, Leo ran towards the sound and found a man, woman, child and what seemed to be injured adventurers helping protect them. Leo immediately jumped in and ignited his fist with flames. “Fire Fist!” Controlling the output to not accidentally destroy or burn the structure around him, he sent out a stream of flames at the strange bug-like monster.


The monster screamed in agony while starting to burn. Leo then summoned a scythe made out of darkness, dashed towards the flailing monster and cut it in two! As the monster began to fall to the ground, he devoured it! Leo briefly glanced at the stunned adventurer and audience before nodding and leaving the area.

<Look at you being cool.>

I was doing my job. Leo quipped back and saw another group of monsters, this time some ogres and bat-like monsters who were flying. Leo saw them circling another group of people.

Leo summoned a flame spear and quickly dashed behind one of the ogres and stabbed it in the back making it scream! This alerted the other monsters and they turned their attention to him. Leo leapt back into the air. He changed his spear to a sword and used some flames to propel himself back towards the monsters.

Leo wanted to kill the flying monsters as he saw them as more of an annoyance than a threat. Leo brought up his flame sword above his head and brought it down on one of the bat monsters!

Flame Breathing: Third Form: Blazing Universe!!! Leo sliced through the bat monster with ease and landed on the ground. He didn’t let up his attack as he appeared in front of the ogres and attacked it!

Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun! Leo unleashes a singular vertical slash in an upward motion, slicing the ogre in half. However, the last ogre left sent a punch at Leo who dodged it with ease.

Leo aimed his fingers at the bat monsters and fired flaming bullets at them! Flame Gun! Leo hit and killed a few of them in the first few shots. However, the bat monsters started to dodge them, so Leo stopped and dodged another attack from the ogre. Leo appeared beside the injured ogre and devoured him along with the other monsters he killed.

I don’t know if this will work, but…! Leo focused his ‘will’ and made the shadows under the ogre take a different shape! They slowly started to form into tentacles and grabbed the ogre! The monster was obviously confused and started to swipe at the tentacles. But his hand just passed through them!

Leo dashes towards the ogre while lighting himself on fire. Flame Breathing: First Form: Unknowing Fire! doing a horizontal slash and passing through him! Leo looked back to see the ogre was also sliced in half and he devoured it too.

Finally, he turned to face the remaining bat monsters who tried to fly away, but he gathered some flames in his hand after dismissing his flame spear. There aren’t too many buildings here, and the sky is clear…Fire fist! Leo punched forward and unleashed a large torrent of flames and disintegrated the bat monsters.

Leo looks at the people who were sitting there watching the fight unfold. He smiles and nods at them before running away again.


During the last few minutes, Leo has been fighting, killing and devouring monsters. He could feel the amount of ki around the city dwindling and thought it was slowly coming to an end. Leo then came across an unexpected person. Rosemary?

The ‘Blitz Queen’ was busy defending a large group of people while also fighting back the monsters in front of her. Curse everything! If we weren’t in such a confined space, I could have killed them all already! But I have to defend these people and not destroy their homes too…! If only someone—.

“Hey, Blitz Queen. You seem to be in a dilemma. I can help defend—.” Leo starts but gets a nod from Rosemary before she disappears. After she disappeared from Leo’s sight, all the 32 monsters in the vicinity either exploded or got cut into hundreds of pieces. This is before Rosemary appeared in front of Leo again. Well, holy shit…that was cool. Leo was stunned into silence.

She definitely lives up to that title of hers… Leo looks at the dead monsters and wonders why she didn’t just do that in the first place. Rosemary seeing his reaction explains herself.

"I am confident in my speed and power, but there is a small fraction that is unknown to me. I wanted someone to be here to defend them just in case. Thank you for appearing, Leo.” She gives him a curt nod before looking over at the people who were sighing with relief.

Rosemary opened her palm and summoned a creature; it seemed like a small fox. It jumped down from her palm to the ground and grew in size. “Please follow my friend here to the exit. She will protect you on the way there.” The crowd didn’t hesitate and followed her instructions.

"Leo, let's help the rest." Rosemary grabbed his arm and dragged him. Leo didn't fight and started running with her, so she let him go.

A bit pushy, but well intentioned…I guess I was wrong about her. I’ll just apologize here in my head… Leo thought.

The two of them quickly arrived in front of two groups of monsters and without hesitation both of them chose one and ran towards them. Rosemary got to hers quicker, while Leo wasn’t too far behind. Using his flames and darkness Leo quickly dispatched the monsters while getting some thanks from the people he helped.

When he turned around Rosemary was already watching him, and observing him quite intently. Leo walked back over to her. “You use fire and dark magic?” Rosemary asked.

“Yeah.” Replied Leo without elaborating. Rosemary respected this and they traveled around the city eliminating monsters together.


An hour had passed since Grayfia and Leo re-entered the City of Vrearc and the fighting had finally stopped. Leo and Rosemary were resting in a nearby area as the people of the city had started to come back into it. Many of its residents who were able to use magic were helping rebuild the city.

“Where’s the rest of your party?” Leo asked Rosemary.

“Lutfana, our cleric was healing the injured, both from the expedition and the attack. Zale our tank decided to stay with her, so if a monster showed up, he could defend them. The rest went back to the entrance of the dungeon and were probably dealing with the vast majority of it.” She explained.

"This is the worst-case scenario. Typically, we need to kill all the monsters in one room before moving onto the next or returning. Dungeons are strange places. Once you leave, the monsters you killed will be brought back, even if you just left a few seconds ago." She frowned at the end.

So, they respawn? That sounds weird...but a viable way to earn gold if that’s true. You can potentially abuse it if you’re strong enough. Leo thought and felt a small grin appear in his mouth.

“Once you leave a dungeon the entrance will close, it will only open once you decide to head back in, and of course, when you enter, the door to it will close as well. However, more adventurers can go in at a later point, so the ones in there aren’t left to fend for themselves. However, an ‘Outbreak’ like what we just went through sometimes happen, and they are rare.”

“The dungeon can apparently recognize when you flee from combat or leave of your own free will. Some speculate that it’s the Gods watching us down there, or the wrath of the first Demon King. No one really knows, but once it recognizes that you are fleeing, then it will keep the doors open. This is so that the monsters can escape and attack whatever city or kingdom they are in. Only after a certain amount of time will they close, or if a party goes back to confront them.”

Leo listened in carefully and understood what she was saying, but—. “How did the expedition fail then?” he asked.

“Two of the healers of the other parties were killed and they fell into disarray, and everything fell apart from there. Lutfana is an exceptional healer, there’s no doubt about it, but with the number of people down there, she could only heal a certain number at a time.”

Leo nodded. “Let me guess…romance was somehow involved with those healers?” Rosemary nodded to his question. It’s always love… Although Leo thought back to Grayfia and wondered why it was taking her so long.

“By the way, where is your maid?” she asked him.

“I’m also wondering about that. She left to check on our inn and the owner when we first came back.” Rosemary frowned after hearing this and got up.

“Let us go there then.” Leo was about to protest and say it was fine, but agreed in the end. The two of them made their way there while also lending a quick hand to everyone they came across.

It didn’t take them long to find the inn and to Leo’s horror it was destroyed, but Grayfia was with a slightly injured Biselda. “Bina! Biselda!” He ran over to them with Rosemary following along.

“Oh? If it isn’t Mister husband, here to see me? I’m married already, so I have to reject your advances.” She says casually.

“Biselda please stay still, I am still healing you.” Grayfia lightly scolds the woman making her laugh at her. Grayfia turns to Leo and apologizes and looks at Rosemary briefly.

“It’s fine, Grayfia. Jeez, Biselda, don't scare me like that. But at least you’re okay, but…where’s your husband?”

“He was out when the attacks started. He should be coming back soon. It’s a blessing in disguise, huh?” she joked again and got scolded again.

“Forgive me for interrupting, but may I suggest on bringing her to the place where Lufana is healing the others? She’s very proficient at healing magic, no offense, Bina.” Rosemary cuts in and we look at her.

“None taken, I would also prefer that since I am not that skilled at healing magic.” Grayfia agreed and then started carrying Biselda.

“Oh my! You’re quite strong, aren’t you?” Biselda giggled at Grayfia.

It’s comforting to know that even after being injured you still have that attitude… Leo sighed and looked at the damaged building. “Anyway, lead the way, Rosemary.” He says and she starts to walk away.

As they leave the area Rosemary glances back at Leo and Grayfia. They are a strange pair...I sense a lot of hidden potential in Leo. However, that Bina woman...I am unable to detect her at all. She turns her head back to the front. “Leo, are you headed for the guild?”

“Yeah, we just came back from Sinzafa after doing a quest there. We need to turn it in.” he informed her.

“I see, I will accompany you there then.”

“Sure?” Leo was confused as to why Rosemary wanted to stay with them but didn’t mind all that much. All of them eventually arrived at an intact building that had ‘Clinic’ at the front.


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