
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: At All Costs [1]

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[Seconds before Explosion]

The group continued their pursuit and entering Outlet’s vicinity Ernest looked at Angon and made a hand gesture. Angon immediately understood he began to focus on his Sense and Mind attribute which allowed him to perceive everything in a 5km radius. He immediately detected two individuals located in the small cottage that laid bare on the abandoned farm. Of course, any of the individuals in the group would’ve been able to detect the cottage with a simple glance and would suspect that Outlet is located within but why they used Angon was to check for any traps, suspicious activities that may lurk on the abandoned farm, afterall none of them want to be caught by surprise.


After confirming that there was no foul play, Ernest then looked at Lyc and nodded. Lyc walked in front of the group and unsheathed his sword. It had long straight blade coated with a red hue that gave an oppressive feeling, it had a golden concentric guard and a standard sized handle that was wrapped in red to compliment the straight blade. The sword’s aura made most of group uncomfortable but no one voiced out their thoughts and only looked at Lyc with interest.


Lyc flicked his wrist, slightly swinging the sword to generate an air pressure that boasted his authority giving him an atmosphere of strength. He looked at the cottage and simply raised the sword above his head. A red luminescence began to swirl around the blade of the sword, it illuminated the vicinity and only grew more concentrated as those seconds went. Lyc swung down his sword tainting the surrounding proximity into a vivid crimson hue conferring how almighty and grandeur the concept he wielded. The scenery grew grim as an extremely large blade fueled with immense hostility suddenly escaped the sword which soared through the air bypassing even the sound barrier to emit a shockwave which sent the few constructs of nature into oblivion. The cottage in sight, an unmoving target? True enough, an explosion rang out as a column of crimson energy was made apparent upon contact, it stretched out to a few meters in radius accompanied by a black smoke and indeed absolute destruction set peace to the scenery. Lingering remnants of Lyc’s energy remained perceivable and upon deeper inspection, one would be able to identify that the energy continued to eradicate the minute traces of the cottage and environment to which each member present assessed the aftermath and they all knew just how powerful the man Lyc was.

Lyc swung his sword horizontally before returning it to its sheath. Neil’s azure eyes gleamed in understanding, constricting in apprehension of the concept initiated here. The concept of Sword it was but it was a variation of the Sword concept as a hint of a lower concept of Destruction was synthesized into the technique to increase the damage output. Quite ingenious to coalesce a [Simplex] concept and Quasi- [Composite] concept. Then again in Neil’s eyes this display of meager ability could not amount to anything was not worth mentioning but that didn’t imply he would write Lyc off only a single observation. Much was still needed to be learned.

“They are two people here and both are most likely alive.”, Angon stated as he roused his Nu. Skyler’s eyes gleamed with battle intent as she licked her pink lustrous lips rather sadistically, once more emphasizing her masochistic personality. Lyc remained smiling and Yoke remained silent and looked at Ernest before glimpsing at Neil who remained docile and watched the show. Yoke’s eyes slightly narrowed seemingly in thought, but underneath that mask nobody knew what this mysterious individual was thinking.


“We don’t know if the transaction was successful so we will split up. Me, Lyc and Angon will pursue the one fleeing. Neil, Skyler and Yoke, you three will remain here and restrain the individual. If the individual fleeing is indeed Outlet, we will kill him and retrieve [O.E.M] but if the individua turns out to be someone from [Purgatory Circle] then we can only slow them down and negotiate but that’s if they do possess [O.E.M]. If things get worse then only a battle to the death would be the only solution. Skyler, Neil, Yoke if you encounter Outlet, kill without mercy and if the person is from the [Purgatory Circle] and has obtained [O.E.M] then try to negotiate but if you can’t then kill without hesitation. If the mission is successful retreat to [Shea] city at once, my sister Louis will meet you there.” Ernest swiftly stated using a multitude of hand gestures and body language to emphasize just how important this artifact and Outlet’s death meant to him. 

“Let’s move”, He followed up to then vanish in an indistinct manner.

Angon, Lyc followed Ernest who turned around and vanished in a blur. The trio went ahead to chase down the fleeing adversary.


Skyler, Neil and Yoke made eye contact with each other and none spoke a single word, immediately nefarious thoughts occupied their psyche. They each wanted the maximum rewards possible because afterall this was Burial Leaf Continent, ‘cooperation’ is only formed on the basis of a common goal, ‘friendships’ to seek opportunities. Skyler smiled with a murderous intent being projected at Neil and Yoke, it was obvious she would not hold her desire to murder the two right now but then again, she knew that to defeat Outlet they were all necessary to the succeed. As she was about to say something, a figure began walking out of the blackened smoke coughing hoarsely. It echoed very much so in the ears of Skyler, Yoke and Neil who turned their attention to the silhouette in question.

The silhouette continued coughing as vivid crimson superimposed his entire figure. The silhouette was identified as male and his tight-fitting clothes were torn asunder but remained attached in the most embarrassing of places. His silky brown hair once boasted sheen was burnt into oblivion leaving a bald grotesque scalp embroided with patches of darkness centered in stains of coagulated crimson blood. The right side of his face complimented his scalp quite precisely, symmetry was but evident. The left side of his face remained infallible as the rest of his body was sculpted with scars and burnt patches which could be critically acclaimed as a work of art. A single eye stared down the trio with inherent malice, murderous intent which turned the graves of those that had once fallen, hatred as vast the seas that split the five continents. To ‘seek’ death was the dreams he ought to deliver upon the trio. No, it would not be a dream but reality.  


Thee could only be Outlet, he walked out of the smoke in a horrendous and distraught manner. Neil, Yoke and Skyler took center stage.

“Hehe, lets end this quick’, Skyler stated with her tongue hanging out her lips, licking them as if a delicious meal had been placed in front of her. She began walking forward as a black radiance congregated around her figure showcasing her power in the Ethereal Aspect. The Mind and Soul interlinked, attuning Skyler to the concept she wielded, [Depravation]. It was a Concept that revolved around Emotion thus the energy she emitted was Emotion Nu. Everything/everyone she touched or ‘felt’ towards would literally ‘Deprave’. This centers around the same context as ‘Decay’ but needs to be conveyed through her emotion of depravation then conveyed through her Ethereal Aspect thus allowing her to manifest it into reality. Her unique energy Emotion Nu would allow her the exert her concept.


Skyler tread forth, abundant in killing intent and intense aura that brought forth dread upon Outlet. The gap between the two individuals closed in an instant as she took the initiative to do so. Upon entering Outlet’s vicinity, she swung her left arm that coalesced with Emotion Nu, her Concept of [Depravation] embedded within. Her arm and fingers maneuvered in a way that would allow her to execute a horizontal ‘karate’ chop to outright decapitate Outlet. Outlet’s perceptive capabilities burst with full power, his observation decreed the unique omission of Skyler’s Emotion Nu and velocity. In response he quickly crouched to avoid the chop then countering with a counterclockwise 360-degree sweep kick with is left leg targeting Skyler’s right ankle which would cause Skyler to fall off balance and make contact with the ground. An exquisite execution of combat with no flaws perceived.

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As Skyler fell to the ground, she would immediately plant her right palm onto the terrain using her initial momentum to flip forwards, successfully executing a front handspring to which she would land on both feet unharmed. Skyler turned to look at Outlet with a smile, through such a transition, Yoke and Neil pounced upon the opening Skyler laid and kicked out with their left and right leg respectively to initiate a powerful roundhouse straight for Outlet’s head. The follow up can be considered almost flawless, such ’teamwork’ indeed was worthy of respect but then again is extremely simple. True teamwork worked on a basis of trust which none of them had for each other so the teamwork inclined to happen would only be on a basic level.

Outlet switched up his perception gazing upon the attack laid by the trio adversaries. He understood that Skyler’s initial contact was a distraction and the real threat were Yoke and Neil albeit a very simplistic form of teamwork it could be fatal if not prepared for such an encounter. Outlet saw no openings but that didn’t mean he was out of options. His already horrendous appearance now grew demonically as he gazed upon Yoke.

Yoke and Neil were meant to make contact with Outlet but they actually proceeded to kick one another sending each other flying. An unexpected sequence of events had just occurred which made Skyler frown and retreat from Outlet. Her guard raised to the zenith.

‘That ability, seeing it in person is really different from simply hearing about it. It will be tough to defeat him even when his weakened. How Annoying’ , Skyler thought.


Outlet reappeared in Yoke’s original position ,next to Neil and Yoke appeared in Outlet’s previous position. It could only be one thing. A successful manipulation in space had just occurred. The Concept of [Spatial Displacement] had just displayed its elusive prowess. The Nu he exerted was known as Spatial Nu because he wielded a power that attuned him to the Concept of [Absolute Space] which in fact made the Nu he exerted incomprehensible to the point of making almost unperceivable to those below him in Aspect Attainment .Outlet took a breather after Neil and Yoke exited his vicinity ,he touched upon his spatial prowess once more to retrieve a star-shaped object which he swallowed in full view of the trio.


Neil and Yoke both raised themselves from the ground and frowned. Their frown deepened when they looked at Outlet ingesting an unidentified object. They raised their guard and took battle stances. Through this whole encounter Neil was absolutely exhilarated, every emotion conveyed was simply what he wanted Yoke, Skyler and Outlet to believe. He could’ve easily avoided Yoke’s kick but didn’t because it was too early to reveal more power than required. Yoke and Skyler also did the same thing. Everyone present remained cautious and aware of each other because betrayal could strike upon any of them. So, each one awaited the correct moment to deliver a fatal blow.  Outlet’s aura grew indefinitely, at least this is what was perceived by the trio but they all had a calm face and prepared for a dangerous battle.


‘Hehe. This is going to go crazy. I guarantee’, Neil stated as a mischievous smirk donned upon his face but remained inconspicuous from the audience in scene.


[Author’s Note: The Attribute of A CINTH’s Nu  is directly linked to the Concept they wield. Example:

If the user wields a concept linked with the Spirit then they will possess Spiritual Nu

If the user wields a concept linked with the Soul then they will possess Ether Nu and so on……

Aspect Attainment is can be defined as realms:

  1. Ethereal Aspect
  2. Corporal Aspect
  3. …..

I don’t wish to give all specifics now as I will explain things as they story progresses.]

  1. ]


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