Era of Luminosity [A Cultivation and LitRPG Novel]

Chapter 2: 2. Welcome to the Multiverse

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A flash of light shined briefly behind Elijah as he free-fell down Lucian's Immortal Tower.

Rumblings echoed behind him as parts of the structure exploded outward, threatening to hit him.

Realizing this, he quickly made adjustments to his body.

Most people with no experience with jumping out of a building would try moving their bodies the usual way; by flinging about their bodies. However, the trick was much more straightforward.

The way their bodies moved was highly dependent on the toes and hands. With proper training and skill, maneuvering midair could be even simpler than walking.

Elijah moved his body towards the boulder, hurdling towards him, using his immense physical strength to hold on to it. He took this time to assess the tower's structure.

The tower seemed to have been slashed in half by the beam as one side of it fell towards the ground with deadly momentum. Some Mutant humans ran for their lives as they were pelted by some of the tower's debris falling; Although small for now, why the others most likely had grown too maddened to escape dying a meaningless death.

Elijah couldn't care about this at the moment. He managed to climb on top of the boulder, and he forcefully planted his legs onto the rock, giving him ample surface to attempt to jump onto the other boulders above him.

Using this method, he slowed down his descent slightly. However, it wouldn't be enough with the speed he was currently moving. He could try using his armor's shielding to soften the blow. However, that would leave him crippled on the ground and endlessly pelted by debris. He wouldn't be much better off, which was why he decided to use the rock to propel him back toward the tower.

The other side of the tower should have already broken apart, meaning the other side where Elijah was would soon similarly fall.

What he needed right now was to grab a part of the tower that had not broken off completely yet. He could use it to slow down his descent and escape before rocks pelted him.

It was still dangerous, but this was the only method he could think of for survival.

"I wouldn't even be in this situation if my intelligence was accurate..." he thought to himself as he grabbed onto the next boulder beside him. Thinking back to that giant fiasco with his fight with Lucian nearly made him lose his grip due to the frustration he felt. There were a lot of discrepancies in the data he received from The Company, which he would need to evaluate later.

For now, he needed to figure out surviving.

About halfway down the tower's previous length, he reached the edge of the building as it slanted awkwardly. It held temporarily for now, but he knew it was on the verge of breaking apart at any moment.

With a thought, he activated the armor's defensive capabilities as he grabbed onto the surface, glass and metals running through his fingers. Luckily he sported no damage due to his armor's shielding, but he couldn't help but grimace at the amount of pain he would be in without it.

With a colossal thud, he fell hard onto the concrete floor. Knowing time was of the essence, he immediately got back up. He rushed far away with his movement technique, putting himself well away from the destruction site and into the fog of dust.

Watching the building fall, Elijah sighed in relief. That was a close one. He didn't want to think of what would've happened if he had had any less luck.

He took a seat on the floor as he took a very much-needed breather. Unfortunately for him, he was quickly interrupted.

In the fog of dust all around him, Mutated humans slowly surrounded him as they watched him with a greedy expressions.

Mutated people were known as people with irregular deformities in their bodies that fundamentally altered their abilities as humans. Some of the mutated humans surrounding him had near-comically enlarged hands that came with an equal amount of strength. Some could turn their bodies into Fire bodies, and some even had knives for arms and could turn invisible.

They were generally a low-level threat. However, that heavily depended on which type you were facing making them quite hard for most military to irradicate completely.

At this point, nearly 60-70% of the human population had already become mutated humans, and as long as the spread continued at the same pace, it was bound to worsen.

However, as an advanced human, Elijah wasn't worried. Activating his armor, he let out a large unconcentrated pulse of energy all around him. Suddenly, each mutated human's head exploded, leaving them dead.

"Luckily, this area has just been recently infected. As long as no older mutated humans are around, I should be fine."

Elijah took the time to assess the damage he attained from the fall and his fight. He gained a few more injuries during the fall, but apart from the damage he received from the beams of the protection system, which left a nasty hole in his side, he was fine.

Injecting a healing serum into his arm, he got onto his feet and grabbed the communicator on his belt.

"Rogue415 Reporting. The target has been eliminated. I repeat. The target has been eliminated. Requesting transport immediately," Elijah barked. While the damage he received had been minimal, he didn't like his chances of trekking through this wasteland till he reached the pickup spot. Who knows what kind of mutated humans or even beasts were around these days?

Sitting on the rubble above the leftovers of humanity, he thought of the conversation he had had with Lucian. The Company told him Lucian did not make any modifications to his body. Still, he not only had mental control of the tower's defenses but physical enhancements to his body, mainly the control of lightning! How could they even miss that piece of information? Hell, even he, as his supposed 'son,' had never seen him use this power before. Then again, he had never really needed to. However, missing that information is highly unlikely considering the Company's reach in all forms of society.

Which means someone gave him misinformation on the target. However, why would they? They would benefit from being the sole creators of super physiological enhancements globally, so the motive is there. If he weren't locked into that pod, it would've been much tougher to kill him.

"Either way, the mission has been accomplished. I'll deal with the complications as they come. In the meantime, was that pod what I think it was?" Elijah questioned.

Lucian Villin, a man known by many as the Great Creator, was the first person to discover the soul. With this discovery came many techniques and abilities that changed the world as we know it. Humans gained abilities such as telekinesis, super strength, super speed, and even more, allowing the human race a new field of study. Martial Arts soon became stable in soldier training as close combat became more useful.

His first breakthrough was called the Future Serum by most, if not all, people worldwide. It allowed humans to increase strength, speed, and sight and even allowed the unlocking of special abilities! However, there was a drawback. The weaker the individual, the less likely they would survive the transformation.

That did not stop people from taking it anyways, though. With the current living situation being near dire due to a lack of resources, having such strength would allow for better health conditions and opportunities for the common folk, which most companies did not appreciate. They wished to control the masses as they always had.

So as expected, with his incredible success came rivals. One such rival is The Company, a conglomerate of companies from different countries banding together to take over the new and growing trend of superhumans.

After multiple years of conflict, Lucian began to lose ground against the Company's reach. Unable to retaliate, Lucian went to hiding in the Immortal Tower. It was rumored that he was creating something new and even more impactful. However, no one knew what it could be.

"Haha. A fitting death for someone such as him. Dying in his creation." He laughed. However, he couldn't shake the feeling he got from him at that last moment.

Those words, that stare, he wasn't the type of person to give up that easily.

He would never admit it, but he truly feared the vengeance Lucian might bring if he survived. He had seen people die for his whole life. Still, He had never seen anyone die as absolutely and unequivocably as when Lucian plotted against someone. If Lucian wanted someone dead, that is what they would be. Fortunately, he was now dead.

He never really thought of what life would be like if he didn't meet Lucian when he was young. Still, subconsciously, he knew it would have been far worse, especially since the Company killed his parents.

However, he subconsciously justified to himself that he was right. A true father wouldn't experiment on his son. Lucian never mistreated him, but what he had done to him was unacceptable, and he deserved his death.

He also realized that he had fought him while he was stuck in that pod which he found confusing since he believed it would've been a hard fight if he escaped it. Maybe he was stuck in it?

"If he was stuck in his creation, that would make sense, but what if he wasn't? Someone like him wouldn't make such a mistake, would he? If not, why did he not escape the pod? Why didn't he fight for his life?" Elijah thought

He thought until he formed a frightening hypothesis.

Maybe he wasn't stuck in the pod like he thought.

Maybe the pod WAS the escape!

"Doesn't matter, either way; he lost too much energy to use it." He thought to comfort himself as he waited.

Soon, shadows broke through the fog and appeared all around the building. Figures of men dressed in black immediately surrounded the area. Standing up, Elijah walked out of the building.

"You seem to be in fairly good shape there, Elijah. Easy mission?" One of the shadows said as he walked closer. The man unhooded himself as golden hair flowed in the wind. Standing nearly as tall as him, the man showcased a bright smile and unmatched charisma as he stepped forward.

Daniel Silvers. One of The Company's top and youngest executives, he was raised as a prodigy. Taking on the mantle of the Silver Family head, he has been instrumental in paving the way for The Company to grow to where it is now. Underneath that charismatic smile and energetic persona lies a ruthless killer willing to sacrifice anything for his ambitions and someone he would never turn his back to lest he wanted to be backstabbed.

"So, I take it he's dead? He questioned, with his trademark smile.

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"Yup. Little Lucy got stuck in his creation. All I had to do was call for the air strike to finish him off," Elijah replied as he eyed the twelve men Daniel had brought with him.

"Great! And where is the proof of his death? Not saying I don't believe you, but you were his creation. He literally made you in a lab, right? Don't get me wrong, I trust, but we gotta verify. Know what I mean?" He said with a snide smirk as his eyes narrowed slightly

Elijah's face turned dark as killing intent surfaced in his eyes. They both stared at each other in silence as tension in the air reached an all-time high.

"I don't have it. Feel free to look through the rubble for his body," Elijah finally said as he reigned in his killing intent. Pulling away would be better than ripping one of the company executive's heads apart by accident and killing himself in the process.

Daniel smirked as he nodded toward one of his Men, the contempt in his eyes bare for all to see.

"Well, now that we got that sorted, let us head back to HQ, shall we?" he said as he began walking away. Elijah followed as he looked around carefully, especially at the number of subordinates following.

"Why is Daniel leading this operation? Doesn't he have better things to do as an executive? And there are far too many men here for a simple mission such as this," he thought. "Good thing I'm still in fighting shape," he thought as he couldn't help but think what would happen if he wasn't in good condition. "I'll be prepared next time," he thought as he watched Daniel's back in constant readiness.



Lucian woke up to the roars of huge beasts in the air. Thousands of Giant reptilian creatures filled the air, flying by at incredible speeds. They searched around the area as they hunted down weaker prey by blowing out fire from their snouts, with some even blowing out lightning! They navigated through the black clouds that covered the whole world, giving peaks of the dark red sky and strangely black sun that hovered above it all.

He looked around himself.

Beasts of different kinds were in a neverending fight with each other. Some viciously ate each without care as the surrounding beasts attempted to steal their food.

It was chaos all around, no matter where he looked, to the point he couldn't count the number of deaths he had seen in the minute he had been awake.

Large, red mountains tipped with a black shadow surrounded him everywhere far past his eyes could see. The ground seemed to be made of a red rock that created heat waves from simply being. Lava poured out some of the cracks of the rock, making it look like he was at the bottom of a volcano.

Lucian's first reaction was major confusion. Where was he? From his experiments, his device should have transported him to a nearby world far farther than any human has traveled, where he could bring about new life for the remainder of the human species. How did he end up here? And where was his pod?

He looked around him but could find it nowhere.


[Unknown User. Begin Initialization]

[System Initializing...]

"...?" Lucien immediately stopped looking around. He stared at the little blue screen in front of him, his mind still unprepared for the strangeness of all that was occurring.

He would've thought someone just spoke to him if he didn't know better. Unless someone did?

He took another quick look around for anybody but the same as last time; just red mountains all around.

"This looked very similar to a video game. Did the chaos of my fight transfer me into a different world?" he thought.

Suddenly mind-numbing pain assaulted him. Unfortunately, he couldn't even move, much less scream, as the pain slowly intensified. As the pain gradually increased, his thoughts slowed, and he eventually fell unconscious.

When Lucian woke, it was to several blue floating screens.

[Initiating Integration Configuration...]

[ERROR* Host bodily condition not Compatible with Intergration]

[Initiating Backup Configuration...]

[ERROR* Host Bodily Condition Cannot Accept Backup]

[Integration Override Activated...]

[Override Complete!]

[Integration Overridden. Commencing Partial System Activation]

[Welcome to the Multiverse!]

[You have inadvertently stumbled into the Multiverse ahead of your world's time, and as such, you have been granted a System like other residents of the Multiverse]

[Location: The Underworld]

[You have been granted 7 Titles!]

Basic Stats

Name: Lucian Villin

Class: ---

Profession: ---

Race: Human/ Soul

Strength - [0] - Increase Physical Power, Health

Constitution - [0][0.05] increase attunement with the body

Endurance - [0] - Increases Stamina, Health,

Perception - [0] - Increase Comprehension, Awareness, magical power

Agility - [0][0.05] - Increases attunement with Surrounding

Dexterity - [0] - Increases Flexibility, Reflexes, and Movement, physical power

Willpower- [0][0.02] - Increases Mental Resistance, Magical power, Mana Control

Intelligence - [0][0.02] - Increase Total Mana Pool, Magical Damage, Memory

Soul - [0.06][0.08] - Increases attunement with the Soul


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