Chapter 4: Ch: 4 [Such a Tease]

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Our conversation was cut short.

Before we could continue our steamy talk and I could have a chance to kiss her beautiful lips, a blue led-light started to flash on Black Widow's wrist. She lowered her eyes. I can see her eyes looking at my lips. Her warm breath on my face almost made my dick spring out of my hospital robe. She brought her lips closer to mine. My heart skipped a beat or two.

But she pulled back with a seductive smile.

Damn. It was so close. Our lips were about to touch. Oh, God! She is such a tease. Why do those bastards have to call at the right moment? Haaa. I wanted to activate the Erotic Phermone, but it's no fun to seduce her like that. She will eventually come to me.

A milf like her getting attention from a young man, I got a gut feeling that I won't have to use my power on her. After all, she didn't resist me when I licked her lips. And instead, she was about to go for a kiss. Fuck those bastards for ruining our perfect moment.

"You are free to leave... We will continue our conversation later," said Black Widow and made her way toward the door. She stopped, glanced back, and said, "You are an interesting young man..." She smirked a bit before leaving me alone in that room.

I hurriedly ran to the door and pressed my ears. The device that was blinking on Black Widow's wrist is a communication device. She left after seeing that, even though she was desperate enough to allow me to seduce her to get the secret behind her power-up. I guess it must be something important. I couldn't hold my curiosity.

"Q&Q... I only need quality," I muttered.

I followed what other awakeners do to activate their powers. I just need to utter the name of the skill I want to use. My weird System immediately activated the skill. I saw a notification flash before my eyes.


Q&Q Activated...


I can feel weird energy rushing within my body. To be more precise, I can see wisps of light green hue around my body. It was a warm and good feeling. So, this is what the awakeners call energy. Anyway, I touched my ears to improve the quality of my hearing. I don't even know if the skill works on the human body. Well, let's find out.

I closed my eyes and focused on hearing.

A distant voice came to my ears.

<Miss Romanova. We have tracked down a new warehouse as per your instructions. Our drones caught a glimpse of Victor Fries around the location, and six trucks filled with ammunition arrived 10 minutes ago. We are awaiting your order...>

Victor Fries... I know that bastard.

[According to Villanpedia, the third most powerful villain of the ice villains is none other than Mr. Freeze, aka Victor Fries. He is a unique villain with a tragic backstory. And his combination of genetics and technology allows him to control ice. He is a scientist, a villain and a mad lover who is constantly searching for a cure for his wife. He has kept her in suspended animation while looking for the cure.

After being exposed to a cryo-bath during an experiment gone wrong, his genetic makeup changed. He can only survive in sub-zero temperatures. He created a cryo-suit and took to crime to fund his search for a cure, becoming a longtime Batman foe.]

"I am on my way... Get the assault team ready and have Selina Kyle on standby. Those bastards won't go down easily this time," Black Widow ordered her people before disconnecting the call. Her footsteps disappeared, and a sound of an engine starting came to my ears. It must be her bike. She left the hospital premise.

Luckily, it was quiet outside. I didn't hear any voices of any other people within the area except for Black Widow and her conversation. It's weird. If this is a hospital, there would be some people, but it's way too quiet. Well, not my problem, since I am free to leave.

But... Where the heck are my clothes?

You are reading story EROGE SYSTEM IN MULTIVERSE at

I possibly can't go outside wearing this robe.

I looked around the room, but there was nothing other than two sets of simple white robes that patients wear during their stay. Haaa. The camera was destroyed, and there was no emergency phone or call button to call someone to bring me clothes. So, no point waiting here. Let's go out and see.

After opening the door, my eyes fell on the black bag near my feet. Black Widow must have left them for me. I opened it and saw new clothes. They are brand new clothes with the price tag still attached to them. And damn, the clothes are way too expensive.

Even though I am rich, oh, sorry... I was rich until that bitch took everything. Arggg! Just thinking about that bitch makes me angry. You will see I will have my revenge. I will make her regret for stealing my wealth. Anyway, as I was saying... I have never bought such expensive clothes. But, hey, who am I to complain?

I hurriedly changed my clothes and left the hospital. And yes, it was indeed a hospital. I checked after getting out. But someone emptied the building and shifted all the patients to the nearby medical facility. Well, whatever the case, time to head back home and find out how the fuck I ended up in Harley's BDSM room.

I am standing in Lancer Square. It's in New York City.

It's a new place the authorities named after the merging shit and all that headaches. This area is filled with expensive malls and the highest-grade restaurants. Then there is that famous night lane that only operates after 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM if we go further south. That place is lined with licensed brothels, nightclubs, and strip clubs.

Expensive luxurious vehicles are all around me. Rich old farts with teen girls are walking around me. Then those sugar mommies with their young boys... You may know them as milfs and matures... Haaa. And they say money can't buy happiness. This is a perfect heaven for rich people.

Ok, that's enough explanation. I am feeling bad for myself after that explanation. Two years ago, I won the jackpot twice in two days in two different casinos. Within two days, I got approximately 300 million dollars in white in my bank.

And guess what I did with that amount of cash??? Chase after a girl like a freaking bastard. I kept my family in blinds. Since we were poor, I got greedy after getting that insane amount of money.

Instead of enjoying my life and helping my poor family, I kept it all for myself. I should have told my mom and sis about this. At least I should have helped my sister get into the best school and bought her something good. She never asks for anything. And my mom... She works two jobs that barely provide our daily necessities. Then, there is that overdue loan, school fees, and rent.

Now that I think about it, what have I done?

I shouldn't have chased after my childhood sweetheart. That fucking bitch... When she found out about my money... Humm... Did she use some weird charm power on me to muddle my mind? Maybe brainwashed me? Or maybe, I am a trash and weak-minded fucker, to begin with.

But today, for some reason, I feel different. I feel awake. My head had never been this clear. It might be because of the awakening. But this is a good feeling.

I will do everything to fix my mess. With my new powers, becoming the richest man is not a dream anymore. Soon... Very soon...

Haaa. That's enough backstory. I don't want to think about it for now. I just need to act on time and grasp all opportunities before me. But, before that, I must take a train. It's getting dark, and I don't want to spend the night on the road.

Humm... I feel like I am forgetting something. My hands went inside my jeans pocket. It's empty?!

Wait a minute! I don't have a single penny in my pocket, nor do I have my ID with me. How the fuck am I going to get home?




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