Eryth: Strange Skies

Chapter 66: Ch. 61: Undercurrents Part I

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“ As eons passed,  Intent that begat Form, began taking on the attributes that its creators intended. They were patient, good things were not meant to be rushed. And for them, time was inconsequential, what was a few eons but a fleeting glimpse? First to be birthed from Form were the twins; their essences of their forms were aqua and turquoise. They were alike in many ways, save for a few quirks with which their progenitors could use to tell them apart- Excerpt from The Book of Realms: The Age of Elder Gods, Church of Thea.

5 Days Ago


Decades, centuries, a millenia; however long, the nascent consciousness did not know how much time had passed.  In the interstitial space between Aether and Creation,  time seemed to have stopped for it. It knew not its sense of self, nor did it realise it was barely half-conscious,carrying  out directives that had been etched into its psyche; like a drone would. Or better yet, an automaton. Its sense of self was no better than a golem’s. Or was it? 

It was only vaguely aware of gossamer tendrils that cast around its domain. One of them was stronger still, leading off to somewhere it could not discern, only that it felt right.

 Occasionally, it would catch glimpses, echoes and essences during its liminal states of consciousness through these tendrils. These, it assimilated into itself, to learn as it was ought to do; though it did not know why. 

 But for two interruptions, it would have gone on existing in this state for yet another indeterminate, immeasurable quantity of time. The first instance was barely a nuisance. For an infinitesimal quantity that did not deign to be measured, the entity found itself in a sudden state of suspension. It recognised that there was a break in its workings which was unprecedented because it had been used to getting its way.

 However, the second instance coming right in the heels of the first was the equivalent of walking into a low lying beam. Shock jolted it awake and rippled through its tendrils disrupting what had hitherto been numb permeations of its consciousness. 

Were it in the know, the closest analogy would have been akin to limbs prickling with pins and needles after being in a state of sleep.  It quickly folded into itself, like leech barnacle retracting into its shell, and with it, the brightest of the tendrils connecting it elsewhere went dead for a heartbeat. And that marked the first change; a mistake.

3 Days ago

A mistake marked the first change in her long sleep. It was not so much as waking as suddenly coming to. Her vicinity faded into unlight; a state of neither darkness nor illumination and then, she was there. And she was confused beyond measure. 

‘Where am I?’ ’ her thoughts echoed through the boundless void . She had an inkling that things were not as they were as she cast about her vicinity. Lack of orientation and reference shook her to her core. She barely noticed as she degenerated into fits of panic. 

Then like a bolt from the empyrean; she remembered. And so, as she became aware, whatever had faded into view was only an outline of her spirit, with stubby limbs and a featureless face; an ethereal eidolon, slowly wisping and bleeding motes of essence into the aether. It fuzzed as though creation was rejecting its existence. A phantom of pain made her double over, breathless even though she did not need to breathe.

The girl remembered she once had a name but not what it was. She remembered and knew there were things that she ought to have known. 

She did not know the unknown. 

Let me Out!She raved as her Intent cascaded through the void.  

The immensity of it culminated in existential dread that threatened to crush her psyche. The girl, or rather her formless spirit let out a soundless wail as her thoughts faded into nothingness.  Her raw emotions whaled against her rejected existence. Mote by bleeding mote, her spirit continued to wither. From the first time she had become aware of her own existence,  she’d begun to fade away.  

For what seemed like an eternity help would never reach her or so it seemed.  Though she did not remember, a tether that once sustained her life was rekindled. A light bloomed in the darkness then more pinpricks  cohered into being, underneath, above and without, forming a galaxy of light. She reeled, as a foreign presence impressed on her psyche. Then her vision burst into a thousand panes of hovering script.

Each translucent pane had the same two words and a flickering symbol

『 Key.Prompt…I 』

They conveyed…a feeling of expectation?

‘ Key?’ She whimpered, reaching for the nearest projection of floating script with her facsimile of a hand. But she'd barely made contact, she felt her entire being subsumed and compressed to a point. She barely had time to be shocked as she disappeared from the void of unlight in a burst of motes. 

 Then there was a pause as though the Aether had stopped to contemplate―

In unison, all the script wavered and shifted.





「Initialising Core Master Control…」

「Populating Err## Main Interface…」









[Far Speak]…F̷̰̈́á̶̙̱̜̐͘i̷̲̩̹͒l̴̢̢̲͌̈́͠

[Scry Map]…F̷̰̈́á̶̙̱̜̐͘i̷̲̩̹͒l̴̢̢̲͌̈́͠

Sys.Rec.List.End 」


Current Status:

[Gestalt Conduit]… Acquiring

[Arcane Oculus]....Acquiring

Append changes?





[Identify];[Detection]→[Arcane Oculus]

[Far Speak];[Scry Mapping]→[Gestalt Conduit]


Append Changes?」


「Invoke Changes?」



「N̷͗um̸̢͈̀̂e̸͕̫͎̎̑͘n̷̤̘̜͌ Protȯ̴̩c̵̖͙̥̋̆o̵̥̺̅̕l̷̨̛̈́̔…Succẻ̵͉̀͊s̵̺͈̣̽́ş̴̤̰͑̏!」

[Conditions Met: Temporary Skill Invoked!]

[Numen Protocol!]

[Heritage-Bloodline Awoken!]

[Conditions Met: Bloodline Heritage Class acquired!]

[Bloodline Heritage Class-Unknown!]

[Unknown Level 1!]

[Skill- Gestalt Conduit Acquired!]

[Skill- Arcane Oculus Acquired!]

You are reading story Eryth: Strange Skies at

[Skill-Numen Protocol Acquired!]

3 Days Ago

“ Research log, Antecian Calendar Date 1487.05.03.33. Picking up from where I left off on thaumoconductive properties of metals,  I can now confirm that in order of conduction, there seems to be some sort of demarcation in the periodic table…Ahem, apologies, the Schema of Materia. Iron seems to be the benchmark for the poorest conductor of mana, and the best among the metals is adamant. It is formed from, you guessed it, diamonds. ”

“ Arthur?” Nora called out from above the landing. The only sound in the workshop came from the memory crystals sitting on a chronicling and recalling artifice. A magitech recorder and projector that used memory crystals as its form of media storage.

 “.. in order of thaumic conductivity we therefore have dwarfsteel, which you would know as stainless steel, nickel, copper, brass, zinc, aluminium, also known as faeriesteel…”

“ Down here!” Arthur responded, waving his free hand from the enchanter’s partition. The staccato of wooden heeled boots echoed through the workshop as Nora came down the ladder stairs. He sighed as he stopped tinkering with the gem setter, flicked up the magnifier goggles and rubbed at his dry eyes.

“ Now while lead is abundant, it is seldom used in enchanting because it is hard to work with. On the other hand, alchemist’s silver, that is, mercury is toxic  but has some uses I shall talk about in another experimental log. Platinum is rarer than gold, making it more expensive even though they have almost similar mana conductive properties… ”

Letting out a yawn, Arthur stretched, swivelling his work stool to face the dhampir as she approached.  Nora was looking over the orderly chaos of books, scrolls, blueprints and open chests of  memory crystals scattered on the work desk.

There were boards, written in charcoal  with strings and tacks pinned on small pieces of paper.  Nora recognised some of the scrawlings. 

There was a list with Aldmoor’s prominent families detailing their specialities and whatever information they had on them. Elder Volemhir’s name also seemed to have made an appearance with a symbol of a red slashed circle alongside. 

It seemed like a haphazard and totally unrelated organisation of facts, because the adjoining boards had such things as the types of dungeons and tiers of enchanted artefacts.

 Yet another seemed to be on a subject written in obscure script that she did not understand. Beyond that she saw a doorway  with an ascending ramp that had not been there the last time. Nora was at a loss at how Arthur had probably been engaged in several things at once.  

“ of the Schema of Materia, Mithril and Adamant seem to have the best conductive characteristics.  After all that is said and done however, most runecrafters seem to prefer alloys like bronze, brass and argerum as well as actual silver for enchantment…”

“ Have you been listening to that all night?”  Nora asked, noticing the shadows under his eyes.  

“ Uhm, maybe—I was testing the limits of my new skill?” Arthur  mumbled. He guiltily chugged a cup of moonbeans, xazhu,  brewed into a dark concoction that smelled earthy and minty. He deactivated the artifice playing in the background.

 “[Eye of the Storm] seems to thrive in chaos,” he shrugged. “I have yet to pin down its conditions for instigation but I think Volemhir knew such a skill would happen,” Arthur seethed. The cup in his hand groaned as he exacted more strength than was necessary.

“Is something the matter?” Nora asked worriedly.

“Many things,” Arthur sighed, cradling the almost deformed cup. “ But you already knew that since you read the back of the letter?”

“Hmm?” Nora murmured, arms folded under her bosom. She had an enquiring look—

 “He's been deliberately withholding information and knows that sooner or later I am bound to go back to him for it. That manipulative grey bastard,” Arthur griped. “ To mention that there would be a cost exacted for growing further into my heritage and then leaving it at that,” he shook his head.

“Haah,” Nora sighed, tapping one foot on the floor. “ I thought you knew that he had something he was holding over you as leverage” Nora murmured under her breath. 

“ Nice boots,” Arthur commented, peering past his cup. He did not seem to have caught the latter part of her statement.

And there it was. Taking too much of that brew tended to stretch one's nerves to the point that they became jittery and jumped at the smallest things.  From the glass carafe sitting on the work desk, it was such a wonder that Arthur was not so scatterbrained from half of the concoction.

“ Arthur, I bought these three days ago when I went to buy groceries remember?” Nora said with a pained smile. 

“ Sorry…” Arthur said, wincing visibly as he scratched at the nape of his neck. Nora let out an unintelligible grumble of exasperation. She pulled a spare work stool and sat, placing the two items she'd been carrying onto her lap. One was an envelope embossed in silver calligraphy while the other was an obscure book. In silence, Nora levelled him a look until he squirmed.

“ Fiiiine, you have my attention, what is with the book and envelope?” he asked. He pulled back the pair of anti-fouling gloves from his clammy hands and went to wipe them before he recalled he might as well try [Cleanse].

“ One is an invitation to a Meet, the other is an incentive to joining the Heptad as a [Healer]. The Guild Physicians recommended me,”

“ Huh? What is the Heptad and what does that have to do with the Guild? No, hold on, what’s a Meet? It sounds important.” Arthur enquired.

Nora groaned, mumbling something about being hopped up on moonbeans.

“ The Heptad consists of the six orders of the Primals and the Church of the Mother. It  is responsible for Healers and Physicians, and works closely with the Alchemists Guild, or rather with the Lalilabs. They have the largest library, you’d know if you got out and got some sun,” Nora said.  

“ Hmm?” Arthur said, cradling his chin on his knuckles.

“ Volumes on Biomancy―I think you know what that is?” Nora asked.

“ Aye, the three fundamental disciplines of Magecraft, “Arthur said, smirking. He  hiked a thumb over his shoulder, Nora followed the motion and saw a chart with three branches emanating from Magecraft and Thaumaturgy

It was divided into Aetherics, Alchemy and Biomancy. Theurgy was a standalone  heading on the same line as Magecraft which was also labelled Thaumaturgy. 

“ What are those annotations written in non-Volgaric script?” Nora pointed out.

Arthur blinked owlishly before he realised Nora had meant Common.

“ Ah that’s English? Couldn’t find the equivalent for some words in Common. Never realised coasting by with a skill didn’t translate to writing fluently.  From the left, we have physics, chemistry and biology,” Arthur said. “ Those are equivalent disciplines on Earth. What you call the arcane, we call science.”

“ Hmm, is that why you knew to use lightning magic to save Elenaril? By the way she sent her greetings and said she would come to tender her gratitude in person,”  Nora put across.

“ Yes, though I fell in love with physics, I did three disciplines of the sciences in high school, “ Arthur said proudly. The latter part of Nora's statement had again flown right over his head. Nora did not deign to point out that  Arthur’s train of thought had really gone off the rails. 

Despite the shadows under his eyes, she could see how animated his eyes were. Though there was something unnerving about his irises flickering from human to feline. Nora shook her head half convinced she was seeing things.

“ Will you teach me bai’aledji?” Nora enquired, her eyes twinkling with interest. Arthur deadpanned . Then he burst into laughter until tears were welling up in his eyes. Nora threw him a scandalised look and pouted.

“ What for?” Arthur said chuckling,” Don’t you have everything down in that tome?”

“ No,” Nora shook her head sadly. “ It is not enough. This is merely a drop in the ocean, and the Heptad controls tomes on healing. It is the only way they rein in rogue healers, because you cannot practise within a town until you prove your proficiency. “

“ Oh, that makes sense…” Arthur said, scratching his budding beard. “ And what if you don’t? I am not sure how exactly they’d restrict someone from healing people.”

Nora let out a hiss through her teeth, “ They have geas contracts Arthur. They can bind your World Skills and if you prove evasive, they have [Templars] and [Knights]  from the Order of Dawn Break and the Even Tide. The Heptad is not above using force…they could use a soul scryer to make sure they get all your Skills if they have to,”

Arthur shivered and cursed, “ Frag… if they scry you and find out you’re a dhampir.”

“ Hmm, if you’re worried about hemomancy, it is not outlawed, or at least  regulation is not as strict as necromancy ” Nora remarked.  Arthur grimaced at the latter.

“ What? Necromancy is just magecraft like any other. Regardless, as I was saying, Healers and Physicians have to prove their proficiency to get a certification. Without it,they cannot practise…”

“ Do you really have to?” Arthur murmured, unsure. 

“ Imagine if you were told to stop practising runecraft,” Nora glowered.

“ All right, all right,” Arthur said, putting up his hands in an entreaty of peace.   “ So to demonstrate your proficiency you have to do what? Get an oral interview?” Arthur asked. 

“ Or contribute new knowledge of biomancy,” Nora  said. “ The last time you showed me how to revive Elenaril with lightning magic,  I acquired a new Skill and levelled.”

Arthur pursed his lips in thought,” Alright, I’ll teach you all I know about germ theory and first aid. Most of the stuff I remember from high school is fuzzy and might take a while to recall…”

“ Anything would be worth something,” Nora piped. Arthur found himself smiling at Nora’s all too bright smile as well.

“Er, it seems we got sidetracked there a little,” Arthur observed, pointing at the envelope.

“ Blight me, apologies,” Nora remarked; she was not contrite at all. But Arthur didn’t notice, he seemed to be worrying his lip about something on his mind. 

Nora broke the red wax seal with the sigil of Aldmoor and retrieved  an ornate sheaf of folded vellum. It had runic embossments that glowed faintly across its face, to prevent forgery by arcane means or otherwise. 

Nora read,

To Arthur Sturm Lowenmaul, Salutations and a radiant Aestas upon you and yours. 

We cordially invite you and your betrothed for the Aestas Meet, which is scheduled on the 33rd of the Third moon of Aestas―”

“ Frag,” Arthur swore with a grimace. The invitation seems to have come at a convenient time; of course he’d been expecting the Aldmoorian bourgeois to reach out but through a party? He was awkward at parties. What was he going to wear?

“... We hope that you shall grace as with your esteemed persons as we celebrate the Trinaiad. 


The Aldmoorian Undersecretariat…”

“ We’re definitely going are we not? Let’s get your outfits measured today; I am sure Margaery’s aunt can get something done within a day,” Nora said bright-eyed.  The way she framed her statement brook no refusal. 

‘What happened to the shy girl I met in the Dust?’ Arthur left unspoken. His eye twitched as he suppressed a grimace. He was rather antsy, apprehensive and hung up on something that had been bothering him since he’d read the back of Volemhir’s letter.  Volemhir’s offer had seemed too good to be true at the time and now more than ever, he felt blindsided for the second time. 

And just like that, the seed of his heritage which had long since gestated, started budding. His class as scion was growing, slowly changing him in ways he would not predict. 

‘Just you wait Volemhir…’ Arthur left unspoken.

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