Esuvia: Keeper of Peace

Chapter 3: Why Be Here?

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I am not exactly sure why I want to go there. Just, when I see on the TV or the Internet what is happening over pulls me in. I need to see it...I need to be there too.

- Excerpt from A Peacekeeper's Journey

United Nations of Earth

Autonomous State of Canada - Toronto

January 22, 2079

"The newly formed ONUE Administration in occupied Esuvia has officially declared planetwide martial law as civilian settlements are assaulted by orcish and goblin hordes..."

Anderson watched the Holo TV, breaking his eyes from his laptop. There, videos and images of dead civilians and ruined towns and cities are shown by UN troops riding on APCs and Hemlats.

Sometimes they would show long lines of refugees, devastated civilians lining up to get meager food boxes from humanitarian troops.

It was a gut-wrenching story, being played repeatedly on news channels ever since that strange planet was discovered.

"Harold! It's dinner time, get down here!" His mother shouted as she opened the door to his room. "Don't make the food wait. It's going to get cold." She warned.

"Alright, alright, I'm gonna be there in a minute." He replied before turning back to the TV. The door to his room closed just in time for an ad to appear.

"Join the United Nations Peacekeeper Corps - See Esuvia for yourself and help her people!"

Anderson drank his grape juice as he finished eating. In front of him, his mom is still halfway to emptying her plate as she scrolled on her phone with a smile on her face.

"Mom, I have a question." He began, a bit hesitant.

Her green eyes snapped to him, a smile still present. "What is it, dear?"

"Uhh, so you know how I do photography and writing and stuff..." He continued, still cautious.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? You have loved doing those things since you were 12. Of course, I would know."

"Yeah, about that...can I...can I go to other worlds to do it?" He asked.

"Ah, so your childish adventurism is still there. I'll remind you that it's not like the movies or the books. But, I'm not going to stop you." Her smile turned faint. "Your dad, you know he's a ship captain. He is always away, and he sees many things in his travels. But, in the places he goes to, there are many dangers, and he's far away..."

Moments of silence passed between the two. Harold understood where his mother was coming from, considering how lonely he felt with the constant absence of his father. If he lives, it'll only be her left on Earth.

Her mom, however, simply re-adjusted her golden blonde hair and smiled.

"But, your father also told me that you should be the one to carve your path. So, don't worry about me, I'll allow it. And he surely will too."

Well, it seems that he could. His smile began rising.

"But, Harold, if whatever you are planning is reckless and suicidal, I beg you, reconsider it." Her mom warned, and he nodded.

Later on, he found himself on the balcony of his room, staring at the dense Toronto skyline at night, musing over his options. He could stay on Earth, where he could enjoy peace, stability, and prosperity.

But, looking at the city, what more could he do in this world? Here, he can take pictures to his heart's content, but there are not a lot of exciting things left for it. And, here, he was insignificant.

But there? He could change things, see new things, and help people. Become something more.

Not to mention, maybe he could see real, actual magic over there and so many alien creatures out of fantasy books.

Yet, he still feels conflicted about it. What about her mom? What about his friends? What if he dies?

He decided to sleep soon, leaving those questions unanswered simply.


A Month Later

Blake Fitzgerald, a close friend of Anderson, was seated across the table. They were both inside a bar, drinking a bit and talking about something important.

"But why the UNPC?" Asks Blake after taking a shot. He was interested in going to Esuvia too, but not as a lowly peacekeeper, no. He wants to be in the thick of the fight.

For weeks, they both discussed and argued about which was better, and it seemed that Anderson was winning.

"Because it's better, we get to help the people more, travel more, and all that," Anderson replied. "Plus, we wouldn't have to fight that much."

"And because you get to take more pictures." Blake completed, to which Anderson conceded.

"Yeah, that too."

"I get it. I get it. You do have a point, though. We get to fight less and all that, maybe see the world more...hmm, now that I think about it, it probably would be better to visit that planet without being in the frontlines."

"See, I told ya!"

"Alright, alright, I agree, fine, bro. We're signing up as peacekeepers." Blake smiled before raising his beer to him.



The two drank a bit, discussing many different things and enjoying themselves.

"But you still need to talk it out to your mother," Blake said as the two left the bar later on. Anderson sighed. He knew his mother was going to accept it. Still, it didn't feel nice.

If only it were all that easy.

He looked up at the city, at the neon lights that he grew used to—those barrages of signs, holograms, advertisements, and many facets of modern city life.

But, as he looked at all those buildings, he realized one thing. It was time to carve his path. He will miss this city and his mother, and there will be many consequences for this decision.

But he'll be stuck here forever if he doesn't act.

And so he decided he'll go for it.

A new adventure begins for him.

He turns to Blake and smiles.

"Don't worry. I'll find a way. She will understand it, and we will both go over there. We will stick with each other and go there together. Buddies in another world, deal?"

Blake grinned and took his hand.

"Deal, make yourself ready next week. We're going to the recruitment center."

"Roger that, good friend."


United Nations Occupied Esuvia

Southern Alterian Region

Astar Province - Town of Tria

"Anderson, you should control your fire more, you ape," Katelyn said, still furious at his recent actions. Anderson has been profusely apologizing, both to her, the kid, and even to the Lieutenant who already deducted his pay.

"I don't have excuses. I'm sorry." Anderson said. While Katelyn isn't exactly experienced at judging people's sincerity, she can see that the human was really, really sorry.

Sherry understood it even more so, as the peacekeeper was obviously feeling shame and guilt based on his expressions.

"Alright, but make sure never to repeat that, Anderson," Katelyn said sternly.

"Yes, absolutely, it won't happen again, I swear!" Anderson raised his hand as if he was going to take an oath.

"Alright, you two, stop now. It's over, and big sis, it was an accident, so just understand him." Sherry told Katelyn, who merely gave a 'hmph' and muttered something along the lines of "dumb reckless commoners" while Sherry turned to Anderson.

"And put your hand down. There's no need for that."

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Anderson awkwardly relaxed his hand and spoke. "Thanks, I really am sorry..."

"No need to keep apologizing."

"Yeah, thanks for understanding really. It means much to me. I'm still new to that situation, and I must say, it gave me the spooks and these bad feelings."

"You feel guilty?"

Anderson paused before speaking again. "Y-yeah...I mean, who wouldn't? I could have killed your big sister or the kid."

"I don't know how I can help you remove that guilt, but just know this, most people would do the same in your position."

Anderson sighed. "Yeah...panic and all that. Shit's nasty, eh?"

"Yeah, it's nasty..." She then smiled. "But you know what's nastier?"


"You taking pictures out of nowhere." She pouts. "I wasn't prepared when you began taking it! I was like healing a man, and there was blood all over my clothes. I demand you delete that and retake a new one, where I'm decent!"

There goes the noble, revealing her true colors out of nowhere, becoming extremely demanding to poor people like him, Anderson thought. To be fair, he did take those pictures without their consent.

So he tried to calm her down.

"Slow down, slow down, look, the picture was excellent, you two looked like heroes, and it would be nice in my collection. I can even send it to you!"

She wasn't buying it.


"And I can still take a picture where your decent, like right now! I get to keep this, and I take a good picture of you." He added, hoping that a little bargain could convince the teen.

She pouts again.

"Fine! But, if I see you taking pictures of me out of nowhere again, I'll make you experience my special spells." She warned, causing Anderson to gulp. Whatever spell she is talking about was definitely a no-no for him.

"Yes, ma'am, I will ask for permission next time!" He even gave a salute.

"Hmph! That's right...though, if you can get more heroic pictures of us, that would still be fine...I guess..."

"Then why were you lecturing me for that?"

"Shut up and just take a picture of me!" She demanded. Anderson couldn't believe it. This adorable girl turned a complete 180 and became a bit of a brat like her bigger sister.

"Don't try to understand women mate. Not possible." Jeremy said as he passed behind him. He sighed and just agreed to his friend's advice

He looked at her, who was already anticipating the picture-taking.

"Alright, fine, smile, take a pose, move here, no there, yep, right, that's good, perfect, now smile!" He aimed his camera perfectly, capturing her beautiful form: blue hair, green eyes, that dress, and a red coat. And the yellow halo above her hair. Another excellent picture for his collection.

He smiled as he showed it to her, and she loved it. She liked their previous heroic picture more, though, causing Anderson to sigh. He literally got grilled for something she would enjoy anyway.

"What a fucking day this is."


"It's still not fixed." Captain Santos said to Lieutenant Jones, who wiped a slight sweat trickling down his neck. Indeed, the current situation is not the greatest, he thought.

"Do we really have to discount the possibility that the natives are the ones causing this?" Jones asked, as he too stared at the computer screens of their Comms Operators as they desperately tried to fix their communications and connection with HQ.

"Jones, you and I know that the natives aren't advanced enough for that."

"Captain, who knows what their wacky magic could do? For all we know, they're jamming our electronics. I mean, have you noticed our drones crashing? That's not normal."

"Alright, Jones, tell me, what's the situation on the ground?"

Jones sighed and reported the situation to him. "It's tense, 5 KIA, 1 MIA, some property damage, well not some, one house had half of its room turned to rubble...and the civilians are panicking, even if we forced them back to their homes. And we still haven't informed our men that we are cut off from HQ."

The Captain's face grew grim. "Don't inform our men yet. I want you to continue preparations for a possible attack. And make sure that evacuation routes for our civilians are open. If we are attacked, we need the civilians to be evacuated from our compound, the convenience store, and the school. Is that clear?"

"Crystal Clear, Captain, I'll do my best to keep this town under UN control." The Lieutenant saluted.



"So, why are you two not in your inn to sleep or something?" Jerry asks Katelyn, who is sitting on a bench. Their Hemlat was parked in one of the main streets as Blake and Anderson placed barricades, including barbed wire in front of it while Reynolds was talking and reassuring a bunch of civilians.

"Can we really sleep at ease with you guys doing all this, hmm? Better safe than sorry." She said back.

"Oh, I assure you, all this? These are just precautionary measures. Honestly, it would be easier if you civvies stayed at home for now."

Katelyn laughed.

"Just precautionary measures? Seriously? After all that happened today? Are you really convinced that nothing big is going to happen?" Katelyn asks.

"Yeah, big sis is right. Something is definitely going to happen. We should stay vigilant." Sherry added in a serious voice.

Jeremy thought back to what happened, and they do have a point. He's uncertain about it, but it's possible.

But why? Why would this irrelevant town be attacked? How could the remnant insurgents even reach this place? Did the UNDF fail at containing them?

He cursed his luck. They were peacekeepers; their entire point is being the security behind the frontline to stabilize already secured regions, not fight the enemy head-on.

And yet, right now, the possibility of a head-on battle for them is high. All that happened couldn't be a simple coincidence, he concluded. Something was going to happen.

"Alright, I see your point." He told Katelyn and then joined his two squadmates in preparing their defenses.

Many minutes passed as they set everything up, as the night passed silently. Technically, it wasn't going to be a good defense, but it's better than nothing. By the time they were done, they had found themselves in the middle of the streets doing nothing.

Except for Anderson, as he snapped more photos around the streets. He seems to be enjoying it way too much, Jeremy mused, but he couldn't fault the man. With what is happening, the pictures and videos Anderson takes would be great for telling a story in the future.

Until he began taking pictures of Sherry playing with her magic, the man was definitely just passing boredom at that point, Jeremy concluded.

"So, is something really happening?" Blake asked out of nowhere, yawning inside his helmet.

"No idea," Jeremy replied bluntly.

"Can I take a sleep?"


"Aww, come on, it's past 1 am. Surely nothing would happen, right Harold?"

"Blake, you dumbass, you might jinx it! Like, don't do it, man, it's not cool." Anderson replied as he stopped taking videos or pictures and walked to the Hemlat.

"Stop reading too many fantasy books Harold," Blake replied. "Jinxing is fantasy, and it doesn't happen in real life."

Jeremy merely rolled his eyes as the two argued. Staring at the streets, he sees Reynolds walking back toward their position.

That was when it happened.

*Distant Boom*

Birds flew suddenly, and the town turned silent, as suddenly, electronic lights installed by the UN in the town shut down.

The BatNet exploded.


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