Eternal Cultivation

Chapter 3: Chapter 1: Prologue(2)

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Chapter 1: Prologue(2)

The sun was bright, Chen was ready to open the door to his dishevelled 'Heaven'. He began walking up to his accommodation until his last couple of steps, as he came closer and closer he thought to himself,

"Hehe, are my roommates women? Men? I hope it's men... Hah I'm just kidding, anyways I wonder if I will get any benefits? Back in 'Ling Clan' we used to get monthly Heaven Pills at the distribution centre... Never mind, let's not talk about. I hope there's a library, I love books!"

After the dedicated speech, he began to head for the door, every step rose his heartbeat, with every pulse exciting him more and more, until he finally reached the door, and there it was... Nothing?... The whole dorm was isolated like debris, Chen was quick to think and he quickly ran and checked every door, yet there was still no one.

"What's happening? Aren't I supposed to have roommates? Did Patriarch Sun lie? No, he wouldn't do that.. Hmm, maybe they're not home? It doesn't matter, let's just check my room." Said Chen with curiosity

He began to curiously wonder through each room to find his assigned room number, every minute he dreaded. Then he finally found his room,


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